Tuesday, February 28, 2017
My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria Storytelling Game Preview
I have to admit, with two young girls and experience with my Dungeons and Ponies game, I'm a bit excited to see the new My Little Pony RPG coming out.
With this extensive review/preview of the storytelling game, I'm actually eager to purchase this, rather than adding another cool thing to my want list.
With this extensive review/preview of the storytelling game, I'm actually eager to purchase this, rather than adding another cool thing to my want list.
Monday, February 27, 2017
The Allentown Train Show, Trophies, and Mechs
I'm proud to say that for the fifth straight year we've made the Daddy-Daughter pilgrimage to the ATMA Train Show at Ag Hall in Allentown.
We started a crazy weekend on Friday with Millie's Kindergarten basketball finale, which was the only real game of the season, the two local elementary schools in the district playing against one another. Forty Kindergarteners would be enough, but add in all the parents, grandparents, and third cousins that wanted to see this elite event was quite overwhelming. Millie left early with my wife to get dropped off to a friend to go see Monster Jam at the local arena. Maja and I stayed to volunteer for the pizza party. Once we finally got home, Maja ran upstairs to grab game after game to play with her Mommy-Daddy time. After cut throat games of Go-Fish, Candyland, and Life, a re-energized Millie came home and it took forever to get them down.
It's not surprising that I had trouble getting them up Saturday morning, but we were gassed up and on the road about 45 minutes later than expected. Our new breakfast spot for Train Day, The Beacon Diner, was everything I remembered from last year's visit, for better or for worse. It's a diner. Dated décor, food platings that would never earn a Michelin star, but dammit it that day old Blueberry Crumb pie in the cooler cried out to me.
I withstood the temptation and soon we were in Allentown with two large realizations:
It was the first time in our journeys to the show that the weather was spectacular. Normally it's been a day after a blizzard or almost as bad.
It was the first Saturday we ever made it to. In fact, it might have been the first time I attended the show on a Saturday since I was ten.
The place was packed! Almost no parking, shoulder to shoulder, but the girls persevered and we navigated over to the layouts. With one small exception, the layouts have been the same every year, but don't tell the girls that, especially since they were finally tall enough that I didn't need to lift anyone up to see them!![]() |
Yes, Millie dressed up as a Wonder Woman as a train engineer for the entire day. |
Looking back at previous years' accounts, Maja had career record of 1-4-2 (ties are double derailments), so I was expecting her to try valiantly and be jubilant about the free participation certificate they give out.
Darn it if here years of experience and seven year old maturity didn't turn into a decent morning.
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The starting line of the train races... |
She actually blew through the first two rounds, and had a good chance against the eventual champion, if it weren't for an errant derailment. Usually the trains fly off the track in a crash reminiscent of Gomez Addams' layout, but somehow she made the turn a tenth of a mile too fast, so no one saw the train wobble just enough to lose contact with the track. It was disheartening, but she continues to impress me in all her little pursuits, be it gymnastics, basketball, or even train racing.
We'll be back next time... FOR REVENGE... or just a certificate.
After the girls' second favorite activity (pretzels and lemonade), they let me peruse the tables for treasures to take home and sneak past my wife. Unfortunately, there were no great bargains to restock my terrain.
The kids got a few gee-gaws, and I only snagged up a watermelon field and an illuminated standing magnifier to help these aging eyes
With that, we loaded up into the car and travelled across the Lehigh Valley to my mother's house so the kids could spend the afternoon with Nanny and I could hang out with friends and put together a game or two.
But first I needed lunch.
To offset the Saturday chaos at the train show, I was able to finally visit Chrissy's Steak Shop, run by my friend and high school classmate, Bob. With our normal trips on Sundays, Chrissy's is closed, but it was nice to catch up with him (the food was pretty good too!).
I spied a few trophies on a shelf, and upon further inspection realized that they were not only trophies from the good old alma mater, Easton Area High School, but the actual trophies from my senior year!
It may surprise some who know me now that many moons ago, I was a three-sport dude in high school (Cross-Country, Indoor Track, and Outdoor Track & Field), specializing in hurdles. Truth be told, I'm only responsible for the Track & Field League championship on the left, as I wasn't near good enough to participate for the Cross-Country District championship... and since I'm not a woman, I had no impact on the girls' team. Regardless, it's a matter of pride.
Food in hand, I hit my friend Brian's house just as Steve arrived as well. With everyone else no-shows, we couldn't kick off the next RPG session, so we broke out some quick games and chewed the cud.
Brian had already set up Deadzone (Mantic) for us. I liked the mechanics, the exploding dice, and the heavy use of d8s. We then broke out a copy of Tiny Epic Galaxies.
Steve also brought out his limited edition of Scythe for us to go ooh and ahh over. We have declared the next gaming day to be one of Scythe-playing and miniatures painting at Steve's. Date TBD.
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A board game with mechs that has nothing to do with mechs. |
Steve unearthed a huge gift which will be announced on a future blog post. More details to come.
A huge storm swept through the state, which fortunately ended right before I left Brian's to pick up the kids and get them home.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Apathy of the New Releases (Mar '17)
My Want List
Ninja Division Games
My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria ................................................................ $34.95
After just mentioning earlier this month that I need to restart Dungeons & Ponies, this is HUGE. Scheduled for March 2017. NJD 440301.
