I did not expect 2022 to surpass the Pandemic/double hospitalization 2020 in sheer matters of suckitude, but here's hoping a completely new set-up in 2023 isn't disastrous.
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Friday, December 30, 2022
Another Month of Gaming Solicitations (January 2023)
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Work on the Krigut Rum Continues
I'm closing in paying my second month's rent in the new place, and still things are not settled. Whatever was set-up was up-ended in the Christmas chaos and small to medium-sized projects and tasks litter room of the apartment. New Year's weekend might get me caught up.
FYI: The shelf is level. The floor is pitched. |
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
#CharacterCreationChallenge 2023
Last year, I foolishly decided to join the January #CharacterCreation Challenge on New Year's Eve. Unlike #RPGaDay, where you can go be as flippant or in depth with a topic as you would like, creating thirty-one intriguing characters, even in a rules-light system, isn't as easy as one would like.
This year I built up a small stock of interesting photos and AI art to inspire the first few days. Still, there's only so many TWERPS characters I can write up, a number of these bad boys (and girls... and unspecified) will be designed using various iterations of D&D, Hackmaster, and now, Gamma World.
I'm also not going to make all of these guys "1st-level" characters like last year. The concept requires "new" characters, and there are mentions of base equipment, etc, but plenty of games start at 5th, 10th, 15th, or equivalent levels, and I'm not only inspired by some of these pics/art to make the characters, but possibly use them as pre-gen PCs or NPCs down the road.
Last year's index of characters I created can be found here.
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
(Star Wars d6) #70 - Leaving Naboo
The fragmention grenade exploded forward from the table. Duk'k staggered back, but his armor absorbed everything. With smoke pouring out of the structure, he dragged a bleeding but otherwise healthy Ne'vets out of the portal into the "street" outside.
Amongst the smoke and underground steam discharges, a squad of Black Sun Ops were coming down the street, dragging a protesting Sinota behind them. With a flurry of ineffective blaster fire from both sides, Sid started working his way down a nearby side passage.
Duk'k dragged Ne'vets across the street to a barricade, shooting and killing one of the Black Sun Ops in the distance..
"Hey nice shooting."
A Nikto Bounty Hunter emerged from around the corner, gliding through the wreckage and gunfire, and effortlessly plunged a vibro-blade Duk'k's side.
Kaa'to Leeachos |
Duk'k lurched over the barricade, barely keeping himself upright. Evus quickly twirled behind Kaa'to and fired two shots of his blaster rifle into his gut. The Nikto's shocked look was all he could muster as Kaa'to fell to the ground, dead.
The Black Sun Ops did not advance any further, as the crew fumbled down the side passageway, and to subsequent safety. There was no way to collect Kaa'to's body for the bounty, as there were too many wounded of their own to carry out.
The crew emerged at surface level, many blocks away from the Piscopo. Their frantic jog to the vehicle was uneventful, until the last half-block, when more Black Sun Ops located them and emerged from the shadows. The ensuing firefight was quick, and allowed Frokazza to check on the Beaked Monkeys and get the Piscopo moving.
Frokazza chose not to test the repairs on the Piscopo, rather attempting to keep the chance at high speed, directing Evus to use the turret to shoot at walls, market stalls, and overhanging signs to create debris to slow down any pursuit.
The reached the starport, paid for the services, and after confirming beaked monkeys, monkey pants, but no Tarrie, Frokazza immediately launched the Pretio into orbit.
An injured Ne'vets let out a sign of relief, "Let's get out of here, many Abel or his crazy sister have an extended safari we can help out on a planet far away from crime syndicates."
After a quick stop at the home office in Bestine for admin duties and collecting payment it was determined that a return to the ranch on Takodana was in order.
Duk'k wanted to keep moving, looking for bounties to keep their trail convoluted, it appeared most bounties seemed to dry up, including the crew's bounties. He could only find some very minor bail jumpers as bounties and that wasn't worth his time.
The biggest news spreading through Bestine during their stay was the complete destruction of the Imperial ship yard in Kaleeto. All news agency played the attack as an act of terrorism and agents for the Alliance for the Return of the Republic were immediately implicated.
With Mid-Core worlds getting more and more dangerous, it was decided to depart for Takodana. The rest of the trip was eerily uneventful, and soon everyone was back on the ranch, performing maintenance on the equipment, caring for the animals, and criticizing the cooking of Ruma and Poonk.
A few days of R&R and milling about the ranch, Ruma and Poonk searched for Ne'vets with horrible news: Frokazza and all his possessions were missing! The rest of the crew were quite worried, but Ne'vets tried to calm them down with some discouraging words.
