Monday, March 22, 2021

Up at the Crack of Dawn

Last week marked a year since I was relegated to a Work from Home employee.  Not that I don't come in two to three times a week to check mail, process FedEx, and ensure that the office hasn't been burned to the ground.  

This week, that streak ends, as I have a new hired starting today, half their Work from Home equipment is on backorder, and I need to train them on systems... while social distancing, but in the office for the entire week.  

This whole sleeping in... with a ten second commute down the hall in my pajamas was way too convenient.  I gotta dress up at least for the first couple days, heck I should probably shave.

Don't worry, the end of month cycle is already on auto-pilot, so the posts keep coming, although I may be late to the party with a few Kickstarters.

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