"As a former scribe, I may barely speak conversational version of this dialect of Argivian, I barely comprehend their strange, almost dwarven runic alphabet, but I appreciate their love for libraries and correspondence and accumulating knowledge. Where Argivia is accumulating someone else's knowledge when they unearth treasures, Danaan has successful stored and maintained not only their own knowledge, but the knowledge of civilizations across the world."
Afiny, Capital of Danaan |
The seaside resort of Asimenio |
Government: At one time, Danaan was a true democracy... and citizen landowners. Through the centuries it has evolved more to a representative form of government, with a large swath of the population eligible to vote. The number of Senators has varied wildly over the years. 100 years ago, it was over 800... now it just shy of 60. Granted with the honorific of Philosopher Kings, they orate far more than they govern. The Boule is a part (committee) within the Senate. The Presidium is a bureau/cabinet/department under the direction of a Boule.
Multiple committees (Boule) dominant the actual work of the Senate. The Presidium of State appoints Governors to the regions. Due to the slow, developing nature of the Senators, most appointments are considered lifetime unless something beyond egregious occurs.
Dominant Regions of Danaan
- 1 Akro- home of the hill giants Dispatches #48
- 2 Affiny - home of the capital
- 3 Korinthakos - home of trade
- 4 Tyrol - home of military might
- 5 Kroei - poorer northwest territory bordering Argivia.
Religion: Xellnic pantheon only. All other faiths must not be in public. Enforcement can radically change from town to town, and by the day of the month.
Unlike the Ferasean gods, which Akana sits supreme, the Xelleistic gods are plentiful, quite elaborate, and while Zeus, the God of Thunder is atop all of the gods, rumored to live on nearby Mount Limpo all of the gods play a role in day to day living in Danaan.
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The Temple of Zeus in Afiny |
- Ancient Houses of the Gnome Titan: Many are no more than museums to the prior glory, with all the trappings of a tourist destination
- The Ruins of Evarhold - Former Steading of the Hill Giant Chieftain, killed by the Buring Trogs
- Afiny - Every square inch of the capital is a sight to behold, and every building a font of knowledge for those who come seeking it.
- The Well of the Death in Tryopolis
- Mount Limpo - Shared with Argivia, Danaan is the center of the Xellnic mythos, hence Danaan claimes a larger portion of the mountain for religious work, tourism, and strategic means.
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