Friday, February 28, 2025

(Painting) Power Generators for Death Planet Iota, or Independent Burrito Warehouses

I think this started life as a container for large cookies. Flip it over, prime it, throw some doo-dads on the and let it sit on your paint rack for weeks until you finish it up, and you have.... TA-DA!!!! 

In the Queue:  Gnomes, Ducks, and Star Wars individual characters! 

Project 350: Floating around the same-old, same-old  459 (496/163) from 459 (295/164) 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Wargaming on Rocky Mountain PBS

 Don't know why Rocky Mountain PBS is making a short video on wargaming, but the three minutes with a veteran, and now volunteer for Warlord Games was a welcome sight on YouTube.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Fantasy Carriages at Dollar General

The spring and Easter selections at the dollar store this year have been less than spectacular.  Outside of a few repaints from the Fairy, houses, this seasons gnomes are a much larger scale, and many of the newer items are, at best, fantasy false fronts.

There's a similarly sized line of products at Dollar General, but I'm happy to report something else...

I'm not sure the applications for these fantasy carriages, or the feasibility of using a different animals, but for $3.50/$4.00, it might be worth the investment.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #65 - Waffles in Peace

 Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers,  are spending the winter at KIA Academy.


Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.  

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. Knowledgeable,  but not a good one with device repairs or upgrades.  Very interested in a "Children's Alchemical Laser" he recently acquired.

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.  Previously "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies, but recently has been subject to genetic testing and developed super-human strength, a more human body, and a thick coat of shaggy white hair.

Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters.  Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does.  No Name has recently been fitted for a artillery device of the Ancients that chucks spears further than any human.  Looking for trouble in all the right places.  Former jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray.  He's recently been struck by a weapon by a strange race of people and transformed into... something else... multiple times.

RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now!  Currently getting repairs done by the Restorationists. Currently safely in their hotel room on KIA Academy Level Zero.


As (most of) the Explorers slept off their drunken stupor, two phenomena occurred outside the KIA Academy, one anticipated, one a total surprise.

As Larry the Cat had forewarned Squiggles, a wave of bitter cold enveloped the region.  What the feline did not predict was an odd, glowing blue light forming south of the Academy, stretching across the horizon. 

The next morning, the crew split up for their errands, unaware of the either phenomenon.    

Sonny managed more library access in level 8, and was, as usual, unattentive to the any conversations nearby.  

Lathar, realizing the Sonny was already missing, and that the cold was coming, went over to the stables his trusty Steggon No-Name was housed in.  The temperatures were quite adequate, and he spent the morning brushing and caring for his steed... and his friend.

Pete desired to travel to Station Petro to retrieve the two power cells he had given them to recharge.  The market area around the far side of the Academy was oddly deserted, and quite chilly.  As he neared the exit from the complex, the weasel got hit with the first wave of cold, taking his breath away.  Despite his fur, the weasel performed an about-face, marched to the closest merchant selling cold-weather gear, and purchased some, in spite of the exaggerated prices.  

Even with the gear, the short walk over to Station Petro was agonizing,  The energy cells were ready, but by the time he returned, his paws were agonizing, even a burning sensation at the tips.  

Squiggles woke up last, his worm head pounding, and wandered out for breakfast.  Still rubbing his head, he plopped down on a chair next the crew, "Hey guys, anybody else's head on fire from last night?"

That's when Squiggles realized he was not sitting with his friends.  

His imagining of Stinky Pete was, in fact a feminine grey cat, next to a short hair human woman in plain brown robes, and a giant lizard-man, and finally a human with various Ancient artifacts inserted onto his face. 

"Oh, it was a rough night for all of you... why do you look like that?"

"It's the way we always look like!  Why do you look like an asshole?"  the cat asked.

"No the better question is, 'Why are you so fluffy?"  the human with ancient tech asked excitedly.  

"Oh, wait you are not the friends I'm looking for..." Squiggles pushed his chair back.  

"What do you mean?  We are very friendly!  We're just having waffles! " the human retorted.

"Well let me buy you a round of waffles for being so rude."

The group was appreciative and Squiggles soon tried to take his leave to find his group.

"Good luck, and hopefully you can all catch the Aurora Borealis tonight."

Squiggles stopped in his tracks, "You called me what?"

The human, who went by "Doctor Mercury" explained the Aurora Borealis were the steady northern lights in the sky.  It was very rare to see them so far south, and often people confused it with the far more dangerous "Glow."  Last night they mysteriously showed up, and from the southern horizon .  When pressed by Squiggles for a reason, Doctor Mercury explained that's what a mystery was...

The short-haired woman in the robes didn't even look up from her free waffles, "Probably some dimensional vortex bringing phenomena and creatures through it.  We're all going to die."

