Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Top Ten Personal Gaming Moments of the Decade

Part two of "Yes, I lived through the entire decade/century/millenia-ending criteria during Y2K.  I know there's a whole 'nother year to go before I should be waxing nostalgic about the decade."

But I still don't care, so here's My Top Ten Personal Gaming Moments of the Decade.

#10  My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Bro!
With the girls getting older, it was a no brainer to grab the My Little Pony: Tails of Equestria Storytelling game.  It was even more advantageous for me when I discovered that running the games in two hour sessions at cons was perfect for kids.

One of these sessions was only a a father-daughter team, so I pulled my chair around from the GM screen, sat down next to the little girl, and started working on making the most awesome pony of all time.

Then the bros came. Brandon and Anthony had pre-registered for the event, and showed up a few minutes late, but came in with the greatest attitude. They had needed a game to fill the time slot and ponies sounded intriguing, but almost challenging fun. If all my players came in with that sort of an attitude to each session, every game would be guaranteed A+ awesome.

As the session progressed, it became apparent that the young lady's pony, Harmony was becoming the center of the story, bluntly arguing with the Commander of the Gnoman Legions, and when her abilities were needed to stop a catastrophe, three grown men became wildly animated with each subsequent roll, tossing their own Tokens of Friendship at her in encouragement, and to improve her results. It was epic.

In a decade where safe spaces, x-cards, and "cosplay does not mean consent" signs festoon public gatherings, it was simply fantastic to have a table of people so energetic and engrossed in a game... and simply having fun.
Brandon and Anthony
#9 -  Gnome Wars "The Battle of Yellowstone"
Not many sane people could put together a ten-player game covering the US Cavalry's management of the Yellowstone National Park in the late-19th and early 20th centuries.

And fewer people could pull it off, but I did.... using Gnomes.

I'd like to submit this one again for Cold Wars 2020, for the Wargaming in Education block, but the current kids' basketball schedule isn't going to let me be there on Saturday.  Maybe next year... or even Historicon or Fall-In! this year?

Maybe I'll set it up using actual "human" figures and "real" animals, but don't hold your breath.

#8 - The Completion of Masks of Nylarathotep
The bulk of my long-running Call of Cthulhu campaign took place in this decade, but to say I actually completed running Masks of Nylarathotep was the bigger accomplishments, not only with survivors, but I allowed a good ending as well as a chance to revisit things one day.

#7 - Risus - "Curse of the Diminutive Pope"
From the moment I moved into the era to live with my wife, we started the Day of Sloth tradition: The Sunday before Labor Day extravaganza.  Hot dogs, burgers, and of course, Illuminati University (IOU).   Before there was Baby Yoda, there was college-age Yoda dueling atop a Ferris Wheel against Snake Gandhi's two invisible katanas with laser sights, but that was a top-ten game from the prior decade.

The greatest Risus IOU was the Curse of the Diminutive Pope, a tale about legal residency, Sarah Palin, dwarfism, and the lyrical stylings of the Bloodhound Gang.  All around a fire pit in the twilight of a summer evening.

We've skipped the picnic the last two years, but thanks to Roll20, Risus IOU still lives on.

#6 - Maja's First Game
Ten years with three thousand posts to read is a bit overwhelming for a last-second end-of-decade top ten list, and I almost missed this one.

Maja's first "real" game.  After months of making up stories with the minis in the closet, we grabbed some figures, drew up a little map, and proceeded with the Rescue of the Ruby Princess.

#5 - Online Gaming
It all started with a casual remark between friends, and now I'm at my computer 9pm every Monday night for the World of Andarras/Rocks of Scarra 5e game.

It's been an on-again, off-again success.  We've lost one player, another lost their job, another is going through the problems with a divorce, but most everyone knows that if our fearless leaders, Jeff, is unavailable to run, then it's my time to fill in the slot with either BECMI D&D, Call of Cthulhu, or something Risus (and not always IOU).  I think we'd all like to advance our characters' level and the plot a bit faster, but it is the only reason I own any 5th Edition books at this point. 

#4 - Samoa 
Way back on August 1, 2012, I declared my next (and only) huge project was going to be a Second Samoan Civil War game for Cold Wars 2014's theme of Forgotten Wars.

Over the next 19 months, the I documented picking out figures, researching the topic, even finding a perfect skin tone for Samoans (I found Foundry paints South American flesh tone set with the highlights looked acceptable). 

Thanks to all the research and painting 100+ figures, not only was my event a success (thanks to the honorable award-winning GM Mike Lung's scenery assistance), but we ran a great 12-player Gnome Wars game based on the Siege of Apia at the same con, AND reused the project while participating in spirit with the HAWKS "Battle in a Box" contest at Fall-In 2018!  The Samoans have been used individually as characters for our Pulp campaign, as well as generic tribesmen, and the US Marines have played a hefty roll in the Pulp Campaign as Lt. Col Thaddeus Ovaltine's Rough 'n Ready Riders.

#3 - The Notebook
The occasional reader might ask, "When did the focus from painting figures to role-playing ramblings actually begin?  February 2017, after our usual day of a train show in Allentown and gaming in Easton, my college roommate, Steve presented me with an ancient artifact:  the in-character game journal from our college AD&D game.  By April, the first of 76 weekly episodes of the Ballad of the Pigeon God were coming out every Tuesday.  I was already writing up my Call of Cthulhu games since I posted the first one one *cough* MySpace years prior, and my two Hackmaster campaigns were simple write-ups within the past decade with well-detailed journal entries. 

The Pigeon God and the later Lost Dispatches of Feraso, were full of gaps, plot holes, and trying to create a better flow for my former campaigns.  I'd like to think that I've done a fair effort documenting campaigns that are 20 and 30 years old now. 