My Money-Is-No-Object Want List
One Small Step Games
Miracle on the Marne RPG .............................................................................. $49.95
A Great War RPG? Color me intrigued, if that's what they're actually going for.
My Imaginary Store (The Pegleg Gnome) List
Arc Dream Publishing
Old Ones Rising RPG: The Unspeakable Oath ................................................. $39.99
The Army Painter
Warpaints: Super Dungeon Explore Dungeon Painter Kit ............................... $29.99
Atlas Games
Unknown Armies 3: Book One Play HC ................................................................ $39.95
Unknown Armies 3: Book Two Run HC ................................................................ $29.95
Unknown Armies 3: Book Three Reveal HC .......................................................... $34.95
Compass Games
Paper Wars #84: Finnish Civil War ........................................................................ $46.95
1866: The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany ..................................................... $79.00
Arcadia Quest: Inferno ............................................................................................ $99.99
Cubicle 7
Call of Cthulhu: World War Cthulhu - Cold War -Our American Cousins HC ..... $24.99
Decision Games
The American Revolution: Decision in North America ......................................... $35.00
Eagle Gryphon Games
Harald ....................................................................................................... $12.99
Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Destiny Spirit of the Rebellion Boosters
Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Disciples of Harmony HC ............ $29.95
Star Wars X-Wing: C-Roc Cruiser Expansion Pack ............................... $69.95
Four in Hand Games
Rockalypse RPG ....................................................................................... $24.99
Welcome to Fate-powered, postapocalyptic, musical conflict! The world has ended, and only music can save what’s left. Grab your instruments, form your band, and get ready to fight demons, road gangs, and megacorps using the only real weapon: ROCK! Scheduled to ship in April 2017.
GMT Games
Clash of Giants: Civil War- Battle of Second Bull Run and Gettysburg ....... $55.00
Comanecheria: The Rise and Collapse of the Comanche Empire................... $60.00
Fields of Despair: France 1914-1918 .............................................................. $99.00
Grail Games
Doughnut Drive-Thru ....................................................................................... $16.99
Goodman Games
Dungeon Crawl Classics: #93: Moonslaves of the Cannibal Kingdom .......... $ 9.99
Dungeon Crawl Classics: Zero Level Scratch Off Character Sheets ............... $ 9.99
How to Write Adventure Modules ................................................................... $29.99
Greater Than Games
Fate of the Elder Gods ...................................................................................... $69.95
Green Ronin Publishing
Blue Rose RPG: Narrator's Kit ........................................................................ $19.95
Mutants and Masterminds: Freedom City Campaign Setting ........................... $49.95
Looney Labs
Chemistry Fluxx ................................................................................................ $16.00
Mantic Entertainment
The Walking Dead: All Out War Atlanta Camp Deluxe Gaming Mat ............. $34.99
The Walking Dead: All Out War Deluxe Gaming Mat .................................... $34.99
The Walking Dead: All Out War Walker Booster Expansion .......................... $19.99
Mongoose Publishing
Traveller RPG: Reach Adventure 3 - The Calixcuel Incident .......................... $14.99
Monte Cook Games
No Thank You Evil! RPG: Uh-Oh Monsters! ................................................ $29.99
Numenera RPG: Ninth World Bestiary 2 HC ............................................... $44.99
Osprey Publishing
Battleships Yamoto and Musashi ..................................................................... $60.00
Bolt Action: Campaign: Sea Lion ................................................................... $30.00
Lost Expedition: A Game of Survival in the Amazon .................................... $35.00
Shahrazad: Stories Unfurl for 1 or 2 Players .................................................. $20.00
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Legends: Curse of the Crimson Throne - Escape from Old Korvosa Audio CD $21.99
Pathfinder RPG: Adv Player's Guide Pocket Edition .................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Adv Path - Ironfang Invasion Part 4 - Siege of Stone ......... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Adventurer's Guide HC ....................................................... $39.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Airship ................................................................. $14.99
Pathfinder RPG: Gamemastery Guide Pocket Edition ................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Pawns - Strange Aeons Collection ...................................... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Player Companion: Legacy of the First World .................. $14.99
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands 20th Anniversary Action Decks ................ $11.99
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands City 'o Gloom and Skullchucker Arena .... $14.99
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands Classic 20th Anniversary Edition ............. $59.99
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands Good Intentions ........................................ $29.99
Pokémon USA
Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon Trainer Kit Lyrcanroc & Alolan Riachu Display
Pokémon TCG: Collector Chest Tin
Reaper Miniatures
Bones Obsidian Crypt Boxed Set .................................................................... $24.99
Bones Super Glue ............................................................................................ $ 7.99
Tons of cool stuff offered up by Reaper this month, both metal and Bones. The Crypt is definitely getting your monies worth, although I might wait and see if the Bones Superglue is truly better than other adhesives. I haven't had an issue assembling mine... yet.
