The Preliminary Event List for Historicon 2018, July 12-15th at the Lancaster Host has officially been posted here. <-------------
Even with its return to Lancaster, I'm only pondering a day trip this year, but if my stay grows longer, there's certainly plenty to do!
I've posted the events below that at least reach "Piquing ViscountEric's Interest."
I will note, that many events are run multiple times during the weekend. I usually have posted the first scheduled event that I found. The PEL pdf is searchable for duplicate events.
T:590:09 VSF Racing to the Castle
Thursday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 15, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Jon Lundberg & MBA Sponsor: Brigade Games and West Wind, Prize: None Period: Victorian Science Fiction, Scale: 28mm, Rules: VSF Races
Start Historicon with a light appetizer. Steam fliers, Walkers, Rocket Bikes
and boys riding raptors all feature in a race across the MBA castle table. The event is timed to end when the dealer hall opens. We run this event every HMGS con. This event should run on the MBA Castle table
T:335:10 Into the Darkness: NECROMUNDA: Underhive: DEMO
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D71 GM: James Nicholson Sponsor: The MechaniCon and LXG gaming clubs, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: NECROMUNDA: UNDERHIVE & House rules.
Do you have what it takes to lead your gangers to victory in the Turf Wars? Come learn how to play the Necromunda Underhive game. All models provided and rules taught. All ages are welcome 10 - 88.
It appears that MechaniCon and LXG are sponsoring a number of 'Munda and 40k games all weekend at various. Check out the actual PEL for specifics.
T:405:10 Into the Darkness: WARHAMMER 40K: The Plains of KALDORON: TANKS
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D73 GM: James Harvey Sponsor: LXG & The MECHANICON, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: WARHAMMER 40K & House rules. Come join us in a Warhammer 40,000 TANKFEST. The Plains of KALDORON have seen the most vicious tank battles in the 40th millennium. Come command a tank or squadron in this infamous tank battle. Will you become a new tank ACE or get destroyed with your tank?
I know there's a certain demographic that harrumphs the sci-fi and fantasy entries at HISTORICON, but if the board looks good, the GM runs a decent game, and the people have fun, it's a far better draw than giant Napoleonic extravaganza that seems to draw the same twelve grognards.. every... single. con...
T:161:10 Picnic Panic Walk Up Demo (Kid Friendly)
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 1.5 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Heritage, Table #: HG1 GM: Ben Rubin Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Picnic Panic
Come try Picnic Panic, the game of ant warfare. Command a tribe of ants, each with its own unique abilities and advantages, as you wage war over a treasure trove of candy left by careless humans. Play as the noble firstborn,the strong horned ants, the undead black ants, or the hard fighting, hard partying nomants. Eat the candy you capture. Fast-play, easy to learn introduction to the hobby. Adults welcome with playing child. No ticket required.
T:568:10 Zombies and More Zombies
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: New Holland, Table #: NH1 GM: Kenny Noe & ODGW Sponsor: ODGW, Prize: None Period: Zombie Apocalyptic, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Mein Zombie
Come play and learn Mein Zombie!! Great game for all gamers 8 years old and up!! The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! Join a band of survivors are they try and reach a safe extraction point. However to get there they must travel through zombie territory and survive roaming hoards of zombies. The ever present fear of being eaten alive or bitten and becoming a zombie yourself! Rules taught Beginners welcomed
T:578:10 Zombies in the Desert
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 10, Room: New Holland, Table #: NH2 GM: Don Carter & ODGW Sponsor: ODGW, Prize: None Period: World War II, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Mein Zombie
1942 - A plague has broken out in North Africa. Survivors from both sides join together to fight the hoard!! Troops scattered in the sand receive orders to rendezvous at Tobruk. Come and play a British or German soldier stop this evil plague! Rules will be taught. Beginners welcomed!
T:391:10 Zulu Ambush! – Theme
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D61 GM: John Desch Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 15mm, Rules: The Men Who Would Be Kings No 1 Column has just crossed the Inyezane River when 6,000 Zulus swarmed over the hills into the British column. What happened next was a hotly contested battle. This game will warm the hearts of colonial enthusiasts, and is complete with British naval troops, Gatlings, and such. The rules will be taught. Children accompanied by an adult are welcome. See you there!
T:537:11 Battletech - Grinder 1
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 10, Room: Kinderhook, Table #: K2,3 GM: David Yingling & Battletech Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 1:285 micro, Rules: Battletech - Total Warfare
The Grinder is a free for all Battletech Demo game where new (or returning) players will be taught using the Introductory Rules. You start out with a Light mech and as you die, you advance to the next weight class. All materials, miniatures, and dice will be provided. Beginner Friendly and Rules taught.
