Tuesday, February 28, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #79 - Imperial Time-Share

 The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.

Others Off-Camera
Sid - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a good pilot, and even better shot, than the previous pilot.  Possible Imperial ties. 
Latorna Savvn - Rebellion pilot and saboteur, trying to lay low from the Empire after a series and destructive attacks.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, currently working for Crom-Crom the Gungan on Naboo, but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

A Business Dinner
After a successful mission to Ruie to 
Recover the son of Imperial Oligarch, Marc Oberlates,
Exotic Animal Broker Ne'vets Aharo and 
Feared Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, Duk'k
Have been invited to a celebratory dinner.

But when oddly dressed Imperials literally 
Come out of the woodwork in the dining hall,
Is it for all those unpaid parking tickets, 
Or a far more nefarious purpose?

It was a fraught situation, a standoff between the exotic animal broker Ne'vets Ahaor, Duk'k, the Bounty Hunter, and a host of oddly uniform Imperials at the other end of the table.  No weapons were drawn, but it was an uneasy situation.

Ne'vets gave the Imperial the side eye, "This is not usually how things are done?"

The officer in the center responded, "If you had done something wrong, Mr Aharo, other Imperials would have come to shoot you.  We're a bit more civilized."

Duk'k  "But, we have an active com on our ship?

"True, true, but no one answers messages anymore.  Please, Marc, let's sit and eat."  With that the lone officer-type that was speaking waved off the better armed subordinates out of the dining room.   The host, Marc Oberlates, motioned to his servants to fill glasses and bring out food. 

After a few sips, and while the appetizers were being served, "I'm Zen Halcium, this is Corrina Dalvik, and this is Nej Moroose, Imperial Scientific Corps."

"Imperial Science Corps?"

"Yes, we exist.  We don't get to be the Emperor's Hand, or fly around in Star Destroyers, but we still serve a vital role."

Zen continued  "Your names came up a while back from Captain Zinsj of the Star Destroyer?  We did our due diligence, and you guys are legit animal traffickers."

Ne'vets agreed, "That's.... right.  We always follow all necessary protocols and licensures..."

Corrina Dalvik nodded approvingly, "I'm sure you do, Mr Aharo, I'm sure you do..."

Zen continued,  "There's a couple of operations like yours in different parts of the galaxy.  Most of these guys are out for a quick score, some are painfully dedicated to a few particular species like deranged zealots.  But you guys, even your hired help seemed to have an understanding, if not dedication to science.  It is true that you staff, including Mr Duk'k here...

"Just Duk'k"

"... Your staff, including Duk'k presented at the Imperial Zoological Symposium?"

Again, Ne'vets agreed, "And Exhibition.  Yes that's correct.   They were quite capable of handling that."

"That's what our contacts there reported back.   We have a project that's receive a little extra funding. How would you like a full time job with the Empire?"

"I'm more of a freelance guy, I might need to pass."

Undeterred, Zen disclosed the terms anyway, "We have the budget for 40,000 credits for each of you.  Might be a few months work, with a combination of research, collection, possibly muscle."

"We're researching local flora and fauna on the planet Myrkr for pharmaceutical and technological applications."

Duk'k wasn't buying any of it, "What's stopping you guys from completing your mission?"

"Nothing.  In fact, we have mercenary help for protection from predators, trusted regulars, but in regards to science, they're morons.   We need extra sets of hands, eyes, and brains. "

Ne'vets was even more skeptical, "And you've actively tried to seek us out for this vague job?"

"Like I said there are alternatives, but they lack the brainpower. Treat this more as a consultant position."

Ne'vet rolled his eyes, "You also seem well-armed, currently, for the Science Corps."

"This is my entire security cadre for the Corps.  You also have a reputation to shoot first.  Couldn't be too careful."

Offers of fame and fortune in the Imperial Science Corps come everyday

The rest of the meal was congenial.  

Nearing dessert Ne'vets asked, "If we thought things over and agreed, what would the next steps."  

Zen slid a gold holodisk.  "On this disk are the planets coordinates, the contract, and your initial clearances for the security detail.  They'll review your security checks and data on all your crew, so make sure that's all in order.  Talk it over with your crew.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us."

Zen wiped his mouth and a napkin and the three Science Officers rose from the table.

"We already heard about the mass prisoner release. That already came through our com channels way too fast.  Other divisions are already working on getting them.   Most of our prospects wouldn't even do that much..."

As they left, Marc Oberlates who had been quietly sitting at the table, mouthed words towards Ne'vets and Aharo "I didn't know what they wanted, they just sort of showed up."

The rest of the dinner involved required pleasantries of a happy host/client, and with that, the pair returned to the Pretio with their briefcases full of credits.

"We're not doing any of that right now," Ne'vet's confided in his Skipsk'ud companion.  "First we need to divvy this up and and repair the gun turret on the Pretio.

Monday, February 27, 2023

(Kickstarter) Horns of the Buffalo by Bill Molyneaux

Horns of the Buffalo by Bill Molyneaux is a current Kickstarter wargame recreating twelve battles from the Anglo-Zulu war.

From the Kickstarter:
Horns of the Buffalo - The Anglo - Zulu War of 1879 is a fast-playing, introductory level wargame with a series of engagements from that war between the Zulu and British Empires. Each battle is designed to be played in about an hour, while not losing the feel or flavor of the events simulated. While the rules provide everything you need to enjoy the many battles included in the game, many scenarios will have special rules to modify the series rules, to enhance the experience of the individual engagements. As with all my games feel free to adjust a rule or a scenario to make the game your game.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Another Month of Gaming Releases (March '23)

Issue #277 of Game Trade Magazine can be found at your Friendly Local Game Store (FLGS) or in pdf form online here.