Role 4 Initiative
Castle Keep RPG: Dice Tower ........................................................................ $14.99
Castle Keep RPG: Dice Tower with Magnetic Turn Tracker ......................... $19.99
Steve Jackson Games
Super Munchkin: Guest Artist Edition (Lar deSouza) .................................... $29.95
Thames &Kosmos
Exit: The Abandoned Cabin ............................................................................ $14.95
Exit: The Pharaoh's Tomb ............................................................................... $14.95
Exit: The Secret Lab ........................................................................................ $14.95
In the theme of play-at-home murder mysteries, these games are play-at-home Escape Rooms.\
Troll Lord Games
5th Edition Adventures: A6 - Of Banishment & Blight ................................... $ 9.99
Wizards of the Coast
D&D RPG: Tales from the Yawning Portal .................................................... $49.95
Heroclix: Undead Gravity Feed
Marvel Dice Masters: X-Men First Class Gravity Feed
Ninja Division Games
My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria ................................................................ $34.95
After just mentioning earlier this month that I need to restart Dungeons & Ponies, this is HUGE. Scheduled for March 2017. NJD 440301.
My Money-Is-No-Object Want List
One Small Step Games
Miracle on the Marne RPG .............................................................................. $49.95
A Great War RPG? Color me intrigued, if that's what they're actually going for.
My Imaginary Store (The Pegleg Gnome) List
Arc Dream Publishing
Old Ones Rising RPG: The Unspeakable Oath ................................................. $39.99
The Army Painter
Warpaints: Super Dungeon Explore Dungeon Painter Kit ............................... $29.99
Atlas Games
Unknown Armies 3: Book One Play HC ................................................................ $39.95
Unknown Armies 3: Book Two Run HC ................................................................ $29.95
Unknown Armies 3: Book Three Reveal HC .......................................................... $34.95
Compass Games
Paper Wars #84: Finnish Civil War ........................................................................ $46.95
1866: The Struggle for Supremacy in Germany ..................................................... $79.00
Arcadia Quest: Inferno ............................................................................................ $99.99
Cubicle 7
Call of Cthulhu: World War Cthulhu - Cold War -Our American Cousins HC ..... $24.99
Decision Games
The American Revolution: Decision in North America ......................................... $35.00
Eagle Gryphon Games
Harald ....................................................................................................... $12.99
Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars Destiny Spirit of the Rebellion Boosters
Star Wars RPG: Force and Destiny - Disciples of Harmony HC ............ $29.95
Star Wars X-Wing: C-Roc Cruiser Expansion Pack ............................... $69.95
Four in Hand Games
Rockalypse RPG ....................................................................................... $24.99
Welcome to Fate-powered, postapocalyptic, musical conflict! The world has ended, and only music can save what’s left. Grab your instruments, form your band, and get ready to fight demons, road gangs, and megacorps using the only real weapon: ROCK! Scheduled to ship in April 2017.
GMT Games
Clash of Giants: Civil War- Battle of Second Bull Run and Gettysburg ....... $55.00
Comanecheria: The Rise and Collapse of the Comanche Empire................... $60.00
Fields of Despair: France 1914-1918 .............................................................. $99.00
Grail Games
Doughnut Drive-Thru ....................................................................................... $16.99
Goodman Games
Dungeon Crawl Classics: #93: Moonslaves of the Cannibal Kingdom .......... $ 9.99
Dungeon Crawl Classics: Zero Level Scratch Off Character Sheets ............... $ 9.99
How to Write Adventure Modules ................................................................... $29.99
Greater Than Games
Fate of the Elder Gods ...................................................................................... $69.95
Green Ronin Publishing
Blue Rose RPG: Narrator's Kit ........................................................................ $19.95
Mutants and Masterminds: Freedom City Campaign Setting ........................... $49.95
Looney Labs
Chemistry Fluxx ................................................................................................ $16.00
Mantic Entertainment
The Walking Dead: All Out War Atlanta Camp Deluxe Gaming Mat ............. $34.99
The Walking Dead: All Out War Deluxe Gaming Mat .................................... $34.99
The Walking Dead: All Out War Walker Booster Expansion .......................... $19.99
Mongoose Publishing
Traveller RPG: Reach Adventure 3 - The Calixcuel Incident .......................... $14.99
Monte Cook Games
No Thank You Evil! RPG: Uh-Oh Monsters! ................................................ $29.99
Numenera RPG: Ninth World Bestiary 2 HC ............................................... $44.99
Osprey Publishing
Battleships Yamoto and Musashi ..................................................................... $60.00
Bolt Action: Campaign: Sea Lion ................................................................... $30.00
Lost Expedition: A Game of Survival in the Amazon .................................... $35.00
Shahrazad: Stories Unfurl for 1 or 2 Players .................................................. $20.00
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Legends: Curse of the Crimson Throne - Escape from Old Korvosa Audio CD $21.99
Pathfinder RPG: Adv Player's Guide Pocket Edition .................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Adv Path - Ironfang Invasion Part 4 - Siege of Stone ......... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Adventurer's Guide HC ....................................................... $39.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Airship ................................................................. $14.99
Pathfinder RPG: Gamemastery Guide Pocket Edition ................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Pawns - Strange Aeons Collection ...................................... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Player Companion: Legacy of the First World .................. $14.99
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands 20th Anniversary Action Decks ................ $11.99
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands City 'o Gloom and Skullchucker Arena .... $14.99
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands Classic 20th Anniversary Edition ............. $59.99
Savage Worlds RPG: Deadlands Good Intentions ........................................ $29.99
Pokémon USA
Pokémon TCG: Sun & Moon Trainer Kit Lyrcanroc & Alolan Riachu Display
Pokémon TCG: Collector Chest Tin
Reaper Miniatures
Bones Obsidian Crypt Boxed Set .................................................................... $24.99
Bones Super Glue ............................................................................................ $ 7.99
Tons of cool stuff offered up by Reaper this month, both metal and Bones. The Crypt is definitely getting your monies worth, although I might wait and see if the Bones Superglue is truly better than other adhesives. I haven't had an issue assembling mine... yet.
