In finding inspiration for the 2025 #CharacterCreationChallenge, I don't have far to go. From an early age, my girls were notorious for leaving me random pieces of artwork in my office at work. Even as teenagers, and me with a home office in my apartment, they'll leave their designs, usually on index cards with Sharpees. Part of this week will be dedicated to one such card:
Let's start with Pinkie, for Gamma World 4th Edition:
Pinkie, 4th Level Mutant Radiant Flamingo EsperAttributes:
Physical Strength: 10
Dexterity: 13
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 10
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 10
Mental Strength: 15
Charisma: 19
Charisma: 19
Senses: 11
Hit Points: 59
Hit Points: 59
THAC Melee: 0 THAC Ranged: +1
Mental Defense: 14
Armor Class: 10
Robot Recognition: -8
Robot Recognition: -8
Stealth: +2
Speed: 12
Speed (Flying): 17
Hypnosis (8)
Identify Mental Powers (7)
Photographic Memory (6)
Sense Mental Powers (7)
Mental Blast (19)
Teleportation (14)
Oversized Limbs (Wings - 10 foot wingspan)
Heightened Mental Attribute (CHAx2)
Energy Sensitivity (D)
Back in Pinkie's homeland, they were one of the "Chosen Ones" who controlled the reptile men and their giant steeds. Certain families of flamingos had been bred to maximize their mental "gifts" to control the other small-brained tribes. Pinkie, however, was blessed with wings twice as a big a fellow flamingo, and radiant plumage that everyone of every species recognized. Preparing to be the high priest or shaman of the tribes, Pinkie was caught in a massive cyclone whose winds carried them to a land the locals only call the "Eastern Barrier" They are unsure whether or not to search for their reptile-men-filled swamp home, and build a bigger and better team with these locals.
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