Thursday, October 31, 2024
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #54 - Horse's Asphalt
Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, are exploring outside the KIA Academy, have finally recovered Charley Onyxhoof from wilderness and are attempting to claim their reward.
Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. Knowledgeable, but not a good one with device repairs or upgrades. Very interested in a "Children's Alchemical Laser" he recently acquired.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often. Previously "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies, but recently has been subject to genetic testing and developed super-human strength, a more human body, and a thick coat of shaggy white hair.
Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. No Name has recently been fitted for a artillery device of the Ancients that chucks spears further than any human. Looking for trouble in all the right places. Former jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray. He's recently been struck by a weapon by a strange race of people and transformed into... something else.
RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now! Currently getting repairs done by the Restorationists.
Walking on the KIA Overpass to go into KIA Academy, the group discussed Lathar's recent transformation and his value to the party. Since being transformed in some type of green mineral/stone, Lathar was afraid of getting hit by blunt objects or falling. Everyone else, save Sonny, thought it would be best to have him appraised.
Sonny was dead-set on getting his Children's Alchemical Laster (CAL) repaired so the "revert to original" function of the device was working properly.
He asked a number of folks inside the KIA himself to send him in a proper direction. Most advised that he needed to go to "TMS" on Level 4 to investigate/repair Ancient technologies.
The TMS appeared to be a non-imposing office with just the letters "TMS" on the door on barely-frosted glass. Going inside, he saw a very long counter dominating the room with a lone middle-aged woman with pair of red glasses with multiple attachments, manning the entire counter.
"Hello Madam"
"What's broken now?"
"My alchemical lasers is broken..."
"Your Ali-Baba what is broken."
"No, my alchemical laser I came upon. We engaged some ne'er do wells with their own alchemical laser and my compatriots were changed. I understand if the alchemical laser works correctly, there is a reset option."
"I do not know who this gang called the Ne'er Do Wells are, but, Sir or Madame, I believe you also got turned into a giant dandelion.
"Sunflower. I'm a sunflower, and I was grown like this..."
After a bit more difficult conversation, the woman directed Sonny to use the display in the corner to generate a "ticket" for the techs to evaluate.
A half-hour later, a technician finally emerged from a hidden door along the wall. After reviewing the ticket with Sonny and reviewing the brittle and erroneous instruction booklet.
The technician pulled some ancient books and began disassembling a number of dials, buttons, and keypads, replacing some, cleaning others, reattaching many of them. He specifically mentioned that the schematics he had didn't match up with how this device was constructed, but Sonny was not worried.
There were a few tension-filled moments, but the technician hit the power button and the device turned on. Following Sonny's instructions, the tech set up the device to "Revert to Original Material" mode, as well as the settings/codes for five base materials:
- Copper
- Dirt
- Gold
- Water
"I think this will work..." the tech said, handing the CAL back to Sonny.
Sonny returned to a bar where he had left the remaining Explorers, the CAL still on his back. He gave Lathar the good news that he could change him back.
"And Charley," Lathar added, "Let's test it on Charley first."
Evening time, they arrived back at the Onyxhoof home. They knock on the barn door, and it slides to the side, Charley's wife, Stormchaser, answering the door.
"It's you guys? What did you do to my husband?"
Sonny answered "We tried our best to undo the damage those blue people did to him. I believe I can do more now...."
Sonnny and Charley wandered to a remote part of the property. Sonny opened fire....
When the smoke cleared, Charley was still standing there, much blacker, and a strong sulfur-like smell emanating.
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Charley Onyxhoof, King of the Asphalt Jungle |
Charley's facade was quite black, cracking at the joints. He stared at his hands.
"You turned me into asphalt!?! You sonuva btich!!!"
Sonny: "I was told that this was fixed to revert you back to normal.. Sometimes science isn't exactly science."
"Just get out of here and leave me alone..." the centaur pleaded.
Sonny peered down at the instructions. The keypad seemed at the right setting, but the dial was at a different position.
