Whitehorn-Krakon Games continues to expand upon their Overlords line with the Shoggarch and Vespid Queens in their Overlords 3 Kickstarter.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
(Planet 28) Gnomish Space Marine Stats, Part 1
Part of the process with the Gnomish Space Marines is to eventually play them, be in skirmish or full-fledged battles. I'm using Planet 28 for the rules. Planet 28 appears light enough and begs for some rules expansion. It's my first time fiddling around with the rules, so I know I've done something wrong, or customized something the wrong way. I've only had a quick perusal for the Death Machines vehicle supplement, and beyond a desire for a slightly expanded weapon list, I think I'm overcompensating for things, so the point costs might be lower.
Shooting: 5
Fighting: 5
Agility: 4
Hit Points: 20
Speed: 10cm
Shooting: 4
Fighting: 4
Agility: 3
Hit Points: 20
Speed: 10cm
Slow (-1d6 Move) Iron Skin (+1d4 armor), Light Armor, SMG
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #17 - Curse of The Moon Taint
It's been a few days since the our heroes returned from the edge of the mountains with multiple backpacks of Grimy Dwarf Weed and their cleric Brother Barry Manaslow badly mauled by wolf.... men. Neither the herbalist nor Father Joseph's elixirs and rituals were doing anything, and Barry's condition was worsening.
It took some prodding, but Father Joseph finally admitted that perhaps a higher ranking priest in the Church could do something... like High Priest Cartharandamus. Perhaps a trip to Gulluvia City to plead Barry's case was in order. No one was quite sure how much time he had left.
Despite these warnings that moving Barry and not letting Father Joseph of the Church, and his newest acolyte, Suzie, properly tend to his condition, Barry would succumb earlier, they decided to strap the dying man to a hand cart and be a bit more direct with the pleading to the High Priest.
The rest of the party:
Hugo Swam'Pas - Magic User - General jerk, but fakes he knows what he's doing. Thinks the walk to the capital is a big waste of time.
Beulah Cragbottom - Halfling- Fairly confident with a mace, but she watched her friend and adventuring companion Bodo Billabong go mad fighting the horrors of the wilderness and dungeon. She's not sure she's cut out for this lifestyle.
Slotheena Hopler - Imagine the sister of Sloth from The Goonies. Give her an executioner's mask, and a giant maul, and she's the sweetest and dumbest killing machine I've seen in years. Normally easy to sway, it was her idea to gather Grimy Dwarf Weed for the local herbalist, so she's driving the mission.
Even pushing a cart with a dying man, the party made it back to the estate of of Hugo's family before nightfall.
The family and servants were still in the midst of reconstructing the estate and welcomed them with open arms.... until the trusted leader of the estate guard, Acsink discovered that Barry had been bitten by wolf-men. This terrified the normally fearless warrior and in a mixture of charisma and fear, he completely exaggerated the worst of the legends and folklore about the wolf bites, and managed to completely convince everyone on site not to invite Barry in for the night.
Barry's cart was deposited on the outside of the palisade. Slotheena kept him company and did what little she could do for him. Beulah barely slept, Barry's death moans haunting her sleep.
Hugo snored as he slept soundly.
11 Jun 534 - Gulluvia City, Capital of the Barony of Gulluvia
The rest of the trip was uneventful, and finally made it to Gulluvia. They hit the first temple they could find, and after dealing with a pompous but decent priest admitting that in Brother Barry's past he was a war criminal (!), they managed to secure an audience with the High Priest of the Church, Cartharandamus.... two days later, to solve the dread "Moon Taint". Lodging at Ye Olde Stomped White Keg was extended.
13 Jun 534 - Gulluvia City, Capital of the Barony Barony of Gulluvia
Securing lodging, they went about selling off the gems and more unusual items collected in their dungeoneering to pay for the spell to help Barry. Somehow Barry was holding on, although his fever dreams made him thrash about terribly so.
Two days later, they returned to the high temple, and High Priest Cartharandamus met with them, he peppered them with questions, took their coin, and performed a ritual.
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Cartharandamus |
Enraged, Cartharandamus ordered the other priests to toss them out on the street. No refund was given, and the heroes were cast off into the street with the body of their recently deceased friend.
It was time to go home to give Barry the burial he deserved, but not before exchanging information along the way.
18 Jun 534 - Village of Mere, Barony of Gulluvia
Brother Barry Manaslow, Acolyte of the Church, was buried beside the church in Mere, not far from the freshly finished grave of Bodo Billabong and Leroy. It was sparsely attended, with Father Joseph, little Suzie, our heroes, plus their associates Carya and Jenkins.