Keeping ahead of the posts has been a investment in time.  I'm normally four to six weeks ahead of my current post, but some topics, some regions, some events, require a LOT of research to fit the puzzle pieces in, and I've used many a late Monday night reserved for a post-online game beer and some painting to pouring through texts and websites, trying to ensure the progress of a fictional account of a "remember when" campaign is logical and accurate.

#2 - Historicon 2010 at Valley Forge
In the wake of the great Baltimore fiasco, HMGS needed to move Historicon to the Valley Forge Convention Center (now Casino/Hotel/Convention Center).  There were numerous problems tangential problems (I will never use those hotels ever again), but the games were great.   "Uncle Duke" Seifried had his Diamond Jubilee of games there, and I got to play in not one, but two of them!

The Gnome Wars games were epic, and the Historicon joust created one of the greatest legends outside of the Stout Gnomes' own minds:  Rosalie of the Rosary, now immortalized as my nurse in my California Imperial Guard unit.

#1 - Father's Day
Since 2012, my wife has been forced to work on Father's Day, and every year I guarantee that a game is played with my girls.

Even if they did start out small....
With all the craziness of our lives, the Father's Day Tea Party is one of those basic, silly constants I look forward towards.  The latest extravaganza can be found here and the end of the post lists the links to all the other games.  To be honest, most of those games would dominate my top ten, so it's more fitting to make this my #1 pick overall.

Monday, December 30, 2019

Top Ten Minis Painted in the '10s!

Yes, yes, I know.  I lived through the entire decade/century/millenia-ending criteria during Y2K.  I know there's a whole 'nother year to go before I should be waxing nostalgic about the decade.

But for once I sit myself square in the demographic that doesn't care about technicalities.

... and I want the Roaring Twenties to start up again on January 1st, just without the Great Depression near the end.

#10 - Scottish Gnome Golf Mortar
A fun mini set from Brigade Games, it's a odd green shade I love, plus my first (and possibly only) attempt at a tartan.  He and his gnomeling caddy cohort have seen limited action, except as a random encounter during my Gnome Wars games on the MBA tables at Historicon 2011.

#9 - Gretchin as Blue Martians 
It happens once a decade, but I bought Games Workshop figures at retail price!   In a world where everything but the expensive base games are overpriced (yes, you read that right), finding a box of 40k Gretchin at the price of an impulse buy made me not only purchase them, but get them painted up in record time.

They've gotten some use, most notably in the quick series of adventures starring them and using the Legions of Steel Planetstorm rules.

#8 - German Gnomes "The Flying Monkeys"
"Die FleiderAffes" were some of the first Gnome Wars figures I purchased, and they were finally finished and fielded.

#7 - German Schutztruppen (Pulp Figures)
The last solid force I painted up were some German Colonial troops suitable for Great War Africa, a Polynesian diversion, or a good Pulp force.  For such a uniform look and simple color scheme, it baffles me why it took so long, but it did.

#6 - 3rd Swiss Gnome Engineers
I completed the first figure for this unit from Brigade Games right before I started this blog, and over the years, the group has been assembled, with their road cone hats and double NCOs acting as flaggers.

#5 - American Gnome California Imperial Guard
A unit of American Gnomes from Brigade Games, painted in the image of Emperor Norton himself.

#4 - Maja's Egypt Work
My daughter Maja's Sphinx remains one of the more exciting terrain pieces we've put on the table, so much so, that I forget that she's put it in an important spot on her dresser in her room.  We really need to put more Windsword stuff together.

#3 Stormwing 
One of the impulse buys from the Reaper Bones 3 Kickstarter, this is the only dragon I've ever painted up, and although I've never used it in a game, it's one of my crowning achievements.  I will note, that in time since I finished it, good ol' Stormy's wings have forced the figure to bend and sit on all fours.

#2 The Samoa Project 
This was the largest project I have ever completed.  110 figures, some trenches, and a pile of palm trees (although I borrowed some additional trees and terrain to avoid a last-second push).   My Second Samoan Civil War game was planned and finished in a year using predominantly Pulp Figures Melanesians as the native forces.  A few more have been added over the years (more US Marines and, of course, the Volcano Queen set, for historical inaccuracy). 

#1 - Wooly Bully and the Traitor Jacobson
My favorite painted minis from the last decade weren't even painted by me.   Having won a painting gift certificate, I figured it would be appropriate to have someone else try their hand at painting two of the most (in)famous individuals in the Legions of Steel universe.  More can be read about them here.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Another Month of Gaming (January 2020)

Sliding in between our year-end holidays is Game Trade Magazine #239. 

ViscountEric's Want List

ViscountEric's Money-is-no-Object Want List
Call of Cthulhu:  Three Portals into the Nightmare ..................... $19.99

Decision Games
Strategy & Tactics #322 - Banana Wars: 1898-1935 .................. $39.99

The Imaginary Store List
25th Century Games
Kingswood ............................................................... $29.99
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner .............................. $24.99
Asmodee Editions
Agatha Christie: Death of the Cards ................................. $19.99
Aztec ......................................................... $19.99
Cairn ......................................................... $34.99
Oriflamme ................................................  $19.99
Tea for 2 .................................................... $24.99
Unlock!  Escape Adventures ....................  $29.99
Unlock!  Mystery Adventures ..................  $29.99
I may have mentioned this in an earlier Another Month..., but Asmodee's Marvel: Crisis Protocol  miniature game makes Games Workshop look like a bag of army men at the dollar store.  Very nice figures, but when every hero runs the price of a special  (not unique) character off the 40k rack, I'm interested to see what the necessary saturation point is to generate a sustainable community of gamers.  