The next morning, Sonny returned to the TSM for more modification. The tech proceeded to review the notes and weld the selector dial shut.
"You circumsizable laser is ready to go!" the tech said proudly.
Not wishing to correct any more techs, Sonny left and found a field for he and Lathar to test it out again.
"You ready for this?" Sonny asked.
"The good news is if it fails, you know the guy who can fix it a third time." Squiggles quipped.
Sonny inserted another power cell and fired. Lathar felt the blast hit his chest, tearing him apart and reconstituting him.
The green stone-like Lathar emerged as a caramel color, complete with extra naval.
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Werther's Original Lathar |
GM Notes: If this was classic 1st Edition Gamma World, and I was pulling and converting ideas from AD&D, I may have required a System Shock roll.
FROYO is definitely a mistranslation, but was the first substance the group thought of...
TMS is an abbreviation for Traffic Management Systems.
Next: #55 - Leave it to Lathar
Monday, October 28, 2024
(Painting of Millie) Applejack from My Little Pony #Wizkids
With Fall sports officially ended, I got the girls for a portion of the weekend finally. There was was much-needed napping, and once they were even keel, the painting broke out, namely, they found all the blisters of WizKids My Little Pony miniatures and went to town.
The only one they finished before they needed to leave was Applejack, by Millie. She likes a certain Jackson Pollack aspect to the large open expanses of color on all of the ponies she started painting.
The eyes and cutie mark come as stickers AND water decals. I much prefer the decals to the sticks, as Applejacks eyes are not perfect (the cutie marks were decals with zero issue).![]() |
We may have a commission for Millie, painting a generic pony named Peanut Butter. More to come. |
I was responsible for the stickers/decals and the basing.
Between Fall-In!, Mepacon, and the start of winter sports/holidays, I don't know when we'll have quiet time again, but the rest of the ponies are safely stowed away for this to continue...
Sunday, October 27, 2024
Another Month of New Gaming (November '24)
Issue #297 of Game Trade Magazine can be found at your FLGS or online in PDF form here.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
(Kickstarter) Hail To The King! 28mm Dwarven King on Throne
I can't remember the last time I painted up a fantasy dwarf, but Macrocosm Miniatures makes great figures and have great turnaround time for delivery, so it's a no brainer to at least promote their Hail to the King! Kickstarter.
The figures from their Dwarf Slayers line are also available as add-ons for £7 per dwarf.
If you dig the Dwarf Guard to the throne, additional figures are also available for £7 per dwarf.
Friday, October 25, 2024
(Painting) Concrete Traffic Barriers for Death Planet Iota
I've had a lot of miscellaneous pieces collected in the apartment, definitely going back as far when I moved in almost two years ago. It's nice to see some of them finally get put to use.
I'm thinking these concrete barriers might have started life as corner protectors for my laptop I'm still using today, or perhaps a similar purchase.
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The Gnomish "Chimneysweeps" take security (and wanton corruption) very seriously. |
In the Queue: A special Gnome Wars project for Fall-In! is all that's left in my pre-con queue. I'm going to enjoy that weekend and re-evaluate what's next. Don't worry I'm still using the plans I made less than a month ago to set up the queue.
Project 350: Maintaining. 513 (324/189) from 513 (325/188). It's always dangerous when a bunch of cool new ideas come around a week before a major con. The scary thing is, anything that I do accomplish this upcoming week won't see the light of day on the blog until after Fall-In anyway...
Thursday, October 24, 2024
(Kickstarter) 28mm Halfling Sniper Squad by Warblade Miniatures
With all the pdfs and stl files floating around Kickstarter, I'm pleased as punch for the Halfling Sniper Squad in 28mm metal from Warblade.
(Painting) Inflatable Discount Mummies
We don't ask about the magic behind it, the lawn inflatables take on a life of their own and terrorize the town!