Role 4 Initiative
Castle Keep RPG: Dice Tower ........................................................................ $14.99
Castle Keep RPG: Dice Tower with Magnetic Turn Tracker ......................... $19.99
Steve Jackson Games
Super Munchkin: Guest Artist Edition (Lar deSouza) .................................... $29.95
Thames &Kosmos
Exit: The Abandoned Cabin ............................................................................ $14.95
Exit: The Pharaoh's Tomb ............................................................................... $14.95
Exit: The Secret Lab ........................................................................................ $14.95
In the theme of play-at-home murder mysteries, these games are play-at-home Escape Rooms.\
Troll Lord Games
5th Edition Adventures: A6 - Of Banishment & Blight ................................... $ 9.99
Wizards of the Coast
D&D RPG: Tales from the Yawning Portal .................................................... $49.95
Heroclix: Undead Gravity Feed
Marvel Dice Masters: X-Men First Class Gravity Feed
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Friday, February 24, 2017
(Painting) The Hill, Larry of Arabia, and a Prussian Bugler
A long weekend and even longer week chock full of hockey and errands meant a decline on finished projects at the painting table. I added five new figures to the top of the queue for a Pulp game that may happen before the last piles of snow melt around here. I hope to get those done before my Pulp Figures order arrives, pushing another 15 new figs to the front.
But enough first world painter's problems, here's this week's work.
The Hill by Brigade Games, painted in her Tarantino phase, circa 1998 Washington DC.
But enough first world painter's problems, here's this week's work.
The Hill by Brigade Games, painted in her Tarantino phase, circa 1998 Washington DC.
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"I am going to kill you, Bill..." |
The Arab Revolt figures I picked up from Brigade at Fall-In! were meant for Pulp storyline that got pushed back to a later "season." Their outfits also far more colorful than I anticipated, so I'll push them back as I acquire more research material (re: Ospreys).
I did have Lawrence of Arabia plotted out in neutral tones, so I figured I'd finish him up.
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"Let me help mess up the Middle East..." |
No plans on using him in a historical Arab Revolt game, but I have his pulp alter ego, Harvey "The Desert Wolverine" Fesco all statted out.
Finally, the mandatory gnome I've pledge to work on every week (if not more). The next wave of Germans are into beards and detailing, but the German Bugler from Gnome Wars got completely finished.Next Up: Some Cthulhu critters get first preference in the queue, and depending on the weather, more German Gnomes and a few Blue Martians that are *SO CLOSE* to being done.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
New Zealand is a New Location for Breaking Gnome
During a power shut-off at a house in New Zealand, assisting police discovered dozens of items that had been reported missing within the community.
Lawn decorations. Pink Flamingos. Garden Gnomes.
All they've associated the wayward fae-folk with drugs.
It appears that some of the potted plants and statuary could fetch hundreds for meth addicts.
Back when I was a kid, someone with this type of yard was just known as tacky.
Still not sure how much King Gnomefrey fetches on the secondary lawn gnome market, but those New Zealanders are a quirky bunch.
Lawn decorations. Pink Flamingos. Garden Gnomes.
All they've associated the wayward fae-folk with drugs.
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Not the type of pot most druggies go for. ( - Tommy Livingston) |
Back when I was a kid, someone with this type of yard was just known as tacky.
Still not sure how much King Gnomefrey fetches on the secondary lawn gnome market, but those New Zealanders are a quirky bunch.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
(Savage Lost) #2.2 - The River of Suspense!
Wishing to further explore the uncharted river that skirted the temple grounds, they entrusted native hero Bob Njano with the task of escorted the porters back to civilization to deliver the artifacts to the museum. With most of the baggage train departed, the party left consisted of:
Maja Millie: fleet footed archeologist with an aversion to guns
Kacey Barbara: photographer for the Daily Outlook of Detweiler, Maine
Nils Lingonberry: famed Swedish adventurer and sidekick for Maja Millie
Lord Jon-Smythe Cuppenbrush: wealthy English gentleman with a penchant for adventure
and Nigel, a local well-trained in a rifle.
With Lord Cuppenbrush and Nils' expertise in boats, a raft was constructed and they began their adventure into the unknown.
The river leisurely entered a fog shrouded mountain. Nils controlled one pole with Lord Jon help navigate. Kacey's keen eyes were kept up front to watch for rocks or any sudden turns. The rest simply tried to secure what few supplies they had left.
Soon the river seemed to drained directly into the side of a mountain! The party scrambled to find a lantern to help guide the way....
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River not to scale... |
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....except to Nigel's dignity. |
The river seemed to straighten out, although it kept Nils busy with it's unusual speed.
"I have a concern," Lord Cuppenbrush said, "that this river is most certainly going deep underground."
