Thursday, January 16, 2025

(D&D 5e) Helene Pilsner - The Key Mistress #CharacterCreationChallenge

Day 16 of the #CharacterCreationChallenge and I may have discovered my fatal flaw for failing to complete last year's challenge.  No, it wasn't apparent absence of alliteration, rather the the challenge being bereft of 5th Edition D&D characters.

If notes that this 2024 edition is more akin to 1st-to-2nd Edition evolution than the latter ones, and upon viewing all the 5e PHBs on store shelves, I think I'll stick with 5e for awhile, warts and all.  

With that said, here's Helene Pilsner, The Key Mistress of Saltmarsh

Helene Pilsner,  The Key Mistress, 3rd Level Human Burglar
Age, 21 5'7" 140 lbs
ST: 12 (+1)
DX: 16 (+3)
CN: 13 (+1)
IN: 14 (+2)
WS: 12 (+1)
CH: 13 (+1)
Hit Points: 25
Armor Class: 14  (Leather plus Dex Bonus)
Initiative: +3  
Speed:  30 

Skills: Deception +3, Intimidation +3 , Investigation +4, Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +5, Stealth +5

Languages: Read/Write Trade Prythax (Common), Read/Write Halfling

Speak: Common, Thieves Cant

Equipment: Thieves Tools, Leather Armor, Shortsword, 2 Daggers, Burglar's Pack, Crowbar, set of dark common clothes, hammer, 2 locks,  1-inch cube, with each side painted a different color,  21 gp.

Special Abilities: Expertise, Sneak Attack, Cunning Action, Fast Hands, Second-Story Work

Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor

The success in Saltmarsh hasn't lured all of the finer citizens to the port. Some persons of ill-repute like Helene tag along on the journey and set up shop quite cozy.  

Helene isn't yet twenty, and she's renowned for her ability to get most things open.  Whether picking it, bashing it, our somehow finding a match on the numerous keys on her body, she will open things to the highest bidder. 

Helene has gotten in trouble with Kreb Shenker at the Empty Net.  The conniving thug has double-crossed her and held onto a chest that was always hers.  What Kreb doesn't realize is that Helene's not interested in the gold and personal effects in the chest, but rather a certain something in a hidden compartment that only the finest thieves would be able to notice, much less open.

Personality Traits:  I always have a plan for when things go wrong.

Ideals: I don't steal from others in the trade.

Bonds: "Something important has been taken from me, and I vow to get it back."

Flaws: "Innocent people are in prison for numerous crimes I've committed.  I'm okay with that."

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