Goodman Games is running a Kickstarter to produce a boxed set of Jack Vance's Dying Earth setting, using their Dungeon Crawl Classics system.
The boxed set will include a Player's Libram, The Primer of Practical Magic, and The Intimate Anatomy of Several Creatures and Personages of the Twenty-first Aeon.Pages
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Mandatory AAU Basketball Rant: Week 11-12 - The End of the Season
One thing parent miscalculate about travel sports, far more than the unsuspecting kids, is the commitment to the team, especially for a successful program.
Maja's 6th grade team hung it up two weeks ago, although most are still practicing and, of course, the school rec league, but more on that later. Priority goes to Millie's 4th grade team.
With their second invitation to a "National" championship, the program chose to visit Spooky Nook for the East Coast Nationals. Thirty courts going non-stop, hundreds of teams from at least ten different states, and for a first this year... Friday games.
The girls' 4th grade division fielded seven teams, including the teams we eeked out our last championship against, a local team for us, plus a mysterious new team out of Virginia. It looked like pool play might be a challenge if the team didn't execute.
It was far from it. By game 3 or the 4 game pool play, 4th Grade Clutch and the mysterious Virginia team were already guaranteed a spot in the championship games. Those game were against teams that had spirit, but not enough to avoid 35-3, 38-2 and 32-3 losses. While some teams are invited, anyone willing to play the bloated entry fee gets four guaranteed games on the court.
After an afternoon of swimming, shopping and miniature golf, we were back at the Nook 8am Sunday to cheer on the 5th grade girls team and at 9am for a rematch against Team Thrill. With the 21-19 championship fresh in their minds, the girls went to work and dismantled the team, 37-7.
4-0, 142 points scored. 15 points against.
The only problem was the Fairfax All-Stars emerged from their pool:
4-0, 148 points scored. 21 points against.
It was agreed upon by parents on both teams that it simply would have been easier to meet up early on Friday, play this one game, then go home, or enjoy the weekend elsewhere. Most of the divisions in the tourney had spectacular, close games. For 4th grade the championship game was it.
Fairfax came out swinging with the same players they had used since Friday (counter to some alleged shenanigans), our girls not only caught up but held the lead at the half., but the Virginia team slowly pulled ahead in the second half. We were as close as five with two minutes left, but poor shooting and rebounding doomed them down the stretch, and they lost 41-30.
Each team gave up more points in the championship game than they allowed in the four pool games combined.
Millie had a solid tournament, a few nice buckets, great assists, and some more time pretending to be a big, and at many time succeeding.
Overall the team was 29-4 for the season, Undefeated in pool play and 4-4 in championship games. Not bad for a team assemble in March, after a single winter league where they were ripping each other's heads off. Find a key position player, some bench depth, and they're going to be a force to be reckoned with for years.Tuesday, June 29, 2021
(Star Wars d6) #8 - The Ritual of Quickdeath
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission. "Mother" to two baby reptiles, Tarr and Aye.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
Re-united with their traveling companions,
the Ul-Mor,
Our heroes are nearing the sacred,
Valley of Heroes, where, if they succeed
in the Ritual of Quickdeath, they will
become members of the Ul-Mor tribe
But is the Quickdeath, a ritual, a creature,
or worst yet, a misnomer!
After re-uniting with the Ul-Mor, it was still many days to reach the field where the Ritual of Quickdeath . The field was rather unimpressive, a mesa forming a U made for a natural arena for something to occur.
Ah'tru, the Ul-Mor Cheiftain, spoke, "It is now time for the Ritual of Adulthood. Those who succeed will become one of the Ul-Mor. Those who fail will choose a new connection to the One. Grab a spear."
And with that the chieftain revealed four short spears for the group to take.
As the four took the spears, Ah'tru quickly scampered away to a distant high ground, where the rest of the Ul-Mor sat patiently.
Khahai remained and emerged from behind a large rock with four straw dummies, best representing the four of them.
"May you fare well against the Quickdeath," and with that he mounted his Loper and rode towards the mesa."
Ne'vets thought out loud, "Did they say we could or couldn't use our personal weapons? We still have all of them."
Suddenly, a large tiger-like creature emerged from the distance with tentacles and a barb-shooting tail. It began running at an incredible rate.
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A Volturnan Quickdeath |

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Hough'Mongos |
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Bolt Action Germans as Cobra... and More!