Squiggles was confused by the northern lights, sudden cold, and dimensional vortexes, "Does this happen often"

Doctor Mercury:  No, that's why we wintered here.  It's usually very boring.

The doctor advised they should check out the glass windows on Level 2, just above the southern exit on Level 1, well after dusk. 

"Dr Mercury"

Once he took his leave, Squiggles did what Squiggles normally does: wander down a random passageway.  Finding another neighborhood, he started visiting local shops.

Initially, Squiggles thought he had hit the jackpot.  Shelves were stacked with boxes and cases.  He immediately ran over to a stack of MedKit cases... only to find them all empty.  They were simply empty boxes and cases, albeit in immaculate shape.

While he was double checking each container, the proprietor floated out.  He was a large, copper colored metallic man.  He certainly didn't act like Living Metal.  

"Hello there, wha-what can I help you with!"

The proprietor, Gizmo Radcliffe, was a collector of odd things.  The Med-Kits, for example were collected from when the White Hand were run out of town, and he salvaged what was left.

Gizmo Radcliffe, Good Looking Name
Most of the items were superfluous, but a few items, rather, crudely drawn pictures of the items in the case, drew Squiggles' attention.  The main item that got Squiggles was a picture of a dart.  Gizmo came back with one of three of these white items, bigger than a dart, but smaller than a javelin.  It was certainly Ancient tech, with what looked like fish fins on the flat end.  He wasn't taking payment for "Javelins of the Ancients", rather looking for equally interesting Ancients tech.

Squiggles knew they were missing something to make them fly, but that the group would be interested in them.  Squiggles tried to provide some of his artifacts, three-for-three.

"Son, I hate to tell you this, but I think you lost your chair!"

"These go on a chair???"

"When you have four of them, you roll around... I am looking for a bit more... explosive trades, if ya catch my drift."

Squiggles bid his farewell, finally finding Lathar and a Stinky Pete stumbling in pain from his frostbite that didn't want to warm up.   He did bring up the possibility of "Javelins of the Ancients" and that they had a portable javelin thrower, it might be a good idea.  They did return to the store, but Gizmo seemed non-plussed by the minimal offers, even if he face didn't show any expressions.  The explorers couldn't understand why a flintlock rifle and a bottle of Kraken Rum weren't sufficient for an Treasure of the Ancients.  

A bit dejected, the group grabbed food and wandered about, Stinky Pete interested in obtaining something known as a mandolin.   They did find a group of Otters in a passageway between level 0 and sub-level 1.   Many were playing on common household items, but a box with an arm and strings attached to it caught his interest.  The negotiated a price, even though the otter told him to go visit Gizmo for the parts and how to make it much cheaper.  

Once Sonny returned that night, Squiggles convinced the others to see the "Amore Boreanos" over the the "observation area"  at Level 2.  The glow was surprising to the Academy the night before, but tonight, there were many many citizens present. 

Squiggles does notice his new acquaintances, but the massive blue glow, distant and hovering over the horizon.  It was certainly not "The Glow" they were accustomed to avoid.   The crew broke out all the binoculars and spyglasses to get a better look.   

The crew met up with Dr Mercury's group, and, with the exception of Dr Mercury threating to incinerate the crowd, the got along with as suspected.

Sonny dug out the maps that they had collected and noticed one glaring coincidence.  While there was no true way to calculate exactly where the glow was emanating from, the general direction correspondence with two odd green lines on their one map.  These lines almost intersected due south of KIA, many many miles away.  

GM Notes:  Sometimes, your players hate you and love you at the same time.  Squiggles' player, Steve, was last to explain his errands for the day, so he actively set up the scenario where he waltzed into someone else's breakfast.  He also decided to wandered down another random corridor in the Academy and entered "Shop #3."    #ThankYouChatGPT . 

This is also the first time the group finally broke out their compasses and realized that "downriver" was NOT south!  The River runs east/west, throwing their perspectives.  For a community that relies on upriver and downriver for directions.  

Please use the voice of Dr Doofenshmirtz for Dr Mercury.

Next:  #66 - Where'd Ya Get the Hats?

Monday, February 24, 2025

(Review) Lazarus Games - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Another weekend volleyball tournament for Maja, another visit to a new game store! 

After leaving at 6am on a Sunday morning for the tournament, we counted our blessings that her team's late day falter did not allow them to progress out of pool play and allowed all of us to leave!  More on that, but Maja left with her mother and, scanning nearby stores and hour of operation, I drove a half hour west to Lazarus Games in Harrisburg.

Spacious is the first word that comes to mind from the main sales floor, which also includes a few CCG tables (more an that later too...)  There is tons of room for browsing, and with the "Immense and Diverse Inventory"  that I always strive to find, it's impressive that the aisles themselves can support multiple  shoppers in them without triggering clasutrophobia.

