Friday, October 18, 2024

(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought III

And with this, I believe I'm finished painting all my Dollar Tree "Dreadnought" for the Gnomish Space Marines.

The Automated Drone P-131 from the Final Faction toy line is long our of the toy rotation, but with the various accessory packs, they could serve a variety of support function.  This one is a stock model, with plenty of firepower, even if it suffered a barrage of light arms fire where more than a few things hit true. 

With that, all "Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnoughts" are painted, three active duty, and one garish rogue operator.  The GSM also has two mobile artillery platforms, three Hlutr Halftrack Tanks, one flyer, and let us not forget, the tiny armored personnel carrier for the beleaguered Chimneysweeps.  

The current line of Final Faction toys are too generic action figure for use in smaller scale wargaming.  Too stiff, too upright. The robot, labeled a "Med Droid" is so stiff it belongs a stand-in for The Day the Earth Stood Still.    

Besides the Mecha and the Artillery platform, the only toy from the line I'd like to see return are the Khan Perimeter Defense Crawlers, which I painted up to look like dollar store genestealers

There's a few more vehicles to add to the GSM Arsenal, one more Hlutr halftrack tank, a few dollar store traditional modern tanks, and a ridiculously oversized 4WD vehicle for the Chimneysweeps.  I also have and untold number of bikers, hover bikes, and grav-attack vehicles, but I think some actual troops are required first....

In the Queue: Death Planet Iota Terrain  and some special Gnome Wars projects for Fall-In, coming way too fast.

Project 350: Despite all the October build-up, I've crept up to  513 (325/188) from 510 (323/187).  In past years, I'm normally knee deep in work, but with the new job, I've managed to clean up the backlog of drafts.   No matter how I space things, projects get delayed/pushed back and the months are filled with projects and ideas I don't have time for.  Like an accordion, I need to review and stretch out those posts, to  a reasonable amount for 2026, and organize the future projects.   Everything's color coded, everything's so pretty.  Now I just need to play some games and paint some minis! 

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