The Grinder Events events are run all through the con and are great ways to blow out some steam.
T:237:11 Zombieland "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Wawa"
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 6 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D45 GM: Mark Follmer Sponsor: none, Prize: none Period: Modern, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Zombieland Homebrewed Rules
Zombieland is an easy rules and lots of action game. Players attempt to survive the zombie apocalypse while obeying certain rules. Needless to say, we're going to roll dice, shout, and have fun; the zombies will keep on shambling along as the few human PCs try to survive the undead and each other. And any time a die roll comes up '1', another zombie enters play! Fight the undead horde and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that YOU have prepared for the zombie apocalypse - at least a little bit. Children allowed with responsible adult. The Follmers are not responsible adults. Feel free to stop by and jump in playing if you like, we're friendly
T:592:13 The King is Wandering Again
Thursday, 1:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Jon Lundberg & MBA Sponsor: Brigade Games and West Wind, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Lion Rampant
Henry VI is holed up in a Royal Castle and is not in his right mind. The Yorkist forces began a siege, but were interrupted by a relieving force. Henry's guard has sallied out to help the rescuers, but Yorkist reinforcements are threatening to bag the whole mess. The Crown rest with the winner. This event should run on the MBA Castle table
T:330:18 Seize or Die: Storm at Aob! (German South-West Africa, 1905)
Thursday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D34 GM: Roy Jones Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: German South-West Africa Miniatures Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)
Nama rifle fire sweeps the battlefield of Aob, and German officers and men are cut down like grass. The Germans have only two choices: seize the Nama-occupied trench on the ridge to their front, or die out in the open! Meanwhile, German gunners to the rear are running out of shells, and soon will be forced to pick up their carbines to provide fire support for the infantry storming the trench. But as German bayonets approach the Nama line, Nama leader Jakob Morenga has a trick up his sleeve. From the upcoming scenario book "The Nama Wars"•. More at:
T:134:19 Pantheon: The Fall of Olympus
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 4, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D84 GM: Kalissa Skibicki Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Mythic Battles: Pantheon
Zeus' reign over Olympus is over and chaos is rampant! The Titans and monsters have been released from Hades' realm. The Gods are too busy fighting each other for power. Legendary heroes have returned to the world. Mythic Battles: Pantheon allows you to pick a God and fight for the right to reign supreme. Who will you chose and will you prevail? Rules will be taught and kid (8+) friendly.
T:588:19 Trench Wars: Poland 1920--Red Star vs. White Eagle – Theme
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Frank Luberti & MBA Sponsor: MBA, Prize: None Period: Inter-War, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Trench Wars (modified)
Skirmish game using the Trench Wars rules modified for the Russo-Polish War. Novices, children with adults, rules lawyers and GMs looking for revenge welcome. Scenario inspired by the classic board game Red Star/White Eagle designed by David Williams, first published by GDW in 1979 and updated by Compass Games in 2018. Terrain by MBA; figures painted by John Spiess. Players under 14 welcome with a playing adult.
F:457:09 Bad Day on the Santa Fe
Friday, 9:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Paradise, Table #: P5 GM: James Nickle & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Western, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood and Swash
The train has pulled out of Winslow, Arizona on a quiet day in April of 1882. However, the barricade on the tracks ahead does not bode well for the day to remain either peaceful or quiet!! Simple, quick play rules mean you need to keep on your toes and have that peacemaker handy.
F:461:09 Exploring the Dark Continent
Friday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Paradise, Table #: P6 GM: Don Hogge & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Congo
Africa, the dark and mysterious continent; what adventures await those bold enough to venture into the vast jungle? Come and lead a column in search of fame and fortune; or to defend your homeland from bumbling European explorers. Gamers under the age of 14 are welcome with an adult.
F:203:09 Khalkin Gol - the Nomonhan Incident 1939
Friday, 9:00 AM, 5 hrs, Players: 5, Room: Hotel Lobby, Table #: HL4 GM: Michael Sincavage Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: World War II, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Battlefront
In moves best explained by machismo, Russia and Japan battle ferociously for meaningless territory in Manchuria in late 1939. Both sides have large AFV contingents, and while the Japanese have zeal, the Russians are tenacious with better armor and reserves. Brutal fighting is dominated by uphill close assaults. Seemingly irrelevant, this struggle ends up significantly affecting WWII war strategy. Familiarity with Battlefront rules or concepts is needed as only a brief review of the rules will be made.