Catalyst Game Labs
Battletech: Battlecorps Anthology Vol 6 - Front Line PB ................... $12.95

Sheriff of Nottingham (2nd Edition) ............ $39.99
Starcadia Quest ............................................. $79.99
Starcadia Quest Arrmada Expansion ............ $39.99
Starcadia Quest Build-a-Robot Expansion ... $39.99
Starcadia Quest Showdown Expansion ........ $24.99
One of my standing rules in this imaginary store is to poo-poo most Coolmini releases.  I don't see brick-and-mortar sales, I don't see repeat play, and I rarely see true enthusiasm outside the Kickstarter faithful.

That being said, I'm amazed by how awesome the Song of Ice & Fire Minis are, how inexpensive they are compared to other figs, and the lack of enthusiasm for them from fantasy gamers and pseudo-historical.  

Cubicle 7
D&D: Adventures in Middle-Earth - Riddermark Adventures ...... $39.99

Exploding Kittens
Throw Throw Burrito

Evil Hat Productions
Fate Core RPG:  Fate of Cthulhu HC .......................................... $35.00

Fantasy Flight Games
Star Wars RPG:  Starships and Speeders HC .............................. $39.95

God Hates Games
Baby Futures ................................................... $35.00

Goodman Games
DCC: Tome of Adventure, Volume 1 .......................................... $39.99

King of Tokyo - Dark Edition ..................................................... $49.99

Konami Digital Entertainment 
Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG:  Shaddoll Showdown Structure Decks

Letiman Games
Squire for Hire ........................................... $ 9.00

Mantic Entertainment
Terraincrate: Abandoned Factory ................... $29.99
Terraincrate: Crystal Peaks Camp .................. $29.99
Terraincrate: Hospital ..................................... $29.99
Terraincrate: Quicky Mart .............................. $29.99
Terraincrate: Citiscape .................................... $79.99
Walking Dead: Aaron & Eric ......................... $19.99
Walking Dead: Heath Booster ........................ $19.99
Walking Dead: Rick, Alexandria Leader ........ $19.99
And a metric tonne of Abyssal (chaos) Dwarf figures.

Achtung! Cthulhu RPG:  Investigator's Guide to the Secret War .................... $32.99

Monte Cook Games
Arcana of the Ancients .................................... $54.99
Cypher System RPG 2nd Edition .................... $49.99

Osprey Games
Zona Alfa ....................................................... $20.00
What the description pops into my head:  Post-Apocalyptic, Easter European Necromunda.  I'll probably be disappointed.

Paizo Publishing
Pathfinder RPG: AP Extinction's Curse 3 - Life's Long Shadow Part 2 .................. $24.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip Mat Classics - City Market ................................................... $13.99
Pathfinder RPG: Flip Tiles Dungeon Mazes ............................................................ $19.99
Pathfinder RPG:  Age of Ashes Pawns .................................................................... $24.99
Starfinder RPG: AP The Threefold Conspiracy 2 - Flight of the Sleepers .............. $22.99
Starfinder RPG: Flip Mat Starfinder Society Starships ............................................ $14.99
Starfinder RPG: Near Space HC ............................................................................... $39.99

Smirk & Dagger
The Deadlies ................................................... $14.99

Steve Jackson Games
Illuminati: Bundle ............................................................ $79.95
All the Pocket Box Kickstarter products for Illuminati, in a convenient bundle!

Munchkin: Pathfinder Goblin Dice ....................................  $ 7.95
Munchkin: Warhammer Age of Sigmar Kill-o-Meter .......   $10.95
Star Munchkin: Landing Party ...........................................  $ 9.95

Warpaint Armour 1:  Armour of the Eastern Front  1941-1945 ...............  $12.99

Wizards of the Coast
Magic the Gathering CCG -  Ikoria - Lair of Behemoths
Magic the Gathering CCG -  Theros Beyond Death
In the normal Boosters, Bundles, Collector Booster, Commander Decks, and Theme Boosters.

Magic the Gathering CCG -  Myster Boosters
Magic the Gathering CCG -  Unsanctioned

Friday, December 27, 2019

The Mandatory Christmas Swag Post for 2019

Gaming-wise, this Christmas wasn't of years of old, where a well-place Amazon wishlist, a self-purchased mini order, or my wife ripping a FLGS owner a new one for a 4pm Christmas Eve delivery of a 17-day old order.

The big gift for me this year was my wife upgrading my phone to an iPhone 11. Once I figure out the cool camera options, I expect better pictures... or perhaps I should work on detailing my minis better... it's going to show.

My sister always gets me something Lovecraftian, so this year was both packs of Mythos in my Pocket.  I think my old M.U.S.C.L.E figures could wrestle Dagon in the squared circle, but the rest are simply amusing.

My co-worker Tom (David Kavia from my Masks campaign) came in over the break to drop gifts off and mine was a pit-fiend from the Wiz-Kids Pathfinder line.  I swear pit fiends were smaller in previous editions.

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Week 7

While I try to start my rants about the girls' performance, I'll handle the looming specter of my novice career as a coach / sports administrator.

I've been cleared of any wrongdoing in the great scandal from last week.

Schools have video cameras, and outside of my self-reported outburst that I already apologized for, all the evidence points to the other adults.  No decision has been made on player in question, but miraculously, she was an active participant in her team, rather than an out of place center trolling the paint for victims.

Maja's league team continues to roll over the competition with another 15 point win. 
And then we flew up the highway for the girl's holiday dance recital.  Best one yet!  The girls danced great and both their performances were in the first half of the recital, so we could leave early and grab dinner at the North Slope Brewing company in Dallas.  No beer for Dad, mom thought the wine was too sweet (impossible!), but the food was great.

