I was first aware of the RBJ Game Company with their Pig-Face Orcs, so I'm forced to stop and admire their latest Kickstarter for 28mm Wood Elves.
Sculptor Bobby Jackson has provided a group of modern dynamic poses in the classic Warhammer feel. I also appreciate the resin fairies and "awakened tree."Pages
Monday, February 28, 2022
(Kickstarter) 28mm Wood Elves by RBJ Game Company
Another Month of Gaming (March '22)
Game Trade Magazine #265 is available at your Friendly Local Game Store, or available in pdf form here.
ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
Sunday, February 27, 2022
#FreeRPGDay is Set for 2022
#FreeRPGDay, the role-playing holiday of free promotional material and face-to-face gaming, has set TWO dates this year!
It appears North America will hold the day on June 25th, while the rest of the world says a prayer for international shipping and hosts their day July 23rd.Saturday, February 26, 2022
Traversing the Winter Landscape.
It's not a winter wonderland here, more of the New York scenes from Day After Tomorrow. Snow, sleet, freezing rain, a flash thaw, and a flash freeze make for exciting conditions as we traverse far and wide for basketball. Four games Saturday, followed by AAU tryouts and, if Millie's team does well, a Championship game at 3pm Sunday.
Friday, February 25, 2022
Mandatory Basketball Rant 2021-22 Week 12
Two more weekends to go before we can really wrap up the winter basketball season. I believe the West Hazleton league plays further into March, but that is a fun league for both girls, so no one's worried about playoffs, trophies, and the like. Once the Back Mountain tournament at Lake Lehman Hight School is completed on 3/6, there's a friendly month-long lull, building up to the start of AAU. At least AAU will have only six episodes, covering each of the six tournaments running April through July.
Millie's Travel Team: Gearing up for the two tournaments to end their season, hopefully on a high note. Two of the players won't be there this weekend, as they're playing in the US Field Hockey Nationals, but we did recruit two new girls from the local Catholic league team (still meets the overall same-school district rule for teams). Too bad the fathers have pledged their daughter's lives to the local catholic high school, as they would make fine additions to the existing crew.
The Local Rec League: Some of the quieter members of the board are beginning to realize the sheer lunacy of trying to host pizza parties during the final week of the playoffs, thus ruining any decent practice time for the teams remaining.
Two parts to this one: First, the President of the league decided to host pizza parties for the K-2 leagues, something we had already poo-poo'ed early in the seasons.
Second, the board (save me), voted to complete the double elimination playoffs in one day, instead of the normal two weeks. People are now furious that some teams may have to play FIVE games in six hours to make get the possibly of winning the championship. Not bloody likely, but insane nevertheless.
Combine those two factors with the fact that it's Presidents Day, and the buildings were already closed Monday and Tuesday (and school will be closed due to the ice storm today), that left 32 half court practice slots available from 5-9:30 each day, and the pizza parties effectively block at least half of them I posted the updated brackets, double checked the game schedule on the website, and I officially wash my hands of this place, save trying to schedule a 6th Grade Girls work-out and meet-and-greet with the 7th/8th grade head coach.
Millie's team won their consolation game, 26-10, with Millie having a hand in about 20 of the points. It was their best effort yet, but considering a best effort meant one player caught a legitimate pass for the first time, then promptly turned it over, it wasn't too impressive.
Maja: Save West Hazleton, Maja is done for the season, and has already focused on her dancing and joining the Junior High track team. A little faster footwork for both will help her AAU play.
Thursday, February 24, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2020 - Orbiters Local 519
#ZineQuest, #ZineMonth2020, #ZiMo2020, no matter how you hashtag it, should be a release of cool trendy little games... and a million iterations of trendy little games.
In Orbiters Local 519, you're part of a scavenger crew about disassembling derelict starships, it focuses of dungeoncrawling (in space), and focuses on the dangers, the "instabilities" of the ship.
I may have an interest in this game... because I've already pledged five years ago to a Kickstarter for Scavengers, a game where you're a team of scavengers disassembling derelict starships and debris from an intergalactic war. Instead of instabilities, PCs get into more and more situations were everything could turn sideways in a heartbeat. The Travis Hanson art lets off a completely different vibe, but we officially have a new genre: The all-out Space Scavengers.
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
(Kickstarter) Base Boss 2 by Reaper
Here, I expected some excitement over the impending Reaper Bones 6 Kickstarter, but here they snuck in a different one to whet the palette .
Base Boss 2 by Reaper allows for the normal flurry of plastic bases, as well as inserts to put over top most of their makes.