Despite a long ways to return home, the talk of the party, beyond a simple eulogy for their friend, was the odd view inside the High Priest's temple.
High above the audience chamber was a narrow viewing area, about 20 foot up. They had seen people up their in their first interview two days prior, but at the time of the High Priest's ritual, they spied something mighty peculiar. .... two dwarves! Two members of the "lost race" stealing Grimy Dwarf Weed in Mere... then two observing the high priest. It was a very odd coincidence.
DM Notes: One important lesson was learned and quickly lost this session: The bite of the wolf-people is not contagious, like lycanthropy. It actually appears to kill off humans... painfully.
The other lesson not learned: Moving Barry sped up his death sentence. If the heroes had reached the capital and convinced the High Priest to travel back with him, Barry would have lived two more days after the High Priest would have arrived in Mere.
Monday, March 29, 2021
(Kickstarter) The Dark, the Devout, and the Heroic for Burrows & Badgers by Oathsworn
The good folks over at Oathsworn Miniatures have another 30 figures ready for their Burrows & Badgers line: The Dark, the Devout, and the Heroic.
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The ghostly members of the Dark |
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The Devout Inquisitors |
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and the Heroic |
A Weekend to Restore the Soul
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Free RPG Day Moved to October 16, 2021
Free RPG Day, the event of RPG promotion, in-store gaming, and an excuse to get out of the house and do something you love, has been pushed back from its normal late spring date to Saturday, October 16, 2021.
Check out www.freerpgday.com for updates.
Saturday, March 27, 2021
Another Month of Games (Apr '21)
It's a bright day for Gaming with the Gnomies. After months of barely anything catching my eye in Alliance Game Distributor's monthly Game Trade Magazine, there are a number of items in this month's issue that call out to me.... to buy a lottery ticket and hit it big.
Issue #254 of Game Trade Magazine can be found at your FLGS or online here.
Friday, March 26, 2021
(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Commando Command Squad
It's a sense of Deja Vu all over again, as this is the second pack of Battle Valor Space Dwarf Command Squad 1 I've painted up. One was always on my Kickstarter order, and one was a free add-on.
Battle Valor Space Dwarf Command Squad 1 |
I think I found the monk from the set while I straightened out the painting bench, but the rest are dumped in the "Fantasy" bin on the lead pile.
"They gotta stop sneaking into town in the pumpkin cart. Or else lose some weight..." |
Project 350: 498 (324/174) from 500 (326/174). Some projects are moving right along, others are still stalled. Just staring at my project list and the draft posts sitting in the timeframe, I think April/May will only be productive in dropping my scheduled posts (the second number), although there are just so many awesome Easter postcards, jpegs, and memes, which is why I'm set up for annual Happy Easter posts until 2032!
Thursday, March 25, 2021
28mm Ratmen from Monday Knight Productions
After discovering the Munchkin houses from Monday Knight Productions, I perused the website, in search of other cool stuff, and I was not disappointed.
Hiding in the 28mm Fantasy were a small group of Ratmen than seem to fit the Mousling universe better than GW Skaven.
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Historicon is Cance....Waitaminute, Where's Fall-In!
It was recently mentioned by HMGS that due to the ongoing and unresolved issues with hosting Historicon in Lancaster in July, the convention will not take place over the Summer.
Rather, it will replace Fall-In! for the convention in Valley Forge the weekend starting November.11, 2021.
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #16 - The Dream-Quest of Manaslow
Once they got back to town, everyone knew that Brother Barry Manaslow was IN trouble. Injured by a pair of wolf-men in the woods, none of the common remedies, traditional, herbal, or magical seemed to curb, much less stop his ailments.
As the days passed, he continued to get weaker and weaker. By the end of a week, he was bedridden in the church basement, still telling his outrageous war stories to anyone who could hear them...
"At least the war didn't get me."
"Perhaps it's not wolf cancer, it's probably swamp magic from the Lizardmen!"
It was a long and painful process to watch, and many of his friends shied away in his last lucid days. Father Joseph at the Church added the care of Barry to his list of duties, helped only by a young girl, who could tolerate his declining condition... and incessant war stories. Some of those stories might be better put to music. Barry seemed to calm down when she played her mandolin for him.
Days into this long illness, everything was getting hotter for Barry. The air was harder to breath, the sun through the basement window more blinding, the gruel that he could barely stomach was even more grueling.
Things got fuzzy.
