Greater Weissmach Protectorate
Pantheon: Ferasean
Ruled By: Ulworth the Blue of Weissmach. Ulworth is an elderly sorceror and an advisor to the throne of Ras-Prythax. It is his power and influence that keeps Ras-Prythax from outright annexing the lands.
Capital: Lindholme (Kinniver Castle) along the Great Eastern River and Lake Lurin
Other Cities: Lahm, Ivrin, Tarimas, Jasimov, Dryzak, Cloaker Bay (port)
Language: Trade-Prythax
Flag/Emblem: Blue Eagle, armed gold, on a field of white
Coinage: Ras-Prythax Standard
Important Personas: Prince Cromar Nerval (Lahm), Duchess Lorgin Destram (Ivrin), Zorathus the Pale Magician - Necromancer in far eastern Weissmach
Alliances: Historically pressured by Ras-Prythax for mutual assistance, Talmark
Hostilities: Nevskia, Wyrmnal
Open Warfare/Skirmishing: Between the independent nobles
Intrigues: Many petty ones.
Demi-Humans: Large groups of elven refugees from Agenmoor.
Magickal Devices: Impenetrable Helm, The Unanswerable Demands of Neferkhanu, Horn of Blasting
Thumbnail Sketch: The gentle reader must differentiate between the THREE Weissmachs. The general term "Weissmach" is used to cover all of the territory stretching the southern coast of the Mer Bal from Ras-Prythax's eastern border, all the way north to the Kalevalean Peninsula.
However, THE Weissmach is the large confederation of dominion, baronies, duchies, and principalities just east of Ras-Prythax. These states were part of the great Ferasean Empires, but after each one collapsed, they fell back into this uneasy alliance of convenience.
Generations of Krugrafs have decided that the lack of control of these random independent lords is outweighed by the vast savings of not needing to garrison the region. The Weissmach is never powerful enough to be a threat, but it's vastness alerts Ras-Prythax of trouble, primarily from Nevskia or Galmar, and provides them sufficient time to mobilize.
When one speaks of Weissmach in a political sense, they are referring to the Kingdom of Lindholme, which has been considered the seat of power for generations. With the marriage of Princess Adalade of Lindholme to the Krugraf of Ras-Prythax. There has been a change in power. Krugraf Adalbert II has removed King Nivrim Darion from the throne of Lindholme and installed his own trusted advisor, Ulworth the Blue, to rule the Kingdom, until such time as now-Queen Adalade produces multiple healthy heirs for the Krugraf, at such time she will probably be exiled back to her homeland to rule.
The similarities between The Weissmach and Ras-Prythax are quite obvious. However, it appears The Weissmach still treats their orc and half-orc populations that same as the emperors did, with honor and equality. It is not surprising to see the half-breeds in positions of power, in commerce, and even in the higher ranks of the Church of Akana.
The half-orc population is quite prevalent here as well. In certain communities, the orc blood is so ingrained within the population, that's it's not surprising to see just hints of small tusk protruding out of the mouth or an upturned nose that's almost flat
With well over 70 distinct dominions, enforcement of law is somewhat difficult. Each Duchy, Barony, and Principality has there own judge, or Totenlinden, whose word is above that of the nobles themselves. They rely on Freigraff, or "Free Knights" to travel the countryside, and perform the day-to-day duties of a peace officer. The Knights of Valor, part social order, part military order perform the general military defense, and its leaders are authorized to raise militias in times of war.
The Knights of Valor |
Geography of Note:
Colwood: This forest is known to harbor various forms of sentient flora, from tiny singing Snowbells, to majestic Ents. It's only known human inhabitant, is Waldemar Steppenhüter, the famed Arch-Druid of the Steppe Border, who oversees all other Druids from the Mer Bal to Marakeikos.
Trollskin Mountains: The natural boundary between the eastern Weissmach and Hermetus. Yes, there are plenty of trolls in the mountains,
The Ten Citadels of Sandovir: The capital of each of the ten small baronies within the duchy are entirely encapsulated in these stone fortresses. Markets, businesses, and tradespeople all live within the walls, and most farms surrounding the citadel are laid out so each farmhouse is closest to the citadel, so even the farmers' families and hired hand have a chance to dash for the security of the capital.
Palantine of Berndhoven: This Citadel is known for the the remains of a fame magical duel between Otto von Stein and the necromancer only known as Valeria. Otto won, but was mortally wounded, and the citizens have kept the battlefield damage untouched after centuries.
Palantine of Berndhoven |
The Totenlinden of Amberstol: The judges in Weissmach historically executed judgement from underneath an adult linden tree. The linden tree in Amberstoll is used today during the warm seasons.
The Totenlinden of Amberstoll, Duchy of Sandovir |
Mentions of the Country in the Blog:
Lost Dispatches of Feraso #49: Totenlinden of Amberstoll in the Weissmach, Alwin Warmark,
GM Notes: When I compiled the Lost Dispatches of Feraso, I plugged a lot of the miscellaneous adventures into the Weissmach, Nevskia, and Regan because those lands fit the themes of my old high school campaign at the time.
If Ras-Prythax is a fractured, but stable Holy Roman Empire, then Weissmach are the dozens of independent states that are together is faith only offset the over regulation, making it closer to the historical HRE.
And just for my collection, here are the significant, standalone nations mentioned in the Lost Dispatches and elsewhere in this blog:
Kingdom of Lindholme (The Seat of the Weissmach)
Gran Duchy of Oppollo (Logomorphs)
Gran Duchy of Tutongria (Palantine of Berndhoven)
Duchy of Oświęcim (Duchy in Name Only)
Duchy of Zator (Duchy in Name Only)
Duchy of Toszek (Duchy in Name Only)
Duchy of Sandomir (and the Ten Citadel Baronies)
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