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
(Kickstarter) Smurfs RPG
After what has been a non-stop marketing blitz, at least all over my social media, Maestro Media has finally launched their Kickstarter for Smurfs: The Role-Playing Game
My only complaint is that I'm suffering from marketing fatigue, but they've spent their dollars wisely with samples of the product, and videos of gameplay and it's easily shattered its goals after the first two days.(Gnome Wars) Mustard Gas and its Condimentation in Warfare
During the Great War, the use of chemical agents was a horrific evolution of modern warfare.
In Gnome Wars, it's a bit more of an overpowering flavor experience.
Painted by Mike Lung, circa 2012 |
Mustard Gas can be fired from large mortars and, if the scenario presents itself, off-board artillery. It should be represented by a large piece of cotton, preferably colored yellow, which can be stretched and molded, and even divided to represent the cloud moving, filling in depressions, and even splitting off.
Shells from on field mortars create a cloud the size of a 3" blast template. Off-board artillery is more powerful, creating a 5" blast template. These shells do not cause physical damage like traditional ordinance. They are ineffective against tanks and fortifications in the traditional sense. Gas shells do NOT create craters.
Effects: Mustard gas requires requires each figure within the cloud to flee d8 inches in a random direction. Terrain modifiers still apply. All figures with the cloud at the end of a round are incapacitated for the remainder of the game and should be removed. These cloud do not dissipate quickly, so they should remain on the board for the remainder of the game.
Gas clouds obscure line of sight.
Initiative: Once on the board, all gas clouds should have their own imitative, whether at the same time as the artillery crew that fired, or all clouds collectively as their own entity.
Movement: The gas cloud can move deceptively quick across the battlefield, but will settle in the lowest spot possible. Determine a random direction for ALL clouds to move each turn. Each cloud moves 1d6+6 inches each turn. Once a cloud finds a lower elevation (downhill, trench) it will pool there and only move the path of least resistance (Ex1: a gas cloud with a portion in a trench line will remain over the trench unless the wind moves it in a direction that allows it to follow the trench Ex2: Clouds that fill in, then hover over craters, remain there.)
As I continue to review old correspondence, I found a discussion that each nation's mustard producers are notorious manufacturers of WMD "Weapons of Mass Deliciousness" The German artillery crew from Mike Lung pictured above is actually from 2012, but I'm not seeing any rules for it.
Remember, Gnome Wars should be fun and somewhat silly. Chemical weapons and flamethrowers are graphic parts of war. Spicy Mustard Gas and Cheesthrowers are devastating but fun.
So that's it, feel free to model some artillery wagons sponsored by "Gulden's Spicy Brown"
You can also keep the culturally appropriate brands for your army (Loewensenf for Germans, Grey Poupon for the French, and amusingly French's Brown Mustard for the Americans.)
Yellow Mustard has no effect, but are being considered for training rounds for new recruits.
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #53 - The Stone Pavilion, Part Four
Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, are exploring outside the KIA Academy, have finally recovered Charley Onyxhoof from wilderness and are attempting to claim their reward.
Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. Knowledgeable, but not a good one with device repairs or upgrades.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often. Previously "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies, but recently has been subject to genetic testing and developed super-human strength, a more human body, and a thick coat of shaggy white hair.
Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. No Name has recently been fitted for a artillery device of the Ancients that chucks spears further than any human. Looking for trouble in all the right places. Former jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray. He's recently been struck by a weapon by a strange race of people and transformed into... something else.
RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now! Currently getting repairs done by the Restorationists.
The explorers led Charley back to his work headquarters: Station Petro. Going through the giant service doors, they encountered the entire service crew lounging about. Most of the workers recognized their missing co-worker, even if his human portion of his body was covered in horse's hide.
A few had run back to grab Vinn, the Station Manager.
"Charley.... is that really you?"
"Yes, it is me," Charley spoke with a slur and a stutter.
Vinn turned the group, "What happened to him."
Sonny replied, "Some group of blue-skinned creatures attacked him with treasures of the Ancients. Turned him into stone, stripped his mind, and we managed to use one to turn him into that."