Not my jive, not my material, and not necessarily my price points, but it's a good variety of stuff.![]() |
Lowland Base Inserts |
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Sci-Fi Inserts |
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Attack From Space!
Now this is what #ZineMonth2022, #ZineQuest, and zines in general are supposed to be all about!
In Attack from Space: The RPG, the inspiration isn't the 'ripped from the headlines," but rather "ripped from the author's doodles in school notebooks.
ATTACK FROM SPACE is a roleplaying game inspired by the doodles and daydreams in the margins of every notebook I owned. It's the smell of freshly distributed Ditto'ed worksheets and art classes spent reading comics instead of painting fruit. It's cheap photocopiers, medieval knights with epic enchanted swords, and cadres of little green alien invaders from outer space clashing at the mouth of a dragon's den!(Star Wars d6) #26 - The Pretio - Six Months Later
Our "Heroes", six months after leaving Zeltros
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" to fly the Pretio. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
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The lush Aharo grounds on Takodama |
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Rumo the Artiodac |
Monday, February 21, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - The Last Sentinels
You know the one thing missing from this year's #ZineMonth2022? A good wholesome mecha game, and that was recently fixed.
The Last Sentinels is a GM-less storytelling tabletop roleplaying game for 3 or 4 players.
Play to tell the story of the Sentinels; giant, humanoid mechs capable of wielding devastating weapons and performing agile manoeuvres in zero gravity.
You’ll focus on one main protagonist, a gifted young civilian who escapes the besieged planet of AUGUR-V on a titanic starship with their remaining people.
They must defend these survivors against overwhelming odds as a vast fleet pursues the ship through their former empire.
But your protagonist is doomed.
Their story will end in death or betrayal when they succumb to the intense pressures of hope, despair, scheming foes and high-stakes mech combat.
LAST SENTINELS is written to be played as a one-shot game over one or two evenings.
But it's also designed so experienced players can use simple alternative rules to play a campaign spanning many sessions.
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - The Banshee of Billfort - DuckQuest RPG Adventure Zine
As the independantly promoted #ZineMonth 2022 nears their final week, there was a drop of quality, interesting zines getting launched on Kickstarter.
Not any more!
The Banshee of Billfort is a DuckQuest RPG Adventure Zine. The creator had a Kickstarter for the DuckQuest miniatures a few years back, but I couldn't justify the logistics of production in New Zealand.
With the pandemic, shipping is even more dangerous, but I'll certainly support this campaign with a pdf pledge.Sunday, February 20, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Dungeon Local 001 by Michael Elliot
#ZineMonth2022 should be producing a lot of unique items that I have not interest in.
...and then there's Dungeon Local 001 by Michael Elliot.
The dragon is dead.
The adventurers are gone.
Time to organize.
Dungeon Local 001 is a reverse-dungeon crawling RPG where players take on the role of denizens of a typical fantasy dungeon tasked with rebuilding and mapping their home. You'll create characters with jobs (their assigned role under the old overlord) and passions (what they really want to do with their life) and memories (events and locations throughout the dungeon). You'll take turns exploring the dungeon, creating a map, overcoming dangerous encounters, and sharing old stories.
Dungeon Local 001 lets players occupy the other side of the GM screen. You'll play as kobolds, dwarves, goblins, and more. No bosses, and no game masters. Just storytelling and remapping your home after the old tyrant has been slain. Were you the ones who slayed the dragon? Was it the last group of malevolent adventurers who invaded your home? Or was it the monstrous insect, a cave-in, or the result of a scheme gone wrong? Play to find out what happens!
Wizard of Oz Minis from Killer B Games
I was pleasantly taken aback recently, when Recreational Conflict announced that they were the US distributer for Killer B Games, specifically their Adventures in Oz line.
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Wicked Witch of the West |
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Hammerheads |
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Munchkin Headman |
Saturday, February 19, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Arcane High: Magic Infused '80s TTRPG by Savage Cree Hess
From the Kickstarter:
As part of Zine Month 2022, we're finally launching this massive project. Inside you'll find rules to play out your oddly specific fantasy of having magical abilities in the 80's. Included are 100 unique quirks to mix and match along side 20 different schools of magic! Each school comes with 3 unique and abstract spells that can be wickedly twisted to suit your every need. You'll find your classics like Illusions, Alteration, and Divination but you also find plenty of modern style schools like Electro, Gravity, and Mechanicy! We're also planning on a genre system that lets you set up different stories from romance, sports, to slasher. A trip through this stand alone game system will take you through 4-5 sessions, each 2-4 hours long.