It took the everything the English nobleman and the Swede had to slow the raft against the current, but a hidden rock jostled the boat, sending both supplies and Lord Cuppenbrush overboard.
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Man Overboard!
Nigel attempted to grab the pole Lord Cuppenbrush was navigating with, but it quickly lodged between two rocks underwater, and the resulting momentum catapulted the native and Maja Millie into the rapids.
Nils tried in vain to control what little of the raft that wasn't disintegrating underfoot, but the current (and the odd sensation of going down a drain) was all for naught as he slid off, leaving poor Kacey Barbara clinging to a few boards still tied together.
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All is lost!!! |
Kacey swore she could here the Swede cursing behind her, but at the time she had two selfish thoughts: her own survival, and if that occurred, keeping her camera intact.
Soon, a pinpoint of light could be seen downriver. As it approached, Kacey could see the light had a subtled reddish, almost pink hue to it. Finally, a way out of this horrible river!
Her relief was short-lived as the light was accompanied by a growing roar....
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...To Be Continued. |
Our heroes' journey this season required a perilous trip down an underground river to reach their destination. While the basic script was railroaded (sailed? canalled?) a bit, we randomly determined the path of the river.
The river sets I own, come with three pieces: 12" straight, 6" straight, and 45-degree turns. For each new piece, the girls rolled 1d6 and consulted the following chart.
- 12" straight piece. Calm, slow current reduces previous penalties by 1.
- 6" straight piece. River drops suddenly and speeds up. Boating roll required.
- Left turn - Boating roll required
- Right turn - Boating roll required.
- Kid's Choice
- Dad's Choice.
Two consecutive turns in the same direction resulted in a -1 penalty to rolls, which could be stacked. Three consecutive turns in the same directions initiated the swirling whirlpool effect that cast most of the party members overboard. Once that was stopped by the 12" piece, we started the long approach to the waterfall.
As this is posted, the girls don't know if anyone, save Kacey Barbara, was alive when they reached the waterfall. The good news is no one took serious damage against the rocks, and none botched their swimming rolls, so they may have a water-soaked chance to react to their new surroundings next session.
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
New Critter Kingdoms Figure from Dark Sword
Darksword Miniatures has announced their new releases, and one of them is an addition to their Critter Kingdoms anthropomorphic fantasy line.
Meet Frankie - Cat Rogue
Frankie will retail for $11.99
Meet Frankie - Cat Rogue
Gnome Landscape from GnomeCon 2
With a pile of stuff on the "to finish" pile, and not enough time to do it properly, I continued to peruse my backlog of emails for ideas, etc.
Today is a fuzzy picture from GnomeCon 2 back in 2013 from 118 Fister's, demonstrating a "classic" gnome game environment.
I really need to order a stockpile of mushrooms for the girls to paint up.
And a better picture of the gnome fort from the GnomeCon website itself.
Today is a fuzzy picture from GnomeCon 2 back in 2013 from 118 Fister's, demonstrating a "classic" gnome game environment.
I really need to order a stockpile of mushrooms for the girls to paint up.
And a better picture of the gnome fort from the GnomeCon website itself.
Monday, February 20, 2017
New Projects Inspired by Irrational Number Line Games
With several items ready to be typed up, but very little time to do so, I perused by back catalog of emails and decided that it was no better time to revisit Irrational Number Line Games.
I was originally informed of this site way back in 2013 by Mike Lung, and haven't followed up for quite some time.
I believe I have an idea for the upcoming Easter game....
I was originally informed of this site way back in 2013 by Mike Lung, and haven't followed up for quite some time.
I believe I have an idea for the upcoming Easter game....
Sunday, February 19, 2017
250,000K! (Warhammer Not Included)
Sometime early Friday morning I hit a statistical milestone: 250,000 page views on this blog!
Now sure, with the rash of blog bots, I've calculated at least 40k of those views came from robotic friends in Russian, the Ukraine, and one weird morning in August 2015 by the Italians, but it's still an accomplishment.
I'm personally more amped up that my 2,000 post will occur sometime before Memorial Day. Most of those are written better than a Russian spambot, and I hope they continue to improve.
My tax return has finally hit, but after paying off the family cruise for May, I'm stuck in game order paralysis. Multiple orders from different companies and I'm still gun shy to pull the trigger! There have been some awesome sales that I let slide, but I just don't the need to stockpile minis for games that aren't on my horizon until well into next year (and next year's tax return).
I think I'm resigned to a Pulp Figures order to further flesh out the Pulp game. Fifteen of the minis ordered should have a prominent place in "Season 2" of the campaign.
Brigade Games will see some of my return as well, so I don't waste time on my day trip to Cold Wars waiting for them to pull stuff, only to discover that they got cleaned out an hour before. Miscellaneous stuff, some gnomes for samples on the Painting Guide to Gnome America, and some Frostgrave stuff for the girls.
If decide to break the bank for future orders, it will be to, for Sengalese Tiralleurs and Mexican Army Infantry? Yep, I'm picturing them as a cheap replacement for low-grade Russians. Outrageous service caps? Check? Large moustaches on some figures? Check again!
That, some flea market finds at Cold Wars, and my pending Kickstarters (Reaper Bones III, OGRE Plastic Minis, and Ganesha's Psi-Paladins and Techno Barbarians) will ensure that I always stay above 500 figures in my lead pile... even if my kids paint stuff everyday for ten years after my death.