What is the one true untapped market in wargaming? I'd argue that it's the GI Joe franchise. You know, the 80s toy-selling cartoon. Cobra, Destro, Snakes-Eyes, all the wild vehicles and middle-aged recreational cash. Sure, I'm certain the license from Hasbro would be daunting for most, save WizKids, but I'd much rather have Cobra HISS tanks on the battlefield than some other 40k concoction.
The whole reason for my thought was a recent post over at Must Contain Minis, where a player simply painted Bolt Action Germans in Cobra Regalia to great effect.
The Cobra player/player, Dave Lamers' other work can be found here on the MCM blog.Friday, June 25, 2021
(Painting) Blue Martians of the Holy Fern
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Leader of the Order, Gematt Hoektand |
Thursday, June 24, 2021
(Kickstarter) Rifts for Savage Worlds - Atlantis Rising
I think I'm passed my mid-life crisis fascination with Savage Rifts is done, but I'm pleasantly intrigued by Pinnacle's expansion of the game with Rifts® for Savage Worlds: Atlantis Rising Kickstarter.
From the Kickstarter itself:Wednesday, June 23, 2021
(Savage Pulp) #3.12 You Say You Want an Insurrection

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Sohai, at 3:35 in the afternoon |
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Hey, are those guys actually shooting at us? |
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Ovaltine's men rush to the commotion. |
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It is time to emerge, comrades... |
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Shooting gallery in the center of town. |
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The butt of the shotgun is far more effective than those flimsy spears. |
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The Askaris emerge to seize what is rightfully theirs. |
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The empty police plaza... |
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Bob Njano spies those dastardly Russians. |
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The out of breath Germans have Thaddeus Ovaltine cornered. |
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...unless he jumps out of a window... poorly. |
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The VCB, with O'Killery, jump the Russians. |
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The Germans, shooting from all directions, couldn't hit the ground, much less Ovaltine. |
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Ovaltine is loaded into the truck, and most of the Rough 'n Ready Riders make a hasty retreat. |
... except for the reinforcements who fired through the marketplace to hit the brawl beyond it. Haley was worried. Despite her grand entrance, she had yet to successfully strike her foe.
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Ovaltine's reinforcements, firing through the marketplace crowd. |
TURN SIX: Kaptuin possibly shot, fazed, staggered away from melee and into Bob Njano's shotgun.
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Kaputin staggers in front of Bob Njano |
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The VCB finish the fight with fists and katanas. |
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RIP Bob Njano |
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Ovaltine's men don't fancy the VCB and they are gunned down. |
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A crowd forms to see Hillary finish Kaptuin. |
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The Askaris are back at home in the police, and no longer need some primitive's help. |
"Doktor" Klockenspiel had no time to worry the affairs of a governed people, so with the weight of his militia of archeologists behind him, threw in his lot with Haley O'Killery. The returning Sohai police agreed, and with that, a corrupt peace fell upon the desert town once again.
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So about revising those outrageous "digging fees..." |
With eleven episodes in the bag, and three rough storylines, it was time to put some things to bed. I decided early that it would be a free-for-all for all the power in Sohai. It just took awhile to set up the forces and finally run the game.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
(Star Wars d6) #7 - The Banished Within the Caves
Ne'vets Aharo - an exotic animal broker, both legal and otherwise
Evus - Twi'lek former mercenary, Ne'vets' armed muscle with a tendency to shoot first.
Tarrie - Human pilot for the upcoming mission. "Mother" to two baby reptiles, Tarr and Aye.
Frokazza -Wookie co-pilot, mechanic, and unarmed muscle. Very distrustful.
Lost in a series of underground tunnels
Within a moon of Dathomir
The party under the employ of
one Ne'vets Ahraro have discovered
a number of exotic animals, as well
as a lone member of the Ul-Mor tribe
adjacent to an underground lake.
Is this individual friend or foe,
and does he have more "friends."
After discovering a beach on the underground lake, and letting the baby lopers frolic in the water, the group decided to search for a different path to find a way around the lake, only to discover a second beach, with a lone Ul-Mor, with a pasty white growth on his face and tentacles.
The Ul-Mor was completely unsettled by the group's arrival.
"What is going on? Are you banished too?"
"I was once called Brom the Banished."
