Tuesday, April 26, 2011
For the Love of Campaigns...
For miniature wargamers, although the consistent players might be an appealing reason to run a campaign, the main reason is "I have a ton of shit for this game, I might as well use it."
As great as a tournament army for 40K might look, can that stability/balance/power gaming be continued battle after battle? How often can you play the same game over and over again?
The first campaign that we pondered was the Battletch campaign rules that were in Dragon Magazine. They had their faults, most importantly requiring a map from a Star League book that was out of print before the issues even came out, but they were comprehensive. Resource management, production, transportation, and deployment was all included, and that was all before any battles could be fought. The only problem we had (besides the lack of the map), was the lack of minis, and by the time we (read: Wooly) accumulated our vast collection, real life kept us to holiday and convention supergames, rather than a weekly "Battletech night." To be honest, I picture the campaign like one would play a 70's super-wargame. Thousands of chits and five hours of paperwork to deliver gasoline to the front... maybe by week five we could conduct some combat.
As much as I poo-poo 40k and Fantasy Battles, Mordheim and Necromunda had some of the best skirmish campaign rules that I've found. I greatly enjoyed the campaigns we ran at Griffon Games. Throw in a few optional rules for some weekly flavor and we kept it exciting and interesting for the smallest warband or the largest gang. Mercenaries and warband growth allowed a player to take a modest initial purchase and slowly expand on it, great for both the player and the store selling the product.
For Gnome Wars, I'm trying to find a mix between the complexity of B'Tech and the intimacy of Mordheim. The Wishing Well Campaign we started with was simply playing the scenarios out of the rulebook, and building upon them. As the Germans continued their rampage into Swiss territory, I started adding units to the Germans (Cav, the Witch) while the Swiss were missing figures, but fighting from heartier defensive positions. At the end of the campaign, the Germans had a toehold in the Swiss mountains if we run a mountain campaign, Field Marshall Steven von O'Hara was lauded as a hero (and might be responsible for a new Spring offensive), and the Scottish Highlanders were looking much more favorably towards the Germans than their traditional Swiss allies.
I've harped on the Tanga campaign long enough, but I needed to run it to see if the other Skirmish Campaign/Elite books were a worthwhile investment. I'm definitely looking into using an expanded version of World War I: Rommel's Route to Verdun for the previously mentioned Spring offensive.
That won't mean we'll be leaving Africa for good. As the Germans are the dominant colonial power in my version of the gnome world, I'm working on that "Chicka Zulu" game for South Africa, there can be some battles on the Sudan and Ethiopia, and if Lon would ever release Aussie infantry, I might ponder a "Roo Wars" campaign, loosely based on the Boer Wars.
Of course, I still have my eye on "The Ham Fighter Revolution", a campaign on Maximillian in Mexico, and I could easily convert some WW2 scenario books into Gnome Wars era battles.
Finally, if "A Very Gnomish Civil War" is well received, I might have to pick up its inspiration and write out the specifics for others to play.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Apathy of New Releases (May 2011)
I'm going to go off format this month and jump around a bit. Certain things deserve more than a quick blurb.
First off, there's nothing in GTM this month that I would pre-order. A couple things caught my eye, but I'll get to them.
The very first thing I see on the first page of listings were a couple of different LED mini-flashlights. Seriously? I know gamers are in the dark about a LOT of things, but stock them in a store? To make things stranger, the items are listed at PI (Please Inquire), which means the store will get them at a higher cost than their regular discount and will make up their own price. I want to see a display of those bad boys, maybe at a store with nearby steam tunnels.
Next, Chaosium is releasing the Miskatonic University Handbook in hardcover for $42.95. Why? The MU Handbook is a decent book, with lots of good material for a Keeper to use, but why reprint it in hardcover. The mind boggles.
Are you a Cultist looks to be coming out in July. It sticks to the theme of Are you a Werewolf/Vampire/Mob Snitch games, games you could play without any printed materials! At least with The Great Dalmuti they produced a "family-friendly" version of Asshole.
Mongoose released a Judge Dredd minis game? when? why?
