Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Monday, December 30, 2024
(Kickstarter) Back to BasiX and Gamma Zine - Double Fanzine Offering by Thom Wilson
I originally became a fan of Thom Wilson through the use of Travis Hanson as his artist on earlier project. It's progressed to some fine-quality items through Gamma Zine.
Back to BasiX and Gamma Zine - Double Fanzine Offering combines two smaller campaigns into one, offereing Back to BasiX #13 and Gamma Zine #4, separate or bundled. pdf or pdf/Print on Demand bundled.
I'm a little disappointed that these aren't launching for #ZineQuest, as the $4 entry point for one of the pdfs is perfect for that (and has been done in previous years).
Print on Demand and shipping for Gamma Zine #4 is a little steep, but I do want to keep my run of physical issues going.
2025 #CharacterCreationChallenge is Upon Us!
It has been confirmed that TardisCaptain will again be hosting the 2025 #CharacterCreationChallenge.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Another Month of Gaming (January '25)
Issue #299 of Game Trade Magazine can be found at your FLGS, or online in pdf form here.
ViscountEric's Want List
ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
Earthdawn: Grand Bazaar - Crown Jewel of Throal ...$34.99
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Post-Christmas Swag
Christmas was exactly what I needed this year. The girls helped with cooking, we baked, we make artisanal popcorn, and played games.
Outside of one gift I got no miniatures.... sorry lead pile, you don't grow today!
Sorry, no time to be John Larroquette in Stripes |
Friday, December 27, 2024
Spring is Almost Here, According to the Dollar Store
Last weekend, I made one last delve into commercialism to finish off my Christmas shopping. My last three stops, in reverse order: the grocery store, a barbeque place for lunch, and Dollar Tree.
There hasn't been much at Dollar Tree this fall/winter that I wanted to use in a game, but as I saw the Christmas displays changing over to Valentine's Day, and even Easter, I was also greeted by the beginnings of a friendly sight.
While this warmed my heart a bit, referencing the Dollar Tree website, these are the old houses from this year. There are remodels, repaints, and even some new items. I don't remember the fountain, and while I appreciate the three inch long piece of stream that goes with the footbridge, I don't think I'll be buying multiple foot bridges for a new rivers system.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
(Fistful of Lead) Snowbrawl!
Christmas Eve has been the high holy day, both secular and religious in this household. It's usually a rush of last-minute-shopping, half-day at work, and a tone-down traditional Swedish Smorgasbord. Family gifts are exchanged, and hopefully the kids were exhausted and fell asleep early, as I put together toys in the freezing garage for Christmas morning.
The kids are too old for all the Christmas morning magic, but the divorce meant that the kids were here the 23rd-25th, so they helped me greatly getting everything set up for the food, while I monitored my ecommerce obligations on Christmas Eve.
Over an extended lunch, we did get the table set up for a test run of Wiley Games' "Snowbrawl" scenario for Fistful of Lead.
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Feliz Navidad |
We only did two fights, instead of the recommended best out of five. The snowmen always came out strong, obtaining the snowballs on the board (surprise!) , but the giant Santa heads always seemed to have the speedier guys dash towards the opposing fort, plus they had knack for drawing jokers and subjecting the snowmen (Millie) to random events.
Since it's a season, not a holiday game, we'll probably take a crack at it a few more times. It was a great opportunity to use some of the dollar store eraser figures, but I can see gnomes having way too much fun out there.
Snowbrawl is a $1.99 pdf on the Wiley webstore normally, but till the end of the year it's free!
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Monday, December 23, 2024
Sunday, December 22, 2024
(Gnome Wars) Swiss Training Practices
Swiss Gnomes have always been regarded as the quintessential gnome nation. The many nations citizens and troops outfit themselves in the classic gnome look, well-known among the commoners, but the Swiss have adopted it as their national persona.
The Swiss army is well known for their miners, their cheese grenadiers, and the rows and rows of blunderbuss to defend the country. but that is not how they start their training. They start with giant gnome-sized wooden spoons.
Swiss mandatory service and conscription, while serious, is grounded in their values of discipline, community, and resourcefulness.
The use of giant wooden spoons as the primary training tool for Swiss gnome trainees stems from both practicality and symbolism. Maintaining the proper armory of weapons is difficult in a nation where everyone is armed, so trainees begin with the giant wooden spoon for many practical reason. In the context of military training, these spoons serve as a unique metaphor: before a soldier can wield a weapon of destruction, he must first master the tool of creation.
The giant wooden spoons are heavy and unwieldy for the small gnomes, making them an ideal tool for strength training and endurance building as they drill. They help the recruits develop their coordination, dexterity, and upper body strength without needing to immediately wielding weapons. The trainees must practice complex drills with these spoons, learning balance, timing, and teamwork. The weight distribution of the spoons forces them to develop into the sturdy stocky troops the Swiss are known for.
