Saturday, January 10, 2015

(IOU) Tannenbaum

Tannenbaum is one of the longest running, and one of the most screwed up characters in my Illuminati University game.

Mid-Ranked amateur Men's Figure Skater on Scholarship (5)
Poorly-paid assistant manager at Uni-Mart (4)
Ballsy Batman Wanna-Be (4)
Novice Martial Artist (2)

Aka "Igor" in the German Nihilist Commercial Fashion World

Equip: Skating costumes,  dollar store utility belt, "Uni-mart in a closet", keys to a Galactic Parcel Service Truck up on blocks on the quad (needs a new nuclear alternator to run)

Enemy: C.T.H.U.L.H.U. (9+)

So... he's a collegiate men's figure skater on scholarship, who works part-time at a Uni-Mart (convenience store).  At night he's training to be a masked vigilante, but he's not very good at it.

During his survival at IOU, his figure skater came in handier than could be believe, his Bat-skills failed him often, and he's been the recipient of a few gifts such as part ownershp in the Anthrax/Public Enemy Rock/Rap Theme Restaurant on campus (which has since been sold to pay off debts.)   He does have a dimension altering convenience store in his dorm closet, which is now assistant manager to.  No one quite knows where this store is attached to the real world, but Tannenbaum knows he'll never be late to work due to weather, and sales are fantastic.

Last Updated (9/20/2015)

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