My final observation is from WotC:
IKUSA BOARD GAME - Sweep Across the Land and Secure Your Empire! It is the sixteenth century in feudal Japan, where war rages across the land. Amid the chaos and conflict, you have risen to power as one of five warlords mighty enough to conquerand control the whole empire. Your victory depends on how expertly you extend your domain while defending it from your enemies. Send your daimyo leaders, samurai, and ashigaru warriors into battle to seize new provinces and lay siege to castles. Spend your hard-won treasury on building fortifications and bolstering your forces with ronin and ninja. Prove thestrength of your strategy, defeat your rivals, and earn the exalted title ofShogun! Scheduled to ship in July 2011. $80.
Does this sound like Shogun/Samurai Swords to you? If it does I may actually get giddy.
Now, the Viscount's "Cool but I don't have the cash" list:
- Atlas Games: Cliffourd The Big Red Dog. Ken Hite is at it again, adapting the Dunwich Horror to a classic children's book.
- Kittens in a Blender card game - Save kittens from an obvious fate :$9.95
- Villans & Vigilantes Rulebook $16.95 and adventure Intercrime Hostile Takeover $9.95. Wow, V&V back in print. There may be hope for civilization.
- I have been hearkening on Dust Tactics as the game my imaginary store would currently support. Finally, something has come out for them that intrigues me. American and Axis walkers are coming out, they look decent, and my thought was, "Would they fit a gnome? A new boxed set with more scenarios, tiles, and info is coming out.
The Store List:
- A new WoW TCG expansion
- 2 3rd party pathfinder books
- Black Curse (The 40k chaos rpg). A wee bit ouchy at $59.95
- Kenzer is releasing a 3rd printing of Aces & Eights and the much awaited one-volume Hacklopedia of Beasts. For all the whiners who complained about 8(+) hacklopedias of monsters at 20 bucks a pop can now get all the "serious" monsters in one fell swoop for $59.95. I didn't mind picking up the Hacklopedias each month back in the day. A $60 outlay focuses more on the quality of the physical book than the contents inside.
- Mongoose has two new traveller books, plus one for paranoia!
- 4 products from Paizo.
- WotC has a little variety this month for a change. There's the previously mentioned Ikusa board game, D&D - Champions of the Heroic Tier HC, and the silliest thing of all, a Magic: Commander boxed set. Commander is the "official" name of multi-player Highlander (only one of each card can be played). Why they needed a boxed set for this, probably has something to do with "revenue streams"
- Heroclix is releasing a Thor boxed set, pretty late after the movie.
- And I'm not talking about the Smurfs' releases, although if they eventually release some inexpensive Smurf homes, I might become interested in that.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Historicon rolling snake-eyes at VFCC
I did get some updated information about the VFCC Casino fiasco. Looks as if the VFCC managed to "update" the agreement just under the wire. Construction of the casino has already been started and it looks as if HMGS will be out 34,000 sq ft of convention. The VFCC has been "gracious" enough to accomodate the con with other meeting rooms, etc...
What does this mean? As the email from HMGS alluded, "the show must go on." Maps will be better detailed so one could traverse the maze which is VFCC/Scanticon/Radisson. GMs will be forced to carry their stuff furth (my personal worry, I just want to know where I can unload and where I need to go. Since the Duke doesn't have his own corner this year, that spot can be considered a gain or acceptable loss, depending on the construction.
Still, the sky is not falling. Even if they ran games at the Radisson's pool, the walk would be less than one at Origins or GenCon. There was no need for the masses to get worked up about what could happen, it was the job of the HMGS BoD and ConOps to be able to adapt to the fluid situation of the casino license. When the news feel on April 1st, they went over the options and got information out, at least to HMGS members via the yahoo board. Could have been better, but now we know.
Perhaps the only benefits is if we force our fellow wargamers to actually walk, the next generation won't need as many scooters to transport their fat asses.
(Legions of Steel) Zip-a-dee-doo-dah!
Of course, it's also been quite awhile since I read the flavor text for the color panels. It was a nice reminder just how evil the Machine version of me is. It will be a nice read down memory lane as little Amelia refuses to sleep through the night.
Cthulhu ate your brains... and he wants your wallet too...
I admit that I don't use Facebook to its full gaming potential. I have only a select group of companies that I follow for updates. I argue that if companies would actually update their Facebook walls, I might be more inclined to "Like" more companies.
The only company that does a spectacular job of this is "All the King's Men Toy Soldiers LLC." Ken Cliffe has done a phenomenal job posting painting updates, figure development, and most recently posted in regards to new scenarios on the website for the Battle 1812. Check them out, drool at his stuff, and give me a bag of money and tons of time to purchase and paint more troops.