Coming Soon: German Gnomes!, The Don's arch-nemesis! Mice! Halfings! Hopefully Episodes 2 & 3 of the Pulp: Lost World game (like you didn't know dinosaurs were coming...) Heroclix... and the possible return... of Burning Plastic.
Now sure, with the rash of blog bots, I've calculated at least 40k of those views came from robotic friends in Russian, the Ukraine, and one weird morning in August 2015 by the Italians, but it's still an accomplishment.
I'm personally more amped up that my 2,000 post will occur sometime before Memorial Day. Most of those are written better than a Russian spambot, and I hope they continue to improve.
My tax return has finally hit, but after paying off the family cruise for May, I'm stuck in game order paralysis. Multiple orders from different companies and I'm still gun shy to pull the trigger! There have been some awesome sales that I let slide, but I just don't the need to stockpile minis for games that aren't on my horizon until well into next year (and next year's tax return).
I think I'm resigned to a Pulp Figures order to further flesh out the Pulp game. Fifteen of the minis ordered should have a prominent place in "Season 2" of the campaign.
Brigade Games will see some of my return as well, so I don't waste time on my day trip to Cold Wars waiting for them to pull stuff, only to discover that they got cleaned out an hour before. Miscellaneous stuff, some gnomes for samples on the Painting Guide to Gnome America, and some Frostgrave stuff for the girls.
If decide to break the bank for future orders, it will be to, for Sengalese Tiralleurs and Mexican Army Infantry? Yep, I'm picturing them as a cheap replacement for low-grade Russians. Outrageous service caps? Check? Large moustaches on some figures? Check again!
That, some flea market finds at Cold Wars, and my pending Kickstarters (Reaper Bones III, OGRE Plastic Minis, and Ganesha's Psi-Paladins and Techno Barbarians) will ensure that I always stay above 500 figures in my lead pile... even if my kids paint stuff everyday for ten years after my death.
Coming Soon: German Gnomes!, The Don's arch-nemesis! Mice! Halfings! Hopefully Episodes 2 & 3 of the Pulp: Lost World game (like you didn't know dinosaurs were coming...) Heroclix... and the possible return... of Burning Plastic.
Saturday, February 18, 2017
When I Wrote for a Magazine...
Twenty-three years ago today, the editor of White Wolf Magazine wrote me a letter assuming/confirming that I wanted to be the line reviewer for TWERPS. It would last for a few months, before the Magazine evolved into the even more pretentious and moody Inphobia.
Friday, February 17, 2017
(Painting) The Don, Horses, and a Mouse
I continue to move random items off the panting. If anything, they are more long-term desires than
While I'm still awaiting the arrival of the few figures I truly need for Pulp "Season Two," it's fitting that I finish up some of the "Season Three" possibilities.
While I'm still awaiting the arrival of the few figures I truly need for Pulp "Season Two," it's fitting that I finish up some of the "Season Three" possibilities.
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The Don from Brigade Games |
I showed The Don to the kids after finishing him, and Maja's first response was "Donld Trump, Boo! Can my character kill him?"
I then explained that it's never good to wish the President dead, even if he was going to be a fictional character, ESPECIALLY when they were at school. Needless to say, the Don might be an elusive villain or misguided protagonist to avoid the Secret Service visiting my house. Of course, his main opponent is at the top of the queue right now
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Yet another mousling out of the dozens I have left. Even if I focused entirely on the furry little fellas, I have 22 more coming via the Bones III Kickstarter... plus eight giants.
These four horses were part of a cheap box of figures and miscellaneous bits I picked up cheap at the Cold Wars flea market. Part of Season Three might involve a bunch of Arabian stallions, so here's my first attempt at painting horses. The reins, bridle and saddle all things I'm unfamiliar with, and boy are they all-encompassing.
Next: Blue Martians, Arab Revolt, and more German Gnomes of Der Fleider Affen.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
(Gnome Wars) Gnomish Air Support
Gnomes have been seeking an advantage in combat since the first gnome slew another. One of the easiest advantages has been taking the high ground, and little high ground is taller than being airborne themselves.
Gnomish tinkers have labored in their workshops for centuries trying to perfect flying machines, but it has only been in recent history that somewhat reliable contraptions have been created.
Self-Propelled Suits
Drift: During the Medic Phase, balloons will adjust to the wind. Balloons will move 1d3 inches in a random direction. Tethered balloons will never be more than 3" away from the fixed point. However, if tethered balloons suffer three consecutive turns of 3" in any direction, the rope snaps and the balloon will move 6" instead of 3" for the third turn.
Weapons: Grenades may be dropped per the self-propelled rules approved. Bombs (unlimited) may be dropped by any nationality following the light mortar rules. Heavy Bombs (max 3) may be used by the French using the light mortar rules, but heavy mortar blast template
Hits: If someone shoots the balloon, roll 1d6. On 1-5, the structure take 1 hit. On 6 the pilot is hit (roll randomly if more than one gnome is in the basket). If the apparatus takes six hits, the machine drops immediately to the ground, killing the pilot. Each hit will deduct 1" of vertical movement to the balloon, and it will immediately drop in inches equal to the total number of structure hits.
