Friday, August 2, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 2 - Most Recently Played RPG

Day Two of #RPGaDay2024 goes to the Here and Now:  "The Most Recently Played RPG"  

Pay no attention to the picture, the correct answer is Gamma World.... 4th Edition.  

My Beloved Gamma World Referee's Screen... More on that later during #RPGaDay
After joining an online D&D 5e game years ago, we transitioned to West End's d6 Star Wars, but after 100 total sessions, we transitioned over to Gamma World, particularly the early 90's 4th Edition, which had a few of the early flavor of the D&D 3rd Edition.  

Seventy sessions in and our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, have barely scratched the surface.  The peaceful town of Riverbend, on the "Big River" has transitioned to secret facilities of the ancients, strange races, powerful "wizards'  and smoke-belching, flying,  living metal... or are there humans strapped inside?  

Our heroes even got to be tangible in a game of Fistful of Lead: Wasteland Warriors at Historicon last summer.  Only Dr Sonny, their rogue mutant Sunflower, made an appearance in this year's games. 

(L to R: Lathar, Sneaky Pete, Ramsay, Squiggles, No-Name)
The scenario is part of the episode list (Episode #29) as a future/dream sequence, as Dr Sonny Helianthus, brilliant mutant sunflower scientist and inventor, had broken away for Explorers for his well-intentioned, but ultimately nefarious plot.

The irony amuses me that the most recent session, this past Monday, was a rare one-on-one session with Sonny's player Hoyce, that will tie into bringing this year's Historicon game into he campaign canon. 

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