Mandatory Basketball Rant 2021-22 Week 11
This might have been the year that started late, but it's turning more into the year that will not die. With AAU tryouts last weekends, and teams being formed, and tournament schedules out, I'm ready to call it a season and move onto Spring ball, but people just won't let go.
Millie's Travel Team: Currently just having a few practices. Tournaments the weekend of 2/25-2/27 and 3/4-3/6 will officially close out the chapters of these blog series. Not everyone is doing the tournaments, so it will be more fun than competition when the girls play the better teams. Experience matters (see below).
The Local Rec League: Is most in need of a double-tap to end it all. Playoffs have started and many of the parents have upgraded to post-season psycho mode. To top it off, certain board members who don't volunteer dominate the voting for expanding activities for certain divisions, when certain divisions should be done with the year (I'm looking at you Kindergarten). I'm certainly not volunteering for any more functions through the rest of the season, save updating the brackets.
In Millie's league, the playoffs went single elimination and they drew the heavy favorite to win. With very little support, and a few lucky shots from that support, their rally fell short 26-20. They do have a consolation game this weekend, and outside of a 6th grade workout and meet-and-great, Millie's time with the league might be coming to an end.
Maja's 7th Grade: The girls missed the Hazleton league last weekend because the 7th and 8th grade teams were headed into the league playoffs (and Millie wanted to cheer on her friends on the team, if not her big sister).
The Saturday semi-final game for the 8th graders was a tooth-and-nail drag-out brawl, but for Maja's 7th graders, it was another 20-point blowout. All the girls got playing time and continue to do well, and Maja benefits from mixing it up with the A-team, and holding things down as the Center on the B-squad. Even the girls still recovering from a dislocated butt (the diagnosis is actually quite scary, but we'll keep the levity up) play significant minutes after two weeks off.
Sunday was the championship game, significantly delayed by a double-overtime game for the Division 2 (bottom tier) championships. Those girls finally found a proper competition level and played their hearts out one more time.
The 7th graders cruised to a 37-17 championship victory with their full roster.
The 8th graders had a depleted roster against a 8th grade Wyoming Valley West team bolstered with 7th graders, so the coach decided turnaround was fair play. The 8th graders started to a barn-burner of a 1st quarter score 2-1, but then played the top three 7th graders as the game went by. I think the game was a 29-18 victory for our girls, with the game finally put away in the third quarter. There was grumbling from the other team, but just like the previous weekends when the 8th graders were non-existent, the rules were followed and the team couldn't be overly stacked with 7th graders far better than the 8th graders.... just three of them.
Regardless of controversy:
Friday, February 18, 2022
(Kickstarter) Dungeon Crawl Classics 100: Music of the Spheres is Chaos
I have been wildly appreciative of Goodman Games since the took the original d20 OGL and cranked out a wide variety of D&D 3e under the "Dungeon Crawl Classics" moniker. Expanding into 4e ultimately in their own Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG, they have proven very successful at what they do.
And now, they announced a Kickstarter for the one hundredth DCC module, the "Music of the Spheres is Chaos" boxed set.
Any boxed set adventure nowadays is going to be massive, but the concept of the spinning map is enough to make most gamers take a chance....
Day Off, Take Two
My alleged day of PTO evaporated. I didn't go into the office until 9 for a series of productive meetings with consultants and worthless meetings with clueless vendors, but I didn't get home until 6pm.
It was a great opportunity to see a number of co-workers I haven't seen face-to-face in over a year, but it was not a good use of time off.
So this today, I'm trying it again, although my team will be short-staffed in the afternoon. Let's see if I can get some painting done before my video doctor's appointment, and catch up on napping and blogging in the afternoon before Maja's big (and previously unscheduled) 9th Grade Championship game.
Thursday, February 17, 2022
(Kickstarter) The Silver Feather Adventure Guild - 28mm Ducks!
#ZineMonth2022 was going to fill a void of gaming purchases since last fall. I just didn't expect the other gaming items to quickly follow suit.
There's a special, odd, little place in the hearts of the Stout Gnomes for Ducks figures, and not all of it is Runequest based. This makes The Silver Feather Adventure Guild Kickstarter a must have in my household, even if AAU payments are due for the girl. Ducks in 28mm for everyone!
The best part? I don't have to give up my personal ban on UK Kickstarters, as the producer appears to be in, and shipping from Sweden.