Location:  A standalone structure with ample parking, given the throng of people there on a Sunday afternoon.  It's a short jaunt off of I-83 or the PA Turnpike, making it one of the more accessible game stores. As I'll talk about later, I don't know what was in this building previous, but it checks off all the boxes for a multi-event site.  

Cleanliness:  Zero clutter, zero trash, dust free.

Miniatures:  A massive and never-ending inventory of Games Workshop, including some out-of-print (and accordingly priced) products, as well as a rack off to the side of "used" miniatures for 40K/Fantasy-Sigmar.

Bonus points for the quantity, but what impressed me was more....Most notably the first FLGS with Firelock Games pirate stuff, both figures AND ships.

Plus a VERY healthy supply of Battletech!  
There is a small supply of generic fantasy minis (mostly Reaper and all priced $4.50 and labelled as "Misc Reaper Figure") .  I'm not the greatest fan of most of the WizKids generic and D&D minis, but given everything else, I expected a manageable assortment. 

Board Games:   There are stores with more boards games, but given the size and the footprint for them, Lazarus certainly has more than enough aisles dedicated to the.  Best yet, I was attracted to the used section.  That World of Indiana Jones box (Masterbook/West End) beckoned me hard in both condition and price, but I accidentally left my wallet in the car, so I withstood. 

RPGs: The one concept I have not need to talk about in most of my game store visits:  Multiple Aisles of RPGs!!!  Somehow I lost the aisle shot, but I was simply gladdened by a thick selection of non-D&D products.  It was like they looked at my monthly pre-solicitation posts and ordered on of everything I listed. with reasonable explanations for the books with multiple copies.  Troll Lord, Mongoose, Catalyst, all the GW properties, and even a very healthy display of Magical Kitties Save the Day! 

Accessories:  Tons of CCG accessories, plenty of dice at reasonable entry points, and just enough of the pop culture paraphernalia.   Army Painter and GW Paints, and plenty of brushes, scenery, and supplies.  

CCGS: Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh, One Piece, Digimon, Lorcana, and Star Wars.  I was particularly impressed by the older (this decade) Magic products on display

Events:  The store had what could be an enclosed porch right inside the entrance with appeared to host five wargaming tables full of 40k/GW... at least I though it was 40k.  The events schedule on Facebook says Battletech till 2pm.  To add to my "Cleanliness" review, there was a large sign with the store rules on them, and the first two rules were essentially "Take a Shower."  I don't know what a new Pokemon mom would interpret that as, but the mass of guys playing didn't have a hint of lavender, but they were friendly and appropriate in all ways.  

Current events included Magic, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Lorcana, Flesh & Blood, Battletech, Grand Archive, and "RPGs".

Not only does the store have an incredible amount of space, I have the feeling an old car dealership with the salesmen's office converted in gaming rooms! Private room rentals are $5/hour and the larger "party room" is $10/hr. 

My normal readers might be in for a shock that I'm only giving Lazarus Games four and a half gnomes out of five.  

Why?  Blame my last review, a five out of five gnome one, from just last week.  Showing bias, if my daughters volleyball tournaments were swapped, I may have given Lazarus a five and been more critical of the other location.  

The true demerits which skewed my bias further:  
I was never greeted or even acknowledged in the store.  In fact the first pleasant "Hello and welcome" came from a blonde haired gentleman coming into the store as I was leaving... and technically he was still outside when he said it.  

And beyond the Indiana Jones set, there was nothing that I wanted to buy.  

So much hits my dream store scenario I developed after a decade of gaming retail waaaay back in the day.  If you're an hour or two from Harrisburg, should you visit?  Abso-frickin'lutely!    Heck if I'm travelling through I-83, it's an easy side trek for me to revisit.  

Lazarus Games is at 1707 S. Cameron St, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17104.  Hours posted online  are Monday-Wednesday 1pm-9pm,  and Thursday-Sunday 9am-9pm.

And to finish my kid's volleyball story:  An hour and a half into a two hour car ride home, Maja get a call from the coach.  The tournament organizers and all the coaches had completely misread the rules for post-pool play and her team had qualified for the quarterfinals... and maybe beyond.    "Could she come back and play?"  She immediately said no... as did most of her teammates.  Maja transitioning from AAU Basketball to AAU Volleyball has bad a lot of positives, but after ten seasons of AAU between the girls, Volleyball is woefully incompetent at multiple levels, even with more "advanced" organizations.  My only positive has been the opportunity to visit some awesome game stores I wouldn't of had the chance to otherwise.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

At the End of the Day

If January was long relentless pain of a toothache, February has been body blow after body blow, and I've given up trying to defend myself. 

The kids' mom and her significant other went on a cruise, leaving me tending to the girls... and the old house.  Between the cold, the snow, and the schedules, it simply made sense to work from, well ... that home.  

