I've seen variations of this pic appear all throughout the pandemic, and yet I couldn't find an appropriate post to use it on.
Technically, I still haven't. Despite all the potential for problems. I find no garbage alight, nor feces striking oscillating wind machines. Things could always be better, but I have food in the fridge, the roof over my head has nary a leak, and my kids are doing awesome, and after a flurry of basketball Saturday morning, they'll be hanging out with dear ol' Dad in the new Kriget Rum the whole weekend.
Kriget Rum Update: Since I share my office with my gaming space, it's almost a living, breathing entity. Multiple projects, the Gamma World campaign, and slowly getting paint on figures has kept the room in a messy near-cluttered state. This week I brought in all my mdf Middle-Eastern buildings from storage, and I believe I may have hit capacity. On a positive note, everything I want hung on the walls is up, and I'm pondering hanging more shelves for storage. This move has forced me to buy all new tools, and with the death of a 10-year old drill, even the powered ones are now getting replaced.
The Kriget Rum isn't ready for prime time, but the actual room for wargaming gets a nod.
God, I need curtains to hide those blinds. |
Yeah, that's my living room, and with no TV (Yep, I'm one of
those weird ones), it's really only used when the girls visit. Perfect excuse to set up the extra folding table and set things up, whether it's the girl or some solo action. There's enough room on the far wall to move the couch and set up a second table, just in case things need to go a little crazy... but not quite yet.
Painting Bench: There are boxes currently on the bench, while I continue to optimize my shelves of minis, terrain, etc. Once those are cleared off, the entire queue is sci-fi. Gnomish Space Marines, Planet 28, Legions of Steel, and a few waves of new items in need of priming. Once I get any of these finished, I need to turn, yet again, to Season Four of my Pulp Campaign.
The Blog: I've always said that a blog like Blogger is what I've always wanted, even going back beyond the 35 years I've been doing TTRPGs and formal wargames. Despite using it for what I want and not generating views and traffic.... I know what generates views and traffic on the blog. While my Big 3 isn't Androids, Aliens, and Wizards, I do know people come in droves for Convention Reviews, AARs, and Painting, which haven't been in large supply this year. As the first month of Q2 of my gaming year winds down, it's been Cons, Kickstarters, and Star Wars d6, with some of the #CharacterCreationChallenge posts cracking the Top 25. Should be interesting moving forward.
Project 350: A big dip to 491 (320/171) from 502 (332/170). At this point I can say I survived my second year of the #CharacterCreationChallenge with some light admin work to do the last week.
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