Thursday, August 8, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 8 - An RPG Accessory I Appreciate

Day 8 of #RPGaDay2024 is "An RPG Accessory I Appreciate" 

I'm going to stick with an old reliable piece I acquired years ago, either from the earlier Hackmaster boards or Jolly Blackburn himself, creator of the Knights of the Dinner Table comic.

With the release of the very epic Hackmaster Gamemaster Shield, Jolly recommended the purchase of the little piece of wood below. 

In reality the curved, boomerang-looking item is a display for sports cards.  The card goes in the slit on the top for shows and the like.  

It also made a nice support for any GM Screen, but particularly the Hackmaster one, as it helped control the extra flaps, kept dice from scooting under them, and otherwise helped to keep things organized.  One use that I rarely took advantage of was using the slot up top to organize initiative and other effects (The screen had it's own built-in spaces for that).   

Over the years I've used it for other RPGs, most notable Call of Cthulhu (occasionally) and the River Horse version of My Little Pony.  It sits in the drawer of my gaming bookcase, waiting to be used once again, whenever we finally decide to go face-to-face. 

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