Saturday, August 17, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 17 - An RPG With an Engaging Community

Day 17  of #RPGaDay2024 and I almost resorted to the backup prompts.  "An RPG With an Engaging Community"  

Outside of wargaming, I've dropped off of almost all internet based RPG communities.  Heck, I think the last one I officially dropped out of was Kenzer & Company, and that was years ago.  

But upon reflection,  I maintain a lurk-only status for the Castles and Crusades Official Facebook group.

Funny thing is, I've only played C&C once, I just happen to have a lot of friends who do play and they invited me to join.  In a world where I doubt humanity's survival after this Friday, the posts are largely positive with encouraging responses.  

Even for a guy who's only played C&C once, and embraced his character, Einhard the Cranky.

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