My Must-Have Want List
My Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Space: 1889 The Strange Land ................................................................ $ 9.99
Space: 1889 The Strange Land (Savage Worlds Edition) ....................... $ 9.99
My Imaginary Store (The Pegleg Gnome) List
Alderac Entertainment Group
60 Seconds to Save the World ................................................................... $24.99
Cat Lady ..................................................................................................... $24.99
Mad Science Expo ...................................................................................... $19.99
Smash Up: Big Japan ................................................................................. $24.99
Asmodee Editions
Mysterium: Secrets & Lies Expansion ............................................... $29.99
Dragonball Z Super Card Gaem - Boosters
Catalyst Game Labs
D&D: Dragonfire DBG: Adventures - The Trollclaws ....................... $19.99
Call of Cthulhu: Down Darker Trails- Terrors in the Wild West HC........ $44.95
Cheapass Games
Button Men Strategy Dice Game ................................................................ $35.00
Chronicle Books
Vader and Family Coloring Book ........................................................... $14.95
Donner Dinner Party ................................................................................ $19.95
Ghost Story Dice ...................................................................................... $14.95
Magic & Fairy Dice ................................................................................$14.95
Space Travel Dice .................................................................................... $14.95
Pirate Adventure Dice .............................................................................. $14.95
The Games We Played HC ....................................................................... $24.95
Ultimate Book of Card Games HC ........................................................... $19.95
Zombie Cribbage ....................................................................................... $19.95
Fantasy Flight Games
Legend of the Five Rings LCG: Core Set ................................................. $39.95
I question the appeal of, and eventual sales of, limited card game structure, especially when once expansions start to plague the game. But this is L5R....
Star Wars Destiny: Empire at War Boosters
Star Wars X-Wing - Guns for Hire Expansion .......................................... $29.95
Fat Goblin Games
Castle Falkenstein: Firearms and Margarine ............................................. $14.95
Gale Force Nine
D&D RPG: Tomb of Annihilation DM Screen ......................................... $14.95
Games and Gears
Pathfinder: Heroes for Highdelve GenCon 50th Anniversary Book ......... $14.99
Games Workshop
Oh, Sweet Lord, the new 40K stuff hits the general distribution channels. But before that , let me complain about Citadel's Death Guard Green, perhaps the least appealing color I have ever seen manufactured in paint form... and there's a lot of gross Chaos colors in the line. Seriously, I have little respect for someone willing to pay $4.25 for 12 tiny milliliters of paint or $19.50 for a spray can of it. That all being said..
40K Dark Imperium Boxed Set ................................................................. $160.00
Between the hardcover rules, figures, and accessories, it looks like it's priced appropriately
40K 8th Edition Rulebook (HC) ................................................................ $60.00
Index: Imperium Vol 1 .............................................................................. $25.00
Index: Imperium Vol 2 .............................................................................. $25.00
Index: Chaos ............................................................................................. $25.00
Index: Xenos Vol 1 .................................................................................... $25.00
Index: Xenos Vol 2 .................................................................................... $25.00
Tactical Objective Cards ............................................................................ $12.50
Command Dice ........................................................................................... $20.00
Goodman Games
Dungeon Crawl Classics: Treasure Chest ................................................. $50.00
Fifth Edition Fantasy: Treasure Chest ....................................................... $50.00
Metamorphosis Alpha: Treasure Chest ..................................................... $50.00
A fat stack of appropriate product at a nice introductory bulk price.
Great Than Games
Scythe: The Wind Gambit ........................................................................ $30.00
Green Ronin Publishing
Blue Rose RPG: Six of Swords - Adventures in the World of Aldea ...... $29.95
Dragon Age RPG: Faces of Thedas Sourcebook ...................................... $39.95
Mutants and Masterminds RPG: Rogues Gallery Sourcebook ................. $34.95
John Wick Presents
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Cole Rules HC ................................................ $59.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Gamemaster Screen ........................................ $19.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Heroes and Villains HC .................................. $39.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Nations of Theah V1 HC ................................ $39.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Pirate Nations HC ........................................... $39.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Sorte Deck ....................................................... $24.99
Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Code of the Duelist Special Edition Box Display
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Kaiba's Collector Box Case
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Yugi's Collector Box Case
Max Protection
Keep Calm Playmats.