Mille's game was another rematch with the Sixers, missing their center.   It was incredibly close, just getting out of reach with 48 seconds left in the game, 21-16.   In hindsight, their talented pair of twin point guards (yes, they are twins) didn't beat us, the fourth and fifth players getting shots to drop where our's couldn't did the damange. 
Sunday was an unexciting Board of Directors meeting for MYBL, followed by a super-duper late game at the rec center.  The girls rebounded from their drubbing last week and put together a yeoman's effort and a solid 20-10 win.  

The games were all great (especially compared to last week's issue), but the high point was the flurry of snow squalls that wrecked havoc on the  region and practice schedules.   Holiday programs and early dismissals destroyed practice times and sucked up open gym time.  The Bulls that we invite to our Spurs practice?  Some hung out and were asked to fill in for the Sixers who practice afterward.  And then, the girls from the Spurs and Bulls got to participate in the girl's travel team practice, a great opportunity to expand their horizons.  
No screaming adults.  Nobody trying to hurt everyone.  Lots of laughter mixed into hard work.  That's the way it's supposed to be. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas 2019!

In a fight between Santa versus Nazis, always go with Santa.

Play out the fight, though.  It should be glorious.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Orcs in the Webbe Advent Calendar is Up for this Year!

Every years the folks at Orcs in the Webbe collaborate and create an Advent Calendar chock full of material for Flintloque, Slaughterloo, and this year, an unhealthy amount of Shadowrun: Duels.  Not everyone's cup of tea, but it's always a fun read and one day, ONE DAY, I will start running the scenarios I've found on it that were particularly nice.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Batten Down the Hatches

I haven't had much to complain about this winter's weather.  The snow/sleet/freezing rain have been reasonable for once.  However, on Wednesday, everyone's cell phones at work were hit with a barrage of warnings about snow squalls hitting the region. 

We laughed it off initially, until a snow band hit us with such a fury we couldn't see 20 foot past the windows.  These bands struck quickly, disrupted everything (including a 20+ car pileup in Central PA.) and disappeared.  We still had the girls' basketball practice, but as the other teams from the previous session left, the whole gym left in a panic with another squall hitting.... by the time we got home, it was gone. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #57 - The Moathouse

The 14th Day of QuaDec in the Year 1045

The Free Village of Hommlet, Viscounty of Verbobonc

To His Lordship, Eger, Viscount of Verbobonc

I write to you, My Lord,three nights after receiving a call to arms for the Feldkurton Lancers to respond to a great uprising outside the Village of Hommlet.

As this is the first-ever summons of any sort in my twenty-three years of a noble serving the Viscount, I accompanied my men, with the assistance of local hero and dwarf, Murag Mountainhammer.

By the time we had arrived, the battle was near completion.  Scores of orcs, dozens of bugbears, and hundreds of humans lay slaughtered throughout the marshy woodlands around the hamlet.  Duke Gregor of Ostverk personally commanded the largest contingent of troops in the battle, and ordered us to perform a clearing sweep on the left flank, to flush out and eliminate any pockets of resistance remaining.

Upon completing our mission, I was granted an audience with Duke Gregory for a full briefing on the situation.

Historically, the Village of Hommlet has been a tranquil spot, a small community even the slowest dwarven caravan wanders through in the blink of an eye.  However, something agitated a secret community of adherents of the Evil Elemental Cults, seated deep within a long-abandoned moathouse a full league outside of town!

Or at least the villagers are aware of someone who may have attacked the moathouse, but allowed them to call for overwhelming reinforcements.

Three individuals, reeking of the stench of adventurers, had wandered into town, raised the usual ruckus that their type does, and almost as abruptly, disappeared.  The legions of bugbears and other monsters arrived about four days later.

The three, as they were not subtle about any of there stories:

Sabu Tablesmasher II, a dwarf fighter who had set up quite the reputation matching his surname with numerous squabbles inside The Welcome Wench.

The Wizard Sloemin, a quirky fellow who was an intolerant of alcohol as the lady patrons were to his advances.

Carathmus, a brooding fellow of questionable morals, yet could be quite the braggart to his magic swords and some sort of "living" armor he had acquired.

The Duke was still unsure if these were simply adventurers clumsily exposing the outpost, but escalating the situation beyond their control, or perhaps they were agents to the temple themselves, posing as clueless buffoons to perform reconnaissance.  To be sure, Duke Gregory and I led a small cohort to examine the ruined moathouse. 

The moathouse was probably in utter disrepair long before the alleged attack and subsequent counter-attack, but the current batch of violence nearly collapsed the entire structure.  At great risk to ourselves, we found access to the lower dungeon.  The evil and depravity found down there is not suitable for formal correspondence, or even the seediest sailor's lounge, but were able to corroborate some of our ideas.

(1) This Tablesmasher and friends were adventurers who brazenly sauntered into the moathouse, easily dispatched most of the evil barracks, but were very sloppy and let a number of key players escape.

(2) One of those players, a warrior-priest going by the name "Lareth the Beautiful," appears to have reached a much large stronghold for the Evil Elemental cult and returned with the legions of evil that the forces of the Krugraf needed to dispatch.

(3) Lareth slew dozens of villagers, but personally took the lives of two beloved villagers, Elmo and Rufus.  I was made aware by the Duke that these two men were skilled agents in the service of Your Lordship, tasked with rooting out evil within the area.  With all due respect, I believe these men failed in their task of scouting and protecting the region to a far worse degree than the rabble-rousing adventurers unleashed it.

(4) Both Lareth and the adventurers are unaccounted for.  Perhaps the "heroes" best tactic was to flee upon the counter-attack.  For Lareth, Duke Gregory insists we take a moment to reorganize our forces and then plan an assault on any remnants that might be around the Village of Nulb... and the alleged ruins of the of the Evil Elemental Cult Temple.

But first, a night of sleep and recovery!