I managed one quick stop between volleyball practice for Maja, and the girls stayed over Friday night, so I can do my Saturday morning errands, but unless something crazy has happened, their mother is finally home after a 20+ hour drive from Florida, just in time for a Sunday volleyball tournament. for Maja. 

Time to get ready for a big weekend to end February/kick off March:  "Cold Wars at Home"

Saturday, February 22, 2025

(Review) The Adventurers' Academy - York, Pennsylvania

I'm closing in on 13 years of game stores reviews.  I've given two five-gnome reviews:  Pop's Culture Shopped in Wellsboro, PA, the epitome of what a small town game store can amount to, and Games and Stuff in Glen Burnie, MD, which is an ultimate and proper use of commercial gaming space.  

I think with the The Adventurers' Academy in York, PA, I may have found my third.  

This weekend was a volleyball tournament down in York for my daughter, Maja.  We were there from 8am-6pm on Saturday, and with worsening snow the further north we travelled to get home, their mother left with them, and I stalled a little longer by visiting a game store in the area.  The pictures I saw did not do it justice (and were actually a dated configuration).  

I think the concept of the medieval/fantasy inn for a game store might run older than D&D itself.  Nice tables, dark stained accoutrements and equipment.  I've seen enough failed half-attempts, but Adventurers' Academy might be the first I've seen in person that knocks it out of the park.  

I mean, when I walk in to a pleasant greeting and this quirky apparel section, I know this isn't going to be a Magic store with some dice, two role-playing books, and the "We're becoming a GW sanctioned store soon."  answer.  

Location:  The building is an older commercial strip mall (with medical and other offices in the facility with the generalized entrance.  The outside entrance for Adventurers' Academy is well-lit and covered.  

Cleanliness:  It was a busy time on a wintry night, and the store was as immaculate as one could expect.  

Miniatures:   I had one of my few moments of sadness, as I found the sign for "War Games" and it was a small display of Kill Zone with a single Battletech starter box on a shelf, a further search netted a diverse 40k selection directly behind me.  There was also a good assortment of  WizKids D&D and Generic Fantasy. as well as a WELL STOCKED Army Painter and GW paints and supplies.

Board Games: A healthy amount of new board games, with a handful of the classics. 

RPGS: A nice display of D&D books, with a smattering of other games, including a Mothership boxed set, and some Magical Kitties Save the Day.  
To make things even more impressed, they had a small section on Cosplay!  

Accessories: Lots of dice in various displays.  They ran the gamut with selection and displays, and I'll be honest:  I could learn to accept the new $15 price point for dice if everyplace  was like this.  
There was a beverage cooler and racks of decently priced snacks. 
If the girls were with me, this is how I couldn't afford gas home.  

The "Gifts & Geekery"  had a prominent footprint, from jewelry to t-shirts, foodstuffs to plushies.  A lot of impulse buys around the center aisle leading up to
CCGs:  It took me this long to mention the accoutrements along a ceiling shelf. Miliary caps for wargames, medieval helmets and accessories above role playing,   The furniture selection alone for CCGs put every other Ikea-based shelving decision to shame.  

No poorly light glass cases.  Prominent cards are display in a cabinet, with other cards in a bank of old card-catalog styled drawers.  Magic, Flesh & Blood, Pokemon, and Star Wars event taking place.  
Events:  The sales are was great, but the well done gaming in the back fit all their needs. I saw at least two dozen folks playing Magic and 40k, predominantly 20s-50s males, 

Events are listed on the web site, and include Magic, Pokemon, D&D, Miniatures, and even a board games and painting night! 

Now THIS is a role-playing table. 

The drawbacks?  I call myself a pseudo-grognard, so there is a level of polish that brings Critical Role to my mind, and I'm not a fan of anything they do.  Most importantly, if it works, stick to it.  What I want more of probably doesn't sell, and the discovery of a small clearance section shows me they know what sells and knows when to get rid of things that don't.  

I'm not sending a plaque, but a 5 gnomes out of 5 rating from me for a game store is big news, only the third time I've done it.  I would like to find a reason to go down and visit in the spring or summer.   

The Adventurers' Academy is located at 1720 S Queen St, York, PA 17403.  Check out their web page or Facebook for more information.

Friday, February 21, 2025

(Painting) Married Zulu Impi by Warlord Games

 A funny thing happened on the way to the next campaign...

With no Cold Wars steering what needed to be painted, February was going to be a month of getting some significant lead (and plastic) off the painting table. 

We were going to start with a massive project (for me) that's curtailed the vaporware Season 4 of the "Egypt Game" I've run with the girls since they were little. The first episode requires 30 "Nubian" warriors for *spoilers*.  

A boxed set of Married Zulu Impi from Warlord fit the bill... and literally years have passed.  They got assembled, primed, and base coated, however each one was missing its left arm... so I could paint everything the same and glue the arms on at the end.  