F:343:10 Star Wars Rebels: Imperial Assault
Friday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 10, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D36 GM: John Shirey Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 54mm, Rules: Star War Rebellion
The Empire sends in an Imperial force to wipe out the rebel scum. The rebels are well prepared for a tough fight. Will the force be with rebels or with the Empire. Game uses Hasbro Star Wars figures and models. Kid friendly game.
F:636:13 Lancaster County Convention Center site visit
Friday, 1:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Hotel Lobby, Table #: Hotel Reg Desk GM: John Spiess & HMGS Sponsor: HMGS, Prize: None Period: Modern, Scale: N/A, Rules: N/A
Site visit to the LCCC for any interested club contacts, exhibitors, or members in general who would like to see the Hcon 2019 venue. We have transportation for six. We can take more but you'll need your own transportation if we go over the six. Please arrive 10 minutes before event start/departure time.
Next year's Historicon will be at the Lancaster Convention Center, in Downtown Lancaster, so the board of directors has taken it upon themselves to offer tours of the facility throughout the con to ally fears, answer questions, and have clubs, vendors, and attendees bring up questions that were overlooked with plenty of time to address them.
F:456:14 Bootleg Whiskey, Guns or Money?
Friday, 2:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Paradise, Table #: P5 GM: James Nickle & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Inter-War, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood and Swash
The Santa Fe's Flagship train the Chief is scheduled to pull into Chicago soon on a pretty spring day in May of 1922. It soon becomes clear that the train is slowing long before its next scheduled stop in rural Illinois. What is on board that makes this train worth fighting over? Find out as you play fast and furious with tommy guns and 45's as gangland brings its greed into the peaceful countryside
F:328:16 All for a Pig
Friday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D61 GM: Joseph Morris Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Lion Rampant/Dragon Rampant
It all started as good news. A large sow had wandered onto the duke's lands. Bacon for everyone! Then this lot o' rough looking gits in full battle kit shows up, sayin' it's their pig. It's on the Duke's lands, right. So we reckon it's our pig now. Tough customers or not. Children OK with Playing adult. Beginners welcome
F:421:19 Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF1 GM: Jeffrey Hiley Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago
The Ghost Archipelago appears every few centuries. Filled with steaming jungles, lost cities, deadly monsters and untold treasures. Each player takes on the role of a Heritor, a superhuman warrior, leading a crew of adventurers in the Lost Isles, searching for wealth, and the fabled Crystal Pool. Beginners Welcome, rules taught. Kids under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
F:613:19 Gnome Wars: The Incident at Elmore's Castle
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: James Stanton & MBA Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority and Brigade Games, Prize: Buildings and Gnomes Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
The Allied forces have launched an all out assault on the German positions at Elmore's Castle. The Germans, having been caught by surprise, are spread thin but are standing firm praying that the expected relief column is nearby. Extra Info: Players with a painted unit from Brigade Games do not need pre-register. Rules will be taught. No one under age 14 without a playing adult. Parent-Child teams encouraged
F:654:19 Membership Meeting
Friday, 7:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 24, Room: Hopewell, Table #: GM: Joby Miller & HMGS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Modern, Scale: N/A, Rules: Roberts Rules of Order
2018 Annual Historicon HMGS Membership Meeting. Open to all members
F:166:21 Picnic Panic (For Adults)
Friday, 9:00 PM, 1.5 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Heritage, Table #: HG1 GM: Ben Rubin Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Picnic Panic
You've played in one of our Picnic Panic demos (or maybe you haven't) with your kids (or maybe you don't even have kids, we don't judge). But did you know Picnic Panic is also a great late night adult game, with just a few significant tweaks? It's been a long day of gaming. Come unwind with us by playing something fast, fun, and to consume. We promise we won't tell your kids
S:449:10 ALIENS
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Paradise, Table #: P5 GM: Harry Kogelschatz & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 6 inch action figures, Rules: Home Rules
The big bug hunt is back! Communication with Hadley's Hope the terraforming colony on Acheron (LV-426) has stopped. The colonial marines are being sent to investigate. Join this action packed rescue mission. Kids under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
S:469:10 Skirmish at Schlegel's Farm (Kids' Game) – Theme
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Paradise, Table #: P8 GM: Eric Schlegel & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: American Civil War, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Home The Yankees and Rebs are both hungry and Schlegel's Farm is well stocked. Whoever controls the farm gets dinner tonight. The HAWKS will be hosting one table of shorter games for Kids all day Saturday. Come help us introduce your kid to the fun of miniature gaming.