ViscountEric's Gaming Want Last
Arc Dream Publishing 
Delta Green: Convergence ..................  $19.99
Delta Green: From the Dust ................  $19.99

ViscountEric's Money-Is-No-Object Want List
Evil Hat Productions 
Monster of the Week RPG HC ................... $40.00

The Imaginary Store List (The Pegleg Gnome)
Battle Spirits Saga TCG: Expansion Set 01
Digimon TCG: Versus Royal Knights Boosters

Catalyst Game Labs
Shadowrun: Edge Zone Mayhem Deck ..................... $39.99

Call of Cthulhu: Nameless Horrors ............................ $42.99

Cryptozoic Entertainment
DC Comics DBG: Rivals - Flash vs Reverse Flash ........... $25.00

Darrington Press
Till the Last Gasp .......................................... $39.99

DV Giochi
13 Clues ................................................. $29.90
Bonsai .................................................... $39.99

Free League
Pirate Borg RPG Rulebook ..................... $39.99

Goodman Games
DCC Dying Earth Boxed Set ................................................... $59.99
DCC Dying Earth: #0 - The Black Obelisk .............................. $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #1 - The Laughing Idol of Lar-Shan ........... $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #2 - The Sorceror's Tower of Sanguine Saint .......... $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #3 - Magnificent Machinations at the Grand Exposition .......... $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #4 - Mind Weft of the Moonstone Palace ................ $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #5 - Penumbra of the Polar Ape ................. $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #6 - The Great Visp Hunt ........................... $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #7 - Phantoms of the Ectoplasmic Cotillion ............ $9.99
DCC Dying Earth: #8 - The House on the Island ..................... $9.99

Kobold Press
Kobold Guide to Dungeons .............................. $19.99
Tome of Beasts 3 (Pocket Ed) (5e) ................... $29.99

Konami Digital Entertainment
Yu-Gi-Oh! Cyberstorm Access Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Invasion of Chaos Unlimited Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legend of the Blue Eyes White Dragon Unlimited Boosters 
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legendary Collection: 25th Anniversary Edition Box
Yu-Gi-Oh! Metal Raiders Unlimited Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Pharaoh's Servant Unlimited Boosters
Yu-Gi-Oh! Spell Ruler Unlimited Boosters

La Boite De Jeu
Tribes of the Wind .............................................. $49.99

Lemery Games
Chili Mafia ......................................................... $30.00

Looney Labs
Around the World Fluxx .................................... $20.00

Nerdburger Games
Code Warriors RPG ............................................ $39.99

Osprey Games
Undaunted: Battle of Britain ............................... $55.00

Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder RPG: Adventure - The Enmity Cycle .......... $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: AP - Stolen Fate 2 - The Destiny War ........... $26.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip Mat - The Enmity Cycle ............ $16.99
Pathfinder RPG:  Harrow Deck .................................... $39.99
Pathfinder RPG: Lost Omens Monsters of Myth HC (Special Edition) ...... $59.99
Starfinder RPG: Flip-Mat Enormous Battlefield ......... $26.99
Starfinder RPG: Ports of Call HC ................................ $46.95

Pinebox Entertainment
Doomtown: Weird West Edition .................................. $69.99

Random House
Marvel Multiverse RPG Rulebook ............................... $59.99

Role 4 Initiative 
Castle Keep Dice Tower .......................................... $14.99
(Light and Dark Styles)
Castle Keep Dice Tower w/ DM Screen Walls ......... $34.99
(Light and Dark Styles)
Castle Keep Dice Tower with Magnetic Dry Erase Turn Tracker  .......... $19.99
(Light and Dark Styles)

Sirius Dice 
Valentine's Snowglobe D20 Necklace ...................... $30.00

Steve Jackson Games
Knightmare Chess: Variants and Optional Rules Expansion ........ $9.95
Munchkin: Deathly Pail Mini- Expansion .................................... $10.95
Munchkin: Witches Mini-Expansion ............................................ $10.95

D&D Frameworks W02 Minis .................................................... $14.99-$39.99 each blister
D&D Gilmore's Fantastic Fabrications W01-02 Minis ............... $14.99-$39.99 each blister
Pathfinder Battles - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Boxed Set: Contenders and Champions ......... $59.99
Pathfinder Battles - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Boxed Set: Martial Arts Masters .................... $79.99
Pathfinder Battles - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Boxed Set: Danger Island Denizens ............... $49.99
Pathfinder Battles - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Boxed Set: Syndara the Sculptor - Final Form ... $44.99
Pathfinder Battles - Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Boxed Set: Tournament of Trials ................... $79.99
Pathfinder Legendary Cuts W01 .................................................. $14.99each
Pathfinder Legendary Cuts Goblins (10) ...................................... $49.99 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Winter 2022-23 - Week 12

 Two more weeks of tournaments until AAU practice dominates everything, so here's the big update.  

Rec ball is done for the year!  Long live rec ball!

Championship Saturday came and went with only one minor snafu:  No board member was available to hand out trophies for one division and the volunteers on sight were less than gracious.  Now, there is no formal ceremony, no formal picture taking with these $4 trophies.  Heck coaches were just happy we handed them an armful to distribute amongst their kids.  

Of course, I now realize the people making a stink about the apparent lack of pomp and circumstance (which was never there to begin with) was a family who we've had numerous run-ins with their business ventures over the years, including a restaurant and a day care the kids went to for a short while.  Stuff never fully escapes you in a small town. 

Nevertheless, the games were extremely competitive (the largest margin of victory was six points), with an overtime match and the final game coming down to a 3-pointer made by a kid who "couldn't find the whole in the basket the first practice."  Plenty of storylines to promote for next season.

While Millie's Freeland team didn't get teams to play against for their tournament, the 3rd/4th grade girls got five team, one from the local rec league.  Given that half the girls playing had just been on the wrong side of 17-16 overtime thriller, there was no mercy for the other teams.  The results were ugly the two dozen jump balls per game uglier, but I think the rec league's travel team should be in good shape for the 2023-24 season.

(Star Wars d6) Kurabanda Jedi Ice Cream Run

While my claim to fame as a GM is my ability to maintain continuity and campaign canon, I'm always trying to to improve upon thinking on the fly, adapting to player suggestion, the exploring entire worlds and concepts off of mere prompts.

With the last few years of online gaming, I've been able to run fill-in sessions of various games when we were short enough players, or missing essential players to an important plot.   I still owe the group the final episode in the "Bigg Melons in the Time of COVID" trilogy which heavily adapted James D'Amato's Coffee Shop into a Supermarket Catharsis in a time of mandatory masks and zero toilet paper.  My Canadian Cthulhu game Curse of Nevoz was born from an earlier, non-pandemic time, and my Adventures in Gulluvia BECMI D&D game was based on a warped concept, weird characters, and a few simple plot points that the crew never got close enough to.  