Yours in Service,

Sir Elsderth Greyhawk, Baron of Greyhawk
Wielder of the Legendary Betrayer.
Defiler of the Temple of Tiamat.
Slayer of the Wizard Sazor
Freigraff of the Totenlinden of Amberstoll.

DM Notes: Ten years of peace and tranquility after the brutal murder of his friend Andrei, Elsderth is finally yanked back into some martial action with the sudden and brutal attack on Hommlet! 

So, circa 1997, I ran a few quick sessions for my friends Larry and Chad.  Accompanying me to the games was one of my sister's friends, who begged me to have a seat at the game... only to insist on running an evil fighter-thief style character from Rolemaster with this disturbing living armor.   

Better yet, I discovered he wasn't overpowered compared to the others.  The existing characters Larry and Chad brought had recently finished a game that I won't shy away from characterizing as low-level Monty Haul.  The xp value alone for the magic items they had should have bumped them up two levels from where they were, without killing a monster.  

Oh, they did the best of things, using all there powers to do cool stuff, but in the end, they were sloppy, and after hunting the swamp for packs of resistance that fled the moathouse, they were caught off-guard by the counterattack led by Lareth, and subsequently fled the area, leaving an unsuspected village to the Temple's wrath.  

Yeah, this was a short Summer game that had its wheels fly off the track early, but it did create some campaign drama back then, like it's facilitating a change in Elsderth's life now.

But first, Elsderth needs to explore (what remains of) Hommlet.

Episodes will take a break over the holidays and return January 7th!  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all, and an especially joyous Yule for my Georic players over the years.

Next:  #58 ....and Hommlet!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Week 6

It's a really dark and negative rant this week. But first, the slight rays of sunshine.

The team Millie's team beat last weekend, the Bulls?  With a horrible practice day (Monday) and multiple cancellations by the school they were far behind the other teams.  The easiest solution was to open up our practice to them.  We had Coach Pat and three of his players take us up on the offer, and we were able to get in some solid drills and some 5-on-5 scrimmaging before we ran out of time.  The Bulls have extended the same courtesy to us on the their Mondays when the schedule opens up in January.  It's a joint operation that benefits both teams and builds some camaraderie among the league's players.

The rest of the week was pure chaos and last-minute school events played havoc with practices and re-schedules.  The coming ice and snow for this Monday and Tuesday have only complicated things worse.  And as the scheduler, there's very little I can do.

My biggest problems as an administrator, a coach, and a parent of a player this week came from someone I'll simply label Coach C.   Coach C and their spouse burst onto the scene in pre-season to coach two divisions and ask a million questions that could be easily found on the website.  We suffered through the draft and constantly trying to get friends of their daughter.  Now, a lot of our conversations are indicative of a coach, a player, or a family that has played elsewhere and are learning the ropes of the new league.  While I don't want to be a full-time concierge it is my job as a Board member to assist them.

This week, however I was hit with:

  • Conniving to get a double practice, while swapping out their Wednesday practice, only to have that elementary school close for a concert.  Then their first practice only had three players, and induced the ire of our 3/4 boys travel team coach.  He accepted the need to fill a half court with a team due to the crazy schedule, but to waste it with three players when the travel team is afforded a full court to practice made him complain.
  • Three separate complaints by parents of the coaches not following our substitution rule.   Ran as much of an investigation as I could but couldn't confirm anything beyond the some in-game administrative slap on the wrist with some flimsy evidence.  Two of the parents had kids on Coach C's team.
  • And some reports that's the center on Coach C's team had a recent history of over aggressive "extra-ciricular" activity on the court. 
But first Maja's Saturday:

Maja's 5th/6th grade team continued to dominate,  overrunning the Lakers by 20.  Maja played solid guard and lights out defense with a dozen+  steals, most of which were intercepting the same lackadaisical passes to the same spot.  

Millie's Spurs had a huge undertaking to close out the late games, a basketball Ernie Banks:  Let's play two!

In the first game, the Spurs size, experience, and listening to the coaches' drill from practice overwhelmed the younger, but resilient Warriors 16-1.  The score isn't true to the spirit of the game.  Both teams for aggressive and didn't back down an inch until the final whistle.  We took advantage of more opportunities, and the the Warriors' couldn't get a shot in if they were lifted up a foot over the hoop and dropped it in from there.  I anticipate a closer rematch in the near future.

I stalled for some time (including sweeping the court) to get a little extra rest for my players so the refs couldn't initiate the "games can start 15 minutes" early rule to it's full effect.

Game two was against Coach C.  Even under some anonymity, I will withhold some comment, but my first impression of her coaching style was informing the greater tri-county area that every other Spurs dribble was the perfect opportunity for a trap.  Their trap was moderately successful, although they scored a lot more points through our miscues after escaping them.  It was a great tough game....

..before Millie came over to the sidelines crying from a flagrant elbow away from the ball.   A little blood, no teeth knocked out, and no whistle.  Millie needed to sit out the remaining portion until the next substitution, plus her own mandatory substitution time, which made thing a little dicey, but the girls played great and only gave up a 2-0 extension of the Coach C's lead.

By then the reports from my girls, the game was devolving into thuggery.  Coach C had 6 girls who were playing with the same admired intensity of the Warriors, only they had a lot more talent and strategy.  In hindsight, if the draft was held tonight, I would rank them much higher than I would have in October.  I would be happy to have any of them on my team.

But the seventh player was a thug with a modicum of talent and a bit of speed due to height.  She didn't seem to fit into the trap scheme and according to reports from four of my girls, spent the rest of her time kicking, elbowing, slapping, and punching without so much as a whistle.  The junior official was worthless after a whistle in the second, and the senior adult ref (a state-sanctioned ref) was too busy watching dead ball travels on the perimeter and a few pushes to matter.