That being said, I was absolutely flabbergasted Saturday when Chaosium made not one, but THREE posts on its page.
First was Mythic Iceland for BRP (Basic Role-Playing). I haven't decided to delve into BRP, outside the fact that it's CoC's system, with a number of refinements/bells and whistles. They do use "gigantic" in its description, and most things Icelandic are pretty freaking cool. Check it out.
Second was Cthulhu by Gaslight (3rd Edition?). Role-playing in Victorian (1890's) England. There are enough fictional characters associated with mystery and horror in that era, throw in some Cthulhu Mythos for even more fun. Scheduled for late summer release. $28.95 Finally, the Call of Cthulhu 30th Anniversary Edition will be available late summer as well.
This will be a red leatherette edition of the current 6th edition rules. It will look great on my bookshelf next to the 20th Anniversary Edition, and other quality books like Aces & Eights. Only $64.95, which means after five years, you can trade it for a small car payment if you needed the money.
Oh well, that's $100+ (when you calculate shipping from CA) of Chaosium product I didn't expect to spend this year. Wouldn't be great if there was a local game store that I could order this from so they could get paid too?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Chicka Zulu!
(Gnome Wars) Battle of Tanga #2 - Leuwan's Holding Attack
November 3, 1914, 0500, northern slope of Longido Mountain
The Swiss are spread out against a vast no-man's land
Order of Battle
Germans: Steve and myself again
Orders: Force the Swiss off the slopes (any elevated terrain)
1 unit (Green Germans)
1 unit (Grey Germans)
1 Light Machine Gun
German Variable Attachments (d20):
- 1-3: 2 snipers from the main unit, deployed within 24 inches of the brush line
- 4-9: Teddy Bear Askari unit
- 10-17: 1 unit (Purple Germans)
- 18-20: Heavy Mortar
Swiss: commanded by Nichols and Scott again
Orders: occupy the three German trenches
1 unit (Red Hats)
1 unit (Swiss Engineers)
1 unit (Swiss Rangers)
1 unit of Sikhs (following the poor morale rules from part #0)
Variable attachments:
- 1-10: 1 Irish unit
- 11-14: Nothing
- 15-19: Offboard artillery
- 20: 1 unit of Teddy Bear Askari and roll again!
SPECIAL RULE: The rock walls on various levels were impassable areas of terrain. They blocked line of sight for any unit not in direct contact with it. Troops could occupy the area below them represented by the loose stones and be considered in heavy cover. However, the units firing out of that area did so at a -2 penalty.
Turns 1-3: The German right flank was held by the Grey Germans in a trench that was 24" closer than the other fortifications. However, the Swiss' meandering in the heavy brush negated the opportunity to concentrate their forces on that flank. The German heavy mortar arrived at the last second to support the units and hellfire rained down upon the Swiss, causing significant damage to the Engineers and the densely-packed Sikhs. Just as German rifle fire began to wittle the edges of each unit, a loud angry cheer could be heard from behind the Swiss. With the artillery lost in the brush, a group of Irish, orginally hired as laborers, had been organized to bludgeon the Germans for fun and a healthy bonus.
The Red Hats are gunned down, but the Sikhs keep charging forward
Turns 4-7: The Swiss units, save the Red Hats, charged hard towards the trenches. The Red Hats decided that the best course of action was to fire their blunderbusses at the Germans, halving their movement through the open area. When the Germans had their chance, the return volley created many wounded, but not enough to overwhelm the competent St. Bernard medic! Panic then spread along the German center, as it was discovered that the German light machine gun was already out of ammo!
One of the machine gun team members runs back for more ammo!
The lack of oppressive firepower from the center of the battlefield renewed the Swiss spirit as the gnomes pressed forward:
The Swiss Rangers reach the trench, the Irish right on their heels.
The Rangers tried to flank the German trench with limited success. The Red Hats' recovery seemed to force the Green Germans out of their cozy trench to deal with them, but rather, the riflemen forced their attentions on oblitering the remaining Engineers. Heavy mortar fire throughout the game had made the engineers paper-thin, so a few well-placed shots forced them to rout off the board.