Between my realization that our Star Wars d6 campaign was in need of, at a minimum, a palette cleanse, and the group working towards a new game (that ultimately led to Gamma World), I had an filler session with too many ideas.

  • What if, during the days of the Very Old Republic, the backwards Kurabanda actually ruled Volturnus, and were advanced enough to have multiple Jedi Knights?
  • What if all those Jedi Knights wanted ice cream? 
  • What if the session had the feel of the opening sequence of Mad Max meets Jackass: The Movie.
The result: Kurabanda Jedi Ice Cream Run is one of the few one-shots that didn't warrant it's own write-up. 
Why was it not a raging success?  Too many reasons to count, really, but I'll try:
  • It was much too ridiculous, even in its seriousness.  Bo'Non'as and Oopsa needed the Three Stooges buffoonery to offset any seriousness that transpired.  The group couldn't swap buffonery for seriousness, AND Jedi powers. 
  • Jedi ruin everything.  It was honestly the first time I've ever used Jedi powers out of the West End Star Wars game.  Don't get me wrong, they actually work, especially with a group of Jedi, but I don't think that anyone's jam.  The crew is much more interested in street-level galaxy hopping with perhaps a few "experts" in the group than Jedi storylines.  
  • It was two hours of non-stop combat.  I ran the system in a bit of a In Media Res scenario, where the characters were knowledgeable in anything if they made an above average result off of 3D. Above average successes ability and stat increases.  We came up with some unusual characters to say the least, but it was all jumping from vehicle to vehicle, swing lightsabers, eating ice cream.  Great if you have a $50 million SFX budget, not exciting coming from a basic blogger.

 Still, the characters are buried within my Star Wars notes, and could make another appearance.    Any of the fill-in games could make a return if my muse (and my group's attendance) hits the right note.  Or I could just lean back on The Ultimate Micro-RPG Book for more ideas.

Friday, February 24, 2023

(Painting) Chaos Space Gnome Numero Uno by Macrocosm Miniatures

It's a long time coming, but something finally got off the new painting bench. 

This is one of the Chaos Space Dwarfs from the Chaos Space Dwarf 2 Kickstarter.  The rest are coming slowly but surely, but I also needed a new x-acto handle to take care of the excessive resin flash in every nook and cranny of these figures.

Painted with Huge Minis Yellow, using Huge Minis Urban Medium Grit and flowers and tufts

Chaos Space Gnome versus Gnomish Space Marine (Battle Valor)

I've got a rough progression for the Planet 28 learning, and yes, the Chaos Gnomes will eventually make a devastating appearance.

On the Painting Queue:  More Chaos Space Dwarfs, Blue Martians, Cultists and Zombies, oh my!  Once I get warmed up with those, I'll move over the Pulp Season 4 work.  No ETA on anything.

Project 350:  A little bump up to 472 (311/161) from 471 (315/156).   Gamma World Actual Plays are almost caught up, and I'm working on three separate articles for March from the vault o' blog draft ideas.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

(Kickstarter) The Village of Omelette - A DuckQuest Adventure #ZineQuest5

In the waning days of #Zinequest, another hero appears.  The Village of Omelette is an adventure zine for DuckQuest. 

Yes, that's right.  DuckQuest... and Omelette.

Full disclosure:  I pledged on last year's The Banshee of Billfort, they delivered the pdf, and I have zero recollection of actually looking at it.   I'll have to take a peek in my computer and email to see if I have the file or link to it.  Regardless, I'm pledging.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023


While perusing the social medias, it appears Nic Evans, creator of Planet 28 and Brutal Quest, posted this little picture. 

Now, I'm one of the many backers of Planet 28 2nd Edition here in the States that's still waiting for his book to make it across the pond, but color me extremely intrigued with a separate rules set for 30-50 figures a side.   Not ETA, no samples, just 100% tease.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

(Kickstarter) The Black Rabbit by One Dollar One Shots #ZineQuest2023

 One Dollar One Shots' earlier #ZineQuest offering The Salmon of Knowledge, has provided them with wisdom as well.  Wisdom to run a second Kickstarter in February, this time for The Black Rabbit, for a measly buck.

The Salmon of Knowledge has already been fulfilled, and will probably see action in my current Gamma World game.  I won't expect the same every time from them, but a dollar investment isn't a bad risk. 

Like the previous campaigns, their full inventory of RPG product is available at add-ons, although the previous Salmon adventure is up to a whopping $3.  

(Star Wars d6) #78 - Delivering the Boy

 The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode 

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
Sid - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a good pilot, and even better shot, than the previous pilot.  Possible Imperial ties.
Latorna Savvn - Rebellion pilot and saboteur, trying to lay low from the Empire after a series and destructive attacks.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, currently working for Crom-Crom the Gungan on Naboo, but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio

Over the Occupancy Limit
Using diplomacy and bureaucratic flexibility, 
Rather than blaster fire and explosions, 
The crew of the Pretio not only secured the
release of the Sergei Oberlates, son of 
Prominent Imperial oligarch, but also the 
Release of every Imperial citizen 
Locked away at the same prison. 

With the mission a success, it was 
Time to delivery the "package".... and a 
Few extra parcels at the same time....

The Pretio lifted off from the planet Ruie with twenty-few new passengers, only one of which had been expected.  A despondent Sergei Oberlates stared out a window down at the prison, until it blended into the countryside around it.

Ne'vets was a bit perturbed at Duk'k's insistence to take the other prisoners back to civilization.  Duk'k insisted that the other released prisoners would be locked in the cargo hold that did NOT hold weapons and grenades until Dr P3PP3R could perform medial checks on them.  

Realizing the impact of the commercial contract that they secured for the Lisani Corporation, Ne'vets wondered aloud, "This couldn't be the only prison in that country that held Imperial citizens, what about those?"