Millie even went up to the referee to state the conduct of the other player, and nothing was done, until the player verbally threatened Millie, and the ref sat both of them down.

I will say, at time, and given the utter lack of calls regarding the situation, sitting both was the right call to diffuse the situation.  It was just done waaay too late.

The worst thing is, all this extra-circular BS had no true effect on the game's results.  Coach C's team won 16-10 outside of these numerous incidents.  It was a great, intense game before it turned into a debacle.

The last 36 hours have been a flurry of texts, e-mails, and calls to (1) apologize for my outbursts during and after the game.  (2) working with other coaches in the league to corroborate that this behavior isn't a one-off incident (It wasn't.  Three other players complained about over-the-top behavior by the player that wasn't called....   When 7 out of 21 opposing players can only make one complaint on sportsmanship and all the same player, there's a problem.   And Coach C still hasn't played the best team in the league and a very vocal coach.  I don't see this problem going away, and as a board member, I have an obligation to report what I saw, excuse myself from the formal proceedings due to the bias I have in the situation.

I'm not happy with the conduct of some of the officers, trying to smooth things over with the other coach (Who's still "furious" at the accusations).  It's simple, regardless of parents, relatives, upbringing, it's up to the coach to control the actions of their players while on the court.  Failure to be willing to address those situations one player is bigger statement on her coaching than all the hard work she put into the other six.

When I've get (purely anecdotally) remarks Coach C's players that they don't like and even slightly fear their Center because she always fouls out and intentionally hurts people, it's even more damning.

Win or lose, the biggest moment of the game, prior to Millie's elbow to the face, was our newest player scoring her first basketball.  She grabbed a loose ball at half-court, and much like my other two surprises last week, dribbled all the way to the basket and made a textbook lay-up.   I've only got one more player that needs to score and we'll get there.

And the Bulls?  After blow-out after blow-out, they hung in tough against the top-ranked Sixers

Sunday was a day of hot tub moving with the league president (chewing his ear the entire time.. along with confirming the other coaches had issues with just that one player on that one team).

The girls had their friend (and center for the Spurs) over to for the afternoon and to travel to the Kingston  Rec for travel team.   Our 4th-6th grade team met forces against a very polished and professional team of all 6th graders from Dallas, but despite holding them scoreless for the first eight minutes of the game, Dallas' talent won over in convincing 38-9 fashion.  Maja didn't score but got a lot a essential point guard time against a superior opponent.

And a funny thing, 36 minutes against a tough, older opponent at least a half-head taller than our girls, and the only injury was a bloody nose, from an errant rebound hitting her.  No extraordinary measures by any player.  The Dallas program knows how to run things professionally.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

(Gnome Wars) The Chasseurs Alpins in Action

The French Chasseurs Alpine are quick to use their former animals to swiftly assault down a hillside.

The Swiss Alpinkorps are much more likely to use skis.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Event Registration Has Been Opened for Cold Wars 2020!

Event Registration for Cold Wars opened up on December 2nd and will close for the Preliminary Event List (PEL) on January 6th.
Remember you must be an active member of HMGS in good standing and submit your event by the deadline to qualify for free admission to the con.

You can register for your game here.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Week 5

Week Five of Winter basketball is here, and as coach, vice-president of the league, and a plethora of other duties, it's time for a solid rant before talking about the games.

First, an absolute truth: adults suck.

We've done our best to accommodate coaches and parents with a plethora of options.  Most of the time people do range for innocent inquiries, to the "nice a-hole" who knows small doses of pestering me in a passive-aggressive way keeps them on my radar.

But despite our best inquiries with the players and coaches on our 7th/8th grade division, we made an adjustment to last year's game schedule to let them play early, and to avoid a number of conflicts in the girls' divisions. No complaints, possibly even a few sighs of relief.  We only needed to make one adjustment with a parent who had two kids at different schools at the same time.  No problem!

But despite some of the coaches actually being on the school district coaching staff, it came out as a complete surprise that the Jr High team tryout results had been posted and *dum dum DUM* practices, schedules, and games happened to fall right on the three hour block of their games.

An IT developer at my company has a mantra, "Sometimes problems disappear on their own."  I was hoping for that, but over a third of the kids in the division being affected for most of the season (and coaches demanding 7-8 player teams) I kept flipping schedule blocks from the girls division to try to find the best fit.

All it proved to do was complicate my family's schedule and piss off my wife, and that's before everything went public.

On Sunday, I ran our travel team's game ball over to the nearby rec center and got a tasty bit of news.   The conflicting schedule? All the players that couldn't make it?  It wasn't the Jr High team with issues, it was just the 8th grade team.   One of the 8th grade coaches and all the teammates were going to leave their 7th grader friends out to dry. 

It's the second time somebody selfish screwed over an entire division, and now we just have a policy to reveal the originator of the outside conflicts.  Needless to say, there's a ruckus among the Middle School parents, a ruckus among 5th/6th grade Boys "elite" players' parents, and grumbling among the  5th/6th grade Girls' parents and coaches for the shift, announced yesterday morning.

Back to our regular rant.

As scheduler, I pieced together back-to-back games for the girls in the middle of day, intermixing two age divisions.  Unfortunately, our plans fell through, but we were done early and could go to a semi-pro (ABA) game of the local Wyoming Valley Clutch

Maja's team (the Bucks) is certainly the team to beat in the 5th/6th Grade Girls division.  Their opponent, the Rocket's had blown out a decent team before Thanksgiving, yet the Bucks returned the favor with a 27-8 rout.  Maja is one of three good point guards on the team, so she doesn't have to do anything extraordinary, just prey on the weak or slopppy ball handlers with a dozen or more steals.

Millie's team (the Spurs, the one I coach) followed that up with a game against the Bulls in 3rd/4th grade Girls. A little scouting from parents of the team said we should win our first game of the season.  We did so running away, 24-8  (12-4 each half).