"He's probably going back to Naboo to search for Tarrie. The good news is he's taking away any heat that's on us. "
The crew dropped the subject and went about their business. For another week Ne'vets kept everyone on the ranch, avoid Andui and Maz's Castle for any problems.
While the crew stilled worried what Frokazza was up to, a slow work schedule, a steady supply of alcohol on the porch, and the obvious lack of gunfire directed at them satisfied their inquires.
Their evening of relaxation was interrupted by the holo-phone in the main room. Ne'vets walked inside to answer it. It was his friend and famed safari expert, Abel Norrum.
"Ne'vets! It's Abel... wait, wait, this is his holo-mail, he's a prankster."
Ne'vets tried to answer, "Abel, it's really me..."
"That's exactly what Ne'vets would have on his message, I'll just wait for the beep."
Two more minutes of this back and forth, Abel finally realized he had been talking to Ne'vets all along.
"Ne'vets, we need to talk."
GM Notes: Here completes whatever parts of the Under a Black Sun for FFG's Star Wars RPG, were actually completed. After running "modules" and "adventures" from the 70's and early 80's, I was shocked how vague and assuming a modern adventure could be. There was either a lot of hand waving, or perhaps the FFG funky dice for advantages, triumphs, and the sort were far more constructive for a character getting info. An info dump seemed as anti-climatic as the PCs getting hampered by limited research rolls.
Frokazza may not be taking no for an answer, but for the rest of the crew, the disappearance of Tarrie Prolek is being chalked up to killed in action. Of course, the whole rule of if there's no body, there's no true proof that he's gone, is going to be in the back of their minds until something, anything and confirm it.
Monday, December 26, 2022
Annual Holiday Swag Haul
I have survived Christmas, or most of it, at least. Neither ice storm, nor deep freeze, nor rancid meat for Christmas Eve dinner slowed me down.
The girls came over for dinner on Christmas Eve, and despite a quick swap of meat to make last-second meatballs, we ate, exchanged presents, and turned in early.
- Ticket to Ride - I was asked directly and I gave a direct response, especially nice since it's available just about everywhere.
- Trash Pandas - To follow Millie's logic, "A fun little game we can play when we come over." Well done!
- My Reminiscences of East Africa by General von Lettow-Vorbeck - A filler item to guarantee free shipping for the kids' stuff, I had the girls gift it to me.
- Gamma World 4th Edition - My printed copy from Drivethrurpg.com arrived just before Christmas. The cover art is a bit fuzzy, but the interior is crystal-clear.
- Legion of Steel Bargain - Another personal purchase, but I threw a flippant $40 bid on an S1 Archfiend for Legions of Steel, and won.... at $9.99! I'm hoping I didn't pay for just a shrink-wrapped box, but I'm shocked no one else even threw in a bid to challenge it, especially from a smaller, but reputable account.
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Do not mock the bachelor tree of might! |
Sunday, December 25, 2022
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Friday, December 23, 2022
Thursday, December 22, 2022
The War to Save Yule
Call it my own personal holiday blues, but somehow I missed The War to Save Yule, a supplement and campaign guide for Wars of Ozz. Available at Old Glory and Sally 4th websites, it is a free campaign introducing two more factions, the Army of the Ice Queen and the Army of Yule.
The Army of the Ice Queen is Ice Trolls, a Krampus, and other nasty sorts.Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
(Star Wars d6) #69 - The Killbox
Ne'vets blast shot rang out inside the double container, and missed Tray'essek, leader of the Transdoshans, by a country mile. Unfortunately, the shot reflected off the back container wall, and ricocheted off the other walls numerous times before leaving a glancing scorch mark on Tray'essek's shoulder.
Realizing no one even had the notion to fire back at him yet, Ne'vets dove under the table.
Tray'essek was stunned by the attack, but also dove under the table to attempt to wrestle with Ne'vets. Both resulted in each choking each other without doing any harm to the other.
Evus and Duk'k both tried to evade the Transdoshan's fire, and luckily their armor absorbed the blows of the ricochets. Duk'k turned straight around and with two blaster pistols, blew the head off of one of Tray'essek's men, The others returned fire at Duk'k, but missed. The shot bounced around, including glancing off Duk'k's armor, until it wounded a third Transdoshan!
Evus made some covering fire and proceeded to work on opening one of the shut (and apparently locked) doors.
Under the table, Ne'vets rolled Tray'essek onto his back. The exporter cocked his first back as far as the underside of table allowed, and hit the Transdosian square in the nose repeatedly. A trickle of blodd spurted out his nose.
Sid fire a gut shot at another Transdoshan, and the last two fired wildly, trying to find their own escape. Another flurry of blaster fire wounded everyone by ricochets rather than direct hits. Duk'k finally ended the fight above the table with back-to-back blaster shots into the Transdoshan's chests.