Duk'k reassured him, "I'm conveniently charitable, not a full-fledged bleeding heart, plus I'm still reviewing their identities to see if there's any valuable bounties on them, and also to make sure none are serial killers."

Quickly relieved, Ne'vets turned to other topics, "Seriously, where does Latorna want to be dropped off."

Overhearing the conversation, the rebel popped her head around the corner, "Nah, I think I want to stick around for a bit."

"Can you wear a wig at least, the news is still hot from what you did to that shipyard."

"Allegedly...  Anyway, hey, if you want, I can take that Something Awesome and go on a search where you left my brother... TO DIE!!!"

Duk'k reassured Latorna that the Black Sun crew wasn't holding Tarrie prisoner, and honestly didn't know where he went. Going back to Naboo would only create more trouble.

Ne'vets was more direct, "Don't you have any other friends we can drop you off to?"

"I don't like your tone, friend..."

"First time we see you in forever, you blow up a bank, next time, an Imperial shipyard. What's next, a planet?"

Evus chimed in, "She blew up much more of that Jawa Juice than the bank."

Latorna called their bluff, "Alright, tell me where you want me dropped off, if I'm not wanted."

Ne'vets quickly changed his tune, "Hey you're good with weapons, you're welcome to stay for awhile.  I just don't want you to endanger my crew."

"I've seen you guys operate, and you're in enough danger all by yourself.."

Sid interrupted.  "Mister Ne'vets?  Inbound message."

A live transmission from their benefactor Marc Oberlates had finally reached the Pretio.  After some pleasantries, Ne'vets had Evus fetch Sergei.  

"Dad, I don't want to go home.  I miss her already!"

"What the hell?  Mister Aharo, is he on drugs?"

Ne'vets deadpanned to the father "The prison did not provide drugs to its prisoners."

"That's pretty forward thinking for a backwater planet, but what is he talking about?"

"He may have found a love interest in prison.  She was not part of the others who were able to secure their release."

"Others?  I'm only paying you for my boy?"

"And I don't expect a single credit more.  We happened to be a bit more effective in our negotiations than even we expected."

"Fine, I'm currently located on Hosnian Prime.  It's a decent place for you deal with the others.  I'll forward you the information once you reach the sector."

Ne'vets realized the only thing worse than animals running rampant on the ship were two dozen extra humans.  Food and supplies all needed to be secured and Dr. P3PP3R was relegated to basic medical care, followed by constantly cleaning the refresher.  

Days later, the Pretio finally reached Hosnian Prime.  The planet was an urban world, with rings of thousands of small space stations and businesses orbiting it.  

Landing on the expected coordinates, the crew needed to encourage the released prisoners to disembark and fine the proper authorities.  

Ne'vets and Duk'k escorted Sergei into the Piscopo and drove off to the mansion of Marc Oberlates.

Pulling straight up to the front door, they rang the doorbell.  Servants invited them in and led to directly to his father.

A smile grew from the elder Oberlates and his arms became outstretched.

"My son, you're back"

Marc offered them both drinks, provided payment, and invited them all to dinner. 

Marc excused himself and his son, and left Ne'vets and Duk'k in a swanky lounge to wait for dinner. 

After an hour or so, where arguing could be heard through all corners of the mansion, Oberlates and his son came back to fetch them.  The crew followed him down the hallway.

"Sorry for the uproar, but the good news is we have your next mission ready, if you're interested."

"Next mission?" A curious Ne'vets asked.  "It's not another prison break, is it.  That's not really our normal speed."

"Oh, no, nothing like that," Marc insisted leading the group around a corner and into the dining hall. "But word of your exploits travel quickly, and there was a group that just demanded to have a moment or your time."

Ne'vets wasn't the only one with a sense of dread, expecting Black Sun, Pykes, or some random bounty hunters at the head of the table. 

Rather, a number of Imperial individuals emerged from the alcoves in the room.  Three were dressed in officer whites, while eight of their subordinates where in militia helmets and well-pressed commando gear.  No one had weapons drawn.

Okay, maybe they didn't have weapons draw, but with this group, things could escalate quickly.

Oberlates apologized, "I may have been overexcited when I mentioned my son's return to my friend.  Word got out and these fine bureaucrats demanded an audience."

Duk'k tilted his head.  "Did we do something wrong?"

The highest ranking Imperial spoke up, "On the contrary, we just want to discuss opportunities."

Monday, February 20, 2023

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Winter 2022-23 - Week 11

And with a small whimper, almost all of the winter season is over for the girls.  

Maja:  Has an entry with her school teammates in the 9th grade level of the Back Mountain Shootout, first weekend in March.  Millie will not be there, but will be ready to don a uniform for the coach if something catastrophic happened.   She is enjoying her downtime (and running the scoreboard for the rec league, even if there's controversy. 

Millie: Her Freeland team is waiting on any and all challengers for the Freeland tournament.   Her local team is skipping Back Mountain, based on the same level of competition they played all year, and Freeland is NOT putting in a team.  The season appears to end with a Lewisburg tournament a week later.  Clutch went there and raised havoc, so Mountain Top should take a few more minutes to achieve dominance.  

Local Rec League: 10% of coaches and parents don't understand that 90% of the parents want this to be simple, then over by mid-February.  I continue to deny schedule changes due to overbooked kids, and I think I have an overwhelming majority that want (a) target 8 kids per team for every division, cap the registration if need be. (b) an even-number of teams to avoid byes and playoff chaos.  Everybody loves the byes until they don't go your way.  We're also not keeping track of results and standings next year (Lord knows we failed to keep track this year). 

Scheduling aside, the penultimate weekend of games was almost uneventful.  One coach did find a loophole in our substitution rules, which I wouldn't recommended anyone trying to duplicate, and one of the our other problematic coaches got tossed from the game.  At least half the games were extremely  competitive and I had two complaints for the two dozen compliments I got from parents. 

7th/8th Grade: I finished up the team stats with the game information I possessed.  A few statistical surprises, most make sense if one remembers the kids with playing time at the end of the season slowly earned it through the season, so their stats are really stellar.  

