After ridding a local Mousling town of a meddlesome giant, the three most eager warbands in the realm were looking for most adventure and more look.
There chance came with rumors of a handsome bounty on a dashing rogue gnome wizard, all three were ready to head to an oddly abandoned hobbit farmstead.
There chance came with rumors of a handsome bounty on a dashing rogue gnome wizard, all three were ready to head to an oddly abandoned hobbit farmstead.
The conquering heroes, Robin Mouse and his Merry Mice were still excited from their last successful mission, and with the additional of the heroic Friar Buck to their band, success was assured.
The mice bandits, The Snakes, had found some selfish treasures last time, but between Pinky and Wakana Forever, their relationship with a magic frog wasn't a guarantee success.
Plus the goblins were sure to be there! G'ba had recovered from this wounds in the last raid, and this time they had a new friends, Wipes the Troll! He was a hulking brute, but he was only a minion, so a a single would could take him out permanently from the band.
There were four minor objectives:
A) Gnomar the Relentless - Gnomish Wizard (Hostile Objective)
B) A Random hunk of stone in the field
C) A lost pig (at least on the wrong side of the stream)
D) An abandoned raft
E) Two "lost" hobbit archers.
TURN ONE: Everyone rushed towards an objective, but only Wipes had the right strides to rech the big hog. One quick roll and we don't talk about what happened to the future pet/future bacon.
TURN TWO: Robin Mouse checked out giant rock in the field with success, by no special modifiers.
Wakanda of the Snakes also dodged a few warning arrows and befriended the two female hobbits. They had expected the hobbit farmers to be here to help with some great commotion at a halfling village upriver.

Uncovering the minor encounters allowed for the Gnome Patrol arrived. Gnomar was a wanted gnome and the Patrol was going to bring him hoe no matter what.
TURN THREE: It took a great deal of searching but two of the Merry Mice found the Gnome Wizard and convince him to follow them with surprisingly little effort.
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You or the Gnome Patrol? I'll take you guys for now.... |
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No Guacamole Dip for you! |
TURN FOUR: The Friar snuck downriver to look into the raft, or perhaps the Gnome Patrol. The goblins had forded the river to chase something mouse-shaped, but a number of them were aghast to learn that their arrows had been dumped downriver in their crossing.
One goblin without that problem was the second-in-common, Patches. He charged the mandolin playing mousling and wildly missed, crashing into boxed (yet another botched die roll.) He was stunned but not out.
The dottering Gnome Patrol took its time across a field, and taking pot shots against one of the Merry Mice sitting on the farmhouse roof.
TURN FIVE: Considering the hobbits' plight a bigger challenge than the Gnome Wizard, the Snakes high-tailed it off (or nearly off the battlefield).
Robin Mouse struck one of the goblin minions and then realized the rest of his gang were already near the edge of the battlefield, gnome wizard in their arms.
Patches the Goblin recovered from his embarrassing performance, cold-cocked the mandolin player to he wouldn't be the recipient of the mouse's bardic tales, and ordered the retreat.
The Gnome Patrol split up, two futilely pursuing the wizard, one continuing shooting at the housesitting mousling, and two swinging over to confront Friar Buck!

The sounds of their guns only confused the Friar as they engaged the futile melee.
The mouse on the house had a different plan, leaping off the building and drop-kicking the Gnome Patrolman.!
TURN SIX: With most of the warbands off the table, and no one interested in the last minor objective, it was some minor mop-up activities. The free-falling mousling jumped back on the stunned gnome and took him out of action, before skittering away. Despite the two-on-one battle, the Friar held his own, but was still engaged as the turn finished.
Using the Pulp Alley Rules, the Merry Mice won with 4, followed by the Snakes and Goblins with one apiece. Definitely need the objectives to be closer to the center of the board, and the girls are not cutthroat with the mice, preferring to seize an easier objective and calling it quits. Might need to get back to Pulp Egypt and see if that translates into a far-bloodier game.
I had much grander and expansive plans for Father's Day, but sleepovers, swimming, and a neighborhood reggae party threw everything off. But we still got out annual game in, and the 8th(?) year of our Tea Party.
Another session inspired by The REALM of JiNNai: Battle Report: The Farm
Next Up: The Deserted Hobbit Village, some Planet 28, and perhaps a final return to Pulp Egypt.
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