S:420:11 Blood in the Sudan – Theme
Saturday, 11:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Host 2, Table #: HO2 3 GM: Bob Liebl Sponsor: None, Prize: Cookies Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: TSATF modified
Britain, under Queen Victoria, wanted the best for everyone, and Britain was the best. The fact that the Sudanese had other ideas meant that the Sudanese would have to change. Under a British admiration, a line must be drawn in the sand. Blood would be spilled, but all for progress. A balanced slug fest, in the Victorian age.
S:204:12 A Splendid Little War... The Spanish American War Revisited
Saturday, 12:00 PM, 5 hrs, Players: 10, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D84,85 GM: Bryan Leshinskie Sponsor: None, Prize: The Prize is Surprise Period: Early 20th Century, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Modified Sword and the Flame expanded and revised
When the main blew up in Havana harbor the battle cry was remember the Maine and to hell with Spain. The U.S. declared war and in 1898 the American V Corp led by General Shafter invaded Cuba with the objective of taking Santiago. Veteran Game Master Bryan W. Leshinskie will simulate the invasion of Cuba to included the Naval Battle of Santiago. Yes a land and sea action. This will be the first major war fought since the Civil War. Can you lead the Rough Riders up San Juan hill? All welcomed to play with no one ever turned away...
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 20, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF4 GM: Howard Whitehouse & MBA Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority, Prize: None Period: Modern, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Astounding Tales!
The tiny, geographically dubious island of Scrofula is known for many things, most of them very bad - a cruel dictatorship, the drug trade, fanatical revolutionaries, grinding poverty, snakes, headhunters, unimaginative cookery - but the pristine white beaches and cheap narcotics have made it a playground for the rich, beautiful and stupid. Naturally, when there's word of a coup, and crime lords falling out, and Russian agents in the cafes, and rebels in the slums and alien sightings. ... and it's time to come for vacation As you would, including two spoiled rich girls who have given their husbands / chaperones/bodyguards the slip.
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 12, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Petey Panzeri III & MBA Sponsor: m, Prize: MVP Prizes from MBA Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: WICKED WITCH RULES! By Pete Panzeri
Just when Dorothy & Toto thought it was safe to go back in the Castle. That whole "Wicked Witch & Flying Monkey thing" has all gotta come back up again... Not to mention those Poppies & Winkie Guards! Can the Lion, Tin-Man, Scare-crow, Munchkins, Wizard all help? Or is it REALLY always up to Dorothy? " I do believe in SPOOKS! I do believe in SPOOKS! I do! I DO! I ~DO!~. Songs, Spells, Secret Passages, Hats, & mayhem for all!
S:447:19 Armies for Kids Giveaway; Ancients
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 4, Room: Paradise, Table #: P8 GM: Chris Johnson & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Milk and Cookies Rules
The HAWKs annual Historicon Armies for Kids giveaway game, this time it's Ancient Warfare. After playing this game, all the kids in the game take home two armies and some extra goodies to play with their friends. Gamers 10 and under only. The HAWKs wish to thank the gamers whose donations made this game possible.
S:596:19 Gnome Wars: The Fort in Teutoburg Forest
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: James Stanton & MBA Sponsor: Miniature Building Authorityand Brigade Games, Prize: Buildings and Gnomes Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
On the retreat after losing their brewery in a fierce battle, Lon's Lunkheads race to meet up with the rest of their clan at a German fort in Teutoburg Forest. The Highlanders, Swiss, and Sikhs hope to catch and defeat Lon in order to crush his monopoly of the gnome beer market. Let's hope that their pillaging of the brewery doesn't influence the allies' battle readiness. Players with a painted 300-point unit from Brigade Games do not need pre-register. Rules will be taught. No one under age 14 without a playing adult. Parent-Child teams encouraged.
U:488:10 Zorro and the Dastardly Plot
Sunday, 10:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Paradise, Table #: P3 GM: Duncan Adams & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: 19th Century, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood And Swash
On the distant fringe of the Spanish Empire the pueblo of Los Angeles has become a hotbed of intrigue. El Zorro - treasonous outlaw or peoples' hero, depending one your perspective - knows that something evil is afoot. Can he uncover the plot in time to defeat the evildoers?
Picture from the Wargaming Company, LLC |
I've posted the events below that at least reach "Piquing ViscountEric's Interest."
I will note, that many events are run multiple times during the weekend. I usually have posted the first scheduled event that I found. The PEL pdf is searchable for duplicate events.