Sick Time Hobbies
Between COVID, the winter doldrums, and some uncertainty at work, it was as good a time as any to take a day off. My schedule was completely empty, the kids are still in school (weather permitting).
While I'd like to set up some toy soldiers on my bed and play all, I think its time to get down to the painting bench and just spend a morning putting paint to figures.
(Edit: Corporate consultants came into the office today, forcing me to give up a relaxing morning. I'll take the afternoon off, and follow that up with time Friday morning.)
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
(Kickstarter) Goblin Civil War by Sally 4th
Good to see Kickstarter hasn't completely gotten rid of metal miniature campaigns, or zany rules sets. The Goblin Civil War in 28mm are a line of figures, terrain, and currently a pdf copy of the rules transporting goblins into the a Spanish Civil War style campaign.
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Party First: Twilight War
The biggest difference you will see is that of the horrors of THE TWILIGHT WORLD. Monsters are real here. They are real, and at best humanity is nothing to them. In the scope of this universe, we are seen as ants. At worst, these monsters actively seek the end of all life in the world. The majority of humans have no idea what sort of horrors wait just outside their narrow scope of the world, and even the player characters themselves may only have the smallest inkling of the truth - at the start. As a story progresses the players will come face to face with the horrific truth and either overcome or, more likely, be mercilessly killed or driven mad by their newfound knowledge.
Powered by the Apocalypse, Deconstructed by Monkeys
I complain about a lack of painting time, but in reality, proper role-playing time has been at a premium since before the holidays.
Our last story-line D6 Star Wars game was prior to Thanksgiving, and intentionally left on a pretty serious cliffhanger. I had intended to knock out our more light-hearted holiday game well before Christmas and cruise gently into January with some lighter fare before returning to dramatic resolution for the campaign. That final session of the holiday game finally got finished on January 10th.
Except I've been crazier than even at work and home. I've actually overslept a 9pm session, I've been the last one online a bunch of times, just to find that only one or two people made it. To make matters worse, our Wookie's player took a new job, which was a lot less stress, but still a ton of late hours which interferes with life, and our Sipsk'ud player continues to go through long-distance care of a loved one, and ultimately their hospice and cleaning up their estate. Everyone is desperately hoping for a resumption of the campaign, but it hasn't been in the cards.
So, in the last month, we've gotten two one-shots completed: A Texas-Fried Cthulhu game, complete with new characters, and completely random one-hour shot when I ran really late and knew we need to do SOMETHING for everyone else's efforts of showing up on time.
I remember there being a popular Call of Cthulhu published scenario that was a hit at conventions. The characters started off with no memories of anything, and it was up to the player and keeper to determine how the characters remember who they are.
I went with the vagaries of that scenario and used the basic resolution of Apocalypse World, as the characters were kidnapped, the vehicle transporting them crashed, and they had a chance to escape.
A chance was a relative term, as they were CDC monkeys who crashed in Central Pennsylvania.
The resolution system worked out well, as the players were inundated with soft hits and misses, complicating many things like a crashed truck full of monkeys would.Tuesday, February 15, 2022
(Kickstarter) Planet 28, 2nd Edition
Two years ago, #ZineQuest2 produced one of my favorite games I have yet to play, Planet 28 miniature skirmish rules.
Looking back at my post about the original Kickstarter, I'm greatly my only con never came true (the rules are certainly not some random dude's trash), so after two years and multiple supplements, everything is being consolidated and expanded upon in Planet 28, 2nd Edition.
Alongside fine tuning the existing rules, This edition will add extra content produced over the last two years - this includes exotic new weapons, character abilities and advanced rules. From fielding squads, to creating demonic weaponry, to environmental rules for fighting in the freezing dark or scorching desert, this edition will provide you with even more content to tailor your scenarios.
(Star Wars d6) Bo'non'as and Oopsa #7 - The Second Worst Travesty of the Day
With their success re-uniting the Kurabanda tribes growing, it was time for Bo'Non'as and Oopsa to try their luck with the final Space God, the dreaded Red-Eyed God. Even worse for the duo, the services of Uha'ul, the self-declared prophet of the Moth-God, would be unavailable. He was focused on building his faith among the masses, and growing the altar/statue to his god, which had started with pilfered parts from the Shiny Gods.
- Mohawk - one of the Kurabanda guard, off duty for the day.
- Slingo - makeshift sling throwing tree nuts to and fro.
- The Streak - the fastest Kurabanda alive.
- Pete - a bored Kuraband with nothing better to do.

