Saturday, August 6, 2016

#RPGaDay2016 Day #6: Most Amazing Thing a Game Group Did for the Community

Oh boy,  charity and gaming aren't usually things that easily go together, so the Day 6 topic "Most Amazing Thing a Game Group Did for the Community" is a tough one. 

It's not that we aren't charitable bunch that would help someone in need, it's just that a good portion of our population spends more on gaming than the necessities of life.  Skewed priorities, you could say. 

With that considered, I need to give  a huge shout-out to Mepacon, my local con up here in Northeast Pennsylvania.   Twice a year they run their con and always attach fundraisers for numerous charities.  The names have changed over the years, but they've always been local, always in need, and always appreciative of the donations of food, personal affects, and money raised. 

I'm particularly proud of their games auction, where many items are donated for all of the proceeds to go to the chosen charity.  While many of the D&D promotional items have fetched a there appropriate pricely sum, I'm more impressed by the stacks of paperbacks and VHS tapes wouldn't get a bid over a dollar normally, but fetch $30 or $40 as charity items.  Best yet is the "Mystery Box" which is a duct-taped sealed box full of a few choice items, some convention support items, a couple con t-shirts, and whatever odd donations are provided.  It's regularly an $80 winning bid, with a few overzealous bidders going even higher.

It is all for charity, after all.

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