Our "Heroes"
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a keen eye and a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot "under contract" for the upcoming mission, whatever that is. Brother of potential terrorist, rebel Latorna Savvn.
Frokazza - Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
The Big Game
Our heroes depart Leisure and Luxury
on the Lisani, as they
Reunite with an ally and trusted rival
Big Game Hunter Able Norrum.
Is Abel's Offer legit,
Or is there some dark sinister
Force at work on the surface
of Alacazzar?
The pleasure yacht Lisani had dropped off the fellows at the Wyap Spaceport to rendevous with their associate and contact, the always-on Abel Norrum.on the Lisani, as they
Reunite with an ally and trusted rival
Big Game Hunter Able Norrum.
Is Abel's Offer legit,
Or is there some dark sinister
Force at work on the surface
of Alacazzar?
Norrum immediately went to town ribbing Ne'vets' associates known to him, inquiring about the the quality of the "hostesses" aboard the Lisani, and badgering Ne'vets for fuel, all in jest.
The big game hunter was happy to see friends.
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Add a soft safari hat, and you have Abel Norrum |
"Walk with me, my ship's on the other side of the spaceport."
"Who's the big furry ugly guy and the Wookie?"
"These are Tarrie and Frokazza, they're my pilots..."
Abel smiled broadened. "Tell me what's happened to you, boys... I don't believe Ne'vets for a second..."
The group confirmed most of Ne'vets stories, they discussed business... until they made their way across and were in front of ... the Big Game.
The Big Game, Abel's extended and customized Small A-9. |
"Now where's my crew...."
The ramp to the ship came down and the group came face to face with not one, but two Pontus X-9 Valor All Terrain Vehicles, seating four, full camo, with a full 360 turret on each with heavy repeating blasters.
"Just picked up these beauties up with my safari money, credits and clear... We're going to need them."
More amazing was that there was a cargo hold beyond the vehicles, fill to the brim with crates and supplies.
Closing a crate of grenades was a giant, mountain of a middle-aged man, crew cut, tired eyes, and sooo many ammo pouches.
Ringel De'Astare |
Traveling up a sprial staircase to the main deck, they encountered another middle-aged man with obvious combat experience, hiding in a nook, cleaning a grenade launcher.
"This is Sergeant Chandra. He was a package deal with Ringel, but a good second mechanic"
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"Sarge" |
"Hey, You ever kill a man?"
Ne'vets shot back, "Only when the mood strikes me."
"That's a right and proper attitude.... We'll talk later."
Abel was distracted, "Where the bloody hell is Yast?"
An obviously not Wookie head popped down from a gun turret above deck.
Part Orangutan, part rodent, wearing a monogoggle, crawled down to the floor.
"Heywhatsgoingon, ImYast."
Yast Rin-Blanka, Abel's Yazirian Pilot |
"Readytogochief, Icanhavehermakethejumptotwominutes...."
"Don't call me chief, but yes...."
"Nicetomeetyouguys. Igetdibsonthebiggunbelowdeck."
And with that the Big Game jumped into hyperspace. Destination: Alacazzar.
GM Notes: Abel's a home-brewed NPC, whose picture is from a Megatraveller cover. Ringel and Sarge are from Challenge #25 and Yast is a long-term character posted on one of the Star Frontiers websites. Don't tempt me, I'm crazy enough to work on Drasalites, Vrusk, and Sathar!
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