In some drills, the spoons are used in mock combat, where the trainees must hone their agility, defense, and deflection rather than brute force, reinforcing defensive strategies. The philosophy behind this training is that gnomes, who are traditionally peaceful creatures, must exhaust every option of defense and strategy before resorting to violence.
Once the trainees have spent a significant amount of time mastering the wooden spoon, they undergo a ritual called "The Stirring of Resolve," where they symbolically stir a massive communal stew, representing the unity and strength of the nation. Following this, they are finally permitted to transition into formal combat training.
Even the progression from spoon to real weapons is gradual. The spoons are stored properly and trainees move onto wooden blunderbuss and wooden melee weapons and finally then, the traditionally issued weapons.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Winter Has Officially Arrived
Friday, December 20, 2024
(Painting) Rusty Steel Pyramids for Death Planet Iota
My little world of Death Planet Iota, a place where a miss-mash of figure that fight it out realistically, is honestly somewhere between Sakaar from Thor: Ragnarok and the Void from Loki. Portions are murderously deadly wasteland, but there are sections where civilization thrives.
I'm hoping is civilization finds these items spawning on the planet, they would snag them up for defense.
These are originally packing caps for the standing desk I recently set up as my painting bench (see 11/13 post). Some spray paint, dry bushing and sponging on two layers of rust.
The best part about this terrain? Completely stackable for easy transport!
In the Queue: The Star Wars refurbishment continues on the side, with Gnomes, Zulus, and unpainted Star Wars in the queue. Shooting for one more post before the holidays.
Project 350: Maintaining the status quo at 496 (311/185). I've got five open days without a post between now and the end of January, thanks to the #CharacterCreationChallenge, so a goal of 450 in the next month could happen.... but probably I'll come up just short.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
(Star Wars d6) #105 - Flashback - Life Day Special - Shadows of Yavin IV, Part 2
Two lovers of wildlife walked through the crystal clear waters of the pool back to the adjacent bar on the pleasure planet Zeltros. Famed Safari host Abel Norrum was buying the next round of neon-green drinks for his friend, exotic animal broker, Ne'vets Aharo, while Aharo apprised him on all the outrageous tales that occurred since their last meeting.
"So Ne'vets, let me get this straight... you and your crew are crammed in a tiny rental freighter only meant for one person. To make some repairs, your new pilot Tarrie has some connections to fix the ship and rest. Only... you land on a future rebel base, and your pilot's sister is infamous Rebel bomber... and pilot Latorna Savvn?"
"You make it sound so simply, Abel..."
"And the rebels are willing to fix the ship and pay some credits if you clear out some large mammals out of the ruins."
"In so many words"
"And these massive creatures were feral Selonians? And you used yourself as bait to trap them, but they sprung their own trap and escaped with you?"
"I'm not proud. I never used that plan prior, and I've never done it again...."
With the dust settled and the Selonians in retreat into the jungle, the crew feared the worst: Ne'vets, the employer of all of them, had been kidnapped by some of the Selonians. There were no easy tracks to follow.
The group began a search and worked their way out, but quickly they all succumbed to a group collapse. the large rock fell into a sinkhole, at least 20-foot deep. They landed into an intersection some underground tunnels, more akin to burrows. The air was quickly overcome with a thick layer of musk and the chittering came from every direction.
Evus took one look at Latorna and volunteered to take point down one of the passageway. The rebel took hold of his shoulder and pulled him back, "I like your pluck, but I've been doing this longer than all of us combined."
The group made some turns until opening up into a large cavern. There were a host of Selonian young, and a number of females ushering them behind. The females began hissing at the party, forming a desperate defensive position at the back of the cavern.
Evus yelled, "WHERE'S NE'VETS" , eliciting more hissing from the Selonians.
Latorna: Do we take hostages?
Frokazza: I say we do...
Tarrie: Or we throw some grenades in and call it a day.
Evus: WHERE IS NE'VETS! The Twi'lek fired a single blaster shot into the ceiling , bringing down some dirt. The Selonian quieted, the females continuing a hiss at a lower register.
The group still argued the use of grenades on feral species, as Latorna turned back... and it was Tarrie with a quick change of heart, keeping a watchful eye to ensure Frokazza and Evus accidentally dropped grenades in the corridor.
They didn't have a chance, as at least a half dozen male Selonian guards came down an opposite hallways and quickly engaged everyone. Latorna pulled out her blaster and quickly blew the head off lead Selonian. then kicked another would-be defender, knocking them prone before putting a blaster shot point-blank into its back.
The Selonian guards managed to squirm around the death machine that was Latorna and engaged the others, with little effect. Latorna still had a frightful impact, grabbing a Selonian by the neck, then shooting it in the abdomen which her blaster on her hit.The whole adventure was based on this artwork... |
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This can't be good. |
"Ne'vets, your operation has the oddest kriffin stories," Abel retorted.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
(Painting) Deep Cuts Keg Barrels by WizKids
Some final holiday themed minis before my week of holiday gnome-filled posts kick in.
