With all the high school sports and other shenanigans going on, we finally got an experimental game of Fistful of Lead - Galactic Heroes in the books
At Historicon, I had picked up For a Fistful More, a scenario book intended for the original western version of the rules. With my city of Carf already set up, I picked a town scenario to adapt to the sci-fi rules.
In my Historicon games, (Edit: Which I didn't post enough pictures of... Time to put that post together.) the Chaos Space Gnomes had invaded the city of Carf, but were more than content to control one neighborhood and brew Void Mead in relative peace. However, their appearance had shaken the stability of a number of native groups. Revenge was in the air.
Chaos Gnome Heavy Weapon Specialist Raffen was returning home after a long day of drinking, brewing Void Mead (and maybe a human sacrifice or two... who knows?) He was as content as a creature of chaos could be when a string of high-powered laser shots sizzled in the air. Raffen was dead before he hit the ground.
May your spirit return to the void, Raffen |
As concerned citizens and Chaos brothers alike emerged from buildings, it was clear there was a sniper atop the tallest building in the neighborhood. But most couldn't believe their eyes when it appeared to be a scavenger 'bot with a sniper rifle attached to it!
R.A.L.F. with a good vantage point. |
Every race, every culture, every neighborhood in Carf used service bots for rudimentary jobs. Heck, some of them even had light weaponry on them for protection against the bandits and raiders, but no one installed weapons of true death (and the programming patch to operate them) and installed them on a murder perch.
And if there was one... there were probably other bots hiding in the shadow.
The Chaos neighborhood in Carf |
Bot Objective: Eliminate or scare off all Chaos Gnomes.
Chaos Gnome Objective: Eliminate (minor) or Capture (major) RALF the Sniper. No points for destroying other bots.
Chaos Gnome Set-Up: The neighborhood was divided into nine zones. Responding Chaos Gnomes were randomly placed in one of the eight zones (not the tallest building). By roll, four were place in the southwest corner, six total in the southern region, and the remaining two scattered elsewhere.
Bot Set-Up: Three armed "accessories" were place in any one building on the board.
Robot Alliance Liberation Front (RALF) |
The RALF had one figure with a sniper rifle (Armor Piercing, out of ammo on a 1 or 2), one with a laser rifle, one with a laser pistol, and one wielding a shotgun. Each had the equivalent of light armor and the Soulless trait (bots are not affected by shock, but are +1 to be hit).
All the Chaos Gnomes hanging out in the neighborhood |
The Chaos Gnomes all wore extra-heavy armor and either fought with blaster rifles (-1 to hit, but +1 to wound) or power sword and blaster pistol (shorter range, same stats).
TURN ONE: The two individual Chaos Gnomes each tried to play the hero, but the long range shots and cover the droid had just chipped away at the buildings facade. One had managed to duck beneath a building, but the droid got the bead on one slightly exposed around a corner.
**CLICK-CLICK. Energy cell depleted. Please insert a full energy cell**
It appeared the efficient programming on the scavenger droid taught it how to use a sniper rifle, but not how to reload it just as efficiently.
*click click* |
The Chaos Gnomes to the south worked under heavy cover closer to the building. Only one unwise shot was made. Another did start to scale a taller building for a better shot at the sniper, as well as a better lay of the land.
The other three RALF bots emerged from a building, stepping right over Raffen's body. Perhaps it wasn't just a sniper, but rather a coordinated ambush? And who coordinated it? There was no time for answers.
One bot with a laser pistol travelled north, the other two (laser rifle & shotgun) ran to engage the Chaos Gnomes. One engaged an over-eager Gnome and stunned him with his mounted laser rifle in melee.
TURN TWO: Chaos got the upper hand again with initiative and madly dashed closer to the building. Shots were closer to the sniper, but they still ricocheted off the building, or the bot's frame.
*PEW - PEW* two shots from the rooftop rang out at Brother Vakur, standing in the middle of the street. The armor piercing quality reduced the armor toughness for Extra Heavy to Heavy, but the saves were still made, but was double shocked, dazed and confused.
The over-eager Chaos Gnome, his head still ringing, managed to damage his bot opponent, the other bot tried to swing around them and blast the others with its shotguns, but the barrage missed everything and it too heard the defeating *CLICK CLICK* of the trigger.
The Chaos Sergeant moved forward to end the ammo-less bot, but his pistol proved wildly inaccurate and he drained his own energy cell.
But that's what mystical swords were for... next round.
Two 'bots to stall the Chaos Gnomes |
TURN THREE: Two the Chaos gnomes had managed to slink to the eastern side and finally moved up within short range.
One shot damaged the sniper, and only the extra appendages kept it on the roof.
A second shot from a different Brother cracked a leg, sending the sniper toppling over the side, where it crashed in a pile of smoke and parts.
RIP: MacGuyvered Sniperbot |
Playing through the remainder to the turn, the bots that could fire, did, and then promptly turned tail and disappeared.
The 'bots are chased off, and not a moment too soon |
A quick scenario for sure, and one that confirms that the western scenarios are far more vicious without armor. The fight had lopsided numbers, but mechanically was equal (Armor Piercing cancelled some of Heavy Armor. Blaster weapons +1 to wounded offset the Soulless trait.) We'll need to continue to add traits and weapons to future games... which will help us determine just who reprogrammed these robots. Scavengers? The hated GSM garrison? The Dink-Dinks? The Underworld Robot Overlords (You better welcome them!) We'll see next time!
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