T:590:09 VSF Racing to the Castle
Thursday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 15, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Jon Lundberg & MBA Sponsor: Brigade Games and West Wind, Prize: None Period: Victorian Science Fiction, Scale: 28mm, Rules: VSF Races
Start Historicon with a light appetizer. Steam fliers, Walkers, Rocket Bikes
and boys riding raptors all feature in a race across the MBA castle table. The event is timed to end when the dealer hall opens. We run this event every HMGS con. This event should run on the MBA Castle table
T:335:10 Into the Darkness: NECROMUNDA: Underhive: DEMO
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D71 GM: James Nicholson Sponsor: The MechaniCon and LXG gaming clubs, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: NECROMUNDA: UNDERHIVE & House rules.
Do you have what it takes to lead your gangers to victory in the Turf Wars? Come learn how to play the Necromunda Underhive game. All models provided and rules taught. All ages are welcome 10 - 88.
It appears that MechaniCon and LXG are sponsoring a number of 'Munda and 40k games all weekend at various. Check out the actual PEL for specifics.
T:405:10 Into the Darkness: WARHAMMER 40K: The Plains of KALDORON: TANKS
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 12, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D73 GM: James Harvey Sponsor: LXG & The MECHANICON, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 28mm, Rules: WARHAMMER 40K & House rules. Come join us in a Warhammer 40,000 TANKFEST. The Plains of KALDORON have seen the most vicious tank battles in the 40th millennium. Come command a tank or squadron in this infamous tank battle. Will you become a new tank ACE or get destroyed with your tank?
I know there's a certain demographic that harrumphs the sci-fi and fantasy entries at HISTORICON, but if the board looks good, the GM runs a decent game, and the people have fun, it's a far better draw than giant Napoleonic extravaganza that seems to draw the same twelve grognards.. every... single. con...
T:161:10 Picnic Panic Walk Up Demo (Kid Friendly)
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 1.5 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Heritage, Table #: HG1 GM: Ben Rubin Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Picnic Panic
Come try Picnic Panic, the game of ant warfare. Command a tribe of ants, each with its own unique abilities and advantages, as you wage war over a treasure trove of candy left by careless humans. Play as the noble firstborn,the strong horned ants, the undead black ants, or the hard fighting, hard partying nomants. Eat the candy you capture. Fast-play, easy to learn introduction to the hobby. Adults welcome with playing child. No ticket required.
T:568:10 Zombies and More Zombies
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: New Holland, Table #: NH1 GM: Kenny Noe & ODGW Sponsor: ODGW, Prize: None Period: Zombie Apocalyptic, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Mein Zombie
Come play and learn Mein Zombie!! Great game for all gamers 8 years old and up!! The Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! Join a band of survivors are they try and reach a safe extraction point. However to get there they must travel through zombie territory and survive roaming hoards of zombies. The ever present fear of being eaten alive or bitten and becoming a zombie yourself! Rules taught Beginners welcomed
T:578:10 Zombies in the Desert
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 10, Room: New Holland, Table #: NH2 GM: Don Carter & ODGW Sponsor: ODGW, Prize: None Period: World War II, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Mein Zombie
1942 - A plague has broken out in North Africa. Survivors from both sides join together to fight the hoard!! Troops scattered in the sand receive orders to rendezvous at Tobruk. Come and play a British or German soldier stop this evil plague! Rules will be taught. Beginners welcomed!
T:391:10 Zulu Ambush! – Theme
Thursday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D61 GM: John Desch Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 15mm, Rules: The Men Who Would Be Kings No 1 Column has just crossed the Inyezane River when 6,000 Zulus swarmed over the hills into the British column. What happened next was a hotly contested battle. This game will warm the hearts of colonial enthusiasts, and is complete with British naval troops, Gatlings, and such. The rules will be taught. Children accompanied by an adult are welcome. See you there!
T:537:11 Battletech - Grinder 1
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 10, Room: Kinderhook, Table #: K2,3 GM: David Yingling & Battletech Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 1:285 micro, Rules: Battletech - Total Warfare
The Grinder is a free for all Battletech Demo game where new (or returning) players will be taught using the Introductory Rules. You start out with a Light mech and as you die, you advance to the next weight class. All materials, miniatures, and dice will be provided. Beginner Friendly and Rules taught.
The Grinder Events events are run all through the con and are great ways to blow out some steam.