Millie was simply a monster, playing lights out defense and even hip tossing the opposing guard during a jump ball. Her outside shots and passing selections weren't too shabby either.

Now, last year on Maja's travel team, Coach Chuck spent a ridiculous amount of time drilling into the girls the concept of simply looking at the basket when you get the ball.  We've spent ridiculous times of the Spur's time reinforcing that concept so they know (a) where everybody is (b) if they can move closer to the basket and (c) if they can take a shot... or find someone closer who can.

I thought this was falling on deaf ears until my assistant coach's daughter caught a pass, looked up at the basket, and realized she had a wide-open path to the hoop.  For the first time EVER, she drove at the basket and made a lay-up.

I thought her dad was going to tear up on the bench.

Better yet, another girl (Mc) ,who had been a wallflower on the team, and finally showed some emotion in practice when she was wide open and no one would pass to her, took another pass from Millie and did the same thing, from the never used left side of the court.

I don't know what I'm doing most of the time, but dang it, something's getting through to them.

With a comfy lead, we started on our project to get everyone to score a little late.   Hopefully we can work on that next time.

The Wyoming Valley Clutch are a mixture and young and old dudes from the area, but they put on a good show with a serious blowout of Oneota.

Sunday was a wash, with Maja missing travel team with a stomach bug and possibly a migraine.  Their team avenged last year's team with a 35-8 thrashing of Wyoming Area.

And to leave this post on a positive note, I reached out to the Bulls' coach and invited them (some or all) to our Thursday night practice .  The Bulls didn't look bad in the game, they looked like a team that hadn't practiced together that much.  I did realize looking at the practice schedule that their Monday practice time kept getting cancelled due to holiday vacations and school functions.

For my effort, everyone appreciates this gracious gesture, but in the end, it's pretty selfish.  We get to scrimmage with at least 10 players, and I'd rather win close games that blowouts.... it's better for the kids on both sides.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

(Kickstarter) Chaos Space Dwarves

Old School Miniatures, a company that normally piques my garden gnome fascination with gnomes to scale for Warhammer-esque games, has re-stoked my interest in my Gnomish Space Marine project with a simple Chaos Space Dwarves Kickstarter.

Lost Dispatches of Feraso #56 - The Insufferable Talanth Blackash and Company

DM Notes:  At this point, the Lost Dispatches of Feraso have chronicled all my D&D gaming through December 1993.  The story of Talanth Blackash and his nefarious company of adventurers is certainly over.  Elsderth is going to help tell the story of other adventuring parties that graced my parents' dining room table from 1994-1999

I do have character sheets for Celeste and Ned Overland somewhere, but the rest all lost forever. 

In the course of retracing the steps of these PCs, I've done my best to document the magic items they had acquired.

The Unscrupulous Talanth Blackash and His Crew

Talanth Blackash 6th/7th Fighter/Thief (played by Charles)
Cloak of Elvinkind - leather +1, bardiche, shortsword +1, dagger +2 ROP +1

Odmusson - 7th Level Fighter "Drunken Warrior"  (played by Scott)
Shield +2, +1 longsword of obviousness, ring of water walking, Chain Mail +2,

Colgredd - 7th Level Ranger "Stupid Ranger" (played by Scott)
AC: 0  
Elven Chain Mail +1 - Broadsword +2, Shield +1
Alleged description of the Drunken Warrior and the Stupid Ranger
Ned Overland:  5th Level Fighter  (played by Wooly)
dagger +1

Derlenth: 5th Level Cleric  (played by Darryl)

Celeste 5th Level Cleric (played by my sister, Mary)
Mace +1 Golden Armor of General Balfas (from her time with the Order of Merit).

Thendara Wandsregal 12th Level Magic User - aka "The Busty Mage" (played by George)
Location: Wandsregal Tower, outside the village of Mechitbayeva, Hermetus.
Bracers of Defense AC3 - Robe of Useless Items. two daggers+3, Wand of Polymorphing. Amulet of the Planes. Ring of Protection +2
Spellbook: Burning Hands, Charm Person, Hold Portal, Jump Darkness 15' rad, mirror image, hold person, lightning bolt, dimension door, wall of force, fireball, and a host of other spells.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

To Those Who Will Make it in Hockey only in NHL19

Things have been crazy enough that I haven't even been able to distract myself with hockey on the xBox.

Just about a season and a half into franchise mode for the Seattle Dragons (Boise Ice Drakes) and I've mastered the mid-range difficulty.  Every once in awhile the AI blows me out in spectacular fashion, but so long as I land hits on opposing players, I'm able to keep up,

As the probability of the game is wont to do, I suffered a flurry of injuries at both the NHL and AHL levels, just enough to mess up my normal call-ups.

This has forced me to call up Patrick McGrath for his first NHL-ever game, which would never happen in real life.

In real-life, Pat McGrath was the local-kid-done-good for our local AHL farm team.  His skills more atuned to the ECHL level of hockey, his local ties and penchant for hitting opposing players in the face with his first made him a fan favorite.  He didn't score much, got scratched from the line-up often, but boy did he sell t-shirts and create standing-room only events out of signings.

Except that last season, the team's coach resigned, and the team literally stole away the 2019 Calder Cup winning coach and goalie mere weeks after winning it all.  Pat was not offered a contract and ended up playing the same role for the Utah Grizzlies of the ECHL (farm team for the Colorado Eagles and Colorado Avalanche).

When I built my expansion team, my lack of knowledge on quality Estonian hockey players in the Canucks organization (and elsewhere) forced me rely on signing available current (and former) Penguins.  The Carl Hagelins and Tommy Kühnhackls have fared well in Seattle, and the a lot of AHL penguins fill Boise's roster.

