The weeks don't get any less rough, but there have been some peaks of sunshine through the doom and gloom.
This week has been numerous visits to my mom, who was dealing with a respiratory infection, then a serious bout of confusion which ultimately led to calling 911 and getting her admitted at the local hospital.
In the midst of these issues, she actually fell asleep, which allowed me to run an errand for her, grab some lunch, and run into the local mall, which just happens to have Cloud City Games in it.
Disclaimer: I spent way too much time of my visit next to this awesome display case of the pre-painted D&D dragons, on the phone with my Mom's doctor's office, trying to get an appointment, a prescription, or any advice. Spoilers: The actual doctor never returned my call, and the advice from the staff was woefully insufficient, hence my 911 call.
This is one of the nicer displays of the Wizkids dragons I've seen, if you're not weird and and want to keep them mint in box.
Between bringing family members on previous trips, and weird mall hours, I was last in their store pre-COVID, when they were in a smaller location two or three storefronts closer to the anchor store. The new location is spacious, definitely with some room for a few miniature games, roleplaying, or a 16-player CCG tournament without impact to gameplay or shoppers.
Cleanliness: Immaculate. Might have been the neatest looking store in the mall. Now, people usually don't toss comic books and mini blisters around like sweaters at an American Eagle, but I've seen plenty of mall gaming stores where "Warhammer Moms" would fear to tread, and after some encounters with folks at a Panera across from the hospital, the Warhammer Mom potential is super-high here.
Ripped off of their Facebook page. |
CCGs: Extremely well-stocked in Magic, some Yu-Gi-Oh! and if I wasn't pre-occupied with medical, I'd probably find some Pokemon. A literal ton of singles, with ingenious storage behind the counter. A good variety of singles in the case, with a few higher-priced vintage pieces, and some amusing 9.5 graded cards (see below). Lots of accessories, supplies, mats, and other options for the CCG player.

Board Games: While not immense and diverse, it was a good assortment of "holiday gift" games for folks who want to make the jump from toy store games to more complicated fare.
RPGs: If you want the 800-lb gorilla of RPGs, then you are in luck. Despite numerous visits to stores well-stocked in D&D, I don't think I fully appreciated just how much product has been released for 5th Edition. A bit daunting for a new player, but after eight years, something to be expected. Not exactly a place to pull a copy an indy-game, or even third-tier RPG game off the shelves.
Miniatures: Classic GW assortment of boxed sets, armies, units, and individual figures. Tons of the Wizkids D&D figures. GW paints and accessories, along with a display from Monument Hobbies.
Events: D&D, GW (including a 40k Pauper league), numerous Magic pre-releases.
Staff: The two guys behind the counter checked on me while on the phone with the doctor's office, and then again when I was finally off the call. They seemed friendly, nay jovial, and actually seemed happy to be doing work (breaking down a shipment). It's surprising how many folks working/running game stores don't realize they're working in a game store.
Comics: Cloud City is a traditional comic book store with a pull list, etc. Nice mid-grade Silver and Bronze age comics complimenting the usual modern stuff.
I picked up some comics (the latest issue of Flash and the Shazam mini-series) as well as some dice. As I anticipate more trips down to Easton in the foreseeable future, if I need anything mainstream, this is an obvious first stop for me. I grew up two blocks from the mall. I wasted so much money in the arcade there. The closest thing to gaming in there was the Waldenbooks and a Kay-Bee Toys. This is solid addition to a mall that trying not to die like the rest of them.
Oh yeah, the $90 Antiquities Atog. |
Given its location and the demographics of the area, I give the Cloud City Games Palmer Mall location four out of five gnomes.
My usual demand for an "Immense and Diverse" selection for 5-Gnome ratings is just not something a gaming store inside a mall can do... or should do for that matter. Cloud City knows what sells and stocks that inventory well. It's welcoming, it's got a community of gamers, and if you wanted something special ordered, I'm certain they'd be happy to take that order and get it in a prompt amount of time.
Cloud City Games is located in the Palmer Park Mall, near the non-Boscov's anchor store. Still haven't visited the location at the Lehigh Valley Mall, but you can contact both locations through Facebook
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