Friday, October 11, 2024

(Painting) Independent Gnomish Dreadnought for Death Planet Iota

 Paint continues to be applied to stuff, although it's more stuff I'm not quite sure how I'm going to store. 

Different 40k Dreadnoughts run anywhere from $50-$75 online.

A Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought?   $1.25.    $2.50 if you include the accessory pack for the missiles.

Automated Drone P-131 from the Final Faction toy line distributed by Dollar Tree
The recent Final Faction line doesn't have the same wargaming appeal, which makes the two P-131 Automated Drone far more special to convert into one-gnome mecha.  

I have not idea when I picked up this shade of Army Painter Hydra Turquoise, but it might be the first and last time I use it, to represent a captured, repurposed and repainted mercenary mecha.  Like Ignate Peritius, it's just another rogue individual trying to survive on Death Planet Iota for Planet 28. 

In the Queue:   GSM and related terrain and Gnome Wars.

Project 350:  510 (323/187)  from  512 (322/190).  We'll see what extra projects I can get done to fill the mid-month, as the week of Halloween is quite full, and as the scheduled posts drop, I at least need to finish up some long-term projects to even the numbers out. 

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