Saturday, August 31, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 31 - Games I Miss

The final day of #RPGaDay2024 allows me to the be the over-nostalgic middle-aged dude that I am.  "Games I Miss...."

Variations on this prompt have been asked before in the last ten full years of #RPGaDay.   I'll consider my choice under three criteria (1) I've previously played it, and  (2) I don't currently own a copy.  

I'm going to need to go with Palladium's Recon, specifically the Revised Recon (with Advanced Recon tacked on for fun).  

I know there's a small and fervent following that dislike the the 80's sensibilities for a fictional Vietnam timeline, but at the heart of it is an imperfect but clean (non-Palladium) combat system that always got the job done.  Casualties were expected, things were bound to go wrong, and you remembered last names of most, nicknames of your buds, and nobody's name if you just arrived in-country.  

In all instances of playing, I always had a 50/50 mix of prior/active service and non-military.  

Somewhere around '94, I actually ran a Recon game based on the African Bush Wars.  It wasn't long (there were always three more people with three of their own games they wanted to run in the queue), but it was the first attempt at true campaign play and it was surprisingly working well.  

Palladium still has copies of the recollected Deluxe Revised Recon in digital and hardcopy form.  The Deluxe edition combines both books and has some new artwork but is pretty much the same.  I, for one, love the smaller book (especially considering Palladium's history with their softcover books). 

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