At least one of the girls went out for the AAU tryouts, as I suggested (I never suggested dropping the cash for the season, but four hours of high intensity workouts with talented girls is worth the tryout fee).  By her own words, everyone else was so much better, but that's what I expected.  She'll go to he second tryout, since it's already paid for, and if we're just working out at the park, and finding random lessons for the spring, so be it.  Summer ball for them starts in 15 weeks.

This was in the lobby at the North Schuylkill Tournament last week.  Figured it was a sign from God.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

(Kickstarter) Space Dwarfs: Operation Army 2 by Magglet

 Magglet is back a second, revised range of their classic-style space dwarfs with Operation Army 2

With this wave, the infantry has separated weapons. allowing for better conversions.  

Samples of each set:

(Probably NSFW) DJ Shadow - Nobody Speak feat. Run The Jewels (Official Video)

Friend of the blog, and friend of the Viscount, Hoyce McGurgle, just revealed this gem to me this weekend.  

It is not lyrically appropriately, not most reader's musical genre of choice, and it has NOTHING to do with gaming, but few music videos have given me a deep visceral reaction. 

It feels like a natural progression, and escalation over twenty years since Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice video with Christopher Walken. 

Saturday, February 18, 2023

(Kickstarter) R'lyehwatch RPG #ZineQuest2023

 #ZineQuest brings out the true passion projects, demonstrating the true art the role-playing games can be, even in the smallest formats. 

And then there's R'lyehwatcha rules-light tabletop roleplaying game about a group of lifeguards and their friends who protect their local beach from the monsters trying to take over. It mashes up the campy melodrama of Baywatch with the cosmic horror of the Cthulhu Mythos. It’s played with one referee and one or more players, and all you need are a handful of six-sided dice and some coins, poker chips, or other tokens.

Friday, February 17, 2023

A Juicy Breakfast

I'd like to introduce everyone to "Juicy the Orange Dragon."

Juicy was originally Stormwing, the one and only dragon I've painted up.  They came from the Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter, and I think they've only made an appearance or two in games.  Otherwise, Stormwing was biding his time on the top shelf of painted minis in the basement, collecting dust, and slowly bending over, as the original Reaper Bones material is wont to do.

As I moved out, the dragon was one of the issues, since I didn't really want to take the time to pack up a separate box, so by some forgotten mean, the dragon became a passenger in my car.   Sometimes they sat in the front seat, sometimes they were an ornament on my dashboard, like a fantasy equivalent of a plastic Jesus.  

Sometimes they shared breakfast with the kids, when I ran them to practice.  It was these trips where they were officially dubbed Juicy.  

The Daily Dashboard Feeding of Your Dragon
Alas, the weeks in the car were not kind to the dragon as a dashboard ornament/action toy.   A wing fell off (cleanly) and some paint has chipped off.  A perfect opportunity to "battle damage" the dragon and find a decent spot to display her.  (Genderswapping dragons and name changes are all the purview of the girls.  Male/Female/Other, the dragon is still going to eat some adventurers this year...)

On the Painting Queue:  Dust. Basketball playoffs are almost done, and hopefully we'll have some snow afterwards where I can hide and paint.  Chaos Space Dwarves, Gnomish Space Marines, Blue Martian all need to get finished so they can make appearances in my Planet 28 games.  I also grabbed some 3-D printed cultists and zombies from Alchemist's Cove that were reasonably price and not overdetailed.  They've been washed and primed and added to the growing clutter. 

Another reason for a lackluster week was one of my worklamps went kaput.  Sure, I don't expect much from an $8 Wal-Mart desk lamp, but since it's LED, I expected a near-lifetime of use.  

The bulbs didn't give out, the circuitry did.  I have had the pair long enough to be in the basement before we properly mitigated the water problem.  That excess moisture corroded the circuitry and fuses.   I will cannibalize the old one for sci-fi parts, and the replacement has already arrived from Wal-Mart.

Project 350:  After the #ZineQuest glut, we're back down to 471 (315/156) from 477 (317/160).  The next four weeks will be catching up my Gamma World actual plays, plotting Gnome Wars games for Cold Wars, and prepping for an Easter game that doesn't completely deviate from my normal holiday fare.

I also continued my trend of killing one post annually.  My August post about the "Fixers from the Floorboards" Kickstarter must have caught the attention of some sort of bot, because it was getting getting more than twenty times the traffic of any other post since last August.  As usual, I'll keep my numbers archived for posterity, but I figured I'd kill it before it cracks my top ten.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Lehicon 7 with Twenty-Six Year Hindsight

During Mepacon's triumphant return to the Lehigh Valley, I was contacted by a old-time convention goer, looking for information regarding an ancestor of that con, the Lehicons of the 90s.  We were able to get some dates, locations, and highlights together for her... as well as used considerable time meeting up with other old-timers at the con to commiserate those days of yore.

As a gift, I was given photos of her husbands pre-registration book.  I know I've discarded or used most of the con books for other purposes over the years, so for today, I'll review the pre-reg page by page and feel all too nostalgic. 

The second half of the page was for the still-attached address label.

Ok kids, back in the day, when the worldwide intraweb thingy was in its mass-consumption infancy, local cons would assemble their events two months in advance (minimum) and mail out copies of the booklet to previous attendees, in hopes that they would pre-register at a discount and some of the money could be re-couped early. 

The Best Western in Easton was the previous sites of Lehicons 2  & 3 (as a Sheraton), as well as a host of other one-day conventions.  I'm frightened to realize that it's been five years since it was torn down for a DaVinci science center and Aquarium that never materialized.

Artwork was done by the Convention Director Mike Griffith's then-wife Roxy.  
The true page 1 is an introductory page that spelled out a ton of fun stuff to draw all sorts of gamers 
  • A Magic Type II (now Standard?) tournament, with 1st prize being a box of 5th Edition.
  • MechForce North America Battletech Events
  • RPGA Living Events (organized play always guaranteed attendance.  Still does.), including exclusive first-run games
  • Some guy named Ed Greenwood.  Funny fact, this was his second appearance at a Lehicon (Lehicon V in Allentown for the first time).  Mike and Ed knew each other, so this was a coup the larger, regional cons on the East Coast couldn't  pull off. 
Two numbers that make me feel old:   Full weekend pass, pre-registered: $20.  Hotel con rate: $59

Page 2:  Directions to the con still work.  Not sure why I-78 to the Easton exit wasn't used, that stretch had been open for years.  The PA-33 expansion between 22 and 78 wouldn't be finished for another five years.  It also covers the obligatory rules that only the most feral local cons did not include, and a reference to the famous everything starts at a dollar gaming auctions. The phenomena survived a few of the local one day conventions and moved into the Lehicon 6 & 7 easily.   This may have been on of the last auctions run by Ron Meishker of the Game Trader, but there's a slightly modified descendent over the Saturday dinner break at subsequent Bogglecons and all the Mepacons since then. 

