Thursday, October 17, 2024

🧙‍♂️(Georic Gazetteer) The Dark Kingdoms of Vlachia

Bargle the Infamous' Alleged Castle

Dark Kingdoms of Vlachia

Pantheon: Ferasean
King Satu Cagares (former dominion in the Thacarian Mountains).
Capital: Amatay (Formerly Fort Doom/Formerly Shelley Harbor)
Other cities: Halag, Richemulot, Borca, Kartakkass
Language: Vlach
Flag/Emblem:  Black Bat on a Field of Gold
Coinage:  Vlachian, although surrounding currencies are accepted 1:1.
Persons of Note: Durbar of Clan Steel Mountains, the Dukes of Keening, Darkon, Vechor
Intrigues: Multiple ongoing
Alliances: Miolsic, Hermetus
Hostilities: Marakeikos, Stronghome
Demi-Humans: Half-Orcs and Half Ogres.  A scattering of dwarves in the Thacarian Mountains
Magic Items: The Prism of Eight Rays, The Seeking Dart are known royal treasures. Each of the separate lords are known to have quite substantial collections.

Thumbnail Sketch: The worst kept secret for all but the most naive travelers is Vlachia's ruling class being predominantly Vampires, with an odd werewolf or other entity beyond the natural.  Traveling alone or without a sizable entourage is widely discourage, mostly foolhardy.  And if the threat of vampire lords descending upon your weary traveling bones isn't discouraging enough.  Their fervent human supporters make up the "Cult of Ghouls" to support the vampire lords in any capacity they can. 

For years a human was elected King of all the dominions, most recently "King" Ludwig von Hendricks, the Black Eagle. Von Hendricks and his court wizard, Bargle the Infamous, gave wide berth to the Vamprie Lords, and focused on a campaign of terror against the halflings of Stronghome. King Ludwig was kidnapped by Halflings in 1134, but escaped and has been rumored to be residing in Milosic ever since. Bargle the Infamous had been working for the Baron of Vadevicszy through the civil war. His whereabouts are currently unknown, although he does have the entire Duchy’s treasury in his  possession. The Lords of the Realm chose one of their own, Satu Cagares as King in 1139 who promptly used his magic and followers to destroyed the Halfling fleet blockading the former Shelley Harbor.

Vlachia has always been in open conflict with Marakeikos, and it wasn't until the the kidnapping of King Valens and the subsequent civil war that Marakeikan forces made inroads into the vampire kingdoms, seizing and permanently annexing territory adjacent to Vadevicsny.  Travel in this particular region is not for the faint of heart, but for an entirely different and more mundane reason.

Points of Interest:
The Crowned Beast of Stone - In the depths of a boreal forest west of the immortal city of Richemulot and north of the Marakeikan Barony of Teleorman can be found a statue of some great beast crowned with a rusting iron band whose spiked ends, now snapped off into jagged spears, suggested gems or valuable crystals once ran astride the crown. The weed-choked creature now stares forlornly into the stream which begins life as spring whose waters pour from its open mouth and which rushes by its front paws before disappearing in the thick forest and eventually emptying into the great swamp and mire to the north of Richemulot. 

The wizards and alchemists of the region have set traps and guards within the forest, paid druids to charm creatures and enchant plants, illusionists to hide the spring, necromancers to set guards that neither sleep nor rest nor tell tales, as well as magicians and witches cast dire spells to protect this source of so many of their potions, solutions and balms.

Mentions of Vlachia in the Blogs:
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #40:  Mentions the the western border of Vlachia borders the Duchy of Vrianos in Ras-Prythax.
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #51: The Tower of Enerk and Vlachian human adventurer named Viesbustus
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #54:  Safe travel across Vlachia in a large group.
Burning Trogs Rule! #5: Cecelia Darkspruce travels through Vlachia to arrive in Marakeikos.
Burning Trogs Rule #17  Mentions of troubles along the border with Marakeikos
Burning Trogs Rule #18: The Trogs spend a day in Amatay before getting waylayed by the Slavers of Roark.
Burning Trogs Rule! #22: The Redrock Cohort clears out some dungeons along the border.
Burning Trogs Rule! #33: Mentions of the conflict between Stronghome and Vlachia in 1135.  The kidnapping of King Ludwig.
Burning Trogs Rule! #37:  Cecelia Darkspruce travels across Vlachia, only moving during the day.  
Burning Trogs Rule! #38:  Descriptions of the dark woods, Lawlessness along the border.
Burning Trogs Rule! #45:  The start of the Marakeikan Civil War. Bargle's attempted communiques with the kidnapped King Ludwig.
Burning Trogs Rule! #50:  Marakeikan troops disappearing en mase in Vlachia.
Burning Trogs Rule! #51: The death of Count Vlad'Neer of Morosvia by the Terval Sit and the Burning Trogs
Burning Trogs Rule #52:  Chaos traveling Vlachia in the aftermath of the Master's surrender. 
Burning Trogs Redux #0.3:  Cecelia Darkspruce named Baroness of Teleorman in 1148. 
Burning Trogs Redux #2:  Clarkos Metropoulos, veteran of the Black Eagle War.  
Georic Gazetteer: The Almond Coast: Mention of Prince Morteos Woszlany, formerly of Vlachia, now a lesser Prince of Emron.

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