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Station Petro |
"I was a sunflower. Still am? We're the same fellows you originally met."
Vinn let Charley punch out of work finally and go home. Charley galloped away.
"There was something about a reward?" Pete inquired.
"There was!" Vinn answered. He raised a hand, and a crew member returned with a blue and white plastic cooler, filled with 5,000 domars.
The explorers tried to negotiate some advanced tools from the work crew. Sonny did end up with an old and dented toolbox full of modern non-powered tools.
Pete was more interested in refueling used power cells. Vinn does have the technology, but it would hamper their production on their contracted jobs from the KIA Academy. The collection of cells would all be filled within ten days. Vinn rejected a number of cells, mostly ones Sonny had tried to use with the Children's Alchemical Laser (CAL).
Lathar tried to bribe Vinn to push back the department's normal projects, but Vinn feared the folks inside the KIA Academy, more than he like random gold.
Sonny had been looking for scientists to help him fix the CAL, but the group got horribly lost with less than helpful directions. They did manage find a random shopping district, very little window shopping was done, as the attention was largely direction to the numerous news screens.
The person on the screen was a female mutant housecat with bold orange and black tiger striping...
Blaze Shadowpaw reporting.... Attack by outsiders rocks KIA Academy. Reports of a new faction of uncivilized scum encroaching on the Academy have been confirmed, and now they're attacking civilians. Video here [Video is a bird's eye view of the clearing around the stone pavilion] shows our dedicated public servants at ALLA CARTE RENTALS as their recovery team was retrieving a misplaced E-Cart. Dozens of these blue skinned beings assaulted the team and murdered them all with a mixture of primitive weapons, gifts of the Ancients, and dark pagan magicks.
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Blaze Shadowpaw, KIA Academy Reporter |
Pete, We should probably head over there and reconcile the cart rental
The group navigated out of KIA Academy and back to the Great Overpass and the cart rental next concern for the group was the e-cart rental. Black banners hung in the windows, mourning the loss of most of the staff in the unfortunate attack. Pete decided to stay outside and let the others deal with the e-cart issue.
A person now stood behind the counter, a hardened older man, with minor physical mutations. His name tag bore a hastily written "DEX" on it.
Yeah, what do you fellers need?
We rented one of your carts, and went from a human into something different because your cart turned into something different. I'm looking for restitution...
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Dex.... |
GM Notes: This was a largely bookkeeping session, tempered by some technical difficulties. The group is intrigued by a "Repo Men of the Rental Cart Facility" future campaign.
Next: #54 - Horse's Asphalt
Monday, October 21, 2024
(Kickstarter) One-Page Bulge by Lombardy Studios
Lombardy Studios has launched a Kickstarter to do much more than reprint Steve Jackson's wargame of effective simplicity One-Page Bulge.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
The Call of Cthulhu Encore Humble Bundle
Apparently Chaosium has delved into the Humble Bundle again with the Call of Cthulhu Encore bundle.
For the next two weeks, $25 for 26 PDFs that would normally go for $400+ sounds like a pretty good deal. Plus, proceeds from this campaign go to the World Wildlife Fund
Saturday, October 19, 2024
(Backerkit) Ars Magica 5th Edition Definitive by Atlas Games
Atlas Games was launched their first crowdfunding campaign through Backerkit, blasting through the base goal for the Ars Magica Definitive Edition in mere minutes!
What's Ars Magic? Let the campaign explain it best....
Ars Magica is a troupe-style, storytelling game. Players take the role of not only powerful magi, but also the companions and grogs who serve them. Each of these characters contributes to the communal “covenant” where they all live, and to the story itself.
Friday, October 18, 2024
(Painting) Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought III
And with this, I believe I'm finished painting all my Dollar Tree "Dreadnought" for the Gnomish Space Marines.