Not a big fan of most accessories that don't come with prices, and definitely not a fan of plays on the classic "Keep Calm and Carry On," but these playmats speak to me:

Conan: Conan the Thief ............................................................................ $24.99
Ninja Division Games
Onami ......................................................................................................... $29.99
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Adv Card Game: Hell's Vengeance Character Deck 1 .............. $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP - Ruins of Azlant Part 3 - The Flooded Cathedral .... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Bestiary 2 Pocket Edition ............................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Player Companion - Blood of the Coven ........................ $14.99
Pathfinder RPG: Ultimate Equipment Pocket Edition ............................... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Bigger Keep ..................................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Map Pack - Fungus Forest ............................................ $14.99
Starfinder RPG: AP - Dead Suns Part 2 - Temple of the Twelve ............. $22.99
Starfinder RPG: Alien Archive HC ........................................................... $39.99
Starfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Cantina ............................................................. $14.99
Palladium Books
Rifts RPG: Living Nowhere ..................................................................... $16.95
Pelgrane Press
#Feminism: A Nano-Games Anthology ................................................... $24.95
Timewatch RPG: GM Screen ................................................................... $19.95
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage Worlds RPG: Rippers Resurrected Collector's Box Set ............... $99.99
Plastic Soldier Company
15mm Easy Assemby: T-55AM2B ........................................................... $27.97
Pokémon USA
Pokémon TCG: Battle Arena Decks Landorus vs Genesect
Posthuman Studios
Eclipse Phase RPG: 2nd Edition Rulebook ................................................ $59.99
Steve Jackson Games
Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Boxed Set ............................................................. $59.95
Dungeon Fantasy RPG: GM Screen ........................................................... $24.95
Munchkin Shakespeare Drama Dice ........................................................... $ 6.95
Munchkin Shakespeare Kill-o-Meter .......................................................... $ 9.95
Munchkin Lite .............................................................................................. $19.95
Cthulhu Dice ............................................................................................... $ 6.95
Stronghold Games
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next Expansion ................................................ $29.95
Troll Lord Games
5th Edition Adventures: A8 - The Forsaken Mountain .............................. $ 9.99
The Storyteller's Dictionary ........................................................................ $24.99
Wizards of the Coast
D&D RPG: Tomb of Annihilation ............................................................ $49.95
D&D RPG: Tomb of Annihilation Dice .................................................... $19.95
D&D RPG: Adventure Grid ....................................................................... $24.95
D&D RPG: Dungeon Master's Screen Reincarnated ................................. $14.95
DC Dice Masters: Harley Quinn Starter Set ............................................... $19.99
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Box Set 7 ................................................. $29.99
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Box Set 8 ................................................. $29.99
Star Trek Attack Wing: Card Pack Wave 4 ................................................ $ 9.99
Federation Attack Squadron or Hirogen Warship
My Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Space: 1889 The Strange Land ................................................................ $ 9.99
Space: 1889 The Strange Land (Savage Worlds Edition) ....................... $ 9.99
My Imaginary Store (The Pegleg Gnome) List
Alderac Entertainment Group
60 Seconds to Save the World ................................................................... $24.99
Cat Lady ..................................................................................................... $24.99
Mad Science Expo ...................................................................................... $19.99
Smash Up: Big Japan ................................................................................. $24.99
Asmodee Editions
Mysterium: Secrets & Lies Expansion ............................................... $29.99
Dragonball Z Super Card Gaem - Boosters
Catalyst Game Labs
D&D: Dragonfire DBG: Adventures - The Trollclaws ....................... $19.99
Call of Cthulhu: Down Darker Trails- Terrors in the Wild West HC........ $44.95
Cheapass Games
Button Men Strategy Dice Game ................................................................ $35.00
Chronicle Books
Vader and Family Coloring Book ........................................................... $14.95
Donner Dinner Party ................................................................................ $19.95
Ghost Story Dice ...................................................................................... $14.95
Magic & Fairy Dice ................................................................................$14.95
Space Travel Dice .................................................................................... $14.95
Pirate Adventure Dice .............................................................................. $14.95
The Games We Played HC ....................................................................... $24.95
Ultimate Book of Card Games HC ........................................................... $19.95
Zombie Cribbage ....................................................................................... $19.95
Fantasy Flight Games
Legend of the Five Rings LCG: Core Set ................................................. $39.95
I question the appeal of, and eventual sales of, limited card game structure, especially when once expansions start to plague the game. But this is L5R....
Star Wars Destiny: Empire at War Boosters
Star Wars X-Wing - Guns for Hire Expansion .......................................... $29.95
Fat Goblin Games
Castle Falkenstein: Firearms and Margarine ............................................. $14.95
Gale Force Nine
D&D RPG: Tomb of Annihilation DM Screen ......................................... $14.95
Games and Gears
Pathfinder: Heroes for Highdelve GenCon 50th Anniversary Book ......... $14.99
Games Workshop
Oh, Sweet Lord, the new 40K stuff hits the general distribution channels. But before that , let me complain about Citadel's Death Guard Green, perhaps the least appealing color I have ever seen manufactured in paint form... and there's a lot of gross Chaos colors in the line. Seriously, I have little respect for someone willing to pay $4.25 for 12 tiny milliliters of paint or $19.50 for a spray can of it. That all being said..