Page 3:  The Ed Greenwood Events were always sold-out 

Friday Night A Session (7pm-11pm):  AD&D, Battletech, Magic, Rifts, and World of Darkness.  About as 90's as one can get.

Friday B Session (8pm-Midnight) A staggered start that I don't remember much of, but a precursor to the every two hour con slots I've seen for years.  More AD&D, Car Wars, INWO, and West End Star Wars!

Saturday morning on that page was a wide variety of AD&D, and a big MechForce NA tourney.

C Slot continued with Call of Cthulhu, a very professional TORG game (Todd and Russ are awesome), and TWO 40k events!  Plus Ron ran a session of some board game called Catan, whatever that is.... 

By the nature of games alphabetized by system, lots of AD&D for the start of Session E.
Pager 6:  Saturday Afternoon concludes with more Battletech,  Magic (Type 1.5 is now called Legacy. It was just a year old at this con), 40k, World of Darkness, and nods to Warzone and Kryomek.   And even more AD&D for the evening F-slot.

Page 7:  Saturday evening a ton a variety and fun, another Mechforce Tournament, Magic, but also another round of Todd and Russ' great TORG game and an actual TOON game to boot!

The Midnight Madness session seems eclectic with Eric "Jolt" Jacobson (aka me) running Legions of Steel, and another Eric (EricFromNJ on Happy Jacks) running.... the  Buck Rogers in the 24th Century boardgame.?   The bar was open in the hotel at that time, which may have been needed to play that, but I don't remember the thinking behind it.
Sunday is quite robust, with multiple Battletech events, tons of AD&D, Star Wars d6, and Talisman, plus some of the Ed Greenwood extravaganza. 
Yep kids, that's how we signed up for cons back in the day.  We even used this think call a stamp that cost thirty-two cents to send them back to the con staff. 

A solid convention by any Lehicon standards, and despite being in the program running an event, I have no serious recollection of the con.   The con was in '97, and this was right in the timeframe where I quit Dreamscape Comics, lost the girl, the car, and if I had pets, probably the dog.  It was a rough time, which might explain why I only ran Midnight Madness.  I should also have a better recollection of my friend Charles running a mad number of games, including Council of Wyrms, Cars Wars, and 
"Extreme" Talisman (It was the 90's...)

This was the pinnacle for Battletech premiere events in the Valley, although Wooly continued to run some awesome Battletech sessions for three or four more years.  As we've seen for years, Magic, 40k, and other wargaming tournaments need their own dedicated, segregated events.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

(Kickstarter) Pigeon's Eleven by 9th Level Games #ZineQuest2023

 The latest edition of Kobolds Ate My Baby might not have made it to Kickstarter, but 9th Level Games' #ZineQuest5 addition, Pigeon's Eleven, seems to work just fine.  

From the Kickstarter:
In PIGEON’S ELEVEN, each bird takes on a different role in the Crew. Choose the type of role you want to play on the Crew. Pigeon's Eleven is powered by polymorph™ and that makes it easy to run and play.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

(Star Wars d6) #77 - A Used Star Destroyer is Fine

The Crew of the Pretio in This Week's Episode:

Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise, majority owner in the Pretio.
Duk'k - Sipsk'ud Bounty Hunter, recently rescued by the crew. Offering his services in order to get off this barely existing hunk of mud. His warning shots are dead center mass kill shots.
Evus - Twi'lek male, former slave, then former associate of Ne'vets, currently working for Crom-Crom the Gungan on Naboo, but caught back up in the nonsense of the Pretio
"Sid" - A peculiar woman who has shown to be a good pilot, and even better shot, than the previous pilot.  Possible Imperial ties.  
Latorna Savvn - Noted terrorist working for the Galactic Rebellion.  Wanted by the Empire and multiple systems for multiple deaths in the name of "Freedom."  Laying low on the Pretio, while also bleakly looking for any news that her brother, former Pretio pilot Tarrie Prolek, is still alive.

Two for One Deal
In the employ of an Imperial Oligarch to rescue his 
Imprisoned son, Sergei, the crew of the Pretio 
Discarded ideas of prison assaults and heavy bribery
And went with a far easier proposition: 
Negotiating on behalf of the Lisani Corporation 
For mineral rights, only the nation's negotiators were
Authoritarian ruling family of Neevlethorn.

Can Ne'vets and company get there target
Released AND a profitable negotiation, 
Or will an ill-time gaffe grant them a spot 
In the same prison as Sergei???

After presenting their crew as member of a sales team, Ne'vets Aharo had his team in a cozy hotel under intense surveillance for the night.  The following morning, bedecked in sky blue Lisani Corporation gear, an escorting a personal beverage droid (F1-ZZ), they were driven in a decommissioned imperial troop carrier to the Supreme Palace.

The were discarded into a main floor waiting room and promptly forgotten. Ne'vets fearing tracking devices everywhere, typed the majority of his ideas to the crew onto a data pad.

"We need to work up the chain of command as high as possible, so we can bring up the prison as part of the negotiations. Don't communicate with these folks unless

After two hours, a military attaché came into the room and advised them the Royal Council would meet with them now.    

Neevlethorn Intelligence Officer
Ne'vets feigned interest in the architecture and style, and the commanding joined into a rousing discussion on Neevlethorn history and overt propaganda.

Passing through a set of double doors, the hallway changed from concrete floors and walls to marble.  Very few decorations, like pictures and painting adorned the walls.  Another turn of the corner and the group came into a very utilitarian looking conference room.