This is not one of the Reaper holiday-themed figures I got from my friend Scott at Mepacon, although it was a quick purchase at my FLGS down there before *gasp* a date!
Desperate to buy something at Cloud City Games in the Palme Park Mall, these WizKids Deep Cuts Keg Barrels were about as perfect a purchase to whet my appetite.Obviously Santa is stocking up for the winter on Sugar Cookie, Pecan Sandy, and Oatmeal Raisin Stout.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Holiday Game Day!
Okay, it's not a glorious day setting toy soldiers on the floor, but tonight's the hopeful completion of my online group's Star Wars d6 Holiday Game. It's been fun to return to West End Star Wars after over 80 sessions of Gamma World (with more of both to come in the future).
Sunday, December 15, 2024
(Painting of Millie) Rarity from My Little Pony #Wizkids
I had the good fortune this weekend to see my eldest daughter Maja, perform in two showings of Willy Wonka. Friday into Saturday I had Millie, and had a happy mixture of watching basketball, Christmas shopping, and in a rare act, yelling at Dunkin' employees who had misplaced my order not once, not twice, but thrice! Time to go back to the local donut shop...
Oh yeah, Millie and I got painting time. A decent portion of that time devolved into Millie cleaning the accumulated crud in the caps of my craft paint bottles, but she did finally finish the second of her WizKids My Little Pony miniatures.
Here's Rarity,
Her Jackson Pollock technique remains strong, and while we had no good concept for the base, breaking out some of my "Objective Jewels" for the base seems like a good direction. Of course, I put them on the base before spray sealing them, but they are just white glued on. I'll probably research some different options for her (diamond patterns, etc), but I'll probably just Zap-A-Gap fresher, shinier jewels on.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
(Painting) Christmas Penguin Familiar - 01553 - by Reaper
My friend Scott gifted me a bunch of Reaper holiday minis when we met up at Mepacon, There's a host of other painting projects I'm working on, but there's not better time to paint Christmas minis, than, well...Christmastime!
The one for today is a Christmas Penguin, part the Christmas Familiars, 01581.
Remind me not to paint up an army tiny penguins familiars. Outside of an objective marker or similar plot device, I see this fella getting put safely away.Friday, December 13, 2024
(Painting) The Original Gamorrean Guard
As the holidays approach, I continue clear out the Star Wars minis from the flea market at Fall-In! 2024.
These bad boys were the main reason I bought the big bag of scum and villainy... and the reason I kept going back for more throughout the weekend.
I did want a standard melee gang statted out for Fistful of Lead for Death Planet Iota, even if they're just objective points for my possible game for Historicon.
This batch gets added to the Refurb total. Almost no paint touchup, and I removed them from largely penny bases to my standard 25mm MDF. As there are only two poses, they are numbered 1-6 on the back of the base for record keeping purposes.
In the Queue: The Star Wars refurbishment continues on the side, with Gnomes, Zulus, and unpainted Star Wars in the queue. Shooting for one more post before the holidays.
Project 350: Another nice post-Thanksgiving decline in scheduled post from 496 (311/185) from 499 (312/187). If I can finish a project for 12/20, I'll have scheduled posts coming off for over six straight weeks.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
(Georic Gazetteer) Kingdom of Pohjola
Kingdom of Pohjola
Capital: Lokka
Important Personas: Juli Vouhi, the most powerful spellcaster in Pohjola
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Juli Vouhi, the most powerful spellcaster in Pohjola |
Geography of Note:
Palace of the Snow-Queen: The seat of Pohjola government, the Snow Queen’s Palace has elegant clusters of spires towering up to 120-foot in the air, composed of thousands of needle-thin ice splinters. Despite this dominant structure in Lokka, the spires are empty. The vast halls of the palace are actually underground. A broad stair of blue ice descends a great circular portal into the halls of power.
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Queen Smauhl in her underground palace |
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
(Star Wars d6) #104 - Flashback - Life Day Special - Shadows of Yavin IV, Part 1
Nevets: "Yep, we were pretty much screwed, but Tarrie, my pilot, promised us some time to lay low and get free repairs if they could visit her sister on some moon around Yavin. He had me at "free" so I couldn't argue with that plan.
Tarrie filled in the details, and Latorna sighed heavily and provided coordinates, "We'll meet you there, Tarrie. You owe me and we're going to collect immediately.
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Tarrie and his latest gift |
A poor recreation.... |
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #60 - Sub-Level 7
Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, are at the KIA Academy. They are looking for some money making opportunities to keep the Academy's roof over their heads for the winter.
Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. Knowledgeable, but not a good one with device repairs or upgrades. Very interested in a "Children's Alchemical Laser" he recently acquired.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often. Previously "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies, but recently has been subject to genetic testing and developed super-human strength, a more human body, and a thick coat of shaggy white hair.
Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. No Name has recently been fitted for a artillery device of the Ancients that chucks spears further than any human. Looking for trouble in all the right places. Former jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray. He's recently been struck by a weapon by a strange race of people and transformed into... something else... multiple times.
RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now! Currently getting repairs done by the Restorationists. Currently safely in their hotel room on KIA Academy Level Zero.
Descending down the stairwell, the crew followed the concrete wall on the left. The right side of these deep stairs opened up to row after row of steel columns. Beyond the columns was a considerable amount of darkness, as well as strange noises. No one was particularly interested in investigating the right side and focusing on a lone door situation on the landing of the steps, before it continued to go down.
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The stairs continue down, into Sub-Level 7, perhaps? |
Squiggles and Pete further investigated the living metal with treads. It appeared it's hands had been removed and replaced with actual mining drills.
Lathar was able to reached the treaded living metal, and after fiddling around, finds a control panel and press a button.
The living metal's eyes light up with a yellow hue. At the same time, both mining drills on the bot's hands began to turn, building up to full speed. The barbarian stepped back, only questioning, "Did I do that?"
The living metal began rotating side to side, still attached to the hook and chains.
It emitted a stuttered voice, "IN-TRU-DDDERR IN-TRU-DDDEERR. UN-AUTH-ORIZED." Somehow it managed to lower itself.
Pete quickly whipped out his blaster pistol and fired.... Shocked by the turn of events, Sonny pulled out his new laser pistol. Nothing seemed to discharge from the weapon when the sunflower pulled the trigger, but portions of the living metal burst into flames,
The living metal was badly damaged and appeared to go through a countdown.
Sonny realized what was happening, "It's gonna blow!!!"
Everyone scurried out the door, Sonny pulling the other, still deactivated living metal. A small explosion occurred in the room, only a small bit of debris flew out the door.
The explosion appeared to have destroyed any interested items that were in the room.
They moved onto the next door, using Lathar's cube again, the panel lit up. The seal to the door opened, release the sounds of screams, grunts, growls, and even a flash of fire or two before the door completed its motion.
A race collection of white furry and armored being are pointing spears at a large creature in the middle of the room. The creature ignored the spears getting stabbed at him, stared at the party and roared.
Sonny quickly walked over to the cube and removed it from it's square console, closing the door... with a five second delay.The large fiery beast raised what appeared to be an arm and shot out a red ooze through the door, hitting Lathar for burning and blistering damage. The ooze ate through Lathar's armor, the studs on his leather falling directly to the floor.
Squiggles called out, "Remember, red ooze bad, blue ooze good!"
The door continued to muffle more noise, but finally everything fell silent. With Squiggles armed in front with rifle, Lathar opened the door again. The large humanoid was all that remained in the room, the bodies of the white furry folks turned to smoldering piles of ash.
Squiggles fired his new rifle, but nothing came out. One second later. the creature explodes. All the equipment in the room had been destroyed by ooze/fire.
The next door opened into a huge open, but definitely open area, similar to the street layout of sub-levels 1 and 2. Most of the buildings were ruined, but a number of small, glowing emerald light were installed on the standing structures. Bones littered the entire area.
They had arrived.
Two of the party member quickly placed bones into the sack they were provided.
There was certainly movement down the streets. Three individuals with robes and points masks came scurrying down the street, a fourth looked the same, but with two antennae sticking out of their head. Sonny waved and Peter used his telepathy to no effect. Spotting the De Facto Explorers, this group shook their hands as they ran across their view to a corner out of the party's view. Sunny yelled at them, to no effect.
The sound of multiple people hitting something with bones, Pete turned the corner to see them destroy a computer terminal, and then they ran back in the opposite direction.
Once that attack on technology occurred, there was a loud hum emanating through this chamber. The Explorers though it was high time to back-track and leave.
They returned to O'Pinnery's with only some opposition by the rabbit-folk they encountered earlier. They finally collected their 1,000 domars.
They finally returned to Level 0 at KIA Academy and found a letter at the front desk for them:
A Letter from Ramsay Kallax
GM Notes: The De Facto Explorers are pretty banged up after their first foray into the the bone-strewn sub-level 7, so it might be a while until they make another attempt, but these sub-levels were heavily modified from A Fallen Star for All, a Mutant Crawl Classics module from Goodman Games. The module definitely helped me flesh out some of the more feral inhabitants, and certain rooms that were untouched can be expanded into whole areas within the sub-level. Not too shabby for a $9.99 module.
Next: We'll take a few weeks off for the holiday and return with a different adventure for a bit. #0 - Beyond the Eastern Barrier.