''I was once a powerful Ul-Mor, who stole many things from our enemies and divided these things many ways. My fellows envied me, and, indeed, I believed they had reason to do so. I had been chosen as the tribe's next leader, and this made me feel as though no risk were too great for me to take. But, alas, the One will not tolerate such foolishness. "I was riding herd on a large flock of kwidges when a burrower snake startled them, and they stampeded. Many of the kwidges ran under my loper; alas, I was not quick enough to control the noble beast. Left solely to his own direction, my loper panicked and ran into the tribe's egg cache, destroying several of our young. The elders immediately banished me, forever denying me the rights of an Ul-Mor. ''Since that time I have wandered these caverns, where I have learned the secret of joining the One without the cold sleep' Perhaps the One has sent you to me, so that I may redeem myself by showing you his secret."
Tarrie attempted to analyze the white pasty substances around Brom's face and tentacles, but was met by a disturbed Brom staring at and articulating his covered tentacles. "This is me, yet it is not part of me. I shall live forever."
GM Notes: Say no to drugs, kids.
Despite Brom's delusional ramblings, and an insistence that they should visit the island in middle of the lake, the group was more than happy to accept his help getting fungus rafts together to get across the lake.
As a form of payment for his services, the group was happy to drop Brom off at the island. The island was largely a collection of the white pasty substance covering everything, including rocks, other fungus, and even a few outlines that looked animal-like. Brom jumped off the raft and wished them well.
They landed on the beach and were met by a series of beeps and boops. They seemed quite familiar to Tarrie, so familiar, that they went back.... back to a **FLASHBACK**
Within the days underground, everyone had forgotten their encounter with a small droid, just after the cave-in. The droid was attempting to communicate with the group and clean up the tremendous amount of dust in the chamber. Tarrie had thrown rocks at it and it quickly dashed away.
And now that droid, or a similar looking one, was on this side of the lake.
Sneaking over to the noises, they could spy the little droid cleaning a complicated cavern of stalagmites and stalactites.
A quick Tangler grenade trapped the droid, but during Frokazza and Evus' attempts to analyze it, it exploded in a little fire and great arc of sparks. No one was injured, and a few stepped back in surprise, but the baby Lopers ran away in fear.
The party chased the baby Lopers and found themselves.... waking up off the floor of a new cavern. Everyone was fully refreshed, and the baby Loopers were with them. A single set of footprints left the chamber and it led them back towards the room with the now-fried cleaning droid.
Wandering through some more caves finally found some signs of civilzation. A chamber had rows of folding military tables, a lone cot, and a few boxes. Ne'vets was quite surprised that some of the labeling directed them back to the long-defunct Trade Federation.
Just beyond the reach of the lanterns, the others could barely make out the silhouette or some grey cloaked individual. Before anyone could react two red lightsaber blades lit up in front of them.
Monday, June 21, 2021
Mice versus Cthulhu! - The Father's Day Game
Father's Day doesn't mean breakfast in bed and a weird tie or t-shirt. It's a simple day of a tea party and gaming with my girls. If those two things can happen, I can chalk it up as the best day ever.
The weekend did start off better than expected with boxes from both Sally 4th's Able Company Kickstarter and BattleValor Games' 15mm Baggage Train campaign arriving on Sunday. No, I'm not delving into another scale, rather I took advantage of pledging for this campaign to get significant discounts on Battle Valor's 28mm Pulp, Sci-Fi, and Space Dwarf lines. I basically lost all traction I made on my lead pile this year (and Reaper Bones 5 and Macrocosm's Space Dwarves are shipping soon). As usual, I'm gleefully doomed.
After breakfast and a long meandering drive along the dirt roads in the area (that was requested), we prepped for the annual Father's Day game. I do have a LOT stuck in the gaming queue, but I always attempt to do something different for Father's Day, and this year was over a pandemic year in the making.
I mean, I'm not sure where I initially saw this, but as a man with all similar components in his arsenal, it was a no-brainer.
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Cthulhu's Anti-Personnel System is its large non-Euclidian feet. |
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Millie kept here troops in front of the charging Cthulhu, ultimately forming a u-shaped defense.
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The brave heroes were quickly devoured. |
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And the band played on, instead of fighting, then getting eaten. |
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Eye to eye with the Mouse King and Queen, then *poof* vanished. |
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Cthulhu held a grudge from the last game. |
2016 - Assault the Secret Base
2015 - The Lost Shrine of Tu'Lip
2014 - Battle of Hook's Farm
2013 - Attack of the 50-Foot Princess
2012 - Rorke's Drift
2011 - Battle in the Mists (Father's Day Weekend gaming with friends, no bambinos)