The Automated Drone P-131 from the Final Faction toy line is long our of the toy rotation, but with the various accessory packs, they could serve a variety of support function. This one is a stock model, with plenty of firepower, even if it suffered a barrage of light arms fire where more than a few things hit true.
The current line of Final Faction toys are too generic action figure for use in smaller scale wargaming. Too stiff, too upright. The robot, labeled a "Med Droid" is so stiff it belongs a stand-in for The Day the Earth Stood Still.
Besides the Mecha and the Artillery platform, the only toy from the line I'd like to see return are the Khan Perimeter Defense Crawlers, which I painted up to look like dollar store genestealers.
There's a few more vehicles to add to the GSM Arsenal, one more Hlutr halftrack tank, a few dollar store traditional modern tanks, and a ridiculously oversized 4WD vehicle for the Chimneysweeps. I also have and untold number of bikers, hover bikes, and grav-attack vehicles, but I think some actual troops are required first....
In the Queue: Death Planet Iota Terrain and some special Gnome Wars projects for Fall-In, coming way too fast.
Project 350: Despite all the October build-up, I've crept up to 513 (325/188) from 510 (323/187). In past years, I'm normally knee deep in work, but with the new job, I've managed to clean up the backlog of drafts. No matter how I space things, projects get delayed/pushed back and the months are filled with projects and ideas I don't have time for. Like an accordion, I need to review and stretch out those posts, to a reasonable amount for 2026, and organize the future projects. Everything's color coded, everything's so pretty. Now I just need to play some games and paint some minis!
Thursday, October 17, 2024
🧙♂️(Georic Gazetteer) The Dark Kingdoms of Vlachia circa 1150
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Bargle the Infamous' Alleged Castle |
Dark Kingdoms of Vlachia
Capital: Amatay (Formerly Fort Doom/Formerly Shelley Harbor)
Language: Vlach
Alliances: Miolsic, Hermetus
Hostilities: Marakeikos, Stronghome
Demi-Humans: Half-Orcs and Half Ogres. A scattering of dwarves in the Thacarian Mountains
Magic Items: The Prism of Eight Rays, The Seeking Dart are known royal treasures. Each of the separate lords are known to have quite substantial collections.
Thumbnail Sketch: The worst kept secret for all but the most naive travelers is Vlachia's ruling class being predominantly Vampires, with an odd werewolf or other entity beyond the natural. Traveling alone or without a sizable entourage is widely discourage, mostly foolhardy. And if the threat of vampire lords descending upon your weary traveling bones isn't discouraging enough. Their fervent human supporters make up the "Cult of Ghouls" to support the vampire lords in any capacity they can.
Vlachia has always been in open conflict with Marakeikos, and it wasn't until the the kidnapping of King Valens and the subsequent civil war that Marakeikan forces made inroads into the vampire kingdoms, seizing and permanently annexing territory adjacent to Vadevicsny. Travel in this particular region is not for the faint of heart, but for an entirely different and more mundane reason.
The wizards and alchemists of the region have set traps and guards within the forest, paid druids to charm creatures and enchant plants, illusionists to hide the spring, necromancers to set guards that neither sleep nor rest nor tell tales, as well as magicians and witches cast dire spells to protect this source of so many of their potions, solutions and balms.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
(Gnome Wars) The Great Snail
This past Historicon, my Saturday night Gnome Wars game had an unexpected visitor: a D&D flail snail that a player had purchased at the flea market and I could find no good reason not to allow it on the table. I made up some rules on the fly, and, as I planned, it proved more of a distraction to players than a game breaker.
Going through some ancient Gnome Wars correspondence with friend of the blog, Award-Winning-GM Mike Lung, I discovered he proposed giant snail rules way back in 2011!
Great Snail (Wild or Unmanned)
- Moves Slow: 6"
- Moves Randomly unless guided by gnome, guide gnome can also encourage the snail to use its acid spitting attack.
- Moves over any obstacle without penalty, except salt or fire.
- Hard to Kill: Only legal 6's with light arms wound the creature. Heavier weaponry, treat as a tank.