As things cleared up, a wagon wheel passed his eye, forcing him to dive out of the way.
He stood up, dusted himself off and he was outside on a road. The wagon he had remembered riding in was in a massive heap. He heard screaming, but could only see a teamster futilely trying to pull someone out of the wagon. It was chaos.
He remebered that his family was travelling from original hometown to visit his great-uncle in Gulluvia City. But he also pieced together other scenes and other conversations that were over a young boy's head.
His parents were well-to-do folk, and being blackmailed for something he never learned. The family was taking payment... again... to Gulluvia City to give to this "Great-Uncle."
Barry could only remember the words of his father...
"If something happens, take the money and run into the swamp..."
He secured the coins, and against the teamster's pleas, ran headlong into the swamp.
Young Barry passes through a copse of trees, and emerges into dark, nighttime swamp.
He traveled alongside these soldiers, creeping up to an unknowing group of lizardmen, but a giant hand grabbed him by the should and turned him around
It was his Captain, Skulk Ironfist.
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Skulk Ironfist |
"Wait, I want you and your ten men to flank the group on the left. There's even more further into the swamp."
Barry fetched his best friend, Doug, and they slithered through the swamp.
Barry and Doug were captured and tortured by the secret joint-lizardman/fairy alliance.
Once they had interrogated them for all the knew, they disposed of them one at a time.
Barry watched his friend Doug get murdered in the prison camp, then put on a spit and cooked over a bonfire.
They ate Doug!
Just as Barry was at the breaking point, Captain Skulk and his band of commandos arrived moments after the Feast of Doug.
Killing all of the enemy, and setting the camp ablaze, Skulk and the surviving humans went rogue, traveling lightly, ingesting hallucinogenic mushrooms and moss.
If you knew the right sage, you could find them, and they would solve your lizardman issue, by killing every single one of them.
Eventually, the Barony of Gulluvia made peace with the lizardman/fairy alliance, and Skulk's group became wanted men on both sides.
Many turned to true mercenaries and caravan guards to make ends meet. One group of merchants gave Barry steady work away from the Captain Skulk, and over a long time he felt better. He enjoyed helping people when it didn't involve killing lizardmen.
One day, the caravan entered Mere. Barry jumped down from his key spot next to the teamster in the lead wagon, walked over to the only church in Mere, and offered his services to Father Joseph.
The scene turns many years in the future. It's peaceful. Barry is digging a grave, but does not see casket, or even who the hole is for. As he finishes, he climbs out of the hole and heads towards the church His protege, the girl with the strong faith and fancy mandolin is there.
But as he walks toward her, she morphs into a little lizard girl, very afraid and cowering in his presence
Barry had killed many, many lizardmen while he fought in the war, and passed that. After the peace, Skulk had the group kill females and children as well. Those thoughts, and the opportunity to put the aside, is what Barry to join the priesthood.
He fell to his knees, put his right hand on her shoulder, and proceeded to tearfully repent every sin he could remember committing, most importantly her own death at his hand.
The lizard girl does not forgive, but she does console the broken man.
DM Notes: With only two players , Barry in dire straits, I felt it best to expand the background of our lovable 1st level cleric with only the basics of background. Mix in some Mitch Albom, and we have a good late-night Hallmark Channel movie in the fantasy genre.
They ate frickin' Doug!!!
And if Barry can survive the the group finding help to cure him, he has a NPC protege. If they fail, Nate has his replacement character ready.
Next: #17 - Curse of the Moon Taint
Monday, March 22, 2021
Up at the Crack of Dawn
Sunday, March 21, 2021
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Friday, March 19, 2021
(Painting) Zygons
As I mentioned earlier, I've deviated from the Gnomish Space Marines, but not from the boxes the new figures are in. Here are some Zygons from the Battle Valor Games 28mm Sci-Fi line.
Obviously a breeze to paint, although I swear to God that Zygons were more red than orange.
Awhile back I talked about "the pile" of shipping boxes with all the stuff that's been arriving at my door over the Pandemic.
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Nostalgic memories from a few weeks back. The older, smaller pile is on the far right. |
Thursday, March 18, 2021
(Kickstarter) Robyn's Hoodies & the Sheriff's Henchmen
I'm beginning to back enough UK Kickstarters that I'm financing the Royal Mail more than the USPS.
Minaturemen has release a Kickstarter for Robyn's Hoodies & the Sherriff's Henchmen, figures in 28mm.