They were left alone in the room and Duk'k took his fake role as IT support with relish, setting up the presentation.  Unfortunately, he forgot a number of adapters so he had trouble hooking things up to the wall podium display.  With the help of Sid, and a series of damaged spanners, they were able to pry a A/V panel on the wall and hard-wired the tech into the system and a holo-vid generated with a spinning Lisani Corp logo.  

Duk'k was relieved.  "Okay, I can run the presentation if Sid can hid behind the podium and slice the data we're looking for."  

Sid sat on the ground successfully logged onto the Neevlethorn network, but was forced to pop back up when another Neevlethorn officer appeared and announced, "The Elden Royal Family!"

Six individuals dressed in military styled uniforms.  Four individuals looked related, even beyond the exaggerated mutton chops on their face.  Two individuals without mutton chops appeared to be military leaders or advisors.

One of the older men stood up and spoke a series of platitudes for fifteen minutes about the natural riches and attractiveness to the Empire that Neevlethorn offered.  

Ne'vets tried valiantly to conduct his presentation, but the royal family continued to interrupt at varoius comments.  He finally took control of the situation by saying, "Not only have we made all the worlds we've negotiated with very wealthy, but they are able to receive sufficient technology to crush their enemies."

Ne'vets bounced from royal family member to member, to cover mining technology, advanced firearms, and even the purchase price for an Imperial Star Destroyer.  "Used is fine...  Anything to destroy our hated enemies."

A delicate line was toed balancing infrastructure upgrades and educational advancements, while another family member stopped him mid-sentence.  

"What... is... that...???"

He was pointing at F1-ZZ.

"Is it a weapon? Are you trying to sneak weapons."

"No-no-no, it's a just a it's a beverage dispensary droid.  I mean, there is storage area where lesser civilized races might have placed explosiv...."

As he pressed a button for open the little doors for the storage compartment, Ne'vets felt the presence of a doze slug-throwers pointed right at him.   

"One of the generals interrupted, that's not what he meant, your graces.  Perhaps a demonstration of the droid's beverage capacity is needed at this time.  Glasses for everyone!"

Drinks were distributed and small talk conducted as data pads with contracts were pulled out.  

The same general who suggested drinks wandered behind the podium to find Sid sitting on the floor. 

"So you're the one that makes the magic happen?"

"Someone has to make the others look good, sir," Sid deadpanned.   That seemed enough to satisfy the general and he wandered off to discuss contracts.  

Outside a series of outrageous demands to ridiculous bonuses... and the acquisition of F1-ZZ, the Neevlethorn Royal Family agreed to the contract.  As the contracts were being approved, Sid was finally able to access the Neevlethorn network and pulled up rosters of government workers, but there were no personnel files to be found. 

The crew were allowed to return to their hotel, and plans for a "Great feast to celebrate our new relationship with the Planet Lisani."

The next day, the crew were detained in the hotel until the feast, but spent their morning handling repeated com calls from the Royal Family inquiring about tech specs for all the equipment listed in the complimentary copy of Lisani's catalog.  

Tiring of these calls, Ne'vets asked one of the family members is the crew could have a formal tour of the city and all its greatness.   They agreed and the group was escorted to a grav-train for a tour.    The tour guide provided a rather canned and jingoistic presentation, but the most memorable moment was the grav-train breaking down.  

Duk'k looked over to Ne'vets, "I think we could have offered them a Star Destroyer.  This grav-train is brand new tech from TDX and they've failed to maintain something that almost requires zero maintenance."

While techs attempted to repair the train,  the group was offered lunch at one of the finest eateries in all the land, which appeared to be a dated steak house.  The food was surprisingly spectacular, most of the dishes a planetary variant of the reptilian Bush Runner, accompanied with a curry-like dish. 

The guide informed them that they would use traditional speeders for the rest of the tour, and were given a tour of government buildings, the outlines of mining operations, and finished in a local market for souvenirs. Outside of discovering a hibachi with a dolphin race as chefs, they picked up a few touristy items, 

With the tour completed, they returned to the hotel, where they were met with a small army of Neevlethorn legal advisors, and a host of pedantic and non-impactful revisions.   Realizing that the the limited tech of Neevlethorn wasn't giving them the data they needed about the prison, the crew decided to swing for the fences.  They approved all the Neevlethorn changes, but added their own redundant boilerplate text, hiding within it partial clauses that Neevlethorn would release all Galactic Empire citizens who were prisoners inside their boundaries. 

The grand festivities of the official state dinner were fare calmer and dignified compared to the negotiations.  Food and drink was delicious.

General Therrand, the more reasonable military officer during the negotiations, pulled Ne'vets to the side.  "Mister Aharo, I've had everyone review your updates, and we should be able to initiate things immediately... once I'm compensated for reviewing all the extra line-items you added this afternoon."

"How would you like one of your own personal beverage droids?"

"You're kriffing kidding me right?"

"We can fill the storage compartment with plenty of Imperial credits...."

The crew was allowed to leave the next day, and once in orbit, immediately transmitted the contract, data, and a request for another beverage droid, to the Lisani Corporation.  

It took a week for the contracts to be finalized on the Lisani side, but documentation and beverage droid arrived in the system.  Ne'vets personal deliver the documentation to the various bureaus and delivered the beverage droid to General Therrand, who personally searched the storage compartment for bombs.  Finding the storage full of Imperial credits, he pulled the droid into his office and shut the doors.

Flying from the capital to the prison to await Sergei's release, Duk'k questioned Ne'vets,  "I really don't think we needed to wait for that beverage droid to deliver the bribe to the general.  I have the sense he would have take the money and released Sergei a week ago."

"True, but it's better cover, plus now we have confirmation the slicing Side did to the first beverage droid is working.  It's already accessed the network and is providing Lisani with a ton of information."

Duk'k corrected him, "Unitl they fail to properly maintain the droid and it falls apart."

"Not my problem for once, even with their poor data transmission rates, Lisani should soon be in permanent financial advantage dealing with Neeevlethron and TDX."