But with that rash of injuries, the most veteran (and competent) Right Winger to call up the NHL was one Pat McGrath.

I love flip-flopping my 4th line between rookies and grinders, and with a weakened roster, grinders were all I had, so fit in perfectly, and got a good eight minutes of neutral ice time.

Until, of course, up two goals against them with a minute left, the opponent pulled the goalie... with my 4th line out there. 

A few seconds of extra-man chaos later, the Dragons got possession of the puck, drove up the left side under pressure, and eeked out a dribble of a pass to McGrath in center ice to seal the win with an empty netter.

He was sent down to Boise before morning skate the next day, and will probably never return to Seattle under normal circumstances, but until he retires in the game, at least NHL19 Patrick McGrath will have NHL stats:  1 G 0 A 1Pt  2 PIM.

Friday, December 6, 2019

(GURPS) Eric, Gamified Yet Again

It's now eight years, and with my long nights and crazy schedule, I've eschewed the traditional dream diary or simply forgetting my dreams and turned them into character points for a GURPS (3rd Edition) version of myself I set up almost 30 years ago (The Red Dawn rip-off games were horrible... horribly awesome!)

I continue develop into Tom Arnold's character Albert Gibson in a post-True Lies timeline
ST: 10 DX: 11  IQ: 13  HT: 12

Advantages:  Charisma +2 (I'm a heckuva guy), Common Sense, Luck, Voice, Light Hangover (50)

Disadvantages:  Bloodlust, Near-Sightedness, Gluttony, Stubborness, Sense of Duty (Friends) (-35), Dependents (Family) Enemy: LDS Cabal

Skills:  Skills in bold received points, but not increase.  Bold with a (+) indicates and increase in skill.  New skills to the list for this year are in bold with (New).  Not exactly rocket sciences

Acrobatics 8 
Accounting 11
Acting 13
Administration 19
Animal Handling 11
Anthropology 11
Archaeology 10
Area Knowledge: Baltimore 11
Area Knowledge: Iceland 13
Area Knowledge: Lehigh Valley 14
Area Knowledge: Michigan Upper Peninsula 11
Area Knowledge: New York City 13
Area Knowledge: South Africa 13
Bard 20 (let me...entertain you!)
Bicycling 11
Boating 9
Boxing 10
Brawling 13
Camouflage 14
Carousing 12
Climbing 10
Club 11
Computer Ops 13
Conspiracy Theory 11
Cryptography  10
Dancing 10
Demolitions 12
Diplomacy 13
Drive Tractor Trailer 11
Drive: motorcycle 9
Driving: Auto 14
Driving: Diesel Locomotive 11
Economics 11
Engineering 12
English 14
Fast Talk 13
First Aid 13
Forensics 12
Forgery 10
French 12
Geology 10
Guns: Pistol 14
Guns: Rifle 14
Guns: SMG 13
Hiking 11
History 17
Hobby gaming 14
Hobby: Models 12
Intell Analysis 11
Interrogation 11
Judo 9
Law 12
Leadership 12
Literature 10 (New)
Mathematics 10
Merchant 11
Meteorology 11
Naturalist 10
Navigate 10
Occultism 14
Performance 13
Politics 14
Psychology 10
Punning 11
Running 13
Savoir Faire 17
Saxophone 12
Scrounging 13
Sex Appeal 15
Sport: Basketball 10
Sport: Football 9
Sport: Golf 11
Sport: Ice Skating 8
Sport:Volleyball 9
Stealth 12 +
Strategy 11 +

Streetwise 11
Survival: Mountains 12
Survival: NBC 13
Swimming 10
Tactics 13
Taxidermy 11 (New)
Theology 11  +

Wrestling 10

So, this secret agent persona has taken on Mormon cultists (maybe worse???), overseen operations, and been the mouthpiece for many a news conference or motivational speech to the agents.  Perhaps I'm a director of some small (or obscure) branch in the intelligence field?  Those guys always have a weird hobby like Literature or Taxidermy or building a boat in their basement.  With a lot more points going into Admin and Driving, maybe I'm overseeing some sensitive surveillance, or overseeing (re: stopping) car chases. 

287.5 points

Thursday, December 5, 2019

(Kickstarter) The Gingerbread Gang

The folks that brought you War in Christmas Village have re-launched a previously cancelled Kickstarter for the latest addition to the line:  The Gingerbread Gang.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

(Kickstarter) Waylaid by Bandits Vol 2 by Midlam Miniatures

Midlam Miniatures has launched their 20th (!) Kickstarter, Waylaid by Bandits Vol 2.

Mandatory Basketball Rant - Week 4

And on the fourth week, ViscountEric rested.  With the exception of a quick trip to the league president's house to drop off my daughter for a sleepover with his daughter's, I've not handled any issues with a wide range of scheduling problems.  Mondays and Tuesdays will solve themselves after this week, extra practices will get squeezed in later in the season, and once snow days start closing the schools, our mid-week practices won't hold an advantage.

The girls, on the other, did get plenty of quality practice time with their two-on-one sessions with their coach, Mia.  Three hours of drills early in the week nearly wiped them out for Thanksgiving!

With this past Sunday travel team game at the Kingston Rec cancelled due all the ice and sleet, the only other basketball related activity was sometime on Saturday when we all visited my mother at the old ancestral manse in Easton.  My sister and brother-in-law came up from Philly, and it was a decent visit, but by the end we all needed some time outside before it got dark for some swings, some slides, and "Oh? Who put a basketball in the trunk?"
During my childhood, if  I wasn't in my backyard, or riding my bike, I was at this park.  Football and wiffleball were more my thing back then. Heck, the original surface of the basketball court was too small on the sides for a regulation three-point line!  Needless to say, things have been significantly improved upon over the years