Evus finally got the door open and hollered at the others to escape. Hearing the call, Ne'vets spun around, kicked Tray'essek in the face to break free.
As the crew members all stared at the now-open door, they could detect a beeping sound and something beeping rolling on the floor, followed immediately by the table getting flipped, sending credits and candy flying everywhere. Sid dove over to grab Ne'vets and pulled on him to get him through the door.
Sunday, December 18, 2022
(Review) Cloud City Games , Palmer Park Mall, Easton, Pennsylvania
The weeks don't get any less rough, but there have been some peaks of sunshine through the doom and gloom.
This week has been numerous visits to my mom, who was dealing with a respiratory infection, then a serious bout of confusion which ultimately led to calling 911 and getting her admitted at the local hospital.
In the midst of these issues, she actually fell asleep, which allowed me to run an errand for her, grab some lunch, and run into the local mall, which just happens to have Cloud City Games in it.
Disclaimer: I spent way too much time of my visit next to this awesome display case of the pre-painted D&D dragons, on the phone with my Mom's doctor's office, trying to get an appointment, a prescription, or any advice. Spoilers: The actual doctor never returned my call, and the advice from the staff was woefully insufficient, hence my 911 call.
This is one of the nicer displays of the Wizkids dragons I've seen, if you're not weird and and want to keep them mint in box.
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Ripped off of their Facebook page. |
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Oh yeah, the $90 Antiquities Atog. |
Friday, December 16, 2022
Turning Things Into a Hobby Room
Two weeks into moving into the new apartment and things are still a work in progress. When the kids came over we christened the gaming space with a game of Formula D on the kitchen table, but there has been only gradual progress in the new "Krigut Rum," simply because all the other rooms in the house have priority.
I've also discovered the wide variety, varying quality, and limited stock of just about every folding table on the market today. Orders for adjustable height tables have been cancelled on a number of platforms due to them simply being out of stock everywhere. The existing folding table I used for an overflow table previously, and has work well as a work desk this month, will take over as my painting bench, complete with new Spicy Shelves, and a few shelves to stock flocking, etc.
The oddest "First World" problem I no longer have moving into an apartment is that I don't have basement water issues, so I can actually use my shelving units to their full potential. If my second floor apartment takes water, we have an utter catastrophe in Pennsylvania.
Another bonus: No gargantuan creatures interrupting my game.
Thursday, December 15, 2022
A Mental Snow Day
With snow and ice coming across Pennsylvania, and the kids' schedules wiped clean, it's time to stay in the house, sip on something warm, and maybe unpack a few more boxes.
Sure, there's this annoying thing called work that has to be done, but that's two small projects.
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
(Star Wars d6) #68 - The Underbelly of Naboo
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
What type of a club did you take me to? |
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Sinoka, in civilian garb |
Monday, December 12, 2022
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Mandatory Basketball Rant - Winter 2022-23 - Week 2
The season is in full swing before the holidays. I see a lot of hot dogs, walking tacos, and pierogies from concession stands fulfilling my dinners.
Local Rec League: After the board has wearily survived schedules drama, uniform snafus, and gnashing of teeth over practices (games have been relatively strees-free), I've been pulled out of mini-retirement to set up the playoff schedule for February. All assume it's this complicated algorithm. I simply pull up some sample double elimination bracket for an appropriate number of teams, plug in the normal schedule, and wait for the results of the January games. Not exactly high science. From what little I did get to see, the exodus of the good players (including Millie) has strengthened the play of the remaining boys and girls... although on Millie's off day, she may have convinced me to take her to a 6th grade boys practice to scrimmage (and mop the floor with) them.
Breanna Stewart: Last week I mentioned that my wife was taking the girls to a Breanna Stewart basketball camp up in Syracuse. There were some flaws in the presentation/communication of the camp, and there was a worry that they were all driving up (with a friend and their mom) for a style of camp that they regularly attended down in this area.
I am delighted to say all my worries were for naught.
It was well-organized, well run, with a good assortment of talent, and a hefty amount of swag thrown at the campers. Specifically, Maja won her age group's round of Knockout and got a pair of shoes signed by Breanna!
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Millie might have to grow a bit to make it to the Show. |
Friday, December 9, 2022
Battle Valor Games 40% Off Christmas Sale
The formal website for Battle Valor Games might be down for some long-term, much-needed renovation, but their eBay store is still open, and they're currently offering 40% off their 28mm and 15mm lines through December 24th!
I'm not at the point of large gaming purchases, but at 40% off, it won't be a "large" gaming purchase.