T:237:11 Zombieland "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Wawa"
Thursday, 11:00 AM, 6 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D45 GM: Mark Follmer Sponsor: none, Prize: none Period: Modern, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Zombieland Homebrewed Rules
Zombieland is an easy rules and lots of action game. Players attempt to survive the zombie apocalypse while obeying certain rules. Needless to say, we're going to roll dice, shout, and have fun; the zombies will keep on shambling along as the few human PCs try to survive the undead and each other. And any time a die roll comes up '1', another zombie enters play! Fight the undead horde and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that YOU have prepared for the zombie apocalypse - at least a little bit. Children allowed with responsible adult. The Follmers are not responsible adults. Feel free to stop by and jump in playing if you like, we're friendly
T:592:13 The King is Wandering Again
Thursday, 1:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Jon Lundberg & MBA Sponsor: Brigade Games and West Wind, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Lion Rampant
Henry VI is holed up in a Royal Castle and is not in his right mind. The Yorkist forces began a siege, but were interrupted by a relieving force. Henry's guard has sallied out to help the rescuers, but Yorkist reinforcements are threatening to bag the whole mess. The Crown rest with the winner. This event should run on the MBA Castle table
T:330:18 Seize or Die: Storm at Aob! (German South-West Africa, 1905)
Thursday, 6:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D34 GM: Roy Jones Sponsor: Recreational Conflict, Prize: German South-West Africa Miniatures Period: Colonial, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Sword and the Flame (Modified)
Nama rifle fire sweeps the battlefield of Aob, and German officers and men are cut down like grass. The Germans have only two choices: seize the Nama-occupied trench on the ridge to their front, or die out in the open! Meanwhile, German gunners to the rear are running out of shells, and soon will be forced to pick up their carbines to provide fire support for the infantry storming the trench. But as German bayonets approach the Nama line, Nama leader Jakob Morenga has a trick up his sleeve. From the upcoming scenario book "The Nama Wars"•. More at:
T:134:19 Pantheon: The Fall of Olympus
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 4, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D84 GM: Kalissa Skibicki Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Mythic Battles: Pantheon
Zeus' reign over Olympus is over and chaos is rampant! The Titans and monsters have been released from Hades' realm. The Gods are too busy fighting each other for power. Legendary heroes have returned to the world. Mythic Battles: Pantheon allows you to pick a God and fight for the right to reign supreme. Who will you chose and will you prevail? Rules will be taught and kid (8+) friendly.
T:588:19 Trench Wars: Poland 1920--Red Star vs. White Eagle – Theme
Thursday, 7:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Frank Luberti & MBA Sponsor: MBA, Prize: None Period: Inter-War, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Trench Wars (modified)
Skirmish game using the Trench Wars rules modified for the Russo-Polish War. Novices, children with adults, rules lawyers and GMs looking for revenge welcome. Scenario inspired by the classic board game Red Star/White Eagle designed by David Williams, first published by GDW in 1979 and updated by Compass Games in 2018. Terrain by MBA; figures painted by John Spiess. Players under 14 welcome with a playing adult.
F:457:09 Bad Day on the Santa Fe
Friday, 9:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Paradise, Table #: P5 GM: James Nickle & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Western, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood and Swash
The train has pulled out of Winslow, Arizona on a quiet day in April of 1882. However, the barricade on the tracks ahead does not bode well for the day to remain either peaceful or quiet!! Simple, quick play rules mean you need to keep on your toes and have that peacemaker handy.
F:461:09 Exploring the Dark Continent
Friday, 9:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Paradise, Table #: P6 GM: Don Hogge & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Congo
Africa, the dark and mysterious continent; what adventures await those bold enough to venture into the vast jungle? Come and lead a column in search of fame and fortune; or to defend your homeland from bumbling European explorers. Gamers under the age of 14 are welcome with an adult.
F:203:09 Khalkin Gol - the Nomonhan Incident 1939
Friday, 9:00 AM, 5 hrs, Players: 5, Room: Hotel Lobby, Table #: HL4 GM: Michael Sincavage Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: World War II, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Battlefront
In moves best explained by machismo, Russia and Japan battle ferociously for meaningless territory in Manchuria in late 1939. Both sides have large AFV contingents, and while the Japanese have zeal, the Russians are tenacious with better armor and reserves. Brutal fighting is dominated by uphill close assaults. Seemingly irrelevant, this struggle ends up significantly affecting WWII war strategy. Familiarity with Battlefront rules or concepts is needed as only a brief review of the rules will be made.
F:343:10 Star Wars Rebels: Imperial Assault
Friday, 10:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 10, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D36 GM: John Shirey Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 54mm, Rules: Star War Rebellion
The Empire sends in an Imperial force to wipe out the rebel scum. The rebels are well prepared for a tough fight. Will the force be with rebels or with the Empire. Game uses Hasbro Star Wars figures and models. Kid friendly game.
