Our "Heroes"
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" for the upcoming mission, whatever that is.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
Released from the Accomdating
Clutches of the Empire,
Our heroes arrive on the planet Botajef
For commerce, relaxation, and starship shoppping.
But improper paperwork puts them at
The mercy of the Customs Superintendent
And the previous errors of her ways....
They did not get locked in by the Customs Superintendent.
Opening the door, they saw the red emergency lighting marking the floor and ceiling.
Two customs agents in flimsy flak armor and goggles were at the other end of the hallway. They both were holding oversized shotguns, both emitting grenades towards the group at rapid speed.
Ne'vets was clipped in shoulder. The round exploded into a concussive shockwave and a blinding light. Evus and Tarrie were flown back from the explosion back to the doorway.
"Everybody just stand right there," one agent ordered, holding the grenade launcher with one hand, the other agent reloading his weapon, neither looking like they had any desire to be in the building.
Ne'vets gathered the injured duo and everyone went back into the room, closing the door.
A few seconds later, as the group was still recovering their shaken comrades, Superintendent Fisko returned. "Aharo, It's Fisko, I'm coming in. We need to talk."
With the door opened, the two agents were gone, others scrambling about further down the hall in their stead.
"A couple days ago, we had an actual murder in this Customs House. One of the local mercenary leaders, Colonel Vadzic, gunned down a client as we were processing his arrival. He even admits that he killed the man. But we knew that Vadzic's men would come for him. They've already knocked out power and communications."
"We were hoping that even with your issues with your paperwork, we might use your services to help defend the building and fight off the assault."
"Either you help us in the building's defense or we will lock you up in cells adjacent to Vadzic, and Vadzic's men are even more brutal than he is. Regardless of your position, no one will be left alive if they successfully rescue the Colonel."
"Help, and I can clean up the paperwork issues, even your weapons, and a few extra weapons in the armory that I'm willing to part with.
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Imperial Customs Agents not ready for Prime Time |
As they going through, a more explosions could be heard outside, each one getting closer, finally a series of smaller explosions could be heard around the front door, followed by blaster fire.
Realizing, the main stockpile was flash-bang grenades, the crew grabbed four each, a few power packs, and two blaster rifles, and when they turned around to support the overwhelmed customs agents, Fisko was gone.
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Vadzic's Newbie Mercs tentatively charge the Customs Agents |
Evus and Tarrie tried to find Fisko along with one customs agent in tow. "Follow me"
Ne'vets stayed in a safe location, perfect to defend anyone falling back from five different positions.
The customs agents guarding the main door were quickly overwhelmed. The mercs quickly moved down the hallway, but grew quickly overconfident. One turned to a his vibro-knife to kill the next agent, but the agent proved to have much more mettle, grabbing the merc's arm and stabbing him with his own knife.
Frokazza ran over the shooting, leaped over a prone customs agents in a doorway, and started chucking flash-bang grenades down the hallway, stunning everyone for a moment.
Evus sent Tarrie to the door to hold off a pair making headway. Fisko emerged from a secure set of doors. "What are you fools doing???"
"What's up your sleeve Superintendent? "
"Nothing. I figured an unconscious Vadzic would be tougher to recover, so I tranqued him!"
Evus couldn't responded, as a gigantic explosion rocked an adjacent room to the cellblock.
Four heavily armored commandos entered the secure room leading to the cellblock.
Back in the main hallway, Frokazza laid down some heavy blaster fire, scattering the mercs allowing the remaining agents to escape to a safer spot. After reaching one merc and throwing him through a wall, the last remaining merc in the hallway surrendered.
Tarrie had left Evus and engaged a group of mercs that had moved further in from the hallway. He and a lone customs agent held off the advance, all the while Ne'vets hid in a side hallway.
In the cellblock blaster fire erupted on both sides. Things seemed futile for a moment, with Fisko and Evus hit and their returning shots only bouncing off the mercs' armor. The only saving grace was that only two of the mercs were are firing back, as the other two are hooking up something (more explosives?) to the cellblock door.
Another explosion rocked the cellblock area, sending a save of destruction through half the customs buildings. Fisko and Evus were hit with a shockwave and half-buried in rubble. The blast was so strong, it even knocked over a Ne'vets on the other side of the building.
As the smoke cleared, Evus and the Superintendent got themselves out of the wreckage and could not find any sign of the commandos... or Vadzik... or the entire cellblock. They could only surmise that the explosive charge on the door went bad and had horrendous consequences.
The few surviving mercs retreated back out the main door. Tarrie and his customs agent tried to follow, but were quickly stopped, as the mercs had boarded an armed shuttle and began to take off.
The carnage couldn't be swept under the rug. Four customs agent dead, 10 of Vadzik's mercenaries perished, plus Vadzik himself, one arrested, and half of Customs House 7 destroyed. Evus, Frokazza, and Fisko were badly wounded, but the rest survived with only nicks and bruises.
The good news was that the only agent surviving the frontal assault, Jerem was immediately promoted to Assistant Superintendent. The other two survivors, Oscar and Carter immediately went into damage control.
As part of their reward, Fisko gave the group four blaster rifles and ten flash bangs, with appropriate documentation. She admitted their paperwork was perfect, but she was in a desperate state. After Evus was patched up by the staff, everyone decided it was best to leave the Superintendent and valorous agents before a planetary security detail arrives.
GM Notes: "Newbie" mercs were ordered to storm the front door as a distract the senior mercs working the demo charges. The merc installing the charge on the cellblock door rolled a horrendous botch (1-1-1-1-1). Things this traumatic are definitely not planned.
But the question was asked, "Why are they blowing up the cellblock door when it probably should open easier on the outside?" Perhaps that was a security code?
Ne'vets player, Steve, immediately pointed out that we were playing a sci-fi version of Assault on Precinct 13. As I'm going through my Challenge Challenge, I'm assuming a good amount of new magazine material was re-imagined from books and film.
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