This stayed this way until this month, where I lined them up on the painting bench, but the parts sprues to the side, and immediately discovered that none of the compatible left arms were attached to the sprue.

They are in a zip-lock bag, buried somewhere in the office.  

So I managed to assemble two the Zulus, and they will hang out with the Zulu Chief I painted eons ago. 

We're a little shinier than I wanted, and I shine detracts from the three layers of shading I did them, turning them far darker than I wanted. I strayed away from the suggested colors Pete the Wargamer suggested in his YouTube video on painting these guys.

Once I find 28 more left arms, I can take a crack at it again! 

In the Queue: The Zulus are still in a queue, as a search one box at a time for the missing bag o' arms.  Gnomes, Ducks, and Star Wars individual characters! 

Project 350: Maintaining exactly the same at 459 (295/164) from 459 (295/164).  I'm hoping the upcoming Cold Wars at Home will move the needle a bit.  

Thursday, February 20, 2025

🧙‍♂️(Georic Gazetteer) Kingdom of Nevskia

The Kingdom of Nevskia

Pantheon: Kulervan Mythos and Elemental Cults
Ruled By: Karaly Potrr IV
Capital:  Pskov
Other Cities: Crakai, Kernave, Mernal, Belneftekhim
Language:  Nevskian, Orcish
Flag/Emblem:   Black dragon-headed eagle, armed gold and breathing flames on a gold field
Coinage: Wyrmnal Standard
Important Personas: The Prince of Trevoditch, Gran Dukes, 
Alliances: Trade with Pohjola, 
Hostilities:  Wyrmnalian raiding parties, Accusations of sponsored raiding and banditry into The Weissmach.
Open Warfare/Skirmishing:  Steady engagement with the Galmar Barbarians
Intrigues: Lots of open court intrigue, Supposed reason with treaty with Pohjola is to gain access to their magicks.
Demi-Humans:  Orcs (30%), Half-Orcs (20% Dwarves of Warka (4%), Elves (3%)
Magickal Devices:  The Sign of Times, Axe of the Forests, Ymir's Helm,  Rod of Command, and Rod of Obedience.

A castle along the Womsvuc River
Thumbnail Sketch:  Nevskia is the northernmost neighbor of the Weissmach, and is largely considered the last line of civilization into the Northlands.   With the Mer Bal on their west, the Galmar Barbarians to their east, and the bandit kingdoms of Regan to the north. Karoly Piotr maintains a larger army than he is comfortable with, but for good reason.  

It is recommended that travelers avoid referring to this land as any part of the Weissmach.  These people are strongly individualistic and definitely unique from most traditional Ferasean bloodlines. 

Nevskia was a nexus point of the edge of Ferasean civilization, a collection a "civilized" Galmar barbarians, and the largest collection of peaceful orces. The percentage of population with some amount of orc-blood is quite high here as well. In certain communities, the orc blood is so ingrained within the population, that's it's not surprising to find a young child, who is human at first glance, but display a single tusk jutting out of their mouth.  This "Mark of the Purvmone" is celebrated.  

Nevskians also maintain a number of Galmar traditions, including integrating elemental worship in their mythos, as well as an unhealthy adoration of the horse.

This unique culture may rage against those that their more poor mud peasants along the Mer Bal, but they have learned to give a healthy respect for those old Fereasean traditions.  Freigraffs, the lawgivers within Weissmach are treated with the same level of reverence in  Nevskia.
Karaly Piotr IV
Many of the villages are poor peasants who rely on subsistence farming for survival, but do not let them realize who are even thinking about taking advantage of them.  The mix of barbarian and orc blood make them quite formidable, as history has shown them usurping control from barbarian chiefs, corrupt nobles, and vile knight commanders.  The current bloodline holding the throne may have descended from a pureblood Ferasean Knight of Talmark, Adomas Nevska, but he and his line have embraced their people, and have shown distinct Marks of the Purvmone.  The current Karoly,  Pitor has even benefitted from  western learning that has allowed him to balance the changes the Kingdom needs with the comfort of traditions his people crave.

Travelers in this region should normally be a hardy lot, but beware, the food is fantastically bland, mud will eventually cover every inch of your being,  and possibly your soul, bandits cover every inch of the rural landscape, and even the Dwarves in the region are wary to challenge one of the Purvmone to a drinking contest.

And do not fear or attack an orc within this culture, for they are no worse than any human you'll encounter, and most of the time , they are superior.

But Nevskia is a noble lot, from the horsemen on the plains, the elemental priests barely keeping next years crops from failing, or even the most-admired half-orc paladins of Akana who can be found providing hope to the people, even is they don't share their faith.  