F:636:13 Lancaster County Convention Center site visit
Friday, 1:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Hotel Lobby, Table #: Hotel Reg Desk GM: John Spiess & HMGS Sponsor: HMGS, Prize: None Period: Modern, Scale: N/A, Rules: N/A
Site visit to the LCCC for any interested club contacts, exhibitors, or members in general who would like to see the Hcon 2019 venue. We have transportation for six. We can take more but you'll need your own transportation if we go over the six. Please arrive 10 minutes before event start/departure time.
Next year's Historicon will be at the Lancaster Convention Center, in Downtown Lancaster, so the board of directors has taken it upon themselves to offer tours of the facility throughout the con to ally fears, answer questions, and have clubs, vendors, and attendees bring up questions that were overlooked with plenty of time to address them.
F:456:14 Bootleg Whiskey, Guns or Money?
Friday, 2:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Paradise, Table #: P5 GM: James Nickle & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Inter-War, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood and Swash
The Santa Fe's Flagship train the Chief is scheduled to pull into Chicago soon on a pretty spring day in May of 1922. It soon becomes clear that the train is slowing long before its next scheduled stop in rural Illinois. What is on board that makes this train worth fighting over? Find out as you play fast and furious with tommy guns and 45's as gangland brings its greed into the peaceful countryside
F:328:16 All for a Pig
Friday, 4:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D61 GM: Joseph Morris Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Medieval, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Lion Rampant/Dragon Rampant
It all started as good news. A large sow had wandered onto the duke's lands. Bacon for everyone! Then this lot o' rough looking gits in full battle kit shows up, sayin' it's their pig. It's on the Duke's lands, right. So we reckon it's our pig now. Tough customers or not. Children OK with Playing adult. Beginners welcome
F:421:19 Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF1 GM: Jeffrey Hiley Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Frostgrave: Ghost Archipelago
The Ghost Archipelago appears every few centuries. Filled with steaming jungles, lost cities, deadly monsters and untold treasures. Each player takes on the role of a Heritor, a superhuman warrior, leading a crew of adventurers in the Lost Isles, searching for wealth, and the fabled Crystal Pool. Beginners Welcome, rules taught. Kids under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
F:613:19 Gnome Wars: The Incident at Elmore's Castle
Friday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: James Stanton & MBA Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority and Brigade Games, Prize: Buildings and Gnomes Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
The Allied forces have launched an all out assault on the German positions at Elmore's Castle. The Germans, having been caught by surprise, are spread thin but are standing firm praying that the expected relief column is nearby. Extra Info: Players with a painted unit from Brigade Games do not need pre-register. Rules will be taught. No one under age 14 without a playing adult. Parent-Child teams encouraged
F:654:19 Membership Meeting
Friday, 7:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 24, Room: Hopewell, Table #: GM: Joby Miller & HMGS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Modern, Scale: N/A, Rules: Roberts Rules of Order
2018 Annual Historicon HMGS Membership Meeting. Open to all members
F:166:21 Picnic Panic (For Adults)
Friday, 9:00 PM, 1.5 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Heritage, Table #: HG1 GM: Ben Rubin Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Picnic Panic
You've played in one of our Picnic Panic demos (or maybe you haven't) with your kids (or maybe you don't even have kids, we don't judge). But did you know Picnic Panic is also a great late night adult game, with just a few significant tweaks? It's been a long day of gaming. Come unwind with us by playing something fast, fun, and to consume. We promise we won't tell your kids
S:449:10 ALIENS
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 3 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Paradise, Table #: P5 GM: Harry Kogelschatz & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: SciFi, Scale: 6 inch action figures, Rules: Home Rules
The big bug hunt is back! Communication with Hadley's Hope the terraforming colony on Acheron (LV-426) has stopped. The colonial marines are being sent to investigate. Join this action packed rescue mission. Kids under 10 must be accompanied by an adult.
S:469:10 Skirmish at Schlegel's Farm (Kids' Game) – Theme
Saturday, 10:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Paradise, Table #: P8 GM: Eric Schlegel & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: American Civil War, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Home The Yankees and Rebs are both hungry and Schlegel's Farm is well stocked. Whoever controls the farm gets dinner tonight. The HAWKS will be hosting one table of shorter games for Kids all day Saturday. Come help us introduce your kid to the fun of miniature gaming.
