Tuesday, August 27, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 27 - Marvelous Miniature

Day 27 of #RPGaDay2024 and we're back in my territory:  "Marvelous Miniature" 

I saw "Veteran with Pick-Axe and Pistol" in a promo from Brigade Games, and it was one of the few "must-have" items when I went to Historicon last year.  Completely missing the context for this figure’s creation, I painted him up as an old Soviet, possibly a Commissar that's avoided the Purges through pluck, ruthless guile, and a penchant for saving everyone from Secrets the Committee Was Not Meant to Know, Comrade.

I did do some basic stats for him in Savage Worlds for the #CharacterCreationChallenge last January, and painted up some enemies for him, as well as an ally....

Adrik the Rusalki (RAFM)

Die, capitalist Deep Ones!  Share your gold with the State!

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