Monday, August 12, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 12 - RPG With Well-Supported Campaigns

Let me mark Day 12 of #RPGaDay2024 as the first of many where I looked at the prompt, and Martin Luther's repeated question in his Small and Large Catechism rang in my head over and over.

"What does this mean?"

In terms of "well supported" does this mean that the softcover printing of Masks of Nylarathotep, one of the greatest role-playing campaigns wasn't well-supported before the Masks Companion, the new slipcover set, or the Masks prop set came into existence?  

Does this means the hardcover 5e campaigns are well supported, since there are a pile of licensed books, maps, GM screens, and minis specifically made for them (and many are sub-par)?

Does this refer to campaign worlds?  For years Forgotten Realms had been the focus of much of the material, replacing Greyhawk, until Greyhawk got recognition in 3rd Edition, and now the campaigns seem to cover everything... except Dark Sun.  

In all my ranting and kvetching, there really is one true RPG with the title "Well-Supported" 

West End Games Star Wars d6

For Rebellion and EU material, West End produced dozens upon dozens of guides, sourcebooks, and references.  Heck, most RPGs don't get twelve books in their lifetime, Star Wars had twelve Galaxy Guides alone, and if 15 published issues of the ultra-thick  Star Wars Adventure Journal isn't support, I don't know what is.  

Having run 100 sessions of a pre-Episode IV  (4 BBY) game, for a game that's been dead for over 25 years,  I can attest to plenty of material out there  I'm not listing anything, but if you need d6 stats for anything, I almost guarantee you, someone has done it, and provided to the RPG community.  And with the recent Kickstarter for D6 System, 2nd Edition (ending August 15th), it's as good a time as any to dust off those books and give it a try again.)

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