- Wounds: 4 (Tank results supersede wounds)
- Weapon: Acid Spitting 12" artillery, 3" diameter template
- Leaves a slime trail behind, effect lasts 3 turns. Roll d8 for each gnome crossing, on a 1-3, the gnome slips and falls. Each roll to get up, the difficulty goes up by 1 (1-4 fails on first attempt, 1-5 on second, and so on.) Gnomes that can't mathematically succeed are removed from the table.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
(Gamma World) This is Not a Test #52 - The Stone Pavilion, Part Three
Our heroes, the De Facto Explorers, are exploring outside the KIA Academy, and have uncovered a new race, a weapon of alchemical destruction, and a certain Stone Horse of Destruction that's back to flesh.
Sneaky Pete: A mutated weasel scout. Pete's telepathy and night vision take a backseat when he whips out his electrical powers.
Sonny Helianthus: a sentient sunflower artifact examiner with trusted Restorationist ties. Knowledgeable, but not a good one with device repairs or upgrades.
Slitheran Wurmtail (aka Squiggles): a mutated earthworm scout, in impromptu power armor, looking for trouble, and finding it often. Previously "gave birth" to a litter of sentient earthworm babies, but recently has been subject to genetic testing and developed super-human strength, a more human body, and a thick coat of shaggy white hair.
Lathar Bracken: A pure-strain human from River Bend. He's got the muscle, the face, and a mount for most encounters. Lathar's trusty beast of burden, No Name, travels wherever he does. No Name has recently been fitted for a artillery device of the Ancients that chucks spears further than any human. Looking for trouble in all the right places. Former jousting champion of Fair-Town and has been awarded... a peacock he has named Chambray. He's recently been struck by a weapon by a strange race of people and transformed into... something else.
RHA-9: A lab assistant piece of "Living Metal" that seems to have befriended the group... for now! Currently getting repairs done by the Restorationists.
With the aid of the Toard Jakey Children's Alchemical Laser, the great Stone Horse of Destruction had been transformed back to.. Charlie, half-man, half-horse. Similar to Lathar, he was in a state of confusion, but the current state where even his human torso was covered in horse-hide, He was regaining his faculties.
Pete tried to run over to calm the transformed mutant, perhaps to use his telepathic powers to calm him, but No Name had come running around a tree and stunted at the man-horse. It took Pete all his telepathic power just to chase No-Name away far enough so Charlie wouldn't bolt.
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A concerned No-Name |
Sonny walked around the e-cart that had been transformed to terracotta clay towards Lathar to see what had become to his friend. Lathar had transformed into some shiny green mineral, or precious stone. Squiggles had questions, "Are you like that inside and out. Do you need to eat? Do you poop?"
Sonny attempted to allay Green Lathar's fears. He was still greatly confused but recognized the happy flower. With his task completed, he planted into the ground and attempted to decipher the instruction manual for the Children's Alchemical Laser.
Pete searched the remaining blue men bodies that hadn't been vaporized in the blast. The had a few rare and random coins on them, and some hardy longbows. Pete did detach a number and clasps, emblems, and insignias. He then went back to the pavilion to investigate that shimmering lines that looked like obvious traps. He climbed over the pavilion side to find himself inside the stone structure to see the the supports for the roof. Pete did detect each line had holes drilled into the rock, and the shimmering abated the closer you got. Pete called Squiggles over to have a look...
"Just watch out for the booby traps."
"What booby traaaaaa......."
The furry worm stumbled towards the steps. Pete pulled him away until he was out of harm's way. Squiggles' right leg, below where his knee would be, sat on the steps, completely cut out clean and cauterized.
Squiggles cried out, "That's supposed to be attached!!!"
Sonny went through the inventory of drugs and such on RHA-9. He ordered RHA to apply anesthesia, which knocked the worm out. Sonny then applied a med-kit to Squiggles. It didn't reattached a leg, but it did make him get out of shock.