S:420:11 Blood in the Sudan – Theme
Saturday, 11:00 AM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Host 2, Table #: HO2 3 GM: Bob Liebl Sponsor: None, Prize: Cookies Period: Colonial, Scale: 28mm, Rules: TSATF modified
Britain, under Queen Victoria, wanted the best for everyone, and Britain was the best. The fact that the Sudanese had other ideas meant that the Sudanese would have to change. Under a British admiration, a line must be drawn in the sand. Blood would be spilled, but all for progress. A balanced slug fest, in the Victorian age.
S:204:12 A Splendid Little War... The Spanish American War Revisited
Saturday, 12:00 PM, 5 hrs, Players: 10, Room: Distelfink, Table #: D84,85 GM: Bryan Leshinskie Sponsor: None, Prize: The Prize is Surprise Period: Early 20th Century, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Modified Sword and the Flame expanded and revised
When the main blew up in Havana harbor the battle cry was remember the Maine and to hell with Spain. The U.S. declared war and in 1898 the American V Corp led by General Shafter invaded Cuba with the objective of taking Santiago. Veteran Game Master Bryan W. Leshinskie will simulate the invasion of Cuba to included the Naval Battle of Santiago. Yes a land and sea action. This will be the first major war fought since the Civil War. Can you lead the Rough Riders up San Juan hill? All welcomed to play with no one ever turned away...
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 20, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF4 GM: Howard Whitehouse & MBA Sponsor: Miniature Building Authority, Prize: None Period: Modern, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Astounding Tales!
The tiny, geographically dubious island of Scrofula is known for many things, most of them very bad - a cruel dictatorship, the drug trade, fanatical revolutionaries, grinding poverty, snakes, headhunters, unimaginative cookery - but the pristine white beaches and cheap narcotics have made it a playground for the rich, beautiful and stupid. Naturally, when there's word of a coup, and crime lords falling out, and Russian agents in the cafes, and rebels in the slums and alien sightings. ... and it's time to come for vacation As you would, including two spoiled rich girls who have given their husbands / chaperones/bodyguards the slip.
Saturday, 2:00 PM, 3 hrs, Players: 12, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: Petey Panzeri III & MBA Sponsor: m, Prize: MVP Prizes from MBA Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: WICKED WITCH RULES! By Pete Panzeri
Just when Dorothy & Toto thought it was safe to go back in the Castle. That whole "Wicked Witch & Flying Monkey thing" has all gotta come back up again... Not to mention those Poppies & Winkie Guards! Can the Lion, Tin-Man, Scare-crow, Munchkins, Wizard all help? Or is it REALLY always up to Dorothy? " I do believe in SPOOKS! I do believe in SPOOKS! I do! I DO! I ~DO!~. Songs, Spells, Secret Passages, Hats, & mayhem for all!
S:447:19 Armies for Kids Giveaway; Ancients
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 2 hrs, Players: 4, Room: Paradise, Table #: P8 GM: Chris Johnson & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: Ancients, Scale: 15mm, Rules: Milk and Cookies Rules
The HAWKs annual Historicon Armies for Kids giveaway game, this time it's Ancient Warfare. After playing this game, all the kids in the game take home two armies and some extra goodies to play with their friends. Gamers 10 and under only. The HAWKs wish to thank the gamers whose donations made this game possible.
S:596:19 Gnome Wars: The Fort in Teutoburg Forest
Saturday, 7:00 PM, 4 hrs, Players: 8, Room: Ballroom Foyer, Table #: BF3 GM: James Stanton & MBA Sponsor: Miniature Building Authorityand Brigade Games, Prize: Buildings and Gnomes Period: Fantasy, Scale: 28mm, Rules: Gnome Wars
On the retreat after losing their brewery in a fierce battle, Lon's Lunkheads race to meet up with the rest of their clan at a German fort in Teutoburg Forest. The Highlanders, Swiss, and Sikhs hope to catch and defeat Lon in order to crush his monopoly of the gnome beer market. Let's hope that their pillaging of the brewery doesn't influence the allies' battle readiness. Players with a painted 300-point unit from Brigade Games do not need pre-register. Rules will be taught. No one under age 14 without a playing adult. Parent-Child teams encouraged.
U:488:10 Zorro and the Dastardly Plot
Sunday, 10:00 AM, 2 hrs, Players: 6, Room: Paradise, Table #: P3 GM: Duncan Adams & HAWKS Sponsor: None, Prize: None Period: 19th Century, Scale: 25mm, Rules: Blood And Swash
On the distant fringe of the Spanish Empire the pueblo of Los Angeles has become a hotbed of intrigue. El Zorro - treasonous outlaw or peoples' hero, depending one your perspective - knows that something evil is afoot. Can he uncover the plot in time to defeat the evildoers?
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