Thursday, August 1, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 1 - First RPG I Bought This Year

#RPGaDay2024 is finally here!  The month long celebration of all-things RPG kicks off with an odd rarity over the among the 11 years of prompts:  The only "First" related prompt for the entire month

"First RPG I Bought This Year"

As I quote myself over and over, I'm no longer the demographic of the hobby, and that's okay.  I can't remember the last time I've poured over the monthly releases and put an RPG on my want list.  Kickstarter has moved on to be cheap pdfs and 3-D printing files.  I don't want to aggressively follow another platform and my shelves have just about everything I think I need.  

That being said, I always try to visit Cloud City Games at the Palmer Park Mall when I visit my mom, and they have all the stock minis/RPGs/CCGs/Board Games, but they've also developed an interesting selection of indy press and zine games. 

The irony that I picked up Punk's Been Dead Since '79 in one of my haunts as a teenager  is not lost on me (They recently moved into what was the big music store was when I was a teen, it ultimately became The Wall).   The concept of the  RPG is based on the rural punk rock scene of NW Ohio in the 90's and early 00's.  It's devilishly simple, conveys the feel of the those folks I interreacted with back in that time, and in good punk rock form, accomplishes nothing yet everything at the same time.  

And for ten bucks, it was a steal, that a younger me wouldn't need to steal. 

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