40K Dark Imperium Boxed Set ................................................................. $160.00
Between the hardcover rules, figures, and accessories, it looks like it's priced appropriately
40K 8th Edition Rulebook (HC) ................................................................ $60.00
Index: Imperium Vol 1 .............................................................................. $25.00
Index: Imperium Vol 2 .............................................................................. $25.00
Index: Chaos ............................................................................................. $25.00
Index: Xenos Vol 1 .................................................................................... $25.00
Index: Xenos Vol 2 .................................................................................... $25.00
Tactical Objective Cards ............................................................................ $12.50
Command Dice ........................................................................................... $20.00
Goodman Games
Dungeon Crawl Classics: Treasure Chest ................................................. $50.00
Fifth Edition Fantasy: Treasure Chest ....................................................... $50.00
Metamorphosis Alpha: Treasure Chest ..................................................... $50.00
A fat stack of appropriate product at a nice introductory bulk price.
Great Than Games
Scythe: The Wind Gambit ........................................................................ $30.00
Green Ronin Publishing
Blue Rose RPG: Six of Swords - Adventures in the World of Aldea ...... $29.95
Dragon Age RPG: Faces of Thedas Sourcebook ...................................... $39.95
Mutants and Masterminds RPG: Rogues Gallery Sourcebook ................. $34.95
John Wick Presents
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Cole Rules HC ................................................ $59.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Gamemaster Screen ........................................ $19.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Heroes and Villains HC .................................. $39.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Nations of Theah V1 HC ................................ $39.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Pirate Nations HC ........................................... $39.99
7th Sea RPG 2nd Edition - Sorte Deck ....................................................... $24.99
Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Code of the Duelist Special Edition Box Display
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Kaiba's Collector Box Case
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG: Yugi's Collector Box Case
Max Protection
Keep Calm Playmats.
Not a big fan of most accessories that don't come with prices, and definitely not a fan of plays on the classic "Keep Calm and Carry On," but these playmats speak to me:

Conan: Conan the Thief ............................................................................ $24.99
Ninja Division Games
Onami ......................................................................................................... $29.99
Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder Adv Card Game: Hell's Vengeance Character Deck 1 .............. $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP - Ruins of Azlant Part 3 - The Flooded Cathedral .... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Bestiary 2 Pocket Edition ............................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Player Companion - Blood of the Coven ........................ $14.99
Pathfinder RPG: Ultimate Equipment Pocket Edition ............................... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Bigger Keep ..................................................... $19.99
Pathfinder RPG: Map Pack - Fungus Forest ............................................ $14.99
Starfinder RPG: AP - Dead Suns Part 2 - Temple of the Twelve ............. $22.99
Starfinder RPG: Alien Archive HC ........................................................... $39.99
Starfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Cantina ............................................................. $14.99
Palladium Books
Rifts RPG: Living Nowhere ..................................................................... $16.95
Pelgrane Press
#Feminism: A Nano-Games Anthology ................................................... $24.95
Timewatch RPG: GM Screen ................................................................... $19.95
Pinnacle Entertainment Group
Savage Worlds RPG: Rippers Resurrected Collector's Box Set ............... $99.99
Plastic Soldier Company
15mm Easy Assemby: T-55AM2B ........................................................... $27.97
Pokémon USA
Pokémon TCG: Battle Arena Decks Landorus vs Genesect
Posthuman Studios
Eclipse Phase RPG: 2nd Edition Rulebook ................................................ $59.99
Steve Jackson Games
Dungeon Fantasy RPG: Boxed Set ............................................................. $59.95
Dungeon Fantasy RPG: GM Screen ........................................................... $24.95
Munchkin Shakespeare Drama Dice ........................................................... $ 6.95
Munchkin Shakespeare Kill-o-Meter .......................................................... $ 9.95
Munchkin Lite .............................................................................................. $19.95
Cthulhu Dice ............................................................................................... $ 6.95
Stronghold Games
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next Expansion ................................................ $29.95
Troll Lord Games
5th Edition Adventures: A8 - The Forsaken Mountain .............................. $ 9.99
The Storyteller's Dictionary ........................................................................ $24.99
Wizards of the Coast
D&D RPG: Tomb of Annihilation ............................................................ $49.95
D&D RPG: Tomb of Annihilation Dice .................................................... $19.95
D&D RPG: Adventure Grid ....................................................................... $24.95
D&D RPG: Dungeon Master's Screen Reincarnated ................................. $14.95
DC Dice Masters: Harley Quinn Starter Set ............................................... $19.99
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Box Set 7 ................................................. $29.99
Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Box Set 8 ................................................. $29.99
Star Trek Attack Wing: Card Pack Wave 4 ................................................ $ 9.99
Federation Attack Squadron or Hirogen Warship
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