Religion:  Nevskia is an eclectic amalgamation of the faiths around them.  Their mythos of deities are a combination of bastardized Kulervan gods, the elemental traditions from Galmar, to some adopted names of the old orc gods. 

Geography of Note: 

The Royal Castle of Pskov: The construction of the castle began under the rule of the Fereasen Knight overseeing Imperial rule, and has been expanded upon by every Karly since Adomas Nevska himself.  While visitors are obviously rarely welcome without royal invitation, the castle does contain the Sword of Pekun on full display in the throne room.  This sword is rumored to be able to create and control swords of all sorts.  Based on descriptions, Pekur may have been an ancient warrior from the Pre-Ferasean time of the Sorceror-Kings.  The alleged powers of the blade, and the limited legends provided, make this author believe that Pekun himself may have ascended into divinity, as a host of Kaleavean, Nevskian, or lesser deities throughout the region have a similar name.  Not to upset and dear readers in Wyrmnal, but Pekun may be related to, or an early visage of, Thor. 

Ragany Kalnas:  Outside of the small town of Zemajas a hill that is the nexus of three significant ley lines. It is a powerful site for witches and sorcerers, and is considered a sacred and protected site. dotted with small stone altars and carved totems dedicated to the gods, old, new, and inhuman. On certain nights, the veil between worlds thins, allowing visitors to witness spectral dances of witches and sorcerers from across all lands... and possibly different worlds. Guided tours are available, but visitors are advised to respect the rituals and offerings left by local practitioners.

Kerpot Tvitore (Fortress of the Orcs): Ten miles east of Kernave is the remnants of the orc civilization before the confluence of the human cultures arrive.  Known simply at Urkove "Home" inthe orcish tongue, the remains of this massive stone fortress is the spiritual and cultural heart of the orcish community in Nevskia. Most of the wall are gone, but the incredible catacomb of sub-levels was a safe haven from the witches and occult horrors that ravaged the land.  Purvmone scholars of all types have instituted a "Hall of Ancestry" where carvings, and murals depict the rich history of the oricsh people and their contributions to Nevskia, and all the legends of the Empire of Feraso and beyond. On certain festival days, travelers witness traditional orcish ceremonies.  Most famous is the "Blood Festival" a martial tournament that only allow those with documented orcish blood to participate in a number of event. 

Mentions of the Country in the Blog: 
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #5 - Mention of Wyrmnal's raids of the Nevskian coastline.
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #20 - Basic tourist's overview of Nevskia
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #28 -  The Foundations of Purvmone Society
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #30 -  The Dwarves of Warka
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #31 -  Mention of Nevskian Horsemen
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #34 -  Order of Merit's Uneventful Return Trip through the Nevskian mud

GM Notes:  Nevskia, by name, might be a little direct, but in reality is a mixture of slavic culture and, by it's geography on my fantasy earth map for Georic, a lot more dark age Lithuanian influence than Russian (the elven ice kingdom and dwarven citadel would dominate the lands of traditional Russia)

My early Georic did not contain Nevskia, but as I wrote out the Lost Dispatches and placed adventures on the map logically, I was still surprised by the number of mentions the Kingdom earned.  Perhaps it's most notable contribution to the overall legends and lore of the campaign isn't the adventures within its borders, but that Andrei Krasimir, a translator I created for Elsderth and Company, turned into a boon companion for the adventuring party, and his untimely death allowed the story and correspondence to change course to include further adventures from other campaigns.  

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Watching the World Burn

With the Valentine's Day weekend filled with a volleyball tournament, hazardous weather, I was further blindsided not once but twice!  

Two minor updates first:  My marriage should be down to its last few days, as paperwork should be arriving at my apartment to finalize the divorce.  Single dice-chucking and mini-painting ladies look out!  

As that lifts my spirits, they were lowered twice the distance by the kids telling my about their mother's (and her significant other's) cruise this week.  They left Saturday night for a drive from Pennsylvania to Florida, for a five-day Caribbean cruise, then drive back the following weekend.   Somebody has to watch the kids, and despite a massive omission in the schedule I'm given by her, that job is mine.  For the week I'll be back at the house saving money on laundry, playing with cats, getting a game in or two with the girls, and using their mother's monitor set-up to get caught up with work.  

For the first time since college, I'm off for President's Day, but I'll use that time to use the three monitor set-up.  

The big news came Friday afternoon.  Hey, I've talked it over with the kids and we're probably selling the house and moving up to around Albany in the summer.

Gut-punch on Valentine's Day.  

So, before the Peanut Gallery chimes in, completely within her rights, and as she's looking for a new job, probably a better chance for an equal or better salary, preferably for a company where people don't want to shoot their CEO, like she does now.  

Grinding everything else in my head, that gives me five more months of time with them.  