The Pretio landed outside the prison fences, 200-300 meters away the facility.  Within the hour, the blast doors for one bunk finally opened.  Three dozen prison guards emerged, followed by a lone male in an orange jumpsuit, definitely NOT Sergei.  A few moments later, a Hammerhead came out, followed by a human female, then another human male, then a group of prisoners.

The last person to come out was a tall, curly haired man.

"That's him!"

Duk'k came down the ramp to greet Sergei.  The young man was quite confused as he tried to follow the other folks released from the prison.  Once he caught sight of the Sipsk'ud, Sergei walked over and questioned him, "What's going on?"

"You're going home, kid!"

"Going home? No, no, no... I'm okay staying here."

The young man pleaded to Duk'k to stay.  He rushed back to a prison guard to try and grab a weapon, but the guard knocked them down.  "You're free!  Go away!"

"But I can't leave without her!  You have to understand, she's still here.  I can't leave her."

"If she's not an Imperial citizen, there's nothing we can do today.  Let's get you home to your Dad and we can go after her right after."


"I promise..."

Sergei dejectedly tramped up the ramp of the Pretio and Duk'k walked over the guards.  

"We'll take them from here, but do you guys have a list of who you released.  I do want to take them home, but I need to cross-reference the weirdos and actual murderers.  The guards obliged, then Duk'k herded the other released prisoners. He reached out to the Pretio, "Hey guys, warm up some Space Salisbury Steak dinners, we've got two dozen new guests to take to the Inner Rim"

GM Notes:  The adventure, Rescue on Ruie, can be found in Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society (JTAS)  #1.  The concept of infiltrating a hermit kingdom, and remote jail to rescue an industrialist's son has different connotations in Traveller than it does in Star Wars.  But playing a Mercantile Star Wars campaign set a few years before the full-blown Rebellion takes place, has advantages that Traveller does not afford.

 As I continue to plunder the Challenge Challenge, things had transitioned form the intermittent articles in Challenge, to back track into JTAS and their all-Traveller.  I'm effectively done with Challenge 25-29, and four out the nine specific articles in JTAS 1-3.

Next: #78 - Delivering the Boy

Happy Valentine's Day

Monday, February 13, 2023

(Kickstarter) Cities Untold: Lowtown - TTRPG Terrain By Dwarven Forge

February on Kickstarter might be focused on small zines, but there's no moratorium on the massive projects either. 

Dwarven Forge has launched their Cities Untold: Lowtown campaign, for their City Builder System which they had previously launched on Kickstarter and fulfilled.

There was a time when Dwarven Forge was my jam, back when their two major options were traditional dungeon and cavern dungeons.  Today, they offer so many personalized options, and with over a $1.5 million pledged, people love that... and occasionally use it.  A painted starter kit (one of many options) is now $158, a bit more than 20 years ago, but not that much more.

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Winter 2022-23 - Week 10

Maja - Maja's Freshman season ended with two more convincing wins, so convincing, in fact, that she didn't even play in the 2nd half of either.   Since they couldn't finish business with the top team in the league, they finished with a very respectable 15-2 record.  Her points per game stayed at a measly 2, but every other stat (rebounds, assists, steals, and blocks) skyrocketed compared to her Freshmen campaign last year.   The offense already has a three-headed dragon, she's okay with simply feeding the beast right now. 

AAU tryouts seemed successful, and rumor on the street is that all of the 8th graders will be playing 9th grade this year.

Millie - Millie's Wolfpack team spent the weekend in Schuylkill Haven (Alchemist's Cove territory).  The tourney did offer some newer teams, but with the same results.  

After a full day of games, there was a rushed convoy heading up to Kingston Rec for a championship game between the Wolfpack and Millie's local team.   After three games, the Wolfpack finally finished them off for once, jumping out to a 15-point lead early and pouring it on to win the Championship.  Millie's team wasn't ready for them, and without Millie guarding the Wolfpack's top point guard, the massacre was pretty quick to predict.   Millie did manage to hit a three, plus a half-dozen assists, and five out of six turnovers charged to her were wide open teammates who simply weren't paying attention. 

Sunday was more of the same, with the Wolfpack's bench players playing most of the game, and the starters rotating in and out.  With a softer defense a 45-11 final score was not unreasonable, especially since the last 12 points came from the bench players.  

They did let her pose with both trophies from the weekend.

I'm amazed at the in-fighting and political maneuvering of the parents of the grade school kids.  Not surprised, simply amazed at what levels folks will go to ensure your kid trains and comes back to beat local kids by 21 instead of 20.  Millie's season with the Wolfpack is probably done, and the Local team has two final tournaments that, unless there's some surprises, should be cakewalks.  

Rec League - (A) Playoffs are full in hand, and (B) I hate adults.  They do their very best to eschew fairness and forget that the leagues are for the kids.    Refusing to change the schedule has generated hatred.  Changing the schedule launches a chain of hateful words.  It's just a lot of adults living vicariously through their kids.  Still, there's two more weeks and most of the complainers are still around.  

This weekend I flew around with undated brackets at the schools, extra score sheets, and reinforcing the rules before venturing out to Millie's tournament.  I came back to drop off Maja, so she and her friend could run scoreboard for the younger girl's playoffs, before we helped out with the biddy pizza parties.  

Now, the Biddy pizza parties went off without a hitch, partially because I revised the rules for their Hot Shots competition, eliminating never ending brackets and bored 5-7 year olds in a packed all-purpose room.  The younger girls games had controversy as Maja's crew caught a coach not doing the required substitution policy, specifically every kid needs to sit four minutes of the 32-minute game, and nothing was done about it.   The coach ignored the questions, the ref ignored the scoreboard team, and play continued.  

I'm going to have to flex my power a wee bit, because (a) Maja was teamed up with the most experienced scoreboard team in the league (b) with confirmed witnesses, the coach claimed they didn't have the player in question, even though they were standing in the middle of the court at the time and (c) the coach then claimed she had been taken out , when the worst player on the team had been removed for the first of three times in the games, a very verbose move to the witnesses.  We have a limited window to make any decisions with a very milquetoast board, but to actively insult the board member's kids who were hand-picked by an officiating director,  to handle these exact issues, and for all the other adults to ignore them, when they were in the wrong?   

I hate grown-ups.