Monday, August 5, 2024

#RPGaDay2024 - Day 5 - RPG with Great Writing

Day 5 of #RPGaDay2024 "RPG with Great Writing" 

I've read a number of new RPGs that "think" they are clever, but in reality, the more narrative parts drone on and the mechanics portion reminds me of smart 4-year olds teaching checkers to someone, while the ice cream truck is driving by. 

How to Survive Zombies If You're a Zero by Sara Cantwell and Jon Dufore avoids that, creating a friendly, casual atmosphere for players new to the system, as well as folks brand new to role-playing.  

I can appreciate a book that's self-aware.  The authors make repeated pleadings to the reader that this is NOT The Walking Dead, unless you planned on playing the non-zombie extras in the background on the show.  There are mentions in campaign play of eventually finding some stability, and maybe even building/joining a stronghold, but it's not bloody likely you'll end up there on your first, second, or even fifth character.  

I also admire the way they have described safety systems.  As a guy who normally follows the "Don't be a callous jerk," rule which sometimes isn't enough in certain circumstances for certain people, their description of their need and application is written so new players, old-crusty Grognards, and ultra-liberal applicants permanently huddling under safe spaces and x-cards can appreciate them.  Plus they admit IT'S A FREAKIN' ZOMBIE game, not a Saturday morning cartoon.  Limitations and realizations should be applied to the whole group well before session 1.  

Overall, it's a casual, friendly read, mixed in with some overt Call of Cthulhu based stereotypical nihilism.  Applied to the zombie genre, they're celebrating the little things and hopefully building on the them over and over, until their number is called, and you're hoping you've done enough for someone else to keep going.  

Now I have some minor quibbles about how the skills/talents/abilities are listed, but that's more editing that writing.  My only complaint is I don't see a chance to play it during my Monday night online session, so I'm going to need to coordinate something face-to-face one day.  

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