Practical selfish gamer Dad:  Finish those projects you wanted to do with them.  Finish painting ponies, a few Gamma World side quests, and a hardcore return to the Egypt game for a few sessions.  

Of course, while we're side by side with their Mother, she openly admits that this entire thought process, and finally letting me into it, had been initiated by a single screening call for a job position in that area.   Stay tuned....

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #64 - The Quart and Funnel

Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers,  are spending the winter at KIA Academy.


Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout.  Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.  

Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. Knowledgeable,  but not a good one with device repairs or upgrades.  Very interested in a "Children's Alchemical Laser" he recently acquired.

Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often.  Previously "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies, but recently has been subject to genetic testing and developed super-human strength, a more human body, and a thick coat of shaggy white hair.

Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend.  He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters.  Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does.  No Name has recently been fitted for a artillery device of the Ancients that chucks spears further than any human.  Looking for trouble in all the right places.  Former jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray.  He's recently been struck by a weapon by a strange race of people and transformed into... something else... multiple times.

RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now!  Currently getting repairs done by the Restorationists. Currently safely in their hotel room on KIA Academy Level Zero.


The next day, with Dr Kallax not having "Office Hours" and thus Sonny had no opportunity to visit the Level 8 Library, the entire group got the chance to explore.

Pete and Lathar decided on drinking at a new bar, Sonny picked the level, and Squiggles just asked that they venture down into new passageways and neighborhoods to do so,

Deep enough into Level 0 of the facility, they found an establishment called the Quart and Funnel.  It was sparsely populated but seemed to have a "good vibe."  

The patrons of the establishment were mostly normal human/mutant human types, dressed in the typical clothing of Level 0.   They sauntered up to the bar and grabbed a drink.  While Pete inquired about the drinks, Sonny and Squiggles debated between putting in a singing competition or simply better "Fung Schway."  

 picking out three obvious folks who weren't typical Level 0 patron.  

A white mutant cat, sitting on the barstool, swatting at its drink.  

A huge (6'8") mutant human who looked like he had been through a war or twelve.  His bones were taught over his skin, giving a bit of a skeletal look.

An older woman with silver hair, who appeared out of place. 

Lathar tried to size up the three unique options, but the man's stare back made the barbarian scoot away and order and extra drink for the woman.  

"Hey, don't forget to see the cat."  Pete added.

Lathar glanced over to the cat's spot at the bar, "It's gone!"   

The cat's drinks were all finished and their was no sign of it.  

Pete became paranoid, expecting a trap or ambush, although no one could figure out exactly why anyone would want to attack them.  Lathar had even tried to drop notes about the "lights in the yew tree,"  but no one knew what he was talking about.  

Instead of dropping his tales, he decided to use his pure charisma with the silver-haired woman.  As was his usual style within KIA Academy, he strolled up shirtless, with just a furry vest on.  

The woman took one look at Lathar, and it was obvious she was letting the free drink happen.  

"Hello...."  the woman started the conversation.  

Lathar found his opening, "We're staying the winter here at the Academy.  What's going here on level 2?"

"We're on Level Zero, Lathar."  Sonny the Sunflower, right behind Lathar, corrected his friend.

The woman laughed at the guffaw, "I only come down here for a little inspiration.  What do you know about Resilient and Adaptive Vehicular Technologies.

Lathar smiled, "What do you want me to know about it?"  

With that comeback, Lathar earned a spot at the table across from her.  They learned she was Dr Liora Voss, Vehicular Research on KIA Academy Level 9.  She had been spending most of her recent time on "Biometric Markers for Mutation Integrated Transportation System"

The others were quite confused, but Sonny was not amused, "I don't know how that will work if you can't get your cart rentals to drive outside." 

Dr Liora Voss - Adaptive Vehicular Research - Level 9

Dr Voss dispatched Lathar for another of her green drinks, and got into a technical conversation with Sonny over the e-carts, the need for real roads, that need for the "duo-cycle".  It seemed the woman respected the plant more than the others.  Sonny even volunteered "Zeke" (as Pete was assumed dead from the e-cart incident) to test out of his electric powers on her test vehicles.  

"I bet she has a much better tool she likes to use up in her lab."  Lathar interjected, bringing her green drink to the table.   Dr Voss stared down and sized up the three explorers on the table.

There were three because Squiggles hadn't joined the group to overwhelm Dr Voss.  He had found a high table and nursed his drink.  

The group realized that Lathar's words gave her pause, despite his charms.  

Dr Voss spoke, "Oh my, now THIS is far more interesting than your electrical power."

Pete realized no one else noted her speaking, that she was talking directly to his mind.

Pete: "Oh, you're much more advanced that I gave you credit for..."

Dr. Voss: "I'm not some simple Academy girl"

The others merely noted Dr Voss and Pete giving each other knowing glances.