Self-Propelled Balloons
Balloons with propellers are a recent advance and have been wildly embraced by many nations, but especially the Irish.
Drift: During the Medic Phase, balloons will adjust to the wind. Balloons will move 1d3 inches in a random direction. Tethered balloons will never be more than 3" away from the fixed point. However, if tethered balloons suffer three consecutive turns of 3" in any direction, the rope snaps and the balloon will move 6" instead of 3" for the third turn.
Weapons: While grenade and bomb rules apply, the self-propelled balloons are designed for light machine guns (single or two man teams). In addition to traditional drift, self-propelled will be moved an additional 1d3 inches in the exact opposite direction away from the target the machine gun is firing at. Tethered
Hits: If someone shoots the balloon, roll 1d6. On 1-5, the structure take 1 hit. On 6 the pilot is hit (roll randomly if more than one gnome is in the basket). If the apparatus takes six hits, the machine drops immediately to the ground, killing the pilot. Each hit will deduct 1" of vertical movement to the balloon, and it will immediately drop in inches equal to the total number of structure hits.
Gnomish tinkers have labored in their workshops for centuries trying to perfect flying machines, but it has only been in recent history that somewhat reliable contraptions have been created.
Self-Propelled Suits
Early flying were powered by the gnomes tiny arms, but soon improvements were made to allow pulley arrangements or small clockwork contraptions to simulate the flapping wings.
While early inventions were used to spread joy or presents throughout the villages, a militaristic use was soon implemented. Flying suits have been used for reconnaissance as well
Minimum Movement: 6" Maximum Movement: 18" Any movement over 12" is a stress test on the apparatus. For over 6 up to12", a 6 on 1d6 results in one damage to the apparatus. Over 12 and up 18", a 5-6 on 1d6 results in one damage.
Weapons: certain nationalities with unique Grenadiers may have their flyers drop tankards, cheese, scotch, etc. Automatic hit if movement is minimum and range is under 12". Use grenade to hit rolls, if moving faster, or flying higher. Bombs (one per machine) can be dropped, regardless of nationality following the light mortar rules.
Hits: If someone shoots the flyer, roll 1d6. On 1-4, the apparatus take 1 hit. On 5-6 the pilot is hit. If the apparatus takes six hits, the machine drops immediately to the ground, killing the pilot. Each hit will deduct 1" of movement to the device, however it must maintain 6" of movment to stay aloft at the end of the round.
Both hot-air and gas balloons have always been popular items. Most could be used for reconnaissance from a safe distance and, if they were hit, there was a chance of recovery before it plummeted to Earth. A balloon could be weaponized, usually dropping bombs. The momentum from gunfire would usually push the balloon away from the fight.
Movement: 0"-6" horizontal AND vertical. Balloon may be tethered to a fixed point.
Self-Propelled Balloons
Balloons with propellers are a recent advance and have been wildly embraced by many nations, but especially the Irish.
Movement: 0"-12" horizontal and 0"-6" vertical per turn. Balloon may be tethered to a fixed point only if the propeller is turned off. It takes two turns for the propeller to restart and allow movement.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
Gnomes for Song of Blades and Heroes
One of the games on my list to play is the The Song of Blades and Heroes skirmish game. I've fooled around a bit with Of Gods and Mortals, by the same author, Andreas Sfiligoi, and it didn't tickle my fancy, but after reviewing enough AARs, the basic fantasy version is more my speed.
That being said, I regularly lurk on the Song of Blades and Heroes Facebook Page, and this warband was posted by Enrico Imberti:
The gnomes (and earthworms?) are sculpted out of clay and the tank is simply cardboard, a pen tube, and a large bottle cap. Pretty sweet!
That being said, I regularly lurk on the Song of Blades and Heroes Facebook Page, and this warband was posted by Enrico Imberti:
The gnomes (and earthworms?) are sculpted out of clay and the tank is simply cardboard, a pen tube, and a large bottle cap. Pretty sweet!
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
New Releases By Things From the Basement
Things from the Basement has released a number of new laser-cut mdf models, including two awesome 28mm wagon models shown below:
The only thing that may worry the consumer is the long tongue on them, which was a bit more fragile than anticipated on my previous models. Otherwise, they, along with the other new releases, are awesome items.
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Delivery Wagon $8.50 |
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Box Wagon $6.50 |
Sunday, February 12, 2017
Why Do You Read This Bloody Thing, Anyway?
A weird winter storm hit the Northeast this past week, and by the time I got driveways shoveled, children shuttled over to Grandma's and traversed some pretty treacherous road conditions, I discovered a skeleton crew at work (and a skeleton crew at IT with some serious system outages.)
While waiting for the update, I kept myself occupied pouring over old blog data.
The blog is a labor of love and I enjoy peering in to the behind-the-scenes numbers. I'm never going to get big numbers, but I enjoy watching a post catch fire, although I've had quite enough with the odd-bots pinging the page from Russia, the Ukraine, and some crazy Italians.
While waiting for the update, I kept myself occupied pouring over old blog data.
The blog is a labor of love and I enjoy peering in to the behind-the-scenes numbers. I'm never going to get big numbers, but I enjoy watching a post catch fire, although I've had quite enough with the odd-bots pinging the page from Russia, the Ukraine, and some crazy Italians.