Two things sort of grind my gears for no acceptable reason. First the whole "Robin Hood... with a Twist," is quite literally just for the Robin Hood figure. I would have been more excited, if they had been her Merry Maidens (Matrons?) as well.Wednesday, March 17, 2021
(Painting) Mad Mozz and Wildchild
The basement maintains its dryness, and I've been spending enough time painting and organizing to make some actual progress.
Gnomish Space Marines are still in the queue, but this week it's time to get some of the random figures out of the pile.
Today's accomplishment is Mad Mozz and Wildchild, the 2018 Reapercon Mouslings.
Black fur and leather? Not fun, but it barely works. On the reverse, I was tryinga mottled collecton of five different tans/sands/browns for Wildchild (why not Wild Mouse?), and a splash of white but the decent eyes save the model.
Zombie apocalypse here they come!
Next: Sci-Fi Aliens, more GSM, and some Gnome Wars overhauls.
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
(BECMI) Adventures in Gulluvia #15 - The Dwarf Herb
Agreeing that nothing could be done about the Baronial Guard butchering a fairly civilized tribe of kobolds, everyone went for a late breakfast. The kobold Pogart was secured in Hugo's home.
At Ye Olde Falling Noble Spoon, Carya tolerated Hugo's incessent questions.
How old are you? 25.
Any brothers and sisters? Two half-brothers and a half-sister.
What's the biggest thing you ever killed? A Troll. It took a long time too, because I couldn't figure out that fire kept it from regenerating.
Beulah took leave and tried to live a "normal" day, while hanging out with her friend, Amanda Swiftfoot, at Rempart's General Store.
Slothina checked in with her father, and after finding him staggering around drunk again, decided to get a job.
The first business she barged into with a "Slothina need job!" was the local herbalist, Gardenia. Slothina easily deduced that something was amiss.
"What's wrong, Garden-Lay?"
"I think I lost all my Grimy Dwarf Weed. Perhaps I let a window open."
"What's that?"
**** Conversation devolves into a discussion on how the dwarves ran mines on the surrounding hills until they ran dry****
"Those weird weeds by the mines is Grimy Dwarf Weed. I pick the herb, clean it up, and use in many of my products.
Slothina was confused. She only knew that dwarves were shorter guys with beards, and she had never met this dwarf named Herb, but she did know she had a job.... whether Gardenia wanted to give it to her or not.
Back at the Spoon, Hugo's million questions settled down when Carya turned the tables on the "Leader" of the group.
Then another ruckus could be heard outside. Everyone dashed from whence they came and found Slothina in front of the herbalist's hut with three individuals tied up on the group, and the herbalist aghast.
"What are you doing, Slothina??? Hugo begged his friend.
"I found dwarves who stole from Gardenia lady. They kidnapped a dwarf named Herb!"
The three short, bearded men, Trey, Nug, and Simon, were certainly NOT dwarves.
Once getting the story of the missing Grimy Dwarf Weed, and failing to convince Slothina that herb was a plant and not a person, the party in full, save their new friend Carya, went into full investigative mode.
Outside of some stout feet outside the window to Gardenia's shop, there was little to account for.
But Hugo and Slothina decided if they couldn't find any clues, at least they could be nice and gather some of the weed.
"Two burlap sacks full of grimy dwarf weed, for Herb!" specifically by Slothina.
Carya, their other associate Leroy, and any other former associates in Mere declined.
They ventured out to the hillside near the mine and harvested as much of the ripened weed as they could find. There was not much ripened, so it took quite some time. So much, in fact, that they decided to camp out. With Beulah and Slothina at the campsite, they weren't violating the Baronial law that men couldn't be out after dark (without an adult female escorting them).
With a roaring campfire and Hugo already tucking himself in his bedroll, the others debated if they would have a watch, and how it would be conducted.
But that argument would never be finished as two men stumbled into the campsite. One was clutching a bloody wound across his abdomen, the other holding a blood covered arm.
Both staggered towards the fire and collapsed before anyone so much as stood up or grabbed a weapon.
Brother Barry ran over to tend to the first unconscious person, but as he turned him over, he noticed the extremely hairy hands on the man....
... and the bright yellow eyes as he sprung back to life.
Both men transformed into some sort of wolf changelings, on assaulting Brother Barry, the other carefully picking out his victim.
Barry took a grievous wound early on, but protected himself from the monster's attacks thereafter. Hugo cast his accompaniment of Magic Missiles and a less effective barrage of daggers. Slothina struck a sturdy blow, but was otherwise ineffective.
As the battle seemed to lag on... a huge hulking figure barged in from the treeline and attacked the wolf-things.