Sonny continued to ramble on about flying devices he noted in the scientific journals he purchased at Fair-Town.  He also inquired about the flying objects that he had seen in the sky occasionally. 

Dr Voss: The ones belching smoke, that look like a suit of armor?   We see them from the view of Level 9.  One even circled the complex before returning downriver from wherever they come from.

The conversation turned to power cells, jet engines, and vehicular weaponry...

Meanwhile, Squiggles was trying to lip read the conversation with the silver-haired woman.

"Did you just say 'tacos make penguins dance'?"

The worm also realized the skeletal human started paying attention to the loud conversation over at Dr Voss' table.  

He was surprised by the four-foot tall cat that suddenly appeared by Squiggles side.   "If they expected her to take them up to her lab for god-knows what, that's a foursome I don't want to see."

Squiggles giggled, and in an instant, the cat was on his other side.

"Blink technology or power?"  he asked.

The cat shook his head, "Just very flippin' fast."

"Super-speed, Ka-pow!!!!"

"Exactly, what are you?"

"A furry worm.   I wasn't always like this..."

"I understand.  One day you're in a swamp full of chemicals, and you're hit with an electrical attack and you gain super-speed blessing."

Larry the Cat was in charge of some of the scout units at KIA Academy.  As a piece of advice, he told Squiggles not to venture outside for the next few days, a horrible cold spell was coming, and it was going to be deadly to the unprepared.  Larry was piqued by Squiggles and "Zeke's" skill set and offered them some jobs and probably trouble.  

"If the sunflower wants to stay indoors, I wouldn't blame them.  Plants are always fair-weather friend."

Larry the Cat - Level 2

Meanwhile, back at Dr Voss' table, Lathar was laying it on thick.  He couldn't figure out what had caused him to have his ale splashed into his face, but she did take her leave soon thereafter, giving a knowing nod to the tall mutant human before leaving.  

Lathar:  She so wants me....

GM Notes:  I didn't include the last ten minutes of the session, as Squiggles reconnected with the group.  To many innuendos involving "getting lucky"  "trying to pollenate" and Sonny trying to "Pistil punch Lathar with his chances with the doctor.  

Monday, February 17, 2025

(Fistful of Lead) - Snowbrawl 2

Another potential snow day, another chance to break Snowbrawl for Fistful of Lead. 

We decided to go with a 4-way battle royale:

  • Brown Reindeer, led by Brown Santa
  • Green Christmas Trees, led by Green Santa
  • Red Santa Heads, led by (full-bodied) Red Santa
  • White Snowmen, led by Frosty himself

With the unequal configuration of the board, if the snowmen if the Green Trees got a good jump, they might be able to arm themselves (but not throw) in the first round. Instead the Snowmen and Reindeer seized the initiative.  As some reached the pre-made snowballs, and other came up short, the truth came out:  Brown Santa must have snuck in a snowball onto the field, immediately pegging the lone Red Santa Head that had moved in the.... well, head, taking him out of action.  

In a scene of escalation reminiscent of Anchorman, the Red Santa and one of the minions pulled out their own snowballs, taking out Brown Santa and starting their own reign of terror.  (a 6 is Reload, in normal FoL.  In snowbrawl the figure creates a snowball without an action or a roll).
Turn Two:  The snowballs in the middle of the field must have been left out overnight, as many of them either crumbled in the players non-existent hands, or they were simply reclaimed by the snow. The snowmen tried  a quick flurry of snowballs, with zero effect, while the Green Trees snuck a cheap shot at the snowmen, knocking one out. 

On the other snowman flank,a single brown reindeer ran fast, making it with two inches of the White Snowman fort, only to have Frosty walk over and personally give him a beat down.

Turn Three:  The reindeer fall of sorts to rescue their fallen compatriots, reducing Frosty to his base elements.  But their must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found, as Frosty magically transformed back to himself (or a Queen of Hearts was played).

Red Santa charged the Green Trees, knocking out the Green Santa!  The Red Santa Heads, armed to the teeth, were ready to stage a massive assault on the other three teams, but a Green Tree caught a snowball, allowing for the immediate return of Green Santa!  The Red Santa Heads were regretting their life choices.

Turn Four:  With the Brown Reindeer and Green Trees getting imitative, Frosty and his remaining minions were quickly dispatched.  The red tried to build a quick arsenal of snowballs. 

Turn Five:  Ineffective skirmishing, although the  Brown Reindeer clear away attackers as they finally ready to assault the abandoned Snowman Fort.

Turn Six:   The Red Santas fall back to an assault by the Green Trees, but it's all over when a Brown Reindeer finally stumbles in to the Snowman fort.  

In our second wave of the rules, Frosty and the Santas rolled d10s and the minions were all d8s.  We have a few brawls, a caught snowball (by a minion, no less!) and enough figures to try out multiple strategies!