Saturday, February 4, 2012

(Gnome Wars) The Michael Lung Gallery #8

It's been awhile since I posted one of Mike's pics, and since I'm frightened at the sheer awesomeness of what he's working on right now for Cold Wars, I figured it's best if I get some of the old pics up, lest I forget to do so.

Without further run-on sentences, German Mustard Gas Artillery:

I think the shells are produced by Gulden's. French's would be too ironic.


  1. Very nice and just the ticket for the Germans.

    Sad to see no activity on the Gnomes War Yahoo group.



  2. Helen,
    Jim is a wee bit busy with the great ship game for Cold Wars, so his responses have slowed even to me, and I'm working on two of the ships for him. I'll be merging your questions from the Yahoo! onto the unofficial errata page hopefully tonight, as well as making up a collecting the unasked questions. And ship painting... I can't forget that.

  3. Thanks Eric, that would be very nice.