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RHA-9 with the anesthesia, |
Pete, "Doesn't he regenerate his limbs?"
Sonny, "I've never seen him do it in all our years."
Between Squiggles' accident and two confused individuals, Sonny wanted everyone out of the clearing and heading back to KIA Academy proper ASAP. They strapped Squiggles (and his leg) securely on top of No Name and headed out. Pete searched for traps and ambushes, while Sonny tried to fill in Charlie on what happened.
"I got hit by children's ray gun? I've been destroying parts of town for no reason? Are my wife and kids okay?"
Sonny, "Yes, that's our best guess. And we talked to your family, they're physically fine, just worried."
"Do I still have my job?"
"I don't know...."
Going over a small ridge, the source of some smoke became quite prominent... the RUINS of the Toard Jakey!
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RIP Toard Jakey |
Charlie was certainly coming to his senses, even if everything was calibrated. He identified the tracks for a construction vehicle, uses for digging, building and destroying.
Sonny actually asked for directions from local homesteaders to exactly where the White Hand was located in, and the locals surprisingly complied.
At the White, there was great interest to the group as they walked up They did have enough domars to afford to reattach Squiggles' leg. This procedure took many hours, and the rest managed to get some much needed sleep. Both Lathar and Charlie began acting more "normal" than they had before. The White Hand attendants, did do a complimentary once over for the two transformed creatures. Charlie seemed to be reconstituted into flesh, but even the human parts were covered with horse hide... including his tongue!
Without further testing, they believed Lathar was all mineral, with working organs made of a malleable version of the material. They diagnosed both as suffering from cases of "Izagone." or "unwilling transformation"
With all the extra-time, Sonny found a plot of land outside, sunk in his roots, and continued to work on the instruction manual for CAL (Children's Alchemical Laser). Sonny realized there were significant issues between the instructions and the physical equipment. The CAL in the book had eight basic settings, with a white pull-string randomizer. A keyboard was used to for color codes.
The physical CAL Sonny was looking at had a dial with over 200 settings, along with a much more complicated keyboard. Everything sample instruction in the book focuses on a button for "bubble gum" that does not exist on their device.
The surgery was a success, although Squiggles took hours longer than normal to recover from the anesthesia. Outside of a large shaven band below with knee with a straight line scar around his leg.
Charlie: "Can I go home finally?"
GM Notes: During an aside, we calculated that semi-precious Lathar would be worth $32,000,000 domars. They will not be selling him off for parts... for now.
The description of fancier White Hand facility at KIA was interpreted as a Post-Apocalyptic Apple Store. They weren't far off.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Saturday, October 12, 2024
The Kansas State University Game Lab
I had the good fortune of having a gentleman simply lurk off to the side of my Friday Gnome Wars game at Historicon this past July. Despite repeated offerings to grab him a unit, he simply enjoyed watching the chaos.
That gentleman was Brad Burenheide, Associate Professor at Kansas State University and the co-creator of the K-State Game Lab. The Game Lab is a creation out of the College of Education, a research and play organization that allows students, faculty, staff and members of the community to play a variety of games to look at their potential impact in learning and education. A variety of card, board, role-playing, and miniature games are played with the purpose using them in ways to augment teaching, and learning in general.
It also helps that they can have a blast in doing so... which really is the underlying reason for the project in general.
The actual website for the Game Lab can be found here.
Friday, October 11, 2024
(Painting) Independent Gnomish Dreadnought for Death Planet Iota
Paint continues to be applied to stuff, although it's more stuff I'm not quite sure how I'm going to store.
Different 40k Dreadnoughts run anywhere from $50-$75 online.
A Gnomish Space Marine Dreadnought? $1.25. $2.50 if you include the accessory pack for the missiles.
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Automated Drone P-131 from the Final Faction toy line distributed by Dollar Tree |
I have not idea when I picked up this shade of Army Painter Hydra Turquoise, but it might be the first and last time I use it, to represent a captured, repurposed and repainted mercenary mecha. Like Ignate Peritius, it's just another rogue individual trying to survive on Death Planet Iota for Planet 28.