Turns 8-11: The valiant Swiss assualt had stalled on most of the board. The Red Hats and Green Germans were trading shots under heavy cover, with little effect. The Sikhs, the only threat to the German center failed a mandatory morale check and routed, even though the member of the machine gun team had yet to make it back with the replacement ammo. The German right flank then became a house of horrors. The Swiss Rangers finally made it to the Grey German trench, and the Ranger NCO was raring for a fight. the Ranger NCO slew three Germans in hand-to-hand before they even knew he was in the trench! Sergeant Schnitzel, the German Non-Com lead a brilliant counter-attack, shooting two Swiss and pistol whipping another before taking a cowardly pick-axe in the back. With only a freshly commissioned lieutenat to lead the remaining Greys, not even the arrival of some German peasant infantry from the Greens could hold off the devastating onslaught of the Irish.
The Irish killed the Germans to a man and took the trench. With ammo finally arriving at the light machine gun, a heavy mortar waiting to acquire a new target, and the Green German rifles ready to counter-attack, Major Leuwen wisely gave the command to fall back, keeping the Germans engaged long enough to prevent their use as reinforcements during the main attack.
Per the orders for each side, scenario #2 was a considered a draw, however in points it was a solid German 35-23 victory. The Swiss wisely called retreat before things got worse point-wise, while most of the Swiss points came from the the savagery in the trench that annihilated the Grey Germans to a man. Both sides were very happy with their variable attachments. Two perfect shots by the mortar when it needed a 6 to hit on the first two rounds started the inevitable collapse of the Engineers and Sikhs. The Irish were just what the Swiss needed to take the trench and rattle the Germans (as if the machine gun being out of ammo wasn't bad enough).
In the campaign, winning this scenario gives that side some crucial advantages to reinforcements in the final three scenarios. Alas, I play in a group that is fortunate enough to play a lot a draws in their games. Great for self-esteem, horrible for campaign games.
Historically, it was Major Laverton who commanded the British holding attack, but I figured a less-British name was required for the Swiss. The British failed to take the German positions and completely withdrew back to their base camp. The staunch German defenders were actually only 45 askaris with two machine guns who never played a role in reinforcing the main attack.
Current campaign score for Longido Mountain: Germans 59, Swiss 54.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Oh where oh where will Historicon go?
Don't fret, people, the write-up for Tanga scenario #2 is in the works. I just don't have time to fight with Bloggers wonky formatting. So instead, here's a quick rant.
With the Baltimore fiasco largely behing us, the elections for HMGS underway, and most people going to Historicon reserving rooms, submitting games, etc, the next Chicken Little moment is "Where will Historicon be held in 2012?"
Recently, the courts rejected appeals against a casino license for the Valley Forge Convention Center, site for Historicons '10 and '11. The VFCC has been awarded a licenese for 500 slots and roughly 50 table games. The Chicken Littles are worried that (a) we won't have sufficient space for the convention, (b) the casino will price the convention site out of the HMGS, and (c) where else can we go?
For starters, (a) 500 slots and 50 table games doesn't take up a large amount of space, even with added restaurants and facilities. The convention space will still be there, with room to grow unless they run Flames of War, Games Workshop, and Magic tournaments simultaneously.
(b) While I'm not naive to the idea that the investors who obtained the license ultimately want to expand the casino, this does take awhile, and I can't imagine how many more organizations they will attract with slots, outside the perinnial favorites of the Rod and Gun and Toy Soldier shows. And eliminating the convention center outright would negate the argument that the VFCC is a "resort destination" as per their application.
Now (c) provides a tricky situation. To find a site bigger than the Host, without too many added expenses is tough. The Baltimore Convention Center is now out of the question, but it was a nice end result of a ten-year growth plan. It exceed our current needs. New Jersey? Lots of union sites, which would add even more expenses onto the dealers who defray a good chuck of the site expenses to begin with. The two sites with the biggest appeal on TMP are Hampton Roads and the Fredricksburg Convention Center, both in Virginia.
I am sorry to my fellow wargamers who do make the trek past the Mason-Dixon line each time they go to a convention, but there is no way in Hell that I'm driving 5+ hours south, in the middle of Summer, to push lead across a table. I admit that I'm in a convienient location, roughly two hours north of Lancaster. It's great for a day trip or a full weekend, just far away enough to forget about family issues, just close enough to rush back if something happens.
Five hours plus? I'd rather spend that time visiting friends in western PA, family in Vermont, or better yet, make if seven plus and I'll go to Origins in Columbus, Ohio! People were worried about a loss in attendence from the northern states with the move to Baltimore, let's just slap and extra two hour drive on that, and let's see if the Southern Gentlemen make up for the yankees unwilling to add two "driving days" to their weekend.