What looked like a bear traded blows with the creatures, and the trio rumbled off back into the darkness of the treeline.
The others attended to Barry, who was near death, and it was decided that instant that heading back home right that second was the best plan of action.
2 June 534
In the early pre-dawn hours, the group reached Hugo's house. After barging in through a barricaded front door and getting assaulted by a kobold throwing dishes, they dumped their gear inside and went further into town.
It took little effort for the group to convince Father Joseph to heal Barry. Once Barry regained his senses, he looked worried that his magically healed wounds weren't healed correctly.
They met Carya on the walk to Gardenia's shop and the mountain of a woman shook her head and laughed.
"I told you it was too dangerous out there! I hope your friend is okay."
Gardenia was much appreciative of the two burlap sacks of Grimy Dwarf Weed, and very concerned over Barry's wound... and the story of how he obtained it.
"Those changelings turn into numerous animal-man, some think that they are legends to scare children at night, but I know better. Quick, drink this...."
She concocted a slurry a various items in her shop, but a healthy serving of one in particular, Belladonna.
Barry ate the entire bowl, and his condition seemed to stay the same... and he wasn't poisoned by the heaping helping of that plant.
There was evil afoot in the hills around the mine, but first breakfast!
Next #16: The Dreamquest of Manaslow
Monday, March 15, 2021
A Hang-out Type of Weekend
My wife's going to be a little grumpy later this morning....
Sunday, March 14, 2021
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Back When Conventions Were a Thing: Cold Wars 2020
It's been just over a year since I sat at the bar at the Lancaster Host (Wyndham), drank a Corona in defiance, and watch most major sports shutter in front of my eyes.
With a healthy fear of the pandemic, and the traditional wargaming demographic keeping folks away, it could still be argued that Cold Wars 2020 was the largest public gathering in Pennsylvania that weekend. And while I appreciate HMGS keeping us safe (and keeping within contractual limits for cancelations), I long for that camaraderie and mass pushing of lead across a table.
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A little Tactica |
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Some Legions of Steel |
Things are getting better, and this will all be a disturbed memory one day. If my kid's basketball schedules won't ruin it, I plan on running Cold Wars at Home weekend for April 8-11. Ocean City (if the location holds) sounds like a perfect getaway... one day.
Friday, March 12, 2021
(Kickstarter) To the Mummy's Tomb! A Halfling Expedition by Midlam Miniatures
A year after COVID reared its ugly head here at my house, I've seen a lot of crazy things in gaming.
At no point did I expect a halfling archaeological expedition to a mummy's tomb, thanks to Midlam Miniatures.
(Painting) The Mousling Musketeer
The Four Lone Gnomes took up most of my time, but with stats included, it felt better to give them their own post, so I will give the weekly update to the only other figure I finished, a Mousling Musketeer!
PROJECT 350: 498 (325/173) from 501 (326/175) - Outside of painting, and typing up two Star Wars Actual Plays, there's not project on my to-do list. Basketball dominated the week. AAU started up this week, plus last weekend I was overwhelmed with the first local basketball tournament. Only Millie played, as her and Maja's 5th grade teammates decided wisely not to play up to 6th grade (so Maja could play), but rather try to go for the grade-level trophy.
From Friday at 4pm until Sunday at 1pm we were traveling to sites, grabbing food while we can, and watching the girls play very well.
Millie's team went 2-1 in pool play, got to the championship, and lost again to the only team that beat them. Our fifth grade friends went undefeated in pool play, but ran out of gas in the championship. Given the level of competition, I think it was a good experience, a great way to end the winter season, and a good way to kick off hours of AAU practices and relatively short (under 2 hour) drives to tournaments.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Munchkin Houses for Wars of Ozz
It's quite impressive how much support is coming out for the Wars of Ozz miniature game. Finally houses that I don't have to cobble together from the dollar store!
Monday Knight Productions has a whole line of Munchkin buildings, designed with the game in mind
Wednesday, March 10, 2021
(Kickstarter) Sci-Fi Space Dwarves Junior Officers, War Walkers, and Servitor by Macrocosm
I'll give Macrocosm Miniatures credit, their timing is impeccable. My rewards from their last Kickstarter show up at my house, and their latest Kickstarter is posted the very next day.
The quietly names Sci-Fi Space Dwarves campaign covers three separate releases
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The Junior Officers |
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The Servitor |
Each group is available as part of a pledge levels. Not only are additional sets available as add-ons, but you can pick up figures from the last Kickstarter as well.