What have I learned after an afternoon playing with Excel, compiling Top 20 lists for each year?
- Go back to what got you here. For a blog that was conceived to focus on Gnome Wars and Family Games, I'm good with family games, but have been slacking with Gnome Wars. Specifically, I need some non-convention AARs. Continuing to paint up the crate of Germans should help facilitate that.
- A return to Ponyville is in order. My Dungeons & Ponies games were popular when I ran them for my girls. They've aged well over the years.
- People read reviews, so I better get them right.
- People also check out Kickstarter links, so I should properly word any critique of them.
- MOUSLINGS. MOUSLINGS. MOUSLINGS!!!!!!! I've come across only two mousling posts that didn't get traffic after their first week. The Mousling Fantasy/Savage Mice game and the 30+ I already have in the queue need to be moved up.
2016 | ||
1 | (Kickstarter) Brigade Games 28mm Apoc | Kickstarter |
2 | Mandatory Holiday Swag Post 2015 | Misc |
3 | Lost Temple of Kajagoogoo | Pulp |
4 | Fall-In AAR | Conventions |
4 | Rescue from Kisi Rushwa | Pulp |
6 | Evolution Games | Reviews |
7 | Teddy Bears in the Land of Gnomes | Gnome Wars |
7 | The Cthulhu Wars | Reviews |
9 | Treasure of the Maja Millie | Pulp |
10 | A Simple Trade | Pulp |
2015 | ||
1 | Battle of Isandlwana - Family Style | Gnome Wars AAR |
2 | (Kickstarter) Halfling Adventurers | Kickstarter |
3 | History of the Gnome 1 | Gnome Wars |
4 | Cold Wars 2015 - Saturday | Mouslings |
5 | Kickstarter Reaper Bones Coming in July | Kickstarter |
6 | Searching for the Lost Shrine | Pulp |
7 | The Board | Kriget Rum |
8 | Mandatory Holiday Swag Post 2015 | Misc |
9 | (Gnome Wars) Thirty Beers War | Gnome Wars |
10 | Plunder From the Tomb | Painting |
2014 | ||
1 | Review: Emerald Vale Games | Review |
2 | A Minor Reaper Mousling Rant | Mouslings |
3 | Bones II Mouslings Painted | Mouslings |
4 | Cold Wars 2014 AAR | Conventions |
5 | First Battle of Vaielle | Samoa |
6 | Fathers Day Battle at Hooks Farm | Gnome Wars |
7 | Dungeons & Ponies #1 | Ponies |
8 | 12 Days #4 Battle for North Pole | Gnome Wars |
9 | Hinterland Miniatures | Great Wars |
10 | Pocket OGRE | OGRE |
2013 | ||
1 | Zombie Cakes for Fun and Profit | Zombies! |
2 | Cold Wars 2013: Friday | Conventions |
3 | Pop's Culture Shoppe | Review |
4 | Gnome Wars: Runaway Princess? | Gnome Wars AAR |
5 | Masks of Nyarlathotep Now Avail | Call of Cthulhu |
6 | 500th Post | Misc |
7 | Gamers Edge - Stroudsburg, PA | Review |
8 | Battle at the Farm | Gnome Wars AAR |
9 | RIP: Nick Yutko | Comics |
10 | Adventure Games - Dickson City | Review |
2012 | ||
1 | Contemptible Little Armies Review | CLA |
2 | Hunting for Wizard of Oz Minis | Wizard of Oz |
3 | Gnome Wars 2.0 Review | Gnome Wars |
4 | Historicon 2012 - Thursday Gnome | Conventions |
5 | Random Name Generator | Misc |
6 | Feathers Fly at Rorke's Drift | Gnome Wars AAR |
7 | Fall-in 2011: The Battle of Yellowstone | Gnome Wars AAR |
8 | PDF Sci Fi Tiles | Legions of Steel |
9 | Michael Caine Kicks Ass in 28mm | Colonials |
10 | Impact Miniature Gnomes | Gnome Wars |
2011 | ||
1 | Paper Tanks, Not Paper Tiger | Great War |
2 | Settlers of Catan 15th Anniversary Edition | Settlers of Catan |
3 | Eureka Minis Release Mice Warriors | Mouslings |
4 | Run, Jeff Goldblum, the Dinos Have Nazis | Product Ad |
5 | Eureka New Releases of Historicon | Eureka |
6 | Masks of Nyarlathotep HC Review | Call of Cthulhu |
7 | Cold Wars: Gnomes! | Gnome Wars |
8 | Cold Wars AAR | Conventions |
9 | How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack | Review |
10 | Dice Baseball | Dice Baseball |
2010 | ||
1 | Historicon 2010: Uncle Duke | Conventions |
2 | Reapers New Mousling Line | Mouslings |
3 | Beer and Pretzel Gaming at Steve's | Burning Plastic |
4 | Brigade Games Panzer Drasine PreOrder | Product Ad |
5 | Gnome War Releases | Gnome Wars |
6 | CoC #1 - The Haunting | Call of Cthulhu |
7 | CoC #2 - Edge of Darkness | Call of Cthulhu |
8 | Mepacon, Gnomes, and Mice | Conventions |
9 | Game Prep | Gnome Wars |
10 | CoC #3 - Spirits Over Kingston | Call of Cthulhu |
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