On a more positive note, my wife asked me about my conventions for the Fall. It looks as if we should be open for Mepacon on November 11-13, and Fall-in! on October 28-30. In fact, the Missus wants to go down to Lancaster, with children, as her birthday present. That means I get gaming Friday and Saturday, and we'll drive back Sunday morning. Not as awesome as a full week in Lancaster during July could be, Dutch Wonderland, the Amish, and lots of museums, followed by a con, but I could always rent a local hotel's conference room for a few semi-private games.
Monday, April 11, 2011
(Gnome Wars) Battle of Tanga #1 - Assault on the Wells
1 Full Squad (Purple Germans, they have no medic)
1 Partial Squad (Grey Germans)
1 Partial Squad (Green Germans, ditto)
1 Light Machine Gun
10-15:Teddy Bear Askari Unit
16-19 Remainder of the Green Germans
20: Remainder of Grey Germans as part of initial deployment and 1 additonal roll
Orders: Occupy the second and/or third tier of elevation at the end of the scenario.
1 unit "Red Hats"
1 unit "Swiss Engineers"
1 unit "Swiss Rangers"
12-15: 2 Swiss rifles from any unit may start the game hidden on the second tier of elevation
16-20: "Santa Effect" On turn eight, four figs from any one unit return to play and deploy at the edge of the Swiss tree line.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
(Gnome Wars) Battle of Tanga #0 Prologue
Saturday, April 9, 2011
(Gnome Wars) Tanga Prep
Between being a full-time dad and, well, being a full-time dad, I'm absolutely amazed at what I actually managed to accomplish in the past two weeks. The terrain boards are adequate, although I did have to snag up some extra insulation for the elevation of the mountainside. Trenches and hills need a little paint to finish them off. Painting figs, outside of the previously shown Highlander, has been base coats, and if I can can the Sikhs and teddy bears done (yes, teddy bears) with a base coat, I'll be escatic. I will be very glad if I afterwards, I can get around to touching up the Red Swiss, finishing the Engineers, and completing the Swiss Rangers before April for Historicon. Then I can focus on building!
The toughest part hasn't been the painting. Heck, my players would be happy to play with unpainted lead. The toughest part has been going through the campaign book and balancing out the sides with the figures available. There are no "squads" of 8 soldiers in Gnome Wars, just 320 pt units, and with healing rules the way they are, a few lucky rolls and a squad of gnomes could charge up the hill after being decimated a few times over and just revived by a St. Bernard. I'll take my chances with larger units and few medics. If I do want to do squad action, I am picking the figs from Brigade anyway.
Each player will be getting their unit's sheet, heavy weapons, if applicable, and a sheet of campaign rules. Basically the short version:
*Melee will be two rounds, not to completion.
*Swiss alphorn rolls will be enforced. Tunneling is NOT permitted. up or downhill
*Sikhs have poor morale and is reflected on there weakened stats.
*Machine Guns have a roll for both jams and ammo
*Teddy Bear Askaris are somewhere halfway between the regular Sikh stats and the weakened Sikhs in the campaign. They have reduced range (24" max), but they are monsters if they can charge at least 7" into melee.
I have some terrain painting to do Saturday, a lot of cleaning in the garage, and maybe I'll get to another couple figs. I can't wait to see if the Swiss are better than the British were in the engagement.
Friday, April 8, 2011
(Nostalgia) All this lead is 'ettin to me...
Sunday, April 3, 2011
(D&D 4e) We have met the enemy, and it kinda sucks.
Friday, April 1, 2011
(Gnome Wars) Scottish Golfer sans Mortar
Tiger Woods y'all...
I also got the flocking down for the boards for the Longido Mountain portion of the Tanga Campaign. Well, sort of. I think I only snagged one insulation board and most of the scenarios will need another sheet or two. Multiple levels on a 6x8 board is a bit labor intensive. I'll probably snag up another sheet tomorrow (thank God they're cheap).
One thing I did discover was that you need A LOT of tan static grass to cover a surface versus green. I hope it all stays put.
This week's project: Painting the edges of the foam board brown, putting together some rock walls, and assemble some trenches with just a piece of 1" x 1/2" wood and some craft sticks, but no dirt berm.