Monday, February 14, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Barkeep on the Borderlands by Prismatic Wasteland
Barkeep on the Borderlands is a pubcrawl pointcrawl system-neutral adventure that takes place in and around the pubs and taverns of a distant Keep. It also introduces new procedures for running pubcrawl adventures and simple rules for drinking and inebriation.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 Downtime in Zyan by Ben Laurence
Downtime in Zyan is a rules-agnostic system for managing downtime between adventures.
From the Kickstarter itself:The unified but flexible system of downtime procedures presented in this zine allows players to leave a lasting mark on the campaign world beginning at the end of their very first adventure. The zine presents flavorful but simple rules for building institutions, cultivating relationships, crafting splendid items, gathering intelligence, mastering martial techniques, researching obscure topics, engaging in wild revelries, plumbing the perilous depths of spellcraft, mastering skills, and seeking enlightenment through spiritual exercises.
Upcoming Sci-Fi Goblins by Kev Adams for Regiment Games
Badger Games' Facebook page recently posted in progress greens for an upcoming line of sci-fi goblins for Regiment Games sculpted by the legendary Kev Adams himself!
I believe my Blue Martians need some brothers.
Saturday, February 12, 2022
(Kickstarter) #ZineMonth2022 - Unchained Mysteries by Jesse Burenko
The second part is all about rebuilding the very idea of a mystery from the ground up. It starts from the premise that role-playing is its own unique medium not beholden to the constraints, assumptions, structures, and tropes of other media. Proceeding from the heart of a dramatic mystery: a desperate crime and building outward through a vibrant cast of NPCs impacted by that event, a methodology for scenario construction that is teeming with unresolved dramatic tension is revealed.
The final part discusses the practical execution of the scenario in play. The focus is to move away from the idea of concrete clues and planned reveals and instead to focus on active and motivated NPCs that work to bring the player characters into their crises. The mystery is no longer an inert thing to be discovered but rather a set of conflicts still in motion desperate for resolution
(Kickstarter) Iconic Races II - Catfolk by Kobold Press
Somehow I missed that not only does Kobold Press have its own miniature line, but their reasonably affordable and they love anthropomorphic characters?
The latest addition to their Bestiary Miniatures is Iconic Race II Catfolk on Kickstarter. in both plastic and metal!
No only are the cat-folk in cool Thundercats vibe, but the Kickstarter allows for add-ons from previous releases, including Bearfolk and a pretty sweet turtle. The big thing that has my interest piqued is a stretch goal for Keg Golems. I thought that was just a joke. I was sorely mistaken.
Mandatory Basketball Rant 2021-22 Week 10
As these final days of winter ball are grinding by, my faith in most of humanity evaporates, but let's talk mostly about the basketball.
Millie's Travel Team: They got to the championship game late. Not physically late, but athletically late. The favored Freeland team jumped on them early and all seemed lost at the half, down 20-10, but corrections were made and the defense locked down. Unfortunately, the deficit was too much and they fell 23-18.
Yep, they only allowed 3 points in the 2nd half.
The team has two more showings in local tournaments before they get mothballed till the fall. We don't know where they're going to play in the winter because....
The Local Rec League: Is a mess. The weather cancellations (or lack thereof when there was ice) has resulted in extra games promised by the milquetoast president, when there is zero room for extra games. So I put out the first week of the playoff schedule. Surprisingly, the usual suspects (3rd and 4th grade) are fine with it, the rest of the divisions are losing their minds. Throw in Biddy Divisions still lingering due to their own cancellations, and there's zero extra practice time for the coaches looking for it.
Millie also missed her rec league game, to play with her AAU friends. I still haven't heard the whole story, but the only other guard on the team fouled out in the first half, the coach got a technical... and almost tossed out.... and everyone is sworn to secrecy about how bad the score was... against the previously winless worst team in the division. Single elimination playoffs start today, and I hope a quick end to the season.
AAU Winter League: This league has always been a bit of a variety show, with girls grades 4-7 playing, with skills levels from beginner to elite sharing the court. The drafted teams always seem to be thrown out the window, but the actual pick-up games seem much more balanced. AAU tryouts are today as well, so it should be fun to see who comes out and who actually makes the team
Maja's School Leagues: League and District championships come around very shortly, to time is limited to reschedule all the postponed games due to weather, COVID, or anything else I forgot about.
Since the last update, Maja's had FOUR Freshmen games, going 3-1. The lone loss was by three points, and they turned the ball over with 1.8 seconds in the game.
She's not afraid to face-guard the toughest girl in the league AND draw the charge. |