Sunday, August 11, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 11 - RPG With Well-Supported One-Shots

Day 11 of #RPGaDay2024 and the question is... old school or new school?

"RPG With Well-Supported One Shots" 

The immediate no brainer is Call of Cthulhu.  

For an RPG in its fifth decade, there are plenty of Chaosium published one shots, tons of licensed products over the years, the Miskatonic Repository is a thing on DriveThruRPG, and let's not forget the piles of files available over at

Out of the first twenty sessions of my classic Call of Cthulhu campaign, I'd say I pulled two of them from campaign books, two came from the same sourcebook (Secrets of New York), and the rest were either one-shots out of the rulebook, out of magazines, or collections of unrelated scenarios. 

I would also be remiss if I didn't mention Pinnacle's efforts to provide Savage Worlds One-Sheets.  While a scenario on one sheet of paper isn't as robust as the Cthulhu library, I've found them well-balance, self-explanatory, and easy run.  


I recently started using some of the one shots for Savage Rifts in my Gamma World campaign.  They've required some conversion and forced me to reference my copy of Savage Rifts.  The most critters stat blocks refer to the main rulebook.  Otherwise be creative!  No one has openly said that the rash of similar mutants in the region, the bright lights to the south, instead of the north is all connected.  Let's not even go into the militarization of the living metal as just discovered caches of Ancient technology, or perhaps the mass production for that tech.   

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