In the Queue: GSM and related terrain and Gnome Wars.
Project 350: 510 (323/187) from 512 (322/190). We'll see what extra projects I can get done to fill the mid-month, as the week of Halloween is quite full, and as the scheduled posts drop, I at least need to finish up some long-term projects to even the numbers out.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
(Gnome Wars) The Rise of Gnomish Horology and the Red Cap Cults by Mike Lung
Gnome society is an enigma. They generally live a simple bucolic or woodland lifestyle, yet they also are great tinkers and inventors.
Depictions of a traditional simple gnomish lifestyle
Tinker gnome riding his invention
Gnomes usually live and dress in very traditional ways. The are often very slow to adopt new ideas or material items. Yet at the same time, they can be very progressive as far as accepting other creatures with different backgrounds and ideas. They generally are willing agents in helping and teaching other species and therefore promoting change within those animal societies. In fact, gnomes are often given credit for teaching the animals how to talk and act in a civilized manner.
Traditional gnome dress
Gnome teaching animals how to read
The Great Gnome War and the rampant outbreak of the znombie plague decimated the gnome population creating a vacuum for civilized animals to fill. As the war progressed, many animals were called on to serve in the wars. At home, they were also used to support the war effort. This presented an opportunity for animals to take leadership roles in society. Animal doctors, lawyers, clergy, and politicians (positions once held almost exclusively by gnomes) all became much more common in the years proceeding the dual catastrophes. Recently, an animal, Hedgerow Wilson, was elected President.
Animal classroom taught be a cat teacher instead of a gnome.
Most gnomes were accepting of this change feeling this was the natural fruition of their own progressive ideas. However, some gnomes rejected this view and still held fast to their insular traditional beliefs. Many of these gnomes believed the world had gone completely crazy, and there was a general feeling that they felt lost with no role in the future. They yearned for a return to the good old prewar days. Others philosophized that the world was like a clock. Like a tooth of a cog, each member of society whether a gnome or an animal had a specific role to play. When everyone did what they were supposed to do, the clock runs smoothly to perfections. However, when the teeth of the cogs are reshaped or changed, or whole cogs are changed, the function of the clock is disrupted. It will no longer function too perfection, or worse yet, if there are too many changes or the changes are too significant, the clock will cease to function at all! It therefore was the duty of all gnomes to make sure that all the teeth and cogs did what they were intended to do. Order and structure hierarchy had to be restored. Those who wish to make or allow these changes to society were an enemy that had to be stopped for the good of all.
Animal run society gotten out of hand. Order had to be restored under Gnomish leadership
Advocates of the philosophy of the world clock were collectively known as Horologists. This philosophy was highly debated by the citizens. Some openly embracing it, others denouncing it, while most paid not real attention to it as they went about their normal lives. While most of this discussion was theoretically, some secret societies of gnomes did start to form to carry out the mission of restoring the clock. While by mostly lawful means, these secret societies did at times cross the line. Likewise, some animals formed their own secret groups in reaction to advocate their own beliefs. While the government fought to suppress the growth of all of these movements, it was not always successful, and the actions of these groups furthered the cracks in society.
Imaginative depiction of Horologist fixing the World Clock
There were, however, some extreme members of the Horology movement that came to the conclusion that too much change had already occurred. It was impossible to repair the broken cogs of society by normal political or social means. The old clock needed to be discarded, and a new clock needed to be made with a completely new, unbreakable cog system. In other words, these cult-like groups advocated a creation of a new world order. Those members were collectively known as “Red Caps” and would stop at nothing to achieve their purposes. To build their new clock, the consulted long lost or hidden tomes of knowledge. There efforts to obtain these tomes and to advance their goals have no bounds. No animal or progressive